Bonus Story 2 The brute and the beauty Part 2
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(Yavlten Gon Hervot, Boss)

It was a few days after the caravan had left and a few new houses had been built. I was sure that there was a room at the inn at least, if not a spare room in one of the women’s houses. I felt horrible thinking of letting her leave, but she needed her own space. It had become a part of our day for her to have a meeting in my office before I escorted her home. I took a deep breath before speaking. Her eyes wouldn’t look up at me. Was she hopeful or fearful of this moment? “There is a bed open at the inn today.” I said not wanting to have this conversation. She looked up at me with a look of horror on her face.

“Have I done something to make you mad?” She asked sweetly. I couldn’t meet her orange eyes.

“No.” I risked a glance and saw her eyes watering and a pout on her face.

“Then why?” She asked and I could feel the hurt in her voice. It matched the hurt in my soul.

“People may talk. Only one bed in my house.” I said coldly.

“So, I can take the couch tonight?” She asked and I risked another glance to see pride despite the tears threatening to fall. I shook my head.

“What will people say? They more than likely think we are already…” I trailed off looking away from her.

“So that is it. You don’t want people thinking you are fucking a succubus?” I looked at her anger filling my face.

“NO!” I roared. “I don’t want them thinking I’m taking advantage of you.” I screamed and pointed at her amazing chest. She blushed and looked away. “Sorry.” I mumbled and wanted to crawl into a bottle. Why did she get my blood boiling? I had a short temper before, but when it came to her, my control was lacking. She reached out a hand and held mine.

“You don’t have to worry about me.” She said sweetly. I felt my spine tingle at her touch, and I took a deep breath and looked into her huge eyes. “I feel safer with you around. I will take the couch tonight. You take the bed.” I nodded.

“I can expand and get a few more rooms. When that is done, you will have your own.” I nodded, unable to fight her on anything. It took everything I had not to pull her into a kiss or hug. We had a nice dinner and went home. It felt good having her in my house and I didn’t want to see her leave. Laying in the bed and closed my eyes. I had missed sleeping in my bed even though she had to take the couch.

{Bealcia Brimstone}

Her plan had worked. She was allowed to stay with him and even better she had convinced him to sleep in the bed tonight. She closed her eyes and felt the house. When she felt him go to sleep, she stood and walked as softly as she could to his bed. He was in there sleeping and just too big. She was wearing a nightgown that was modest by the standards of a succubus but was scandalous by human standards. Tonight, she would know what was inside his heart. Crawling up the bed, she tucked under his arm. A thrill went up her spine as he wrapped his arm around her holding her close. He smelled so good. She thought, as lay her head on his arm, careful not to poke him with her horns. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and spoke the incantation under her breath to let the spell weave its magic.

“Sweet dreams, my love and know that I am in them and a part of them.” She fell back sliding into his dreams unsure what she would find.

She was in a large room, covered in paints and models. He was happily humming under an open window, the sun shining on his workspace. She had to giggle at the sight. So, this was a happy dream for him? It seemed a bit simple but seemed fitting. She looked closely around the room; sure, he couldn’t see or hear her. Walking closer she saw that he was painting a training doll, but it looked like her. She took a closer look, she was surely going to see him focusing on her breasts, or womanhood, but instead he was focused on her eyes. Blinking and blushing she watched him paint her face lovingly as though the brush was his lips kissing her cheeks, lips and horns. He put down the brush and lay his head on those huge arms just looking into her eyes. She had to know more and spoke softly.

