Chapter 9 In a bathtub built for two
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I strutted beaming into Bosses’ office. He had Gorloth bring my small prototype who put it on the desk between us. “Runt explain and use small words.” I was far too happy to even be phased by anything right now.

“Do you have something that uses mana?” He reached under his desk and pulled out a large mana battery. I quickly hooked them up together and turned it on. The three cores started dancing and singing their wonderful heartbeat song. It was beautiful. He watched the runes fill in slowly, a growing smile lighting his face. Gorloth just stood there watching us a huge smile on his face. “The cores work together." I crowed, Boss left it charging as we talked.

“They should be long dead by now. Why are they still going?” I laughed.

“They are working together.” He just blinked at me. “Think of it like three rivers coming together. The sums are far more than just their parts. Do you understand?” Boss shook his head.

“Monsters run same. They don’t fight. Stronger pack.” I looked at Gorloth beaming.

“Exactly. He gets it.” Boss looked between us.

“What the hell is going on? Next, you’ll tell me Meathead is working with Battery.” There was a slight shake and boom in the shop and I quickly turned off my device as we all ran out to see Meathead running with Battery in his arms who was holding his hand.

“Boss, we were working together and and Battery just touched the wrong part. He needs a healer for his hand. Someone help.” Battery was screaming in Meathead’s arms. The idiot was acting like a small child. Today could not get any better if it tried.

“You fool burned me. I told you not to start it. It wasn’t ready.” Battery cried holding his hand. I just kept laughing. Today was amazing beyond words.

“Get his ass to the healer now you idiot.” Boss growled at Meathead. “You Runt, quit laughing.” He was trying not to laugh himself. Gorloth looked at me,

“Like this often?” I laughed.

“God, I hope so, today was a blast,” I replied.

We kept working and soon I had the full-size unit ready and was sifting through cores. We needed Summoner to come over and catalog them. This would hinder things for now. I put them aside and started working on the mini tri-core engine. What could I use it for? Maybe powering the table in the inn for far less. It would be a proof of concept, but the odds of something going wrong or someone being an idiot with it was uncomfortable. Last thing I needed was someone hurting my new baby. This would have to be used in something else. Maybe a home power system. I could use mana wire to turn it into a generator for the home. Maybe it could power several mana devices. I pulled out my notebook and started sketching an RV pulled by one of my wolves. When was the metal getting here? I needed to start work on it soon. Storming back into Boss’s office I asked him,

“When is the metal coming?” I asked Boss, a mild look of anger on my face.

“After all that happened today, you have the nerve to ask me that?” He growled back.

“I want to know. My new wolf needs to be started.” He looked at me coldly.

“You have one month left. You can wait.” I scoffed.

“What am I going to do for a month?” He put his hands on his hips and scowled at me.

“I don’t know. Turn scrap into metal and make some of those wand weapons you made for Meathead. Bullock is asking for a handful for his men.” I raised an eyebrow.

“How many?” This would be an interesting project.

“As many as you can. He wants one for each.” This would keep me occupied for a short while. I would need a lot of scrap. Maybe Gorloth could help me move it. “Hell at this point I’d be willing to let you take apart Meathead’s Knight as punishment.” I beamed at him. “I was joking. Get out now!” He roared at me. I quickly left with Gorloth on my heels the two of us laughing. We spent the rest of the day cleaning scrap off and turning it into iron. There was a lot. Why was I worried about another load of iron? There was a lot here. Almost enough for the frame of the chest. I could at least start after building a few Spear Strikes. The name was growing on me but needed work.

{Lily Cottontail}

That night Lily was lying on the couch as Gorloth and Orga were using their room. Master’s door was unlocked, and she heard a strange sound coming from it. She blushed as she started to understand what he was doing. He was enjoying himself. She became mildly upset. Why was he playing with himself when she was here? She could have at least helped him. She slipped her hand under her nightgown to play with her own aching need. She wanted him and hated herself for wanting him. Once the sound stopped, she bit her lip and slipped down the hallway. Orga was still busy, and Lily opened the door to her Master’s room trying not to wake him. Luckily, he was sleeping, snoring softly. The rag he had used was lying on the floor near the bed. She could smell it from here and wanted to know. Her eyes focused on him, praying he didn’t wake up and see her, she bent over, picked it up slowly, and tasted it. A shutter ran through her as the fresh seed rolled over her tongue. He looked so peaceful and so handsome. It would be so easy to jump into bed with him. She lifted the covers and the smell of his fresh need hit her. She climbed in and shook as he wrapped his arms around her. Was he awake? She froze, waiting for him to say something or do something. He pulled her in close and she blushed as she felt her butt meet his crotch. It would be so easy for her to hike up her nightgown and rub on him. She was being a bad bunny. What would her mother think? What would her father say? She was acting like one of those brothel bunnies. She blushed as he pulled her closer. She could feel his hot breath on her neck and shook as his arms wrapped tighter around her. With a sigh, she realized he was still fast asleep. It felt so nice being in her Master’s arms. She held him close and drifted off to sleep with her Master holding her.

