B03C22 One more for the road.
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Who is best girl
  • Lily Savage Votes: 15 55.6%
  • Yen Savage Votes: 12 44.4%
  • Mai Savage Votes: 7 25.9%
  • Midna Savage Votes: 7 25.9%
  • Lian Savage Votes: 6 22.2%
  • Washu Savage Votes: 8 29.6%
  • Dolica Uthontho Votes: 2 7.4%
  • Uta Savage Votes: 5 18.5%
  • Hena Savage Votes: 6 22.2%
Total voters: 27

{Lian Savage}

She was cleaning up her room and going through old things. It had been four winters since she had come to live with him. She was so scared about the villainous looking man only to find a soft hurting teddy bear. The thought made her smile. Inside her things, she found the letter from her father. He had begged Lord Onyx to deliver it to her when her dad sent that care package. She sat on the bed unfolding it.

My little turtle,

Today you have brought our family honor and peace. Your sacrifice will ensure our people will be safe and happy. The moment that House Deveros found out you were living with Lord Savage, they sent me a letter to ensure that I knew they no longer had designs on our kingdom. It saddens me to no longer hear you play and to hear you laugh in my house. I just hope you have a long, happy and peaceful life. You have earned it for taking a leap like this. Know that you have a home here and people who will always love you.

Love, your proud father.

P.S. I will be checking in if I can.

She smiled as she read. He didn’t check in, but she was able to send letters back and forth until Savage sent a talking box with one shipment. She had cried hard that day when she had heard her father and mother’s voices. Now she was living a happy life in a large house with the man she loved, the women who loved her, and the children they shared.

{Lord Alex Savage}

I was working in the shop. It was near the start of spring, and I had almost finished the prototype doll that I would spend years working on. It would be the final work of art that would ensure my family stays safe for all time. It would be Gen’s Knight when done. I looked down at it with a huge smile on my face. It was my greatest invention taking everything I had learned and melded it all into one final nightmare. The door flew open, and I turned to see a huge Orc woman storm in. What the hell? I became annoyed as Parnel took his place to block the woman.

“Can I help you?” I asked, annoyed. She looked at the Boarman and scoffed. She had to be over seven feet tall with long dark purple hair. Her tusks glinted in the daylight that came through the window. She wore an elegant leather dress that showed off a thin yet supple frame with nearly impossible breasts. Her height was accented by high heeled boots that ran up to mid-thigh that could be easily seen through a slit running almost to her hip. I licked my chops at this amazing woman. She towered over my bodyguard as she looked over his head to meet my view.

“You Lord Savage?” She asked in broken common. I nodded and she smiled, tossing a long braid over her shoulder making those breasts shake in a delightful way. What the hell was wrong with me? I had eight amazing women at home, each one had at least one of my children and still I was looking at this mountain of a woman like I hadn't been laid in weeks. She looked down at Parnel and smiled in a way that more than likely was meant to be sweet but looked a little intimidating. “Move, I need talk him.” She said pointing at me.

“Not going to happen.” Parnel said coldly and snorted. She scoffed and went to move him.

“Touch my friend and you’ll be sorry.” I said letting my chains out to rattle like a rattlesnake. She looked over at me and seemed a bit worried.

“I stop. Where Gorloth? He explain.” I nodded and looked at Parnel.

“Please go fetch the prince for us.” I said retracting my chains.

“You sure, War Chief?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at me. I nodded and he moved to the side and left the hanger.

“You War Chief?” She asked sweetly. I just nodded and sat down on a cockpit chair that was laying around.

“Have a seat if you like.” I said molding a chair near her out of metal. The orc woman nodded and sat, crossing those long powerful legs. The slit of her dress rode up to give me a wonderful view of those long legs and made me wonder if she was wearing underwear.

“What name? I know Savage what full name?”

“I am Alex Savage, but I know Alex is hard to say. Gorloth calls me Runt.” She laughed at my words, and it was a sound that was a mixture of cruel and sweet. Knowing orc culture, she had a soft voice that I was sure could be sweet. It was much deeper than Orga’s. The mountain maiden laughed at my words and nodded.

“Runt easier.” Her posture was relaxed, and it was clear she was not here to fight. I heard people talking and saw Gorloth, Orga, Orloth and Debbie come in. Debbie was holding a small half breed child. Gorloth froze and stood there blinking as he looked at the new orc. The mountain maiden stood and walked over to him with arms wide open.