“Show me your heart's wish for Bealcia Brimstone.” She whispered into the void. He stood stiffly and turned. The world shifted as she watched the room transform into a hill near a lake. He walked to a shade tree and sat under it. She saw herself kneel beside him. Was this where things became perverted? She watched herself lay her head on his lap. Was she going to watch herself pleasure him with her mouth? Was that what he wanted? She wasn’t sure how she felt about that. No, the angle was wrong. Her head was facing away from his crotch and towards the lake. His hand was moving rhythmically. Was he pleasuring himself into her hair? Not the weirdest fantasy she had seen, but no even that was wrong. The angle was too high and his movements too slow. She moved around the tree to see herself, her head was in his lap, but he was petting her hair. Rage filled her, she wanted to be the one there, not some fake dream self. She snorted and remembered where she was and what was happening. She bit her finger as she made up her mind on what to do. Taking a deep breath, she waved her hand and the dream self of her faded without him noticing. She moved to his side and shook slightly as he reached out to her, pulling her head to his lap. The ground was soft, and this was a risk showing herself in his dream, but the worse he could do was hurt her.

She sighed with pleasure as those large fingers started brushing her hair. His lap was soft, and the wind moved slowly over the water helping her relax. She turned to look up into his eyes and saw the love he had for her. He reached up and pulled down an apple, taking a large bite out of it before moving the bite to the tip of his teeth. He leaned down as though to pass it to her only using his mouth. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth taking the offered bite. In his dream everything felt so real, and she was able to taste the apple and feel the juice run down her chin. He laughed and wiped it away with his sleeve. He made her smile and wanted to kiss him and do far more, but she loved the way he was treating her. No one had ever shown her love like this before and she reveled in it, delighted in it, and wanted so much more of it. She felt like a small human girl falling in love for the first time. She never realized until this moment that someone could ever feel this way for her.

Her eyes closed and she loved the way he moved to stroke her cheek as she faced him. She realized that despite how large he was, how cold he felt on the outside, inside he was a warm teddy bear and she loved that about him. She would sometimes find books and was able to read them before they were taken away. The ones she loved the most were ones about a monster falling in love with a beautiful maiden. She had never thought this would happen to her as she was a monster, but this man made her feel like the maiden. She could never see him as the monster in the story though. She had fallen in love with him from the moment she saw him look into her eyes.

(Yavlten Gon Hervot, Boss)

I woke the next morning to the feeling of something warm tucked into my side. I was unsure what was going on as I wasn’t on the couch. I was in my bed, and this is where, oh no. No, no no. I did not sneak into her bed while she was asleep. This is bad. What if she wakes up and curses me? I don’t want to be a frog or tree. This is very bad. I looked around fighting to find a way out. She hummed and rubbed her cheek against my chest, and I had to fight the rush of pleasure that the touch brought on. To make matters worse, her tail was wrapped around my arm, locking me in place. I was so screwed. Panic filled my brain as I thought of everything she would say, everyone would think and what Runt would do to me. She hummed and yawned as her claw-like fingers pawed at my chest hair. This felt so good, but so wrong at the same time. I had fucked up and would now be seen as a creep or worse. With my heart pounding in my chest, I saw her head tilt up to blink at me. Even now I couldn’t help but smile slightly into those beautiful orange eyes.

“Morning.” She said sweetly. I nodded, unsure what to do. Suddenly her tail unwrapped from my arm, and she sat up sending those wonderful breasts bouncing in a way that made my head spin. The black nightgown seemed barely able to hold them back and I shuddered inwardly at the thrill of the fabric moving against my bare chest. She bit her finger, letting her other hand trace my chest.

“Ummm, sorry.” She said softly, a blush on her face. What was she sorry for? My eyes were focused on her hand, wanting to pull her closer.

“What?” I asked my heart thumping in my ears. Her tail lashed as it moved to my arm that was near her plump ass and I so badly wanted to squeeze it. She glanced at me, still biting her finger. How she is both cute and sexy at the same time I would never know. She was too close; I couldn't help myself and my dick responded to her. She looked slowly down as the blanket started raising. My face was beet red, and I couldn't say anything.

