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In the well-lighted room. You could hear the sounds of music and dancing.

Facing the front of the mirror wall, a group of girls was giving their all to finish the dance perfectly.

Their moves were impressive and smooth. However, if you looked closer, you could see apparent exhaustion on their faces and sweat coming down their necks. As if they were dancing for hours.

“Okay, that’s enough for today.”

One of the girls said as she unceremoniously lay down on the floor.

‘I don’t think I have ever danced so much in my life. Today’s gonna be a record.’

I thought to myself, still in the mood to joke, joining the other girls on the floor.

My name is Yuri Allais, a trainee in a K-pop company. Joined last year, and it has been a year since I have been here.

Wake up before sunrise.


Go to sleep when it’s getting dark.


This has become my daily routine.

As monotonous as it could have sounded. The time has passed so fast that I didn’t even realize it.

Looking from the outside perspective, I am just a normal girl.

Well, if you don’t consider my bit exotic look because of my mixed heritage.


If I was still on Earth, I would say so. Even though similarities can’t be denied.

I was reincarnated on this strange planet, somehow similar, yet so different from the world that I knew.

I died having 18 years old on Earth and have been living my new life here.

There was no god or deity to welcome me in Heaven.

In one moment, I was lying on the cold, damp ground, breathing my last breath, and the next moment I was here, born as a baby.

What I did was just to live my life. Grateful for the next chance.


When did life become so boring?

This world has a similar level of technology to my last one. So I have been living comfortably.


It’s not enough. If it was me from before, I would have been perfectly satisfied with things as they are.

After all, I was always an example of a steady person.

However, now it’s not like that. If you get a new chance, shouldn’t you try doing something insane before you die for real this time?

In this life, I understood it. That’s why I am here. Going outside of my comfort zone.

I am not desperate for a success. I just want to try.

I guess it’s a positive mindset that I should keep up for the future.

“Hey, are you alright?”

Asked a black-haired girl, seeing me not standing up with the rest.

“Oh.. Sorry, I just thought of something.”

I answered and got up.

Promptly leaving the room and getting ready to go back home.

As I was just exiting the changing room, the other girl with short hair this time, caught up to me.

‘What was her name?’

Ahh... Yes, I can’t remember.

“Hey, I wanted to ask..”

“Good work today. I could see that you improved a lot.”

I said first, breaking the ice.

“Thanks, you were great too, as always.”

Said the girl a bit timidly.

“I wanted to ask if you don’t want to eat with us. You are always leaving first...”

Continued the girl.

“I would be happy to, but I have something to do after this. So maybe next time?”

I politely refused.

Although I understand the other girls and their need for social interactions; We really don’t have any time for chit-chat when practicing.

I am tired and in need of sleep. That is not considering the other reasons.

“Is that so? Sorry to bother you, senior.”

She said, seemingly trying to hide her gloominess. It probably took a lot of courage to invite me.

It’s not like I look scary or something. However, being a foreigner and keeping a cordial relationship with other trainees could have made them think of me as cold.

“Well, I hope you all have a good time. See you tomorrow.”

I said, walking away, trying to cheer her up, but I was not sure if it worked.

Going down the stairs, a sudden voice coughed me off guard.

“If you continue like this, you will become a loner.”

Looking to my left, I saw a big, white-haired levitating hamster. Scrutinizing me with a disappointed expression.

“You should know fully well enough why I did that.”

I said, continuing down the stairs.

“Besides, you should worry more about your weight and not about me making new friends. If it wasn’t for your flying magic. You wouldn’t be moving anymore.”

I added.

“Are you implying that I am fat?”

This time, it was a turn for a hamster to be angry.

“Fat? I do not imply anything I am just saying that soon enough...."

"You are going to be bigger than my head.”

I answered spitefully.

“You... Crossed a line....”

Answered the now furious hamster.

Like this, we started bickering. Till I was on the main floor.

“Okay, stop that. People are here, and they are going to think, I am crazy talking to the air.”

I spoke up.

“Well, if you apologize..”

Replied a hamster.

“Okay, fine, I am sorry. You are not fat, just a little plump, but in a good way.”

I started to say, but the hamster didn’t look too happy about it.

“You are more handsome this way.”

I summed up, and he instantly beamed.

“And here I thought all those points put into intelligence were wasted...”

“Still, if you buy me some snacks on the way home, I guess I will forgive you.”

Voiced cooly hamster. Making me secretly shake my head.

“Sure. I will get you some, but not too much.”

“Let’s go where we were yesterday, I really liked.....”

Said the hamster, completely ignoring my words after ‘sure’.

Like this, a completely normal day ended with my ‘golden finger’ hamster Shiro.