10. Hard Work Pays Off
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Mai nodded and she felt something seeping into the skin on the left side of her chest. There was no burning sensation that surprised her but when she thought she had survived her heart suddenly started racing with multiple beats shocking her. It hurt terribly and she clutched her chest suddenly struggling to breathe. Gasping for air it felt as though her heart was about to burst, an unbearable pain. Her body began to sweat profusely, and she could hear and feel it pounding all over. She clenched her teeth and balled her fists feeling her nails dig into her skin. She felt dizzy but she forced herself to stay awake and tried to focus on positive thoughts. A comfortable soft bed. My pillow. My dream guy. Slowly she felt her heart beating slower and a moment later it returned to normal. She felt a cold wave shoot through her body reaching all the way to her fingertips and nails. It gave a tingling sensation and she burst into giggles. She opened her eyes this time and exhaled.

Leon blinked and said, "Wow. You're definitely... special."

He coughed lightly, appearing very confused as he furrowed his eyebrows.

Mai felt happy hearing those words and gave him a big smile praising herself. "Of course. You won't find anyone else in the world like me."

Ace smiled and asked, "Can you handle more?"

Mai nodded closed her eyes and felt something burning hot penetrate the right side of her chest. It felt as though someone was trying to stretch her skin aside while repeatedly stabbing her with a knife in the open wound. She gritted her teeth in pain and her body began to shake feeling like she had chills and withdrawal symptoms. It reminded her of the time she went off her depression medication. She had lived a rough life, so this was heaven compared to that. She forced a smile on her lips, squeezed her fingers together and took deep breaths. Suddenly she felt something very cold rush into her body spreading throughout and it started pricking her very hard as if someone were poking her with the tip of a knife. It was uncomfortable and frightening at the same time giving her shivers. Her body shook violently, and she opened her eyes and could suddenly see her breath. Her stomach cramped and she fell on her side curling up into a ball. Damn, those menstrual cramps. She quickly stopped herself because she wasn't menstruating right now, so it was impossible. She suddenly relaxed her body and felt her stomach muscles contract bursting into laughter because it tickled.

Mel cast a glance at Leon who shook his head and shrugged, and they both looked at Mai with confusion as she continued to giggle to herself.

She stopped when she no longer felt her stomach behaving strangely and sat up. She had experienced the strangest pains and didn't know what else she might have to endure. Was there really anything worse than all of this?

She looked at the men and said, "I'm ready, just give me the last two at once."

Ace furrowed his eyebrows and said, "If you get two at once it could be fatal. You've already surpassed what a normal person can handle. You should never open more than one portal in a day."

He further explained that there would be side effects for each portal she had opened so she would experience eight different side effects tomorrow which would be a combination of various pains. She was well aware that there would be side effects because nothing came for free, especially not powers.

"Just give me the last two." she insisted confidently.

He sighed and said, "Okay but I've warned you."

This time Mai pondered his words and said, "Wait a moment. You said I could die from it."

Ace nodded and added, "If you're feeling lucky and blessed by a fortunate goddess you can give it a try; otherwise wait until tomorrow."

Mai had no luck but if she waited until tomorrow, she would have pain from today that she didn't know when it would disappear. She didn't have time to waste on recovery and she made that clear to Ace who was still trying to talk her out of it.

"Are you absolutely sure about your choice?" he asked again.

Mai nodded and replied, "Yes just get it over with."

Mel interrupted them. "This time it will really hurt and it could be deadly."

Mai had already made her decision and said, "I've already had the chance to live twice so it would be worth it."

Leon shook his head and commented, "You're crazy."

He winked with his right eye and joked, "Nice meeting you."

Mai knew it was meant as a joke, but she still felt a pang in her heart from his words. Would she really die?

"You might as well take the plunge." Mel suddenly said.

"Your words aren't exactly encouraging." she remarked.

She gave Ace a determined look. "I'm ready."

Ace nodded and moved his left hand in the air and suddenly two large glowing orbs emerged from the rift resembling orbs.

Was he completely insane? Mai was shocked by them. She mentally and physically prepared herself because she was truly afraid, they would destroy her body as they were the size of soccer balls. She nodded to him and gritted her teeth. He made another gesture, and the orbs flew toward her but just as she was about to close her eyes they simultaneously rushed into her forehead and back startling her. She felt a burning sensation in her body as if her insides were on fire and she screamed in pain. She curled up into a ball, her heart pounding wildly feeling like it was about to explode. It throbbed in her ears, and it hurt terribly; she thought her eardrums would burst soon. She wanted to cover her ears but as she was about to touch them, she felt her legs cramping up simultaneously. She screamed in agony and suddenly felt her abdomen trying to contract which then went into violent spasms. She clutched her stomach and curled up again, her body shaking uncontrollably. Her teeth chattered, her head shook, and she felt a tingling sensation throughout her body. It felt like her blood was swirling inside her and her toes started stretching in different directions and she tried to move them back, but it was impossible. She closed her eyes and tried to think of good things but this time it was difficult because she was in pain all over. She waited for the pain to stop, and it felt like an eternity.

When the pain finally ceased, she still lay curled up on the grass immobile. She felt a soreness in her arms and legs and was afraid of getting a stiff neck or something worse if she moved. What should she do?

She cautiously moved her fingers and felt a dull ache as if she had sprained them. It was the same feeling with the other fingers when she tried to move them and as she slowly moved her toes it was also the same sensation. She opened her mouth to tell them how she felt but no voice came out even though she tried repeatedly. She noticed that her jaws were sore, and her tongue felt like her taste buds had been numbed.

Suddenly Mai heard Ace say, "We warned you but you insisted. These are the consequences. Your side effects have already begun. It will take some time for Mother life to adapt within your body. Bear with it."

Mai wanted to nod but still couldn't move, lying completely still and feeling utterly awkward in their company. She heard one of the men sigh deeply thinking they would make fun of her but suddenly she felt a pair of warm hands underneath her lifting her up. She could smell Ace and had a lovely warm feeling inside, feeling her heart beat faster. She felt happy even though she couldn't smile because it hurt too much.

"We'll have to skip the trip tonigh.t" he said, and they flew home.

Mai knew he was referring to the chip she was still curious about but unfortunately, he was right that she couldn't do anything right now. She hoped he would still show her the place when she had recovered.