“Little brother, it has been so long. I missed you.” She said in orc as she pulled him into a hug, lifting him off his feet.

“Mountain Maiden (Dolica), you’re really here?” He responded with a stunned look still on his face. What the hell her name is really Mountain Maiden?

“Of course, I am. You don’t write, you don’t come home, and all this time we all think that you are dead or worse. Very evil of you little brother.” She scolded. I just smiled at the interaction. It was clear she loved her little brother and had missed him. “Why did you stay here in this cold north? You hate the cold.” She said putting him down. He pointed over his shoulder with a sheepish smile.

“I got a family to take care of.” I heard something that could have been a war cry, but in orc it came out as a girlish scream.

“You have wives and children. You should tell father. He misses you too. He will be so happy to know he is a grandfather again.”

“Again?” Gorloth asked.

“Yeah, little Swift blade (Sinloth) has a few of his own running around.” She turned to the women and smiled. “I am this brute’s big sister.” She said with a bow that still left her towering over the other two.

“My name is Wildflower (Orga).” Orga said with her own bow. Orloth clung to her leg looking up in wonder at the huge woman. “This is our child Wild Blade (Orloth).” It was an uncommon practice for orcs to mix their names for their first children, but Gorloth liked the old ways of his people. Debbie stepped forward and bowed to Dolica.

“My name Debbie, I greet. This child Keanu.” Of course, she would name her child after Keanu Reeves. I just hoped the boy lived up to the legend. Her orc was broken and barely understandable, but she was trying.

“Such beautiful children. Blood Blade (Gorloth), you dog. You have been hiding these beautiful women and children from us. Why?”

“This place is safer for them. Also, I must be here to serve my War Chief.” He said pointing at me. I just sat there pretending not to understand what was going on.

“That one? He is YOUR War Chief?” She asked, looking over at me. Gorloth nodded. “That is a good thing. Father sent me to marry him. He is small, but cute. I’ve never been into humans, but something about him is dangerous.” She said with a shudder. I sat there blinking and stunned by her words. Luckily, I was sitting so my growing boner was hidden by the cloth.

“I thank you for the kind words.” I said in perfect orc. She froze and turned slowly to me with a bright flush on her cheeks.

“He speaks orc. I wish I had known that.” she said, clearly embarrassed by my words. Orga explained it to Debbie and both women laughed hard.

“Weird one (Fos de gou) learns fast.” Orga said. My buddy's first wife loved using my orc title. Debbie smiled at me and walked over.

“Did you like get the new MPC done?” She asked in common. I nodded and pointed to the corner. It was a new model that would hold fifty songs and you could actually shuffle through them. We had been gathering other devices from our world along with wanderers, teachers and so on. My school was growing and was quickly drawing attention. The city grew along with it. I had even seen a few races using Jacks that some of the farmers had altered. My thoughts were drifting, and I needed to be in this moment. One of the wanderers turned out to be a therapist and was helping me with my issues. I looked around to find the three colors I liked. Red, orange, black. Good now I could more easily focus on the room. Dolica was talking with Gorloth and gesturing at me.

“How come you didn’t tell me he could speak orc? I thought you loved me.” She stopped as Debbie tried out the new MPC. I smiled as an altered version of Coldplay, Adventure of a lifetime played. Sheldon had redone it in common so everyone could understand it. Dolica moved to it slowly, shock on her face.

“How little box make good noise?” She asked Debbie in common. Debbie responded in orc.

“Weird Plate make.” She struggled with that one.

“De Gou.” I corrected. “You said plate not one.”  Debbie nodded at my words. “How about you take the children and the MPC to play at the playground and we can talk in orc to make everything easier.”

“You mean it? I can like play with this thing?” She asked in excitement. I let the feeling wash over me as I smiled at her.

“Little human has a strong skill.” Dolica said, eyeing Debbie. Gorloth nodded.

“It is very powerful in the bedroom.” Orga added with a sly smile. I just laughed and sat back enjoying the show and company. Once Debbie was gone, I turned to Dolica.

“What is this about you wanting to marry me?” I asked with a coy smile. The thought was not unpleasant, but I had a fair collection of women and children in my life.

