Chapter 19 – Gabiru
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As the first rays of dawn finally breached the horizon, casting their golden hues across the landscape, it marked the commencement of our expedition towards the foreboding marshes.


“Are you sure you’re okay?” Rimuru inquired, his expression tinged with a degree of concern.


“Yea, I’m fine,” I replied, though my eyes seemed to look like they’d seen hell.


Rimuru winced, “No need to be ashamed,” He patted my back, leaning closer and into a whisper, “Shion’s food is a bio-weapon.”


As if summoned by our very words, Shion shot a frosty glare in our general vicinity. The icy look sent an involuntary shiver coursing down my spine.


“Enemy of gastronomy, nemesis of culinary arts,” I contributed, joining in on the inside joke.


A snicker escaped Rimuru’s lips. “Pfft, you get it!”


Maybe he really is a chill dude after all.








“I, Gabiru, shall lead our Lizardmen to victory!” Gabiru bellowed, thrusting his newly-acquired Vortex Trident towards the heavens.


A chorus of raucous cheers reverberated throughout the expansive hall, each shout amplifying his determination.


His father, the dethroned former chief of the Lizardmen, roared in opposition. “You idiotic child! Halt this madness at once! We must wait for reinforcements!”


Sneering at his father’s counsel, Gabiru dramatically extended his arms wide. “You’ve grown soft, old man. I’ll demonstrate the indomitable spirit of the Lizardmen to those loathsome swine!”


More cheers thundered in the chamber, drowning out any remaining objections as the former chief was unceremoniously escorted to a makeshift prison, his daughter trailing somberly behind him.






The mantle of night had settled, and Souei was due to return with reconnaissance on Souka at any moment.




A soft “whoom” announced Souei’s emergence from the shadows, materializing on a tree branch just a short distance away.


“Rimuru-sama, I’ve identified a Lizardwoman engaged in combat with multiple Orcs. Shall I intervene?”


“Yes! Of course,” Rimuru promptly gave the go-ahead, and in the blink of an eye, Souei vanished.


“Let’s go,” Rimuru, riding on Ranga, darted into the forest and away from the path we were on.


Straddling his direwolf Ranga, Rimuru veered off the beaten path, plunging headlong into the dense foliage of the forest. We arrived at a clearing in no time, where Souei and an injured Lizardwoman were encircled by a ghastly tableau of Orc corpses.


Without missing a beat, Rimuru extracted a globule of healing potion from within himself and hurled it towards the severely injured Lizardwoman, snatching her back from the jaws of death.


Conversations unfolded much like in the anime. She pleaded for Rimuru’s help against the marauding Orcs and for the liberation of her captive father—a request to which Rimuru agreed unhesitatingly.




Energized by our recent encounters and resolutions, we could finally see the dreaded marshes looming in the distance.


“You guys go first, I’ll fly around to scout for the Orc Lord,” Rimuru said, before sprouting bat-like wings and taking to the sky.


“Look at him go, flying off without a care in the world,” I muttered under my breath., “And leaving me with his ‘lovely’ subordinates.”


Shion cast a stern look back at me. “Just don’t slow us down.”


“Understood, Ma’am,” I acquiesced.


As the three Kijin dismounted their direwolves, Hakurou sauntered over to me, a grandfatherly grin spread across his wrinkled face.


“Oh, don’t fret over those young hotheads,” he assured me. “They’re just spirited.”


I chuckled. “You do realize I’m 16, right?”


Hakurou burst into a hearty, jovial laugh. “Ah, then you’re more mature than they are!”


He casually strolled towards the imminent battlefield, whereas the other three Kijin had long since vanished into the distance.


“Looks like I’ll get to test out some new strategies,” I mused, limbering up my arms. “Shiro, Kumo, you guys ready?”


“Yes!” the voices resonated within my thoughts.








“I don’t understand, what’s happening!?” Gabiru was dumb-struck, as the previously helpless Orcs had miraculously gained the upper hand.


Gabiru’s previously assured advantage had been effectively nullified as the Orcs now traversed the marshes with an agility that defied belief.


“GAAARGH, SAVE ME, GABIRU-SA-” A horrifying crunch resounded through the marshes, abruptly silencing a scream.


A menacing Orc emerged from the chaos, its jet-black armor making it look like a demon incarnate. It loomed over Gabiru, its enormous sword pointed menacingly at him.


“Face me,if you dare,” it growled ominously.


Mustering the last ounces of his pride, Gabiru stammered, “I—I am Gabiru, the Chieftain and Hero of the Lizardmen, you contemptible creature.”


“Hmph” The Orc contemptuously flicked its blade, aiming to slice Gabiru in half.


With a dramatic cry, Gabiru vaulted into the air, dodging the swipe. “Vortex SPEAAAAR!” A torrent of water erupted from his trident, slamming into the Orc’s armored torso.


Weak,” it sneered, not even flinching at the impact.


Landing on his feet, Gabiru circled the Orc cautiously, searching for any exploitable weakness.


“Chaos Eater, consume my opponent and become my STRENGTH!” It roared, summoning ethereal, red skulls that surged towards Gabiru like a vengeful swarm.


“Gah!” Gabiru dodged the skulls awkwardly, the skulls barely missing him.


Before he could regain his footing, resounding steps were quickly increasing its pace and decreasing the distance between them.


A humongous black blade descended on Gabiru in a deadly arc, slicing the air and making a “swish” sound.


Pressing the hilt of the Vortex Spear against the blade, the two entered a grueling contest of strength.


Needless to say, the Orc easily overpowered the weak Lizardman.


But the outcome was foregone. The Orc’s overwhelming power sent Gabiru sprawling onto the muck, his trident skidding away from his grasp.


“I shall eat you, and you will become my strength.” the Orc declared, its sword finally resting on the ground.


A ripple of murmurs spread through the crowd of encircled Lizardmen, growing into a rising crescendo of chants: “Gabiru! Gabiru!”


“You guys…” Gabiru grit his teeth in determination, before lunging for his Vortex Spear.


The black-clad Orc didn’t move from his spot, staring at the frantic Lizardman with a blank gaze.


“Foul Orc Lord, I shall defeat you here and restore the pride of the Lizardmen!” Gabiru shouted with renewed vigor.


He lunged towards the monolithic Orc General with the shout, “Vortex - CRASH!” He screamed, a powerful jet of water collided with the Orc, enveloping the area in a thick mist.


Cheers erupted from the Lizardmen, certain of their leader’s triumph.


“I am no Orc Lord,” A chilling voice emerged from the mist., “I am merely his General.”


Gabiru’s jaw dropped. “You’re not…?”


“Correct,” The Orc General chuckled, “I am merely a subordinate.”


And with that, the Orc General’s sword fell.


Gabiru knew, there would be no blocking this one.




I'm trying out describing the fights of other perspectives as well, even those mentioned in the anime since I think just writing "Gabiru fought a battle" or something like that breaks the immersion . But if you don't like that and want be to just mainly focus on Lucian's battles then please tell me.

I've set up a patreon if anybody has any suggestions for the story:

Join if you have any suggestions, I'll have a post where everybody can give their suggestions