B03C21 How a tigress gains stripes.
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{Yen Savage}

She was sitting with her daughter in her little one’s room. The child had a tooth pulled and was crying about it. The only thing Yen could do was hold her daughter and help her until the pain passed. She could have let Healer help, but the young girl needed to experience pain to understand how to deal with it in the future. “Would you like to hear a story to help take your mind off it?” Yen asked the child who was barely three winters old. Angelina nodded, tears still flowing down her face. “What would you like me to tell you about?” Yen asked, as she rocked in the strange chair that Alex had made for her. It was nice and good for relaxing with children.

“Can you tell me what you did before you met Daddy?” She asked sweetly. Yen smiled at her daughter and kissed her forehead.

“That is a long story from a long time ago. When I was around the same age you were, my mother sold me into slavery. It was normal back then so I didn’t fight it.”

{Young Yentessa Swiftfoot}

She was barely four winters old and had been enslaved for almost a year. Her master, the leader of the caravan, had met with another in the town that had stopped at. “Yen is a good girl and can work hard for you.” The other man who was fat and missing hair looked skeptical as he looked her over. Yentessa Swiftfoot was ordered not to speak so she couldn’t even tell him her full name. She was just ordered to stand there and wait. Only a thin burlap shirt hung off her small frame.

“I don’t know, she looks a bit small for a tiger. I thought the women were huge. She is barely a foot tall.” The bald man scoffed.

“She is still young and will grow.” Her master said smiling. “As she is still young, I could let her go for,” He put his hand on his chin and smiled. “Let’s say five gold?” The bald man spat on the ground.

“Five gold for that runt? She is barely worth six silver.” He eyed Yentessa with a look that made her want to cry. It made her feel small and worthless.

“For six silver I would just hold on to her and just sell her when she is older. Look, you know tigers are good hunters. Think of her as an investment. Tell you what, because I like you, I can lower the price to one gold.”

“See, you dropped the price so quickly, she is worthless as is. I have known you for a long time and view you as a friend. You even gave me that good deal on coal three winters back. Because of that, I will offer you fifty silver and not a copper more.” The bald man was smiling openly as he glanced over at Yentessa.

“Call it seventy-five and you have a deal.” Her master said. The two shook hands and her control coin was handed to the new man. She couldn’t even ask to say goodbye to her mother. She was taken across the town to a caravan camp. Once in the camp she was tossed to a large wolf woman.

“Grove, please train Yen. She will be our new hunter.” Yentessa was still under orders and couldn't say anything. She just stood there and cried without making a sound. It was all just so scary. The huge wolf woman came to her and smiled. “Yen, I order you to follow any order Grove gives you.” Yentessa’s collar glowed, and she turned to Grove. Her new master left, and she looked up at Grove.

“Dry your eyes little one, you can call me Mama Grove.” She said, wrapping Yentessa in a hug. Mama Grove was warm and kind.

“You can talk if you want.” Yentessa’s collar glowed again, and she opened her mouth crying openly. “I know, I know. This world is unfair, little one, but you are safe with me.” Mama Grove smelled nice and held her through the night.

Over the next few weeks Mama Grove taught Yentessa everything she knew about hunting and tracking through the bush. They were a part of a small caravan that didn’t have a Knight. All they could do is run from anything that was too large for them to handle. It was a hard life, but Yentessa grew and learned everything she could. It was clear this information could save her life one day. Winter came again and the caravan was far north from where she had been sold. Mama Grove had her in a tent and Yentessa had laid out their beds for the night.

“Good job Yen.” Mama Grove said with a smile.

“My name is Yentessa.” Yentessa said, speaking up for the first time. She had learned it was better not to argue, but she felt she had to say something.

“Master said your name was Yen, so now your name is Yen.” Yen’s collar glowed and she bowed her head. “It is far better to stay low and keep quiet. The screaming goat is first eaten.” Yen bowed and accepted her new name. Mama Grove was right. Mama Grove always had Yen’s best interest in mind.

Another year passed and Yen grew slowly. Mama Grove had taught her that eating was better on the road. It was easier to catch and kill her own food over expecting others to feed them. They passed another caravan on the road and the two came together that night. Her Master brought her in to be looked at by the other caravan leader. This was a larger group and had a Knight with them. “Yen stand there and answer any question this man askes you.” Her master said. Yen’s collar glowed and she nodded. Her burlap shirt had become threadbare and barely fit her, but she had gained pants to cover her woman hood. Her feet were still bare, and she had to hunt with her claws and teeth. She was barely five feet tall. She knew she was small for her age.

“You are lucky we even made it this far south this year.” The other caravan leader said. He was a huge heavy-set man who wore a gold ring in his nose.

“That we are lucky and for that I am willing to offer you a powerful hunter. Yen is one of my best.” Her master said.

“How much?” The other man scoffed as he eyed Yen.

“Fifty gold.” He said with a sly smile.

“Fifty for that runt? She is a tiger and should be huge by now. I’ve seen women her age over six feet tall. Look, I like you and respect your trade, I’ll offer you six gold.” It went on like this for a while and soon she was taken from Mama Grove and given to a small group of hunters. Mama Grove had told her this may happen and was best not to fight it.

The winters passed and she was taken further and further north away from the other tigers. She was passed from caravan to caravan. One day she noticed that she had stopped growing. She was barely six four and far shorter than other tigers she knew. It ate at her self-esteem and she felt bad for being so short. Some caravans were nice, and others made her suffer with hunger and far worse treatment. Some of the men and beasts would take her to bed, but each one only used her and tossed her aside. It made her feel worthless. Maybe if she was taller, stronger she could keep them or be valuable to them. Her newest master, Von Gon Halthos, let her have armor and keep her earnings from kills. She wasn’t happy, but her life wasn’t meant to be a happy one. He was far north, and she hated the winters there, but this far north, the caravans stopped in winter.

