Chapter: 1
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The time of evening began, as the sun began to set. The numerous colorful leaves on each tree whistled while the birds hummed, singing soothingly. At the same time, higher up in the sky.   

The floating dark gray cloud swirls, seemingly about to rain down at any moment. Simultaneously the wind also seems to sing and pick up, blowing more powerfully than usual. Causing the branches on the trees to creak and whistle loudly.     

In just about three minutes, the sun is now mostly covered by the dark swirls clouds. Like tiny teardrops, little droplets of water began to come down slowly. At first only a couple of drops, but as the time tick by… it pours lightly, then quickly the steady beats of the rain increase in its pouring speed. 

And the sound of it hitting the ground, the leaves and eventually anything that weren’t covered were visibly soaking wet. 

Amidst all this, moving on a soaking wet road, was a group of people. They had umbrellas so they weren’t soaking wet, however, they didn't seem to have enough umbrellas, only five while clearly there were more people than just five. Because of this, some of them have to share, though they didn’t look unhappy about it. 

And in fact, they seem to be perfectly fine with sharing. 

Amids there walking, one of them spoked. His voice was high and child-like, which is a given as he’s still a kid.    

“Mom, Dad. When will we get there? I’m tired. We’ve been walking for a long…time now.” 

His words said, as immediately his words earn a response right away. As a feminine voice near him replied, “In about…Hmm? Dear, there is still an hour left till we get there, right?” 

“Your guess is close honey, we got around 1 hour and 20 minutes till we get there. ” A more masculine voice replied.       

“There’s your answered baby brother. Still an hour left.” Immediately, next to the boy who had spoken. A female chuckled, while he sighed exhaustively “sigh…since getting off from the bullhead. We’ve only mostly walked.”  

“That may be true. But, we’re doing it with family. What’s there not to like? Furthermore, no one is complaining. Also walking on the road with families, while it may be raining, however, can't really say it's bad. Because…the way I see it, the feeling it brings is quite nice.” She paused and small with a grin.“Plus, didn’t you complain that bullhead makes you feel sick?”   

“It did?.” The boy replied. “Eh…Now that you mentioned it, I preferred walking like this more than staying in one of those…But! Even though it’s batter, I’m still tired.” 

The words from the girl had made him recall being in the bullhead. And he agrees with her, because the bullhead was a ride he’s not found off and in fact even dislikes it quite a bit.  

“Alright, you too. Your talking is slowing your pace. Less talking and more walking, got it.”       

The woman who shared an umbrella with a different little blonde girl intervin, wanting them to pay more attention to their walking. Hearing her, the previous blonde girl next to the boy grumbles. “But we’re already walking fast. Besides, we didn't talk that much.”   

“Haha” the woman glared. But there wasn’t any anger in her eyes, as she instead smiled sweetly at the young girl. “Don’t argue.” 

“Humph” the girl puffed her cheeks slightly. Seeing this the boy giggled and interrupted. Immediately the woman moved her lips again. “And Jaune. You pay more attention to the road, you don’t want to trip. Do you?” 

“Huh! Trip? I’ll never trip-”

POW! The boy's sentence was cut short. While not looking he accidentally tripped on a small pebble on the ground, causing him to slump hard on the wet and slightly muddled ground. Furthermore he had almost caused the girl beside him to fall alongside him. 

“Ah!” Fortunately, she managed to avoid it, with her small body’s natural reflex. However, she staggered a little. Though that was all as she immediately got a hold of herself. “Whoa! Baby brother. You alright?” 

The little girl spoke immediately after. Which got a reply from the boy right away, “yeah…I’m fine, it's just—oww! My butt! It hurt.”

“Pft-.” The moment he finished. The blonde girl couldn’t help but laugh, including the other blonde girls. They found his words to be funny and hard to not laugh when hearing it.     

“Hay! Don’t laugh!” The boy grunted unhappily. “Come on baby brother, it's kind of funny how you word it” Unfortunately as they laughed, the woman cut in and said. “ All right, knock it off. Remember we still have an hour to go.” The woman's voice was soft and sweet as before. “As for you, did you get any bruises?”   

Hearing her, the boy checked his body quickly, and didn’t find any bruises. “Nope. No bruise, but my butt does feel a little numb.” 

“Oh? Should I check if there’s any hidden bruise down there?” The woman asked worriedly. However, to the boy, the thought of her checking his butt made him immediately embarrassed. “Mom! You don’t need to. It’s just a slight numbness, I could already feel it going away.” 

“Pft!” The girl next to me still could not really hold it back. 

“You sure?” The woman still asked, ignoring the girl. With her asking, the boy replied immediately. “Yes, I’m 100% sure.” 

The woman sighed and said. “Well…if you say so.” She then cast her eyes to the little girl. “Saphron. Help your brother up” 

The little girl nodded immediately with her cute smile. Grabbing the boy’s hand, she hurled him up and a second later the boy steady himself. His hair, clothing were all watten from the continuous rain. Though he didn’t seem to mind all this—his body does, as he sneezed. 