I woke the next morning with Lily tucked into my arms. When did this happen? Last thing I remember was cranking one out and going to bed. Next thing I knew, the cute bunny girl was sleeping next to facing away from me. I was not drunk. This was not on me. Did she want a midnight romp and I failed to be awake at the right time? I sighed and she groaned in her sleep tucking in tighter. It felt nice. Luckily, I had my Pjs on this time. I licked my chops and felt her groan a little. This was not helping my morning wood. It twitched against her ass, and she moaned in her sleep. Not good, this is not good. She is going to wake up any moment and I would be in big trouble. Her hand grabbed mine and pulled it from her stomach to her tiny breast. She was slightly larger than an A cup and it felt delightful. I tried not to freak out as she demanded that I grope her. She smelled amazing and I wanted this, but doing this with my slave was not right. I felt myself twitch and she woke slightly. Not good. This was so not good. She shuddered and I twitched against her ass. Her breast felt so nice, and she smelled so amazing that I wanted everything. Play nice Alex. Why did I care? She put herself into my bed, she brought this on herself. Why did I care and not go for it? I twitched again into her ass, and she moaned rubbing on my cock. I growled softly into her neck, and she gasped pressing her ass into my dick. If this didn’t stop, I may become a worse monster. I sighed softly making her squirm into my crotch. “If you are awake, I need to get up.” Please don’t scream. She nodded and moved her pelvis into my crotch. I licked my chops taking a small bit of her hair and tasting her neck. Sadly, I pulled away and she rolled away to look up at me with those almond-shaped eyes. Why had I not noticed how she looked Asian? She was so small, like a small bunny that demanded protection, protection I could easily offer. I couldn’t help myself and kissed her forehead. She moaned and leaned up kissing my neck. It would be so easy to become a monster and take her here and now, but I couldn’t. It wasn’t right. I loved her and couldn’t take advantage of her. I loved her? Did I love her? My head started to spin as I tried not to freak out. Her breast had felt amazing, and she smelled so good. I just held her. She started kissing my chest and moved up. I wanted this so bad. There was a knock on the door, and I jumped. Gorloth said from the doorway. “Friend Runt, Breakfast.” I blinked and blushed. Lily tucked in closer to me, hiding in the covers. I looked down to see she was fully awake. Was she awake when she moved my hand to her breast? Why did this make me so nervous? I kissed her forehead and raised my arm.

“Thank you for keeping me warm last night,” I said as she blushed pulling her ears down over her eyes. “Let’s go get some breakfast.” She tucked in tighter refusing to move.

“Why move, Master?” I chuckled and hugged her close. It was just too cute.

“We can’t lay in bed all day.” I had to pee after all. She sighed and started to wiggle out of my arms. I smiled at her plump ass as her nightgown had gotten stuck on a fluffy white pointed tail. It twitched and she spun quickly covering her ass and blushing. I wonder what that tail would feel like. After a quick trip to the bathroom, we all had breakfast together. Gorloth had a few scratches on his neck and I noticed that Orga was moving a little stiffly. Good for them. No wonder Lily joined me last night and was frisky this morning. My bunny once more refused to look at me.

After that day, things seemed to go back to normal with Lily. She didn’t come to my room again and seemed to go back to being frightened of me. She even started hiding behind things again. I gave her some space, but this seemed to upset her even more. Orga and Gorloth talked to me about their blooming relationship. I told them I was happy for them and wished them the best. Why was I happy for them? I never cared in the past who was with whom. Why did I care that Lily didn’t come to me again? We had another caravan come in a few days later. One of the pilots came to me with a request after the first day.

“I was wondering if you could make a doll of Asure Death.” He was a sad man of almost no note. The ideal background character. 

“Ten gold for the doll and Boss can paint it for one gold.” Boss had taken some delight in painting the dolls. Who knew he had some skill? He would show up every couple of days, grab one of my dolls, and then two days later return it painted and looking amazing. The pilot scoffed at me.

“Ten gold is a bit much for a toy.” I frowned at him and turned away. “Okay, Okay. I have the gold. How long will it take?”

“I can have it for you in a few hours.” I had already repaired his Knight and was just waiting on Gorloth to recharge. I had a few blank dolls I could play with at the office just in case I had some downtime. They were basic training dolls that could be easily altered.

