Chapter 2 : Regent
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Fourteen Years Later...


The past 14 years had been a whirlwind of learning and growth for me. I immersed myself in a wide range of studies, from weaponry and martial arts to countless potions, and engaged in regular sparring sessions with knights and soldiers to test my combat skills and gain valuable battle experience. While these pursuits were demanding, I found a sense of purpose and excitement in them. Unlike the more traditional subjects I was forced to study.


Formal Education, Noble Etiquette, Law and Governance, Economics and Finance, Military Strategy, Diplomacy and Negotiation, Cultural and Social Studies, Language Skills, Leadership and Decision-Making, Ethics and Morality, Environmental and Resource Management, Crisis Management, Education in the Arts, Religious Studies, Philosophy, and Critical Thinking, and even Health and Well-being were some of the subjects that had been crammed into my curriculum. To be honest, I found these rather dry and uninteresting, far preferring the thrill of sparring with knights and soldiers and participating in military drills to understand their strategies better.


In the midst of my studies, our family had expanded. My siblings had been born during this time, and I couldn't help but spoil them a bit:


- Ethan Bartholomew de Montague of Ravenscroft, the second son, was now 13 years old.

- Isabella Gwendolyn de Montague of Ravenscroft, the eldest daughter, had reached 10 years of age.

- Lucas Augustus de Montague of Ravenscroft, the third son, was now 9 years old.

- Olivia Seraphina de Montague of Ravenscroft, the youngest and second daughter, had turned 6.


At times, I couldn't resist doting on them. In fact, when I was 10, I obtained a storage ring with an enormous capacity. Under the guise of simple storage, I took numerous items from my virtual marketplace and concealed them within the ring. This sudden wealth allowed me to address problems that could be solved with money without breaking a sweat.


One of my first acts was to craft special dragon magic stone-embedded rings for each of my siblings and my mother, complete with protective enchantments. These rings would deploy a protective barrier when the wearer was in danger, signaling their location to me. If the danger was too distant, the ring would teleport me to their side. My mother received a pair of earrings instead of a ring, but these would serve the same protective purpose.


Ensuring the safety of my new family became a top priority for me. They had become dear to me, filling the void left by the family I lost in my previous life. While I still missed them at times, the presence of my new family helped to heal those wounds.


With my family's safety secured, I turned my attention to understanding the state of the ongoing conflict between demons and angels. The previous war had ended a decade ago, thanks to the intervention of the gods.


In this world, the gods played a pivotal role, dividing themselves into factions of order and chaos. The gods of order had created the angelic race to promote their ideals among mortals, while the chaotic gods had formed the demon race to further their own agendas.


As I had been taught, the war had erupted due to the differing affinities of the gods for order and chaos. The conflict had been devastating, causing immense harm to the planet itself. In an attempt to halt the war and save her realm, the primary goddess of this world had intervened. She had clashed with the gods of order and chaos, defeating them in battle. Though victorious, she had been critically injured and subsequently disappeared from the world, her fate unknown.


After the injured gods had recovered, the war had resumed, but this time, gods who had not aligned with either faction had assisted mortals indirectly. They had provided a method to expel the angels and demons from the world and seal them away, thus restoring peace.


The gods couldn't directly intervene in mortal affairs, but those without angels or demons to champion their cause refrained from interfering with mortals. War, it seemed, was beneficial for the gods, as it generated immense faith not attainable during times of peace.


The duration of the seal remained uncertain, leaving the length of the ensuing peace equally uncertain.


Why did I trust this information? It came from my father, the Duke Reginald, a participant in the war who had lost his four brothers to the angels and demons. The Dukedom of Ravenscroft had been a military family for 500 years, serving as both a sword to expel enemies and a shield to defend the western border of the Kingdom of Valoria for generations.


Today, my father would be departing for the capital to meet with the king. I would act as the regent during his absence, finally gaining the opportunity to utilize the vast resources at my disposal to transform my territory into a beacon of prosperity.


Duke Reginald stood in the grand hall of our castle, regal and resolute, the weight of responsibility evident in his demeanor.


Duke Reginald: "Cedric, my son, the time has come for me to depart for the Valoria capital. I entrust the care of Ravenscroft to you in my absence."


I stood tall and determined, despite the burden of responsibility resting on my shoulders.


Cedric: "I understand, Father. I won't let you down. Our duchy will be well-protected under my watch."


