Chapter 49- Double Trouble
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The fourth day arrived with relatively no hiccups. Tyrus stood in front of the cavern, doing light stretches as Meadow watched.

“Aren’t you tired of all the hunts you’ve been doing? A rest day should be in order for you, savior.”

Tyrus angled his body and stretched his legs to the farthest extent. “That comes before the day I leave for Wildwood. Unless I lose a limb or get sick, I’ll continue. No way I can stop when I’m improving.”

“Fine, but don't push yourself too hard. Although our bodily structures differ, I know you are feeling discomfort. If you continue, you may face an injury that not even Elder Treant can heal. Didn’t you say you have something extremely important to do in a few days that determines your future? What happens if you can’t make it because of a battered body?”

“I know you’re worried about me and all, but it’ll be fine. After tomorrow, I’ll stop hunting. The last few days I’ll just stay in the sanctuary and train mana. Nothing is going to happen as long as everything keeps running smoothly. And even if I have an injury Elder Treant can’t heal, I wouldn’t have accepted it anyway if it came at the cost of life force.”

He was still pensive that Elder Treant used life force to heal him, but that ship had sailed. Elder Treant wanted to do it, and Tyrus couldn’t fault him. In the event of a future opportunity, he would decline as he did not want the old tree to die because of him.

“You know what to do when you see the rock spider near the entrance. Keep a watch over things while I’m gone. If I don’t come back in a while, then I’m either trapped inside a web or dead. That’s when you don’t go looking for me.”

“…I’ll keep that in mind,” she said impassively. Her emotionless answer had him skeptical, but he shrugged it off and turned.

Now positioned towards the entrance, Tyrus meticulously inspected his belongings one final time as a precaution. Waving goodbye to Meadow, he trudged forward, entering the cavern. The thunderous sound of water greeted him with open arms as he walked by with even breaths. Every footfall caused the gravel to spear into his footwear. From afar, stones cascading down from the obscure heights above would plop onto the floor and indoor stream.

As he leaped over the ledge and penetrated deeper into the cavern, he knew instantaneously that something was awry. Typically, the rock spiders would be carrying out their tasks in the immense expanse, however, Tyrus observed none of them. Despite his ability to maneuver in the dark, he remained limited in his visibility. It was an even more arduous task when he was ignorant of the exact number of foes surrounding him and had no backup.

Tyrus walked gingerly across the desolate area. The further he traveled through the twists and turns, the more ominous the atmosphere became. He had yet to locate a rock spider, let alone catch the clicking of its unyielding pincers. Beads of frigid sweat trickled down his spine as he ascended atop a stone pillar and surveyed his surroundings.

He had reached the zone with the white crystals, which gave vital illumination. Still, no rock spider was in sight. All that remained were the hanging cocoons, bright crystals, and more webbing.

Okay, this is way too weird, he thought. It was a similar situation to when he first appeared at the nest. It took a substantial amount of time just to locate one of them, which was disguising itself within the shadows. Aided by the crystals, he detected no gargantuan silhouettes suggestive of a concealed rock spider. The more he reflected, the more burdensome his gut became.

“Should I just leave and come back later? Or do I just shoot out a Lightning Bolt in hopes of attracting a beast? To be honest, the first option sounds enticing…”

As he pondered what to do, Tyrus glimpsed something odd in his vision. Further ahead was a glowing tunnel smacked between two rock pillars. It was hard to miss because growing on the tunnel walls were the white crystals all around him.

“Was that always there?” he said with a hand on his chin. “Actually, this is the first time I’ve traveled this far, so it’s likely. Should I enter and inspect the tunnel? Either the rock spiders are hiding beyond that tunnel or it’s a dead end. But what if there’s some good stuff in there, like treasure!”

The prospect of encountering treasure at the end was a thought that didn’t seem all that impossible. Treasure came in all forms; ancient books, gold, artifacts, or even weapons. Depending on its rarity or strength, he could give it to Fiona and have her sell it for him or keep it for himself if it’s beneficial to him.

Naturally, there was the possibility of no treasure, with the culmination being the discovery of the absent rock spiders. The large chamber could very well be a place where the beasts just roam freely, like a play area or feasting grounds. With so many cocoons of all sizes, it was highly likely that they kept their prey and saved it for consumption later. It would explain why there were no blood-sucking bats, slimes, or any other creatures.

Even if the rock spiders are at the end of the passage, if it was a one-way, then he’d easily be able to outrun them with his speed. So long as he’s careful with their sticky webs, escape was pretty easy.

With a sound plan in mind, Tyrus hopped off the stone pillar, his sights set on the path calling out to him. The path ahead became less obstructed, transitioning from a cluttered space filled with columns and stones to a flat terrain with sizable boulders scattered around. Still creeping forward, he looked sideways, just in case. Thanks to the light, he caught nothing out of the ordinary.

