B0319 Bunnies, idiots and nightmares.
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Who is best child?
  • Gen Savage Votes: 12 52.2%
  • Snowdrop Cottontail Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Ket Ra Co Votes: 8 34.8%
  • Kakarot Savage Votes: 4 17.4%
  • Filo Savage Votes: 11 47.8%
  • Angelina Savage Votes: 6 26.1%
Total voters: 23

{Lord Alex Savage}

The weeks had passed, and I redoubled my efforts on building my nightmares. All three were ready, tested and good to go. It was a bit overconfident of me to think three could hold off the army of the demon lord, but these were works of art. I was working on the finishing touches to Meatheads Knight when my door to my workshop was flung open. It let a cold wind in and let the warmth and music out. Debbie had a few rock songs on her phone, and I was loving the music I thought I had lost forever. The men who walked in looked rough and like Knight pilots. They were escorting two redhead bunnies and I smiled as they walked in. Hena stood and bowed to the bunnies.

“Welcome Poppy and Rose.” She said with a sweet smile. Ket gave them a strange smile and hugged Hena’s leg. It was cute as hell. I jumped down and up to the group.

“Come in, but please close the door behind you.” I nodded to Parnel and he moved to the door. I nodded to the men and turned to the women. “If you will join me in my office.” I said waving them in. Once inside, I closed the door. I put a finger to my lips and sat at my desk, pulled out my walkie talkie to the prince, and triggered it several times.

“Lord Savage. I take it they arrived?” He sounded hopeful and worried at the same time. Poppy and Rose beamed and smiled at me.

“Just got in town. I am working to get them settled in.”

“Thank the gods and thank you for keeping them safe. Are you sure that you can handle the issue heading to you?” I smiled as I looked at the women.

“Everything will be handled once our guest arrives.”

“Good. Savage, these women mean the world to me so please keep them safe and please don’t fuck them.” He said with a slight chuckle. I saw the blush on the twin bunnies faces and winked at them.

“I have my own who would throttle me if I did.”

“Thank you and I will reach out when my issues are handled. Keep my brides safe and happy.”

“That I will.” I toggled it off and turned to the blushing bunnies. Both had long red hair and green eyes like Washu. They were the same size as Lily at barely five feet tall and were dressed in long coats that covered their collars and bodies. “Who wants to be first?” I asked with what I hoped was a kind smile. Both looked outraged and crossed their arms at the same time.

“NO! Our hearts and bodies belong to Yeven.” One said in outrage. I sighed and reached into my desk pulling out a large core. It was one of my many junk cores.

“I fucked this up. I was meaning to remove your collars. If you are going to have his kids, you should be free.”

“How did you know about us having his kids?” The other said with a shocked blush on her face.

“Where do you think he got the potion from?” I was lucky that Lily had reminded me of it just a few days ago. She had even written it on the notepad on my desk. The women looked at each other and one stepped forward. I reached out and soon I was exhausted and slumped over the desk. The woman was crying openly as she hugged her sister. “I never lie about things like this.” I said with a weak smile.

“You're an amazing man.” She said bowing to me.

“We have a house set up for you, but if you want something to do, you could work at my house or the inn. You will be paid if you do. All food, lodging and so on is on my tab.” I pulled out my back up core and drained it. “I can’t free the other until tomorrow. It takes a lot out of me to do that.” I stood up trying to hide my exhaustion. Holding the door open, the two women walked out. One was rubbing her now bare throat. The lead guard looked at me, an eyebrow raised in question. He stormed up to me and towered over me, outrage on his face.

“This town is unprepared for the demon lord.” He blurted out. I looked up at him and smiled evilly.

“You think so? Tell me who is in charge here?” He put his hands on his hips making his large chest swell with pride and authority.

“I am.” He looked smugly down at me as he lifted his head in pride.

“Wrong.” I said with a cold smile on my face. Hena laughed slightly, making his face turn red. “Who are you?” I asked.

“I am,” He started, and I stopped him before he could go on.

“Doesn’t matter. You stormed in here and said I am unable to take care of my town. I am saying you aren’t just wrong, but an idiot too.” He turned beet red and towered over me.

“If he raises a hand to me, please cover Ket’s eyes. I don’t want her to see me rip him apart.” The cold way I said it and look in my eye showed I wasn’t lying. He backed off slightly and I nodded to him. “What did you come here for?” He looked slightly taken aback.

“Five wardons, but those can’t hold off the army. Our orders are to run with the women if it looks like you are going to be overrun.” I nodded and crossed my arms.

“No need for that. I take it all of you have my Spear Shots.” He froze at my words and knelt; his head bowed.

“Forgive me Lord Savage.” I laughed darkly and stretched.

“Good man. Will you let me upgrade them?” He looked up at me blankly.

“I thought they were the best.” Hena, Ket and I started laughing.

“You thought those were the best. I like you. Those are last year's projects.” I clapped and smiled at Hena. “Who is closer, Meathead or Batsy?” Parnel piped up and stepped forward. At some point he had moved behind the man without him noticing. The lead guard jumped at my huge boar bodyguard.

