Chapter 60 – Awakening Dragons
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In the metal case that Mahara was carrying, there were a bunch of vials and capsules containing various substances. At first glance, it looks like a case belonging to some scientist or chemist, but in reality, these substances are various types of drugs.

Each of the substances has a different application and indication, but all serve as medications. So yes, this is a first aid kit. It's strange, after all, where are the needles, disinfectants, and bandages?

I also wondered about that the first time I saw this case. But even stranger was observing a deep 15-centimeter cut on the skin being completely cleaned with just 5 or 6 drops. Literally clean...

All the dirt and sand that was embedded in the cut was expelled after the drops started foaming and dripping. Then it was just a matter of applying some kind of coagulating powder, and the cut closed up as if days had passed. So yes, this case is definitely a first aid kit.

Anyway, when we reached where Mother and Abigail were lying, Mahara immediately opened the case and took out some vials to make some mixtures with the ingredients from the vials.

The rest of us just watched, after all, we have nothing to do at this moment. In fact, even using these remedies will be almost useless for healing their wounds; at most, they will have the same effect as throwing a bucket of water on someone who is unconscious.

They won't heal wounds, stabilize consciousness, or even help them rest and recover better. As I said before, Dragons have insane regeneration; even the most efficient healing remedy in this world, Gavelir, would only have an effect of a maximum of 60% of this capacity.

Even so, when dragons are unconscious, they gain an increase of about 25% in this regeneration capacity, because their bodies enter a self-preservation state. After all, dragons can't become unconscious voluntarily.

So whenever a Dragon becomes unconscious, their body recognizes it as a life or death situation. Therefore, the body increases its survival capabilities voluntarily. It's a kind of natural response to extreme dangers and life-threatening situations.

The same happens when a dragon is losing a fight and is about to die, or when the dragon is about to succumb to a Blood Frenzy. In addition, there are other types of responses that the dragon's body can give to these situations, besides the increase in regeneration.

"Today they didn't suffer too much damage... I believe they can naturally recover in time for the commitment."

Aglaya raised a very important point... And I also agree. Logically speaking, it would be much better not to do anything and wait for them to wake up on their own. It would be better to develop some resistance and resilience in their bodies.

Additionally, physical shock is the best stimulus to develop muscle memory and adapt the body to the same types of damage in the future. Nala herself said that we shouldn't wake them up, except on some occasions, as Mother and Abigail might not fully benefit from the training.

Which we actually do, so we always try not to wake them up most of the time after training, when they are unconscious. But we always decide whether to wake them up based on injuries and urgent matters, and today in particular, we have a very important commitment.

"I agree, Aglaya, but Abigail said they should prepare with a few hours in advance. So it's essential that they wake up now."

"I understand... So, let me help Mahara with the dosage of the remedies."

"That would be great, thank you."

While Aglaya and Mahara were preparing some doses of medication, Marien and I just watched; it's what we can do. Fortunately, it didn't take long for the two of them to prepare a bottle of medicine, specially made to wake up an unconscious dragon.

But once done, there's only one small problem with administering this medicine... There's a popular saying in this world that goes: "Interrupting a dragon's sleep is foolishness, but waking an unconscious dragon is inviting death."

Why? Simple...

"Young Lord... I apologize, but I'll have to ask you to do the favor..."

As soon as she finished preparing the medicine, Mahara didn't hesitate to bring the bottle to me. Then she leaned in a little, then asked me to administer the medicine. Something seemingly illogical, indeed, a 5-year-old taking the place of a much stronger adult woman.

"We've done this so many times, Mahara, why bother apologizing? Just do your part and let me do mine. Besides, I like it..."

When we're talking about waking up a dragon, there are 2 distinct situations. The first is waking up a dragon that is sleeping, which can be very simple to do but with some consequences.

Easy because Dragons don't need to sleep every day; just a few hours every 2 days is enough even for dragons recovering from injuries or having some aura tuning problems.

Mother, for example, sleeps about 6 hours every 2 days because she can't train her aura veins after forming a bond with me. But for those healthier and more willing dragons, just a few hours of sleep every 5 or 6 days is more than enough.

Even though they sleep so little, Dragons can't enter a deep sleep state or even enter the REM sleep state, where lucid dreams occur and the brain truly rests.

They just wander between light sleep stages, but that's more than enough for them to rest. This also means they are always about to wake up; any abnormal external stimulus can cause it.

That is, if someone whispers from about 100 meters away or approaches within 20 meters of them, they will wake up immediately. If that happens, the unlucky one may end up with some severe punishments.

Dragons are extremely sensitive and hate being interrupted when resting or sleeping. That's why it's very common for them to physically or financially punish the individual who achieves this feat.

Whether it's a few hours of intense and strict training, a few hours of forced labor, a few hours of kneeling penance, or a fine of considerable value relative to the individual's financial capacity. But there have never been records of any kind of physical or mental aggression, and it's unlikely to occur.

At the same time, they can easily discern an abnormal stimulus from a familiar one. That's exactly why they prefer to sleep only in their own house, where there is hardly any abnormal stimulus, even when there is another person sharing the bed with them.

Anyway, the second possible situation for waking up a dragon is almost exactly the opposite of the first. I'm talking about waking up a Dragon when it's unconscious.

In this situation, there are 2 ways for the Dragon to regain consciousness: let the dragon wake up naturally or find a non-natural way to wake it up. The first is the simplest and easiest; just wait a few hours, and the situation is resolved.

But the second involves finding a way to give a sharp stimulus to the Dragon. For example: a strong blow from another dragon, extreme cold or heat, high-voltage shock, thermal shock, or using a strong stimulating substance.

In our case, we are using a strong stimulating substance to wake up Mother and Abigail. But there's a small problem with waking up a dragon in a non-natural way... A problem that can easily become a big problem if countermeasures are not taken.

The fact is, a dragon responds in a violent, brutal, and ruthless way whenever it is woken up in this way. Their destructive impulses lead them to destroy everything and everyone around them without realizing anything.

The first time I saw Mother being woken up this way, I was scared and impressed at the same time by the violence and destructive power. Then I quickly got used to it, which I don't know if it's a good thing.

Even with Nala raising a magical barrier strong enough to restrain her blind fury for over 30 minutes, the aura explosions that Mother released that day, even trapped inside the barrier, were enough to shake the nearest village, about 13 kilometers away.

I still wonder what would have happened if Nala hadn't put up a barrier... That's why I know how dangerous a dragon can be when it's woken up in a non-natural way when unconscious.

"Let's do this... Abigail, I trust you."

"Young Lord... I believe it would be much safer and wiser to wake Lady Inessa, your mother, first..."

While I was heading towards Abigail, Mahara interrupted me, concerned about my actions, and suggested the best alternative for the current situation. Waking up Mother is indeed much safer. Even so, I turned to her and replied with a smile on my face:

"Of course, Mahara... But I know Abigail won't hurt me, I'm sure of that."


I hope you can help me correct any spelling errors in the chapters.


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