Duke Reginald expressed pride in me.


Duke Reginald: "I have every confidence in you, Cedric. You've grown into a strong and capable young man. You know the land and the people well."


I nodded in acknowledgment.


Cedric: "I've learned from the best, Father. Your wisdom and guidance have prepared me for this day."


Duke Reginald's paternal smile conveyed his love and pride.


Duke Reginald: "Remember, my son, leadership is not just about making decisions; it's about making the right ones. Always consider the well-being of our people first."


I affirmed my commitment.


Cedric: "I will, Father. Our people's safety and prosperity will be my top priorities."


His tone grew serious as he offered a word of caution.


Duke Reginald: "Also, be vigilant. There are forces at play that I sense are not in our favor. Trust your instincts and be cautious of those who seek to undermine us."


I narrowed my eyes with determination.


Cedric: "I'll keep my eyes and ears open, Father. No harm shall befall Ravenscroft on my watch."


Duke Reginald placed a hand on my shoulder, a touch filled with both affection and reassurance.


Duke Reginald: "That's my boy. You have the heart and soul of a true leader. I'll return as soon as I can, and we'll continue to protect our duchy together."


Cedric: "Until your return, Father. Go and represent us well in Valoria. Ravenscroft will remain strong."


With a final nod of understanding, we embraced briefly, and Duke Reginald also bid farewell to our siblings and shared affectionate moments before his departure. The family gathered in the grand hall, and Duchess Seraphina addressed our children.


Duchess Seraphina: "My dear children, let us bid farewell to your father with love in our hearts. He carries the hopes of our duchy with him to the capital."


The Duke and his children shared a heartfelt moment, each receiving a parting hug or kiss. Afterward, Duke Reginald stood once more, prepared to leave for the capital. His heart was filled with the love and warmth of our family's farewells.


Duke Reginald: "Thank you, my beloved family, for your support and love. I shall return to you soon."


As Duke Reginald embarked on his journey to the capital, I knew that I had significant responsibilities to shoulder in his absence.


Returning home, I took action. I hired a group of the finest enchanters available and supplied them with numerous dragon mana stones to embed in our castle walls. These stones would serve as the foundation for various offensive and defensive spells.


My next endeavor involved master blacksmiths, who would craft knight armor shapes from orihalcum. These suits of armor were not intended for mere decoration; rather, I planned to use golem cores to animate them, creating formidable guardians infused with awakened stones' consciousness and self-awareness.


In the depths of our castle, I filled the entire basement with mana stones and cast a protective barrier around an awakened stone. In case of danger, this awakened stone would activate the barrier. I forbade anyone from entering the basement, stationing two golems as guardians at the entrance.


Additionally, I had placed a substantial order with merchants for an abundance of dragon scales to enhance our army's armor and shields. The combination of dragon scales and mithril promised a significant boost to both offense and defense, and the delivery was expected in 24 days.


With the safety of my loved ones ensured, I turned my attention to fortifying our western stronghold with orihalcum. Large stone golems would be added to strengthen our defenses further.


In the short term, I arranged for bloodline purification potions to empower our cavalry and beasts for combat. Looking ahead, I instituted compulsory military training for all residents of a certain age. This measure would ensure that in times of crisis, every member of the territory could contribute to its defense.


As part of my long-term vision, I planned to establish a school and college to provide education to commoners. Hospitals would be opened to address health-related needs, and magic shields would be erected to protect all villages from the threats of magical beasts.


Having made arrangements for these immediate and long-term plans, I returned home.


Entering the dining hall, I found my mother, Duchess Seraphina, and all my siblings gathered there.


Cedric: "Mother, Ethan, Isabella, Lucas, Olivia, I've returned."


Duchess Seraphina welcomed me warmly.


Duchess Seraphina: "Cedric, welcome back! We've missed you. Tell us, how have your endeavors been in my absence?"


Ethan's curiosity shone through his eager expression.


Ethan: "Cedric, you look more determined than ever. What have you been up to?"


I took a deep breath and began to share my recent activities and plans.


Cedric: "Well, I've been quite busy. After Father left for the capital, I made some significant arrangements for the safety and prosperity of Ravenscroft."


Isabella leaned forward, eager to hear more.


Isabella: "Tell us everything, Cedric!"


Lucas listened intently, his eyes wide with interest.