Seeing him sneeze, the little girl turned to the woman. “Mom Jaune might catch a cold. We need a towel” The woman nodded and immediately turned and asked. “Dear, the towel.” 

The man responded right away, as he put another little girl down and unpacked his gray camping bag. Taking a towel out, he made sure to ask the little girl he put down to hold the umbrella carefully. So that they and the bag wouldn't get wet.      

Afterward he handed the towel over, “here.” He said, while the woman took the towel and gave it to the boy. Having the towel handed to him, the boy did not hesitate and immediately covered his small body with the towel. 

“Baby brother, hopefully you won't catch a cold?” 

The boy scoffed innocently from her words. “I’m big now, catching cold isn’t easy for me anymore.” 

“Little baby brother, first of all you're not big yet. Secondly, catching a cold is something even adults catch.” The little girl retorted him right away.    

“Alright, enough chatting. We should get going, unless you want your brother to really catch a cold.” The woman cut in and said with stern eyes. While right after, the man also added. “Your mother is right. We can’t keep wasting time, it's evening already.” 

He then looked at everyone and further added gently. “Time to move faster.”   

With that said. Everyone nodded their little heads and within a span of 10 or so seconds of adjustment. They immediately moved forward with most of them sticking close to each other. And through it all, they all giggled-because the boy who shared an umbrella with the little girl from before. Had a small spot of mud from his previous fall, on the rear of his pants. 

And the boy was huffing unhappily from their giggles.       

Time passed as the group of families moved down the road. That’s right, forgot to mention they are family and not a small one, but a big, big one at that. Filled with eight childrens, and one mom and dad. 

But the funny thing is—they only have one boy, while the others were all girls. 

Furthermore none of them seem to inherit their mother's light brown hair and dark brown eyes. Instead, their blonde hair colors and dark blue eyes came from their dad. 

Their dad had a blonde bearded chin, added in with blonde hair and eye colors that resemble them. He donned casual attire, and stood at about six-foot one or six-foot two—his middle-age face still handsome, and did not degrade over time yet. 

Their mom on the other hand is shorter than her husband—about five-nine. Her clothing, like her husband's, was simple and casual gray and blue female clothing. Her face is average, but nonetheless, looks fine to the outlooker. Furthermore, even though she was middle-age, she didn’t look a day older than 30. 

As for the children’s, blonde hair and dark blue eyes. Their faces, cute as slightly red baby fat are still apparent. 

Moreover their dress and clothing look compatible with them, despite their seemingly casual wear, just like their parents. It does add to their cuteness. While their age seems to range from more than ten to less than ten years old.

And out of all the children, three were older than ten, and all three of them were girls. While four out of the seven girls were younger than ten. Finally, the one and only boy in the family. 

Eyes innocent looking like the others, blonde hair drop down close to his dark blue eyes. Attire casual, as he had long ordinary gray-ish black pants. Together with his short sleeved animal tea-shirt and the pink towel around his body, that was given by his dad.       

His name is Jaune Arc, the only boy. Their entire family's last name was Arc. While the rest were Saphron Arc, also one of the three oldest…and the one he shared an umbrella with. Then there's Julie Arc, Kayla Arc, Luna Arc, violet Arc, Claire Arc, Sarah Arc. Both their mom and dad’s last name are Arc as well, the dad’s first name is Theodore, while their mom’s name is Crystal. 

Together, they're currently on a family trip, like some family. The Arc is enthusiastic about traveling to different places. Sightseeing while also staying there for a couple of nights.  

And today, they are on their way to town. One that was pretty far from their hometown, but they heard that it was a bright and colorful town—filled with good people and custom. That is why…the Arc families, who like to go to places, couldn't help but be excited about seeing the town.   


As they continue along the road. Together, Jaune and his family hike up a small hill. The road was getting muddier, with the rain flowing down nonstop. A small muddled stream flowing down from the hill’s, they hiked. 

Fortunately, from the time the rain started and to now. It has only been a little more than half an hour, which right now, they only needed another half to go—as for the mud stream. It is still extremely small, not worth causing trouble to them.     

In a minute or two they got up the hill…and continued forwards. And during that time, a couple of minutes passed by yet again. 

No uphill or downhill to encounter. The road is now only being even and straight with a couple of turns they have to make. While some of the kids who were starting to become tired of walking—were now happier. Because as the time ticks by…the closer they will get to their destination, and the closer they will get to enjoying their time. In a town they have not once visited. 

As they continue to move forward. Soon, another couple of minutes went by, and the time was yet again shortened, now only about 20 minutes. And minute by minute tick by after, the rain began to slow down as it slowly stopped. They encountered small hill’s again and quickly went past it.  

Their journey, now. Only being less than 10 minutes away.  

“Jaune, Look? Down the hill’s.”

Saphron loudly alerted, her expression brimming with a sweet and cute smile. Hearing her, the other kids were overjoyed. Spotted the sign that has the name of the town and which way to go from now on. Which basically told them that the town was right around the corner.     