“Batsy should be at the inn having her mid-day tea.”

“Good. Let’s go see her. I know that hearing what I am going to say will make her and Meathead happy. In the meantime, we could have lunch. Parnel please get us a table and make sure you eat too this time.”

“Is that wise, Master?” His eyes were cold and focused on the leader. I nodded at my bodyguard.

“Our new friend should be okay or am I wrong about that?” I said turning him. The guard nodded and stayed kneeling on the ground. “Get up and quit acting like a fool.” He nodded and took up a spot flanking the red headed bunnies. They looked tiny next to the huge men. We walked through the slightly chilly day to the inn that seemed active as normal. Parnel was there standing next to two large tables that were clear but loaded with food. I smiled as Ket ran over to join Gen and Snow who were fighting at one of the training tables. The guards looked around in surprise. The room had been expanded to hold four training tables that seemed to run almost every hour the business was open. That being said, somehow Gen and Snow never struggled to find one open when they got off school. Some of the other kids had started learning to play and were at their own tables. One of the guards made his way over to watch my children as we all took our seats. “Eat as much as you like. We had a good year with crops so there is more than plenty.” Suddenly the guard watching Gen and Snow called out.

“Please young lord and lady, do me the honor of doing battle with you next.” The lead guard looked over, outrage on his face.

“Gaven, what in the worlds are you on about?” The lead guard asked. Gaven’s eyes were locked on the battle, and he licked his lips in excitement. I was slightly worried until I saw that he was watching the dolls over the children. The lead guard made his way over and was going to pull his man away until he looked down. Once more he froze and watched in stunned silence. “Forgive my man, your graces.” He said to Gen and Snow. “If it pleases you, you may punish him for speaking out of turn.” Gen looked up for a moment, not fully taking his eyes off the fight.

“We can fight once Snow and I are done.”

“Don’t write me off.” Snow said in outrage. I laughed as the young bunny girl licked her lips. She was getting into it and Gen had to focus. The men gathered around the table and watched closely. 

“They are going to be at this for a while, come eat. Where is Batsy?” I asked, looking around. The bat woman in question was watching the scene with a smile on her face, a small child held in her arms. Her eyes moved to me and then she jumped up.

“You mean it?” She asked. Clearly her bracelet was turned off, so she was reading everyone’s mind. She had strong mind magic, and it let her read the minds of those around her. “Yes, this is our boy. We can have a playdate with your kids. That actually sounds like fun. Oh yeah, we can have Parnel’s kids join us.” She bounced with excitement. “I’ll set everything up with Lily. I’m leaving now. He is going to be so happy and give me all the kisses.” Talking with her was always so easy. It was like one didn’t need to do anything. “I heard that and yeah, also you have mellowed out a lot. It is nice.” I waved at her as she stormed out, the child clinging to her. She had a huge smile on her face as she ran. I sighed and looked back at the lead guard.

“Now we have about an hour so let’s eat and relax.” I moved to my seat and grabbed a plate of food. Parnel was smiling as he looked over at me.

“I will handle the playdate.” He said with a happy snort. The lead joined us and sat down, a stunned look on his face.

“Will those two be fighting alongside us?” He asked with a flat smile, his eyes never leaving the table.

“Nope.” I said happily. He shook his head and looked over at me.

“Why not? That lord and lady are clearly gifted and outclass any of my men.”

“Yes, but they are still children. Let them be children. Besides, we have enough right now.” He blinked at me a puzzled look on his face. “Wait until you see what I have planned for us.” The door opened and Chiron walked in. The centaur was dressed in a long coat that covered his chest and horse body. He waved at me as he walked over, bowing to me. “I told you; you don’t have to bow to me every time.” I growled. He striated up and laughed.

“Yes, but seeing you get annoyed makes me laugh. I got the word from Batsy, my student is ready. I have trained him to the best of my ability. Am I to take it, I will be training others in the future?”

“Yep, you have a long safe job in my town.” He beamed at me and shook his mane of hair in joy.

“I look forward to it.” He said turning to leave.

“You have a strange town.” The lead guard said as he looked around. His eyes kept going back to the table. Gen stood up and shouted and his cheer was joined in by some of the other guards. I laughed as Snow huffed as she unplugged her doll and ran up to me.

“Can you make the feet smaller?” She asked, holding up the doll. I reached out and molded the feet until they were the size and shape, she wanted. “Thank you.” she said, waving me down to kiss my cheek. She ran back to the table where Gen had just beaten the guard who had taken her place. Gaven had a strange smile on his face as he stood.

“Amazing.” He said as he took his place next to his friends. “Look at that, she already compensated for the new stride.” Gaven said.

“Yeah and look at how it shifts her stance forward making each step faster.” Another responded.

“Gods, he was ready for the speed increase.” yet another exclaimed. It was like the guards were watching a sports game and arguing over the athletes. They were going to like their time here.

“No fair, I’m a girl, cheer for me.” Snow pouted. One guard took a spot behind her and started cheering her on.