“Really that quick. If it is that quick, why charge so much?” I turned away from him again. He was wanting to haggle and I had better things to do with my time. “Okay, Deal. Ten gold when you are done.”

“Half now the other half when it finished.” He scowled at me and pulled out five gold. I went to my new office, the cleaned-out storeroom, and started working on it. My bracelet now had three goblin cores that could be linked all the time. It didn’t work as well as an engine but worked better than just having them unlinked. I could link all the cores, but only having a few linked at a time seemed to work better. My bracelet now looked like it had a web of broken lines and runes. Five drained cores later and Cheapskate’s doll was done. It looked okay and it bothered me now to just make a standard Knight doll. It would be easy to upgrade it, but he didn’t pay for an upgrade. The townsfolk are going to wipe the floor with him tonight, I thought with a smile.

He tried to cheat me on the other five but stopped once I turned one of the hands into a lump of useless metal. He begged and paid another gold as an idiot tax for me to fix it. With the extra coin in my pocket, I took the rest of the day off and went house hunting. Yes, moving would be a pain, but the girls really needed their own room. More so on nights when Gorloth would stay over and that seemed to be happening a lot. Old woman was able to show me a few places and I settled on a house not too far from my first home. It was a nice five bedroom, two bath and had a space large enough for a tub. I could make the hot tub that Battery had thought of. The thought of soaking after a long day seemed promising. I could keep my old house and let Gorloth and Ogra stay there if they wanted. They could make the short walk and breakfast with us. I would have to talk to them about this tonight. It would still take a few days for the new load of metal to come in. Selling my old house seemed pointless and the extra room may come in handy someday.

Gorloth and a few of the Grunts were moving some of my stuff when I pulled him aside. “Gorloth I would like you to have this.” I placed the key in his hand. He looked at it with a question on his face.

“Friend Runt, what is this?”

“The key to my old house. I thought you and Orga could use the privacy.” He blushed and smiled at me. The market was fairly poor and would take a long time for me to sell that house. I could afford to keep both for now.

“Thank you, friend Runt.” I smiled at him. It warmed my heart the way he beamed. I had made my friend happy, and it made me feel good. This was a new feeling, it felt nice. We went to the inn that night to celebrate my new home. During the meal, Woodcutter pulled me aside.

“Alex, I was wondering if I could trade you some wood for a weapon?” this was odd.

“What type of weapon are you thinking?” Did he want to kill something or someone? He held up his finger showing a distance about two inches apart.

“I was hoping you could make me an ax for the dolls.” I smiled. How did I not think of making weapons for the dolls? I slapped my forehead. He had just opened up my eyes to a new avenue for this hobby. I pulled a small scrap of iron from my pocket and quickly shaped it into a small dull ax that looked like the ones he often used. It took no time and a tiny bit of mana. He beamed at me and asked. “How much wood would you like?”

“None. You expanded my hobby and that makes it worth far more than you know.” I went back to the table and enjoyed my time with the others. My mind was flying over the ideas of tools and weapons for dolls. My first night in the house alone with Lily was a bit awkward. Would she sneak into my bed again? Sadly no, The new house was larger and had a lot more space for my dolls and even a spare room for a training table. I locked up and made sure everything was okay before heading off to bed.

{Lily Cottontail}

Lily was alone in the house with Master. The moon was going to be full again soon. What would she do then? She wanted him, but each time he seemed to hold back. Why? Why was he good to her? Why didn’t he choose her? Why did she like him? She was alone now. Orga would be over in the morning with Gorloth. She could picture them now in a bed together, him holding her, the two sleeping peacefully. Lily wished Master would do that with her. She could join him now that he was asleep. He never seemed mad about that. She missed Orga. The orc woman didn’t talk often but hearing her breathing had become something comforting. Maybe Master would get more people now that they would be in a larger house. Now that she was alone with him, would he become a monster? She shook her head. Somehow, she doubted it. She had come to know him and what he was really like. He was cold and responded strangely at times, but under that was something more. Given all that, he still showed everyone kindness. He showed her love. Did he love her? Did she love him? She covered her eyes with her ears and blushed in the dark room.