Lucas: "Awakened stones? That sounds powerful!"


I nodded in agreement.


Cedric: "Indeed, Lucas. And there's more. I've ordered master blacksmiths to mold orihalcum into knight armor shapes, but instead of decoration, I plan to use golem cores to animate these knights. These golems will be hosts to awakened stones."


Olivia, the youngest, chimed in with curiosity.


Olivia: "Awakened stones? What are those, Cedric?"


I proceeded to explain.


Cedric: "Awakened stones are special. They possess consciousness, self-awareness, and the ability to think and communicate. They'll be invaluable."


Duchess Seraphina expressed pride in my innovative approach.


Duchess Seraphina: "You're taking such innovative steps, my son. What else have you done?"


I continued to detail my efforts.


Cedric: "In our castle's basement, I filled the entire space with mana stones and linked them to an awakened stone with a protective barrier spell. It'll activate if there's ever any danger. I've forbidden anyone from entering, except for two golems I've placed to guard the entrance."


Ethan expressed his admiration.


Ethan: "That's quite a secure setup, Cedric."


With enthusiasm, I shared further plans.


Cedric: "And that's not all. I've placed a massive order for dragon scales, which, combined with mithril, will enhance our army's armor and shields. We'll receive them in 24 days."


Isabella envisioned the benefits.


Isabella: "Our soldiers will be well-protected."


I revealed my strategy for fortifying our stronghold.


Cedric: "For further defense, we'll hire builders to fortify our western stronghold with orihalcum and add large stone golems to bolster our defenses."


Lucas appreciated the formidable additions.


Lucas: "Stone golems sound formidable!"


I continued to outline my plans for empowerment.


Cedric: "To increase our offensive capabilities, I've arranged for bloodline purification potions for our cavalry and beasts. And for the long term, I'll implement mandatory military training for residents of a certain age so they can help defend our territory."


Olivia was delighted by the prospect.


Olivia: "Everyone will be able to protect us!"


But my vision extended beyond mere defense.


Cedric: "But that's just the beginning. I plan to establish a school and college for commoners to promote education. Hospitals will be opened for health-related needs, and magic shields will protect all villages from magical beasts."


Duchess Seraphina embraced me warmly, her pride evident.


Duchess Seraphina: "My dear, you've been tirelessly working for the well-being of our duchy. Your father and I are proud of you."


I expressed my gratitude.


Cedric: "Thank you, Mother. I want to make Ravenscroft a paradise for all its people."


With our family gathered together, my determination and vision for Ravenscroft shone brightly. Together, we looked forward to a future of prosperity and safety under my leadership.


Cedric excused himself temporarily.


Cedric: "I'll join you all for dinner in just a few moments. I need to take a quick bath after my journey."


Duchess Seraphina granted her permission.


Duchess Seraphina: "Of course, Cedric. Take your time."


I headed to my chambers for a refreshing bath, leaving the family to continue their conversation and share stories and laughter in the dining hall.


Ethan shared a festival anecdote with Isabella, his excitement evident.


Ethan: "Isabella, you won't believe what happened at the village festival while Cedric was away!"


Isabella leaned in, eager to hear the tale.


Isabella: "Tell me everything, Ethan!"


As the conversation flowed, Olivia and Lucas discussed a newfound book's contents in the library.


Lucas was enthusiastic.


Lucas: "And Olivia, you have to see the new book I found in the library. It's about mythical creatures!"


Olivia's eyes widened with interest.


Olivia: "Mythical creatures? That sounds fascinating!"


After a hearty meal and enjoyable conversation, the family concluded their dinner. Duchess Seraphina expressed her gratitude.


Duchess Seraphina: "Thank you, Mrs. Jenkins, for the wonderful dinner."


Mrs. Jenkins, the dedicated maid, responded with a warm smile.


Mrs. Jenkins: "It was my pleasure, Your Grace. If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to ask."


With dinner complete, the family members bid each other goodnight and headed to their respective chambers for a well-deserved rest.


Cedric reentered the dining hall, seeking dessert.


Cedric: "I'm back, everyone. I hope you saved some dessert for me."


Duchess Seraphina welcomed him back.


Duchess Seraphina: "Of course, Cedric. We saved your favorite."


The family continued to enjoy a few more moments of togetherness before retiring for the night, eagerly anticipating a new day in Ravenscroft.