“You can do it noble lady.” He cheered and I could see a proud blush make its way up her cheeks. Gen growled as he looked at the man. Gen was now sleeping in his own room and my call on him having his own room was right as he was starting to notice the girls. They cheered them on until Boss came in. He clapped his hands and called out.

“We are ready. Come to the training grounds if you all want to see something new.” It still was unnerving seeing the man in a shirt and was he braiding his beard now? It didn’t look bad on him. We all stood and made our way to the testing field. The guards looked worried but excited about everything. Ket, Gen and Snow put on their coats and were talking fast as they walked with us. Soon we were all out in the cold. I triggered the speaker rune around my neck and called out.

“Woodcutter, please show us M. Bison.” The ground shook as the doors to the hanger opened. The large metal bison walked out, each step shaking the ground. He leaned the head back and let out a bellowing howl as he shook the horned head. I looked over at the guards who were looking at it, shock clear on their faces. Gen was jumping up and down shouting with joy. Woodcutter shook the head side to side and let out a puff of steam making the nose snort before running at top speed around the grounds. It was fast and powerful. He stopped and walked slowly to us, heating his horns before putting them over us. The heat made them steam and warmed up nicely. I gave him a wave and he nodded before turning to the woods. The hatch on the back opened and nine wands moved forward. All nine charged up and fired into the empty woods. All of the townsfolk were cheering. It was forty feet tall, fifty feet long and mostly red with black trim. It was a work of art and would spell doom for anyone who stood against it.

“Alex, have you made a few dolls of those yet?” Someone asked and I nodded. I turned off my speaker.

“I have five that you can play with. Same with the other two.” I said with a sly smile. I turned its back on and called out into the cold air.

“Scarlet, show them why Mai owns the sky.” Something that looked like a huge metal harpy walked awkwardly out. It was mostly tan with red trim in some spots to add color to it. She leaned the head back and screamed into the sky before waving those oversized metal wings around like a fan dancer. It would easily block any attack from a normal Knight. Her legs moved like a kickboxer showing off sharp bladed feet. Her crest rose up showing razor sharp blades hidden in the metal sheet that looked like hair. I smiled as two teardrop shaped engines on her back tilted. She stood to her full height and spread her wings wide. She was thirty feet tall with a wingspan nearly fifty feet wide. There was a rumble as she flexed the feathers on her wings, and it lifted slowly into the air.

“What the fuck.” The lead guard said. I had Parnel poke him.

“Please watch your words around the children.” He said.

“Yeah, but that Knight is flying.” The leader said pointing at it. The Knight lifted into the sky and rose higher and higher before leveling off and swooping this way and that. The chest opened showing four wands that sprayed blasts on the ground in the same spot Woodcutter had hit. She flew over us, nearly sweeping us off our feet with the air she was displacing. She landed in the field and took her place next to Woodcutter.

“I give you Lady Deathstrike.” The wings were sharp as hell and had retractable blades. Her fan dance way of fighting would bring any normal knight down. She turned to the top of the hanger and bowed, her wings splayed out and the back of her neck exposed. It was a clear sign of respect to my harpy lover who stood there holding our daughter. Both Scarlet and Sheldon had started calling my wife She who owns the sky and Mai loved the title. “Lastly Meathead if you please.” he had to duck his head to avoid hitting the roof that was nearly fifty feet tall. 

He stepped out on four long slender legs and took a stance with a long sharp Spear Shot in his hand. He was mostly black with a long mane of silver white hair and tail. It was a huge centaur mech and I smiled as it started running. On its hip where the horse body met the human torso was a long blade the same length of the horse body. It swung the spear making the spear sing through the air. He slid to a stop and aimed the spear. It left a beam that scarred the same spot the other two had hit. He was fast, large and deadly. “I give you Sephiroth.” The crowd was quiet except Gen and Snow who were bouncing up and down together, holding each other as they cheered. Snow looked over at me, her eyes shining.

“I want the seph thing. Can I have one in pink?” She asked sweetly. I smiled and laughed nodding as I toggled the speaker off.

“Boss painted it yesterday.” I said winking at her. She ran up to me and hugged my leg.

“I want them all.” Gen said, drooling slightly. A child after my own heart.

“Lord Savage.” The lead guard said looking at me, wonder and fear in his eyes. “This should hold back the demon lord’s army, but what about the demon lord itself?”

“Oh, I plan to kill it.” He just blinked at me, not sure if I was joking. I laughed and we all went back into the inn for a party. Meathead and the other two became the focus of talk. Those three nightmares would shake this world for some time. Boss walked beside me as I held Ket, Gen and Snow walked beside me.

“I thought you were joking when you first told me, give you enough mana and you would break this world. I know better now.” A strange smile was on his face. “Those are going to make us an empire.”

“Those will keep us safe as we build a real nightmare.” I said calmly. He stopped and looked at me slack jawed.

“You plan for more.” I looked back and gave him my most evil smile.

“You should know me by now.” He gulped and gave me a weak laugh.



If you had his resources, time and skills what types of Knights would you build? Would you rather pilot them or build them? Did the demon lord ever stand a chance? I love the guards realizing that the beast children were nobility from the way they piloted the dolls.