A few days later, Gorloth and Orga came in, and getting the door closed was a struggle for the huge man. “Friend Runt, No work today. Winds are strong.” Orga just went to make breakfast like normal. I shrugged and went to fill the tub. It may be nice for us to take turns at a hot bath. Gorloth went first while Orga was cooking. In my new office, I looked over all my dolls that were on a shelf. With more shelf space, I’d have to make far more. I pulled out some of my ingots and a large spool of mana thread. In the back was the slave collar from the night that I killed the thugs. My mana went into the collar. It was mostly iron, with a small band of silver steel. The runes were fairly common. It would use the mana to mentally force the slave to do whatever was asked. It had to be paired with the coin that dangled from the chain—looked like the coin would be dislodged once the collar was closed. It also had a linked ring of silver steel. If broken, it would send the stored mana from unknown core into the slave. The mana would flood into the brain killing the slave. I could feel the unknown core was full and would be a challenge to take apart. I may have enough to make a small table to play with. My bracelet was full, and I would have to empty it first before I could play with this thing. Quickly making a small flat training disk, it used up a fair bit of my mana. It may be enough. Taking a deep breath, I begin to draw the mana in from the collar to take it apart. Soon my bracelet was full, and chunks of metal lay on my table. I still had far too much mana and felt a little sick. I quickly wound the silver steel into the disk. Now I would have to make the controls. Not enough iron or even silver steel. I would need another two collars to make it work. Briefly, I thought about using the collars of the girls, but that wouldn’t be right. I would need an empty core to make that happen safely and I couldn’t ensure that the person would be safe, or the core would make it. We had a wonderful breakfast and then it was Orga’s turn in the bath. I went back to tinkering and got lost in the moment until Lily came in.

“Master, it is your turn.” Sighing I got up and went to the bathroom with a change of clothes. Using the runes, I turned up the heat and got in with a sigh. My joints ached and I needed this badly. The tub was big enough for two and I just lay back and enjoyed myself. Someone had added herbs to the bath and the smell of flowers filled my nose. It was very relaxing, and I felt my eyes growing heavy. Maybe I had been burning the candle on both ends lately. I looked up startled as the door opened and Lily walked in. “Master, I thought you may want me to wash your back.” She was blushing badly and wearing a thin white robe. I gulped and tried to hide my growing manhood. Down boy, it’s not time for fun. Surely, she was just being nice and a good maid. I’m sure she did this with her other masters. She stepped in and removed her robe, I could only look at her, my eyes wide. She was dressed in a thin tank top and underwear. That must be so she doesn’t get wet. Why was I nervous? Surely, she was only blushing because she was seeing me naked again. She walked over to the tub looked down at my hands and smiled. “Please sit up Master.” I took a breath and quickly sat up. She giggled. Why was she giggling? I heard her dip a rag in the water and then delighted as she rubbed it on my back. I could feel her fingers pressing hard working out all my knots as she scrubbed me clean. It was a new wonder to me. She rubbed my shoulders and neck. I groaned as she started pressing harder. It felt so good. Against my will, my hands fell to my side and floated in the water. She moved closer and her legs were soon soaking and cradling my back as she worked on my shoulders. Her soft voice whispered in my ear. “Are you enjoying yourself, Master?” I nodded. “Good.” Her arms moved lower on my chest. A sweet-smelling soap was rubbed over my body making me all types of wonderful. My little man was standing up tall to say hi. Safe to say, I didn’t care. Her hands dipped lower and lower, and I just lay there and took it until her hand grab my manhood. My eyes shot open, and I saw her ears hanging over as she looked down at me from behind. “Shhh, that needs to be cleaned too,” she whispered in my ear. God this woman would turn me into a wolf if she wasn’t careful.

“You.” I gulped. “You don’t have to.” she kissed my cheek and replied.

“I know, but I want to. Quiet or they will hear us.” I moaned softly as she started pumping my little man up and down. It had been a while and I wanted this since the first moment I saw her. I pulled her chin to my own and kissed her softly. She moaned and pressed harder into me deepening the kiss. She started to move faster pulling on me hard as we kissed. I pulled her hand away and drew her into the tub with me. Her eyes were wide as my cock pressed into her underwear. “We, we, we can’t.” I nodded and held her kissing her neck. She moaned softly as I growled.

“I won’t go any further than you are willing to go.” She moaned, her lower lips grinding up and down my rock-hard cock. I lightly bit her neck and she whimpered softly. This was too much. So hot. She pulled back and kissed me hard. My tongue dove into her mouth and she delighted and moaned at my assault. She pulled back and she bit her lip with those cute oversized front teeth as she shuddered on top of me. She had cum and I delighted in holding her close, lightly kissing her neck as she moaned. Coming down she looked at me, her eyes going wide. She pulled away climbing out of the tub, a scared look on her face. What did I do wrong?

“Master, sorry.” She grabbed up her clothes and ran out of the room. I sighed looking down at my blue balls and red throbbing cock. Looks like once more I missed out on some fun. That woman was hot and cold.