Until he heard whistling high above him. Alarmed by the sudden noise, Tyrus looked up to see a terrifying sight unfolding before him. Two large heaps of darkness descended from above and crashed right next to him like stones. Dust cloaked the area in its unrelenting grip as twelve crimson eyes glared right at him from opposite ends. Tyrus immediately realized that he was trapped between two rock spiders; one was guarding the entrance to the tunnel while the other broke off his retreat.

An ambush?!

Without even giving him a second to breathe or let the dust settle, the rock spider cutting off his retreat turned with deafening steps and ejected a thin line of web straight at Tyrus’ feet. He avoided the fast attack, observing as the web caught the other spider in its webbing.

Disregarding the obstruction, the spider blocking the tunnel barreled towards him just as the dust cleared. Its pincers made a rhythmic click as it lunged toward Tyrus. Given the lack of superior options, he bent his knees and sprang over its trajectory, landing a considerable distance from his starting point. Both rock spiders glared at Tyrus as they menacingly crawled forward.

It was rather astounding that the rock spiders possessed the ability to employ tactics, but that sentiment was swiftly dispelled. The first time he met the beast, he recalled its intelligence. However, ambushing him from above was something he never would’ve expected to happen, especially by two of them! It seemed like they knew the tunnel would tempt him and prepared to ambush him. Fortunately, he caught sight of them just in time and mostly foiled their plans.

Tyrus glanced over his shoulder. As far as he could tell, the tunnel was empty, but he couldn’t be sure. His way out was obstructed, and he was uncertain if there were more rock spiders hiding. Moving around them would be simple because the area had few obstacles, but the chance of more ambushes prevented him from proceeding. On the other hand, if he were to enter the tunnel, then he’d probably encounter more of them. He was stuck between two options that didn’t seem favorable.

Expecting Meadow to help him would do him no good since he specifically told her to leave him if she heard no news of him. Even now, he didn’t regret his decision. She would stick out like a white flower in a field of red caps because of her mana. If something bad were to happen because of him, he’d feel guilty. He’d rather take the brunt than have her face the consequences.

The first option seemed to be his best shot. He’d have to pray that the two rock spiders were the only available beasts. While he wasn’t sure if he could handle one on his own, he was positive that taking two on the same was nearly impossible. Though his chances weren’t too hot, he had to do something. There were still many things he needed to do and was expecting. All he can do at the moment is struggle to succeed.

Tyrus took a step back from the approaching beasts. As soon as he raised his dagger and shield, the rock spiders began spreading out. One of them was approaching him on his right while the other, on his left; they left a straightforward path between themselves. One good start and he’d be able to zip between them before they could attack, but something felt off. It was too easy a feat to accomplish, yet Tyrus was hesitant to act on it.

I’ll have to find a way to escape If I can’t win. There's no more time to waste.

The spider on his right side attacked first, while the other spider remained behind. Rock spider number one attempted to grab its victim's neck by lunging forward with its pincers, but Tyrus avoided the attack by leaping to the side. The moment he looked up, he saw a thread heading straight for his torso. Avoiding the attack, he crouched as low as possible and watched it splatter onto a nearby rock.

Before he could regain his footing, the previous spider caught up and was looming over him. It lifted a front leg and slashed it downwards, like a sword thrust, aiming for Tyrus's head. The boy injected his legs with mana and flung himself forward like a catapult, narrowly avoiding the attack. Debris exploded everywhere, kicking up a small dust cloud as he inspected the two beasts glowering at him.

In just one minute, the pair showed remarkable proficiency and cooperation. Not one of them was letting up in their assault while the other provided backup with long-range attacks. Tyrus was facing off against a combination of precise attacks that made it difficult to dodge. Owing to augmentation, he had been capable of managing whatever was hurled at him, yet that would not be tenable for much longer.

As he regained his balance, gazing at the arachnids made of stone, he could sense his heart thumping incessantly in his ears. He stabilized his uneven breathing whilst tightly clutching the dagger and shield. Without delay, he ought to devise a plan to strike the beasts or face defeat. He couldn’t dodge forever or else he’d run out of mana.

Tyrus took a deep breath and watched the beasts carefully. They positioned themselves similarly as rock spider number one moved forward while the other held back.

It’d be troublesome to allow the one in the back to keep shooting its webs, he thought. Whenever his attention was directed towards the attacker within arm's reach, the other would exploit the opportunity to launch an attack. The role of the first one was to ensnare his attention and rely on its companions to catch him unawares and restrict him.