“Yeah, our father, The Wild King, asked me to join with you and build a strong bond with your empire.” I just nodded as I have had a few more of these after Lian, but those were solely political and didn’t pique my interest. This one did for some reason. “Now that I am here, I can see why he sent me. You are strong and we would make strong children together.” She said blushing madly again.

“Hold on. It isn’t up to me. It is up to my women. They call the shots in my life.” She frowned at my words.

“Where are they? I will battle them all for the chance to sit by your throne.” Suddenly my chains were out and rattling again.

“You will not lay a finger on any of them.” Her eyes went wide as she knelt before me.

“I will not lay a finger on them. You have my word. Forgive me for misspeaking.” I nodded, put my chains away and sat back down.

“If you wish to join me, clear it with them. Don't threaten them or you will answer to me.” I said coldly. She nodded but stayed kneeling.

“Big sister, get up. He won't kill you for something small like that.” Gorloth said, laughing slightly. I could see a bead of sweat on his brow though. She nodded and rose to her full height. God she was a huge, beautiful woman.

“May I take my leave, my lord?” She asked carefully. I nodded and she walked out of the room not showing her back to me.

“I’ve never seen her act like that to anyone. Friend Runt, she likes you.” Was it a sign of respect to leave a room that way? I just nodded and looked at the thing I was working on before this whole mess started.

“Gorloth, can you carry this to Boss’s office?” I asked. He looked at the masterpiece and smiled.

“This day is full of fun things.” He said laughing.

{KingYeven Gen}

He sat on the throne, Poppy on one side and Rose on the other. both women were in long blue dresses that mirrored each other. He was thinking back on how things had turned out as he sent his gift off to Lord Savage. He had killed all those who came after him when they thought he had sent his forces to aid Savage during the Demon Lord attack. It left a clear path to the throne, and he stormed across the kingdom with an army of Dire Knights flanked by Wardens. The five he had sent were merely a token force meant to distract. He was now enjoying his peace with his wives and their children. Both had given birth at the same time to a boy and a girl. Both children had human and bunny ears, but the boy had soft pink hair and the girl had Rose’s bright red hair. He loved them all with every fiber of his being. His family had grown and was continuing to grow as both women were with child again.

“Rose, what do you think about sending our children to Lord Savage’s school?” He asked his wife. She nodded thinking deeply about it.

“I would like that, but it may be better to wait until they are ten winters old.” She said with a sweet smile. His eyes couldn't help but linger on her belly.

“I agree with my sister and wife. Ten should be a good age to travel. They should learn from that school and bring back what they learn to make themselves stronger.” Poppy added.

“And how do you feel about Zinnia having an arranged marriage with Kakarot?” He asked unsure what would happen. Poppy slapped his arm and Rose pinched the other.

“That should be up to the girl to choose, but who knows? Having stronger ties with that house would not be a bad idea.” Poppy said and Rose nodded her approval. He had chosen powerful and willful queens and would live happily with them by his side. It was all thanks to that wonderful man. He owed everything to Lord Savage.

{Lord Alex Savage}

Parnel and I walked in with Gorloth holding my magnum opus. Gorloth held it, covered in a sheet. “Boss, I need you and Meathead in a meeting now.” I said once I saw him. He shook his head and waved over Meathead who demanded Woodcutter be allowed to join in. His input may be helpful too. Once the desk was clear with Parnel waiting outside for us. The man liked to guard the rooms I was in. I stood proudly and yet only came up to chest level on every man in the room. “Gorloth if you please.” I said. He placed it in the center and uncovered it.

“What the hell?” Boss exclaimed. Meathead started laughing and Woodcutter just looked puzzled.

“What is it?” Woodcutter asked.

“It will be Gen’s Knight. Something like this should take us years to build and test properly.” I said with pride in my voice.

“The scale is off.” Boss said as he looked it over. I pulled out a normal training doll and let it be dwarfed by my final nightmare.

“No, it's not.” I said looking around at the stunned faces.

“What the hell?” Boss gasped in shock. “How would you even power something like that?” He lifted a clawed foot and pulled out an arm holding huge scissor-like blades.

“With the three cores that our friend the demon lord had. She was nice enough to give them to me. Why not use them?” Boss sat in his chair hard, making the springs groan in discomfort. I didn't even have to test them for compatibility.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He muttered as he just looked blankly at it.

“What will you do with something that big?” Meathead asked in wonder.

