Chapter 10- Talk Between Sorcerer’s
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Everyone decided to leave as soon as possible rather than staying. The remaining goblin corpses had their ears cut off and were placed in a storage ring Fiona owned. Afterward, they approached the hobgoblin and sliced off its ears as well. Fiona explained to Tyrus that the goblin ears were necessary as evidence to be sent to the Explorer Guild. As soon as they were done, everyone left Salithia and headed back to Valier Forest. Grant and Reo were at the front while Tyrus and Fiona were at the rear. The two men were silent while Fiona was the opposite.

While walking, Fiona brought up that they took on a commission to exterminate goblins living in the Wasteful Wetlands. Nearby villagers reported increased goblin activity in Valier Forest, suspecting a possible nest in the vicinity. Goblins had been attacking merchants and travelers by following trade routes. Upon hearing about the rewards, Fiona rallied her friends in Blue Dawn and headed to the marsh.

“Thanks to the hobgoblin, the Explorer Guild will have no choice but to increase the reward!” Fiona said with a smirk. “I can feel the sweet sil in my hands already!”

“Sil…” Tyrus repeated.

“By the way, if you’re worried about us hogging all the rewards, don’t be. Those who participate in commissions are given a fair share. We split them all equally! Well, I can’t say the same to the other explorers.”

Tyrus stared at her. “You’ll give me a share of the rewards? Does that mean you don’t mind giving me money?”

“Instead of running away, you chose to assist us. I would feel guilty if you didn’t join us in accepting the reward. And besides, with the appearance of a hobgoblin, the commission increased from low-rank to medium-rank! Man, I love compensation…”

A brief curl appeared at the corner of his lips. If Fiona was being truthful about her words, then this would be Tyrus’ first time earning money from hunting beasts. His pursuit of a lavish lifestyle took another step forward. How much sil would he be earning was the burning question. Would it be enough to buy himself a meal? He was considering trying stew again, or possibly something similar.

In his peripheral vision, he noticed Fiona watching him with a smug smile. After arriving at the stream where Tyrus spotted them, she spoke again. “Hey, I didn’t get to ask your name. Can you tell me? Or are you going to keep quiet about it?”

“Fiona, you’re going to talk his ear off if you keep it up,” Reo said.

“Quiet you! This is a conversation between Elemental Sorcerers. What’s wrong with getting to know him?”

“Your intentions are glaringly obvious,” he retorted. “What you're up to is obvious to anyone with half a brain.”

“I will have to side with Reo on this,” Grant said with a nod.

Fiona pouted as she folded her arms. “What’s up with you guys? Can’t a girl be nice these days?”

Tyrus wondered if saying his name would matter at all. They know what he looked like for the most part and are aware he’s a sorcerer. Refusing to provide his name, would that result in severe consequences? He could attempt to flee from the explorers if necessary, but even with Beast Transformation, it's unlikely to help him.

Reo has displayed remarkable speed, whereas Grant has immense strength. As for Fiona, she might have more devastating spells brewing in her mind. Regardless of his strategy, Tyrus' chances of escape have disappeared. Also, what did Reo mean by her intentions? Was she pretending to be a nice girl to get him to lower his guard?

He let out a sigh and said his name directly. Fiona seemed happy with his response and nodded cheerfully. “Tyrus? That’s quite the name you got there. I’ve never met a person with that name before. It sounds oddly… eastern.”

“Eastern?” Grant inquired. “The eastern side of Dharmere is ruled by the King of Beastfolk. Are you saying his name originated from that land?”

“Sounds like it. Most Beastfolk names end with rus. I just thought the connection was funny.”

Mentioning Beastfolk caught Tyrus's full attention. He realized he had to say something fast to divert the conversation from the current topic. “Can we continue with what we were talking about earlier? I want to hear more about sorcery.”

Fiona's eyes sparkled, and her smile stretched to the point of being unsettling. “Oh I would love to! I was hoping you would bring it up. Where did we leave off?”


“Primary elements! Or better known as a primary affinity if you want to get all formal. As previously stated, your primary element is lightning, which is viewed as a positive affinity to have.”

“When you say primary affinity… Does that mean I can control others?”

Fiona scoffed. “Please don’t tell me you thought Elemental Sorcerers can manipulate only one element? Those who have the blessing of Sthito and specialize as an Elemental Sorcerer awaken to their primary affinity. It is deemed primary since sorcerers perform the bulk of their magic there. It's similar to being average at many sports but excelling in one.”

Tyrus nodded at her explanation. It was quite surprising to know Elemental Sorcerers contain that much power. All this time, he had false knowledge swimming through his brain. Moments like these bring joyous tingles to Tyrus's brain. It’s only solidifying the fact that he truly knows nothing at all. What would have been the time frame for him to understand it had he not been informed soon? Years? Maybe even never.

“I should send a request to have an Advanced Sorcerer look you over,” Fiona mumbled.

“N-No! There’s no need for that to happen,” he blurted out. All three explorers looked at him with raised eyebrows. Tyrus glanced downwards and fidgeted with the edges of his hat. He made an effort to come up with convincing excuses that would decrease their suspicions, but his mind went blank. Wanderer’s warning instantly came to mind.

Fiona let out an uncomfortable laugh and adopted a soothing voice. “Hey… I’m sorry for bringing up a sensitive topic. I won’t mention it ever again.”