It was a clever plan that would’ve worked against him if it was him just starting out at the nest, but Tyrus learned a lot about how these rock spiders operated. He’s killed a few of them and knew how they worked. In fact, he’s already found himself a chance of victory that would kill at least one of them. Rock spider number one had an exoskeleton thicker than the rest, while the other was almost paper thin. An idea had crept up when he noticed a few details about them.

“Here they come.”

The spider that was nearby, despite its intelligence, opted for the identical attack pattern. It relied on its pincers and rushed toward Tyrus with radiating bloodlust. In keeping with his typical behavior, he backed away from it but reserved the majority of his attention for the other. Consistent with expectations, when Tyrus was not upright or well-centered, it ejected another fine thread towards his legs. He brought forth his shield and allowed the thread to connect with it. His arms slightly buckled from the force, but it held firm.

Suddenly, he felt his body move in the spider’s direction. Tyrus fiercely clung to his shield as the beast dragged him. The close-ranged attacker followed with its clicking pincers, almost as if it laughed that they caught him. He merely glanced over his shoulder, taking note of the distance between them. Each spider had a triumphant look on their faces, satisfied that they caught their prey.

Now should be a good time…

Once he was near the second spider, the first one tried to bite into Tyrus with its razor-sharp fangs, but that was when he got into position. In an instant, Tyrus rotated and directed his right arm towards its face. Arcs of power shot forth from his hand and into its gaping mouth. A blue explosion and bloodcurdling screeches reverberated through the cavern, prompting it to recoil from Tyrus.

Without missing a beat, he channeled his lightning magic into a focused torrent of power, creating a sizzling arc that raced along the silk threads like wildfire. The web ignited, sending sparks in all directions. The bewildered spider, now exposed, recoiled in shock as the magic reached its abdomen. Smoke billowed out from its hole as it screeched alongside its brethren. With both rock spiders out of commission momentarily, Tyrus had to work fast.

For a moment, he thought of running away from the battle and trying again at a different time. However, the intelligence of the rock spiders prohibited him from doing so. If he failed to finish them off here and now, they might learn from their mistakes and be better prepared for next time. His training against the beasts would end, and he would also leave without knowing what was at the end of the tunnel. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t at all curious.

He pocketed the dagger and shield and aimed his arms at the occupied beasts. Ignoring his thumping heart, Tyrus focused on channeling as much mana as he could to form two large spheres. Within seconds, spheres of sizzling energy surfaced, its bolts flashing like serpentine tongues. Agony shot through his head and he clenched his teeth on his lips. Soon, he unleashed the spells at their respective destinations.

The rock spiders regained their composure and emitted a piercing cry towards Tyrus. However, the crackling of lightning and impending doom overshadowed it. They attempted to steer clear of its path in the nick of time, but the magic had already reached their circular heads.

Simultaneously, additional explosions transpired, transforming the atmosphere into a jumble of sounds and aromas that intermingled. Screeching that could be felt to the bone, a noise that sounded like a crackling fire pit, and rocks pelting the ground. Tyrus hunched over, pressing a hand to his chest as he peered downward. Each breath intensified the pounding in his head, as though it might explode, but the reward was worth enduring the agony.

“I-I actually did it!”

Each spell he shot out had power a tad stronger than a Dual Shot, so it was easy to break through the rock spiders’ defenses. But in order for the spell to hit its mark, he had to catch them off guard, which he had done well. They believed they had him under their thumb, but it was quite the contrary. All he did was take advantage of their characteristics and use it against them. While he suffered a bit for that to happen, he succeeded, regardless.

Tyrus raised his head slowly and looked to his left. A few steps away, the web-slinging spider's corpse lay curled up. Its head was savagely beaten and discolored beyond any resemblance; purple blood surrounded its corpse like an offering. To his right, the other spider was still alive, but barely. At present, it was prone on its stomach, staring straight at Tyrus with a chunk of its face removed. One of its legs was repeatedly tapping on the ground, making a sharp racquet that made his splitting headache worse.

Grunting, it took Tyrus a couple of tries to rise. Dragging his feet toward the rock spider, he retracted his dagger from the ring and shuffled forward. The fact that it was still alive, even though it took the full brunt of a power stronger than Dual Shot, meant that its rocky exterior was durable. Still, the spell reduced it to such a sorry state, so he couldn’t complain. One good thrust to its head should do the job.

As he steadied his breathing some more, Tyrus was a step away from the creature before he heard shuffling rocks. The spider's remains were nearby, and it was energetically quivering for an unknown cause. When he surveyed his surroundings, locating the source, he felt his own bones vibrating alongside the others. Then came the sound of crumbling below him. Just as he diverted his eyes downwards, a gaping abyss, twice his own magnitude, suddenly materialized, engulfing him entirely.