Even though they did not doubt their parents' words. Seeing it for themselves that they're close—especially when one's age is young and still immature, it's only natural they'll react like this.    

“Hm? Looks like we’ll be going left from here on.” 

Their mom, Crystal Arc, pursed her lips and said softly. She then sweetly glanced at everyone and added with a gentle smile. “My little girls and boy’s. I can see that you’re all are happy, is the thought of no more long walking making you happy? Or is the thought of staying and sightseeing in this place moving your hearts?”  

Crystal Arc loved being a mom, that’s why she decided to have many of her own. Though despite her joy in being a mom, what she loves even more is when they smile. It always makes her heart melt with happiness. 

And because of that, she really couldn’t help but ask them questions.   

“The first question is current, mom. But the second is super.” Saphron answered sincerely, as their mom was right not on the money. At the same time also Jaune spoke up energetically. “Mmhmm, mom, I agree with Saphron. I think we all are.”   

“Hehe, look at our little brother. Speaking in our stand, so adorable.” A grinning sound came from one of the girls. “Now, it kind of makes me wish this trip end’s fast. So I can go back and dress him up in cute girl clothing.” 

Jaune, who was excited and energetic immediately, turned slightly red. Embarrassment and shame could clearly be seen. “Hey! Luna…!! What are you saying” 

He burst out with a reddened expression. Dressing him up as a girl? Jaune never likes when his sisters do that. It makes him have nightmares. Nightmares of going to school happily, but only to suddenly realize you're in girl's clothing with a whole lot of makeup.   

That nightmare kept hunting him till today, mostly because his sister wouldn’t stop dressing him up. 

“Hehe.” Luna grinned, when seeing Jaune red expression—‘adorable’ is the only word that came to mind.    

Out of the seven sisters, Luna is one of the three oldest. And like Saphron, she also likes to tease Jaune. As he’s the only boy in the familys, how could she not want to? 

While at the moment, Saphron went to poke at Luna's shoulder. “How can you tease baby brother…” Jaune paused. Couldn’t believe what he heard, Saphron who was always one of the first to tease him, actually said that. 

It made him wonder if something was wrong with his big sister. Because when it comes to teasing, who could enjoy teasing him more than her. 

“When you should have included me as well. Moreover we don’t have to wait, I brought some make-up and clothes.” Saphron shows a grin, “because who could go a day without dressing baby brother up.” 

What?! Jaune inwardly blurted. There was nothing wrong with her sister, she’s still the same. “You can’t be serious!” Grumbled, Jaune. As he looked at her shockingly. Hoping that she was just joking, and that it was meant to be only a tease.     

As for Luna, she reacted differently—the image of dressing Jaune up and putting makeup on him made her go wild with excitement.   

In fact she wasn’t the only one. 

The other simultaneously felt the same, being the one and only brother in their family. They all like playing with him, especially dress up. So the fact that they'll be able to do this, even during a family trip, made them extremely excited.    

With that said, they all start discussing ways and which clothes they should put on him. Completely forgotten about their excitement over the town—that they’ll be staying a few days in. Their discussion continued on, lasting more than a minute. 

Jaune, being someone they were discussing about, went ignored. Even when he tried to complain as hard as he could. They were to invest in their little discussion, not even hearing their mom telling them to stop it. While the dad laughed, not wanting to intervin. 

Eventually the mom raised her voice, snapping them right out immediately. 

Their mother stared at them and heaved a sigh and softly spoke, “grils, the sooner we get there. The sooner you can play with your brother's.”   

“Mom…no way.” 

Jaune felt like he was struck with lightning, does she like him being dressed-up as a girl too. 

“Oh my little Jaune, do be like that.” Crystal comforted him, but then her mind seemed to suddenly think of something. And her motherly smile hung brightly on her face. “Although, you do look adorable in those dresses.”   

“Mom, not you too?”

“But, let’s put all this aside.” She added, “after all we still have a few more minutes to walk.” Once she said that, she made sure her kids all started moving—they wouldn't get there unless they moved. 


Heading down the hill, they made it down swiftly. A pole, standing at about six-eight feet, planted unmovingly in the ground. Nearing at the top, was a sign labeling the name of the town—and the  arrow pointing at the left.   

The Arc family said nothing while heading left. 

As for Jaune, if you listen closely. You can hear him huffing, still not forgetting about his sister's discussion earlier. It gave him less thrill of getting there. He didn’t want strangers seeing him wearing those clothes, it would be way too embarrassing.    

While moving the words being spoken between the families were a lot. Even though their father had already told them things about the town. Some of Jaune's sisters asked their dad, wanting to know more about the town beforehand. As the curiosity in their eyes was flowing strong, especially when they were this close to there.  

Jaune was also part of the ones that asked—despite feeling less thrill. In the end, he couldn’t hold back, being won over by his child-like curiosity. 

With their walking speed, in a short five or six minutes. They have finally arrived at their destination. 

“Everyone, here it is…the town of ‘Kuroyuri’.”