An apology was made, and the group continued their walk in complete silence. Before he realized it, Tyrus arrived at a familiar place. At the edges of Valier Forest, a path emerged that led to a small wall that many could easily hop over. One guard stood at the front, holding a spear. Seeing the village send out a gatekeeper was a new experience for him. Guards were usually stationed in the settlement, mainly patrolling the marketplace in search of thieves and criminals. Wanderer killing the kidnappers must be the reason why one was stationed outside. If they were to see his appearance…

Something soft touched Tyrus, and he was enveloped in darkness. He had a robe draped over his head. Looking up after freeing himself, he caught Fiona winking at him. Tyrus understood the gesture and put on the robe correctly, moving close enough for their arms to touch. Without saying a word, she kept walking. Upon seeing them approach, the guard stepped forward and blocked their path.

“Are you the explorers sent from the royal capital?”

From around their necks, Grant, Reo, and Fiona retrieved a necklace with a copper tag. After careful inspection, the guard nodded in approval. Then, his gaze landed on Tyrus who was looking ahead, avoiding eye contact with the man. He lifted his shoulders and stepped aside. “Thank you for your service, explorers. We are grateful for all that you've done for us!”

“It is our duty to help those in need,” Grant said.

Each person was bid farewell by the guard as they strolled into the village. With distance between them, Tyrus could finally relax a bit. Surprisingly, the guard didn't object to a hooded figure entering the village. Was the reputation of the explorers so impressive that they could gain access effortlessly? Must be nice to walk wherever and whenever they please.

Tyrus looked around the village, reflecting on how long it had been since he last visited. The cobbled streets were both lively and neat. People roamed around carefree, moving from one place to another. The group observed wooden homes and children playing with one another as they passed by. Tyrus watched the children having a great time, his gaze lingering on them. Their cheeks were crimson, and there were dirt marks on some parts of their clothes. He snapped out of his intense stare and quickly redirected his attention forward. There, his eyes were set on the marketplace. When he eyed the busy food stalls, his stomach released a growl as loud as a hobgoblin’s roar. He looked away, embarrassed.

“It seems the little warrior is hungry,” Grant said, peeking over his shoulder. “Tyrus, was it? Why not join us for a meal? You deserve it for fighting alongside us.”

Tyrus's eyes brightened. “Really? Is it free of charge? I don’t have any money on me.”

Reo tilted his head. “Don’t worry about it. We don’t mind paying.”

Knowing that refusing their offer to pay would be rude, he surrendered. “Okay, I’ll follow.”

Tyrus wasn't certain if his eyes were tricking him, but he thought he saw Fiona giving her friends the thumbs-up. He disregarded it and shifted his attention elsewhere. As the sun was setting, its orange color was transforming into a darker shade. Tyrus estimated that within an hour, it would already be nighttime. After finishing his meal with the explorers, that's when they will part ways. Only after he questions Fiona about her knowledge of sorcery will it happen. He wasn't leaving empty-handed.

Speaking of leaving empty-handed, how was he going to receive the sil?

He was so lost in thought that he didn't realize the group had stopped. Tyrus collided with Grant's armored body, which went unnoticed. He rubbed his nose as he looked up. Looming over him was a large two-story tavern. Tyrus heard a faint melody coming from the door as yellow light flickered through the many windows. As he attempted to identify the noise, he sensed a hand on his shoulder. Fiona winked at him and motioned forward. Grant and Reo stepped up and opened the entrance, entering with a brisk walk.

“Come on, kid. Let’s get something to eat.”

With a gentle shove, she ushered Tyrus into the building.

As soon as his foot stepped in, he was hit with a smell unlike any other. The smell of freshly baked bread and meat was intoxicating. Additionally, he detected a stronger scent. It brought to mind one of the drunks he came across occasionally. People sat on chairs and tables, chatting happily with mugs in hand and cheeks puffed out. In the corner, someone was playing a stringed instrument. He sang a sweet melody that removed any sort of tension inside the bustling tavern.

Tyrus trailed the explorers to an unoccupied table by the entrance. Fiona and he were on one side, while Reo and Grant took the other. The lively atmosphere was not lost on Tyrus as he looked around in a daze. A woman with a bright smile approached them. “Hello, weary travelers! What can I get you to soothe your appetites?”

Grant raised his arm and said, “Goat stew with cheese and bread on the side.”

“Wild boar meat seared on top with wild mushrooms,” Reo said.

Fiona waved at the server. “I’ll take the goat stew also! What about you, Tyrus?”

“…The same thing.”

The server nodded and asked one last question. “Before I forget, what would you like to drink with your meal?”

Fiona was on the verge of speaking, but Grant interrupted her. “We will all take water. A beverage as refreshing and healthy as water would be an ideal thirst quencher.”

Grant received a glare from Fiona as she grumbled and leaned back. “Don’t tell me you’re still hung up about that.”

“You have been warned not to drink during a contract again. Reo and I do not wish to have a repetition of that.”

“It was only one time! It’s not like I did anything particularly bad.”

Reo and Grant shared a glance, as if communicating without words, before turning to the unhappy woman. “You almost burned down an establishment…”

The three explorers got into a heated argument as Tyrus paid close attention. The server had left a while ago and was now taking orders from a new group of patrons. His companion’s volume went up a notch as Fiona slammed her hand onto the table, which caused him to flinch. Seeing Tyrus' nervousness, she softened and let out a sigh.

“We’re getting too noisy. We’ll continue that conversation later.”

“You’re the one whose voice was ringing,” Reo said, picking at his ear. “Has anyone told you you’re as loud as a harpy?”

She disregarded him and shifted her focus to Tyrus. Fiona fell into an uncomfortable silence, occasionally opening and shutting her mouth as if grappling with something on her mind. He kept staring at her until she couldn't resist any longer and ran her hand through her hair.

“So… What are your plans after today?”