The Knight escorting them left the caravan and they had to stop until a new one could be found. It took a few days, and a few people came and went. Finally, her master came, introducing a woman to everyone. Her master loved to show off his people and slaves like trinkets. Yen didn’t care as she bowed to a woman named Luhea Deveros.

“Now Yen one of your jobs is to look after our precious Lady Deveros.” Her master said. Yen’s collar glowed and she bowed to the blonde human woman.

“Good, I’m looking forward to working with you.” Lady Deveros said, beaming at Yen. Yen had to escort Lady Deveros to the inn where the woman had too much to drink. Yen had to run off a few men according to the wishes of Lady Deveros, but it was nothing new for Yen. “You, you know, Yen. I like you. You are a good woman.” Lady Deveros said drunkenly. Yen knew her feelings would change in the morning, but it still felt nice being treated like this. Yen was used to being treated like an animal or tool.

“Thank you, my lady.” Yen said with a bow.

“Call me Luhea, we are friends now.” Yen had her first friend. It warmed her heart and she smiled for the first time in a long time.

The winter passed and the two women became close. Yen was her bodyguard and helper. Luhea liked praising Yen and even tried to help her find a mate, but even the rare tiger man turned Yen down for being too small.

“Don’t listen to him Yen. He’s barely my height.” Luhea said, patting Yen’s back.

“Male tigers are smaller than females.” Yen said in a weak voice.

“You’ll find a good guy one day. Until then, you got me.” Luhea said with a sweet smile.

One day everything changed. Her master introduced her to a strange small dark-haired man. He smelled so good as he licked his mouth like a large cat. It made a thrill of excitement run up Yen’s back. He was only with them for a short time, but Alex had treated Yen like a person and not just a toy or tool. She fell in love with him quickly and it broke her heart to leave him in that small town. After he left, Luhea changed. She became cold and cruel to Yen. Yen wasn’t sure what had happened but hated that she had lost her only friend and the only man she had ever loved.

A month later, Yen was on the trail when the alarm sounded back at the caravan following her. She ran back on all fours to find a large group of bandits. The caravan was surrounded, and she knew she couldn’t fight her way through, but her orders forced her to try. She charged in with a roar. Maybe she could take out some of them before dying. Her heart broke as she made her way to them. She was about to die, and she would never see Alex again.

“Stop Yen.” Luhea said coldly. She was in her Knight, but something was off. Yen’s collar glowed and she froze looking around in confusion. “Hold out your arm.” Yen did so unable to fight the order. “Good, now bring me that woman’s arm. I want it from her for thinking she could stand on the same level as us humans.” White hot pain flew through her as a blade ripped off her right arm. She grabbed the bleeding stump as she cried in pain. “Heal the stump. I want her to live with that shame. A beast should know their place.” Luhea said. A green light washed over her but didn’t seal the wound fully. It still bled, but she would live. “Let’s get out of here. Take everything of value.” Luhea said smugly. What had happened to her friend? She had to be right, Yen had lain with Alex, had the nerve to love him and this was the price she paid. Yen’s master and a handful of others were left on the road with nothing but the clothes on her back. Her master glared at her.

“It’s all your fault. She did this because you didn’t keep Alex with us.” He growled through clenched teeth. Yen’s heart fell and she bowed her head in shame. He was right, she was nothing more than a worthless animal.

Once in the next town, she was sold to a slave caravan and not allowed to hunt for her food, keep her armor and forced to do back breaking labor without food. Her body wore down and she was barely alive. One day when she was beaten and chained to a pole, a smell came to her. It was him and she cried out calling his name.

{Yen Savage}

“Did he come save you?” Angelina asked, her eyes wide. Yen smiled and shook her head.

“No, the smell faded and that night your Mama Lily came to save me with Uncle Gorloth. They brought me to your Daddy and the rest of my life was full of love, hope and joy. He even gave me the best joy of my life, you.” She kissed her daughter’s head as she held her.

"What did grandma look like?" Angelina asked. Yen had to think for a long while before shaking her head.

"I'm sorry, but I can't remember. I remember her being huge and covered in muscles. We tigers are strong, so we need large muscles."

“Will Daddy sell me into slavery like you?” Angelina asked, a twinge of fear in her voice.

“No, your Daddy has outlawed that. He hurts anyone who tries to sell off their children.” Yen said with a sweet smile. “Your Daddy is a powerful and strong man. He will make sure we are both safe and happy.”

“Mama, it’s okay you are small. Daddy and I both love you just the way you are.” Yen wiped a tear at her daughter’s words.

“And I think you are perfect the way you are. Are you feeling better?” Angelina looked up and nodded. “Good, now get some rest. You have school in the morning.” Angelina kissed her and smiled showing the space where her tooth had been. Yen tucked her in and left the room, blowing the candle out as she went. She walked through the house sniffing; she was looking for her mate. Alex was in the tub, soaking. She made her way to him, undressing as she went. He licked his lips like a lion and that same thrill as back then ran up Yen’s spine. The water was warm, and she purred with delight as it held her. She moved to him and wrapped her arms around her mate. She kissed him hard showing him how grateful she was to be in his life.

“What is this for?” He asked, his hands moving to her ass. She giggled and pressed her forehead to him.

“For being amazing. I love you, Alex.”

“I love you too, my Muscle goddess.” He said, rising up to kiss her.



Thank Nrs1849 for this one. He had to ask about Yen's backstory, and it was too good an idea to pass up on. Thanks dude. This did push back the last chapter, but I loved the idea. This gives an idea of what the standard was before Alex came into the world.  If you were in Yen's place, what would your ego be like? I know mine is fairly low as is.