“I’m going to give it to Gen and ask him to keep everyone safe.” I said putting my hands on my hips.

“Fuck that, what do you call it?” Woodcutter asked, “And can I test it?” I nodded at him,

“It is a fully functional training doll right now but would need a more powerful table to run it properly. As far as names, Nightmare Breaker or just Breaker for short.” Everyone looked at it stunned for a long time.

“Can I paint it? I want to paint it.” Boss said reaching for it.

“I want to test it.” Woodcutter exclaimed.

“I want one for myself.” Meathead said with a goofy grin on his face.

“Sure, thing on all points. We just need another Demon Lord for the cores. Maybe Gen can hunt some when he is ready.” All three turned to me and smiled. We laughed and talked about it for the rest of the day.

A few days later I was in my office when the door opened. A thin old man was escorted in by the lead guard who had escorted Poppy and Rose. He forced the old man down in the chair across from me. He placed a control coin on the table and smiled as he left. “A gift from my king.” I looked closely at the frail human wearing a slave collar and a mana nullifier. Then it hit me. This was the old fool who brought me to this world.

“What is going to happen to me?” He asked in a weak voice; fear clear on his face.

“Long story short, you’re fucked.” I said with an evil smile. “If you can answer some questions I have, I may let you live or even set you free.” I said picking up the coin. “You are unable to lie.” His collar glowed and he bowed his head. I reached in my desk and pulled out my notebook sealed inside the metal under the table. In the back I had some of the questions I had when I was first brought here.

“Yes master.” He said with a breathless voice and slightly broken spirit.

“Good boy, now where is the princess?”

“She is with the Deveros Kingdom?” He said looking up at me with sunken eyes. So, the Deveros family was now the Deveros Kingdom. Good to know. “Why was she summoning people to this world?” He shook his head, but still answered.

“She wanted a boyfriend. Said the men of this world were too ugly for her.” FUCKING HELL!! That was so lame. I was ripped from my world, from my life because a child wanted a plaything. What is wrong with her?

“Why not just kill the ones she summons?” I asked keeping my composure somehow.

“To kill a summon unprovoked is a curse mark on the soul. Summons are heroes and if killed without reason will ensure the summoner dies soon and in a painful way. The gods frown on it.” Noted so there was a reason why I wasn’t killed right off. I smiled as a plan formed in my mind.

“Parnel please fetch Boss, Midna or Lily. I need someone with contract magic here.” My big boar man left, leaving us alone.

“I can send you back if you will set me free.” He begged.

“I plan to do that, but I don’t need to be sent back. I like it here. Tell me, do you know who I am?” I leaned forward pulling a sack of coins out of my desk. I would seal the drawers and the building every night to make sure no one could get in. His eyes focused on the coins, and he licked his lips.

“No, I summoned so many that I have lost count over the years.” I shook my head and pulled out four sweetly humming gold coins and laid each one out between us. Next, I pulled out a slave tool. It would let me free him without using all of my mana up.

"I am Lord Alex Savage." He blinked and his head bowed.

"I brought his on myself."  His eyes went between everything unsure what I had planned. Boss came in, a puzzled look on his face.

“Good afternoon, Boss. Can I ask you to use contract magic on this man. He will be unable to remove his mana nullifier until he has paid me back six gold. In exchange, he will be set free and be given four gold.” Boss nodded and repeated my words. The portal mage agreed, and I pulled off his collar using the tool and control coin. He rubbed his neck and snatched up the coins as he ran out of the room quickly.

“Should I send someone to watch him?” Boss asked worry showing on his face. I laughed and gave him an evil smile.

“No need. He will be dead with in the month. Using the king’s information network, I found out that the mage has a horrible gambling habit. He will put himself into debt and be killed or starve. I thought this was a fitting punishment for what he did to me and the others.” Boss laughed and smiled at me.

“You are one evil fuck.” he said as he shook his head.

“I never claimed to be the hero.” I said with my best evil laugh and smile.



I do have an epilogue planned. How would you feel being ripped from everything for the reason he was? I would be more than a little pissed. If you want a mild spoiler on how it looks, I will be basing Gen's Knight on a Geno Breaker. One thing I love about this story is Alex never invents anything new. He just uses ideas from our world and things people offer him. Sometimes all it takes is someone saying the right thing at the right time.