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" liege...

Pierre and Siros were rooted to their place as the tried to wrap their head around the thing they had just heard. If what Pierre was holding in his hand was indeed the 'odor of hell' then they had just gotten into a new realm of blasphemy. Summoning a devil was one thing,  but bringing a pice of hell on earth was unforgivable. Jason saw the shock of their face as they looked at each other as if they had stepped on shit,  and couldn't help but feel a little offended.

"Ohhh, by the looks of it,  it seems you two are displeased with my gift?" said Jason in a sarcastic tone, but for Pierre and Siros it was anything but that. They had to choose their words carefully,  and fortunately Siros was well versed with beating around the bush as he had been dealing with screaming nobles for may years.

"Of course not, we are truly delighted by such a generous gift. It is just that we didn't expect for 'such' a gift."

"I would expect so." smugly  said Jaso "It is indeed a gift out of this world,  so I wouldn't expect you to know of it's value, but with just a couple of my instructors you will understand....


It wasn't known but the spit that had accumulated of Pierre's throat had finally passed. Siros's gave him a look,  and Pierre immediately understood what was conveyed.  Jason raised an eyebrow at this display , but he cared little. " better listen,  and listen well,  because I'm only going to explain it once. If you then forget about them, it is your own fault." cautioned Jason as he made the two men before him subconsciously look at the door of the prison cell they had used for the summoning.


After some time in another part of the dungeon beneath the castle that was used as a prison,  Pierre and Siros both moved forward with a stone expression. It looked like they were heading for battle, that was the amount of intensity that they showed,  but if one looked closely he would be thrown for a loop. In both of their right hands there was a handkerchief which reeked of herbs and perfume,  and both of them was holding it above their mouth and nose. As they were the two of them finally arrived at the end of the prison,  and stopped before a cell door completely made out of iron. 

"Is this it?" asked Siros as he looked at the rusted and heavy iron door in front of him in surprise. It didn't really look like it was ment to hold in a human,  but a beast by the looks of it. 

"It it my liege....this is the prison cell of the 'monstrous knight' , the butcher of a thousand men." answered Pierre with a little fear and a tinge of envy. " The man inside was once a respected knight of the kingdom , but after to much killing he went mad and started to kill fried and foe alike. His mind has been broken so much that he still thinks he is at war...though his power is indefinable. "

"I see..." Siros squinted his eyes as he thought about the tales he had heard from the bard's that sometimes visited the palace.' If the tales are half as true , then even three knights of Pierre's caliber would struggle against him....he truly is a monster.' Siros slowly took something from the pocket of his jacket and carefully brought it before him. After this he steeled his resolve,  and finally knocked on the iron door.

*knock knock*

"Is there anyone...


Before Siros could finish his sentence something banged hard on the door startling  both Siros and Pierre.

"My liege,  stand back!" exclaimed Pierre,  but Siros just ignored him and smiled.

"I'm fine, I was just caught by surprise. It seems that 'he' is still energetic even after all this time." said Siros as he redied himself and took of the small and transparent lid from the spray bottle as the devil had suggested, and headed towards a small small hole on the left wall used for ventilation.  The hole was about 3 cm wide and besides a ventilation hole also doubled a viewing hole for the jailer to see if the prisoner was still alive or not.  

'The devil said that pressing this thing two times would be enough,  but to be sure I'll do it once more' thought Siros as he sprayed the contents of the spray bottle on the hole with some difficulty, and with a heavy heart begun to pray. One second passed...then two, three ,but on the fourth second something finally happened. 


Heavy banging was heard as it seemed that the one inside desperately wanted out , but no matter how much he tried,  he couldn't break the iron door. The struggle lasted for about two minutes and then silence, making Pierre think that the one inside had fainted or was dead,  so he put his ear against the iron door and listened.  At first Pierre didn't hear anything,  but soon faint sounds reached his ears.

"Pierre, what do you hear?" anxiously said Siros who had once again put the cap on the spray bottle. Pierre though seemed to be in shock as he looked at Siros's with a strange expression. He fumbled a little as he seemed to be finding the words to describe what he hear, but a stern stare from Siros finally made him spill the beans.

"My liege...I'm not sure, but it is crying."


The two of them froze in surprise  , Siros from what he had just heard,  and Pierre because of what he had just uttered. At that moment  the two of them didn't know , but one of the most strange and feared tactics of war ever would be born.