“My fault.” she said her eyes focused on my growing issue. Crap this is so bad. What did she expect? I rolled over standing awkwardly and walked out of the room grabbing my clothes on the way out. Luckily, I was still wearing my underwear so she wasn't forced to see me in the buff. I looked back hoping to see her one last time before I was kicked out of town. She was reaching out and I froze. Why did she look so sad and hurt? “I’m sorry.” She cried.

“For what?” I asked, unable to move.

“I snuck in last night and entered your dream without permission.” She put her hands over her face and started crying. “I just wanted to know how you felt about me.” She said sobbing. My heart ached and I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. I wasn’t going to be run out of town for sneaking into a woman’s bed. She had snuck into mine. Wait? What? She snuck into my dream? I thought and fought to remember, as a vague image came to me. I was sitting under a shade tree; she had her head in my lap, and we were watching the lake as I brushed her hair. I blushed realizing that she had seen that. I moved to the bed and sat down, my back to her. She moved to touched my shoulder. I stiffened at her touch, and she pulled back. I looked back at her, hurt showing on my face.

“Contract Magic. Do not enter my dreams without my permission. In exchange, you will be allowed to stay here.” I said an edge of coldness in my voice. I looked back feeling a little violated.

“I agree.” She sobbed. I turned slowly and sighed, holding my arms open. I wasn’t sure what I was doing, but this felt right. She jumped into them, and I felt her wings wrap around my arms as I pulled her into a hug. She smelled so nice and was so warm. A tingle ran up my spine as I held her. When she was done crying, I pulled back and she blinked up at me. Her eyes were large, red, and her lip quivered. “Why didn’t you just order me?” She asked. I rubbed the back of my head, and her eyes went to my tricep and gulped.

“I gave your coin to Lily. I couldn’t risk giving in to my thoughts.” I said, clearing my throat. She put her head under my chin and held me. I pressed my nose into the top of her head and took a long sniff taking in her scent. Why did she smell so good? What was wrong with me? “Did you like what you found in my dream?” I asked with a slight chuckle. She nodded and sighed.

“I loved it. That is why I didn’t wake up in time. I didn't want to leave.” She said with a sniffle. Did this mean she liked me? YES! YES! YES! She likes me. I screamed inside my own mind.

“We should get some breakfast.” I said letting go. Her wings held me, and she shook her head.

“A little longer. This is nice.” I laughed and reached up, careful not to pinch her wings and brushed her hair. She gave the sweetest coo and nuzzled my chest. Her long tail reached up to wrap around my arm and held me. If this went on for much longer, I would have to let her leave first so I could calm down. As it stood, I was at half strength and growing.

The rest of the day was fairly normal, but that changed when we went home. I was feeling a bit nervous and pulled out a bottle of whiskey. Her tail lashed as she looked at it. “May I have some?” She asked sweetly. I couldn't say no to her and poured two glasses. She took hers and took a long sniff of it humming at the smell. “Good stuff.” She said tilting the glass up to her lips and letting it slide down her throat. I gulped watching it and wished I was the glass. “Smokey.” she said, licking those bright red lips. I quickly slammed my own back barely tasting it. This girl knew how to drink. I couldn't help but make a face at the strong liquor. She giggled and handed her own glass to me for a refill. Soon we were sitting on the couch, the bottle was empty, and my head was spinning. She tucked under my arm as she played with her now empty glass. I sighed and shook my head, delighting in the spinning feeling. I didn’t drink often, but every now and then it felt nice.

“Bed.” I said, patting her arm. She stood and put her glass on the end table before reaching for my hand. I shook my head and went to lay on the couch.

“No.” She pouted. I blinked at her, not sure what she was saying no to. Maybe she wanted to stay up.

“No, what?” I asked.

“Bed, you are on the couch.” she slurred. “The bed is this way.” She pulled my arm, and I followed unsure what was happening. She pulled me to the bed and pushed me to sit on it. “Shirt off.” She demanded. I obeyed and while I removed it, she tugged at my boots. I laughed and tossed the shirt aside. “No pants.” She said pointing at them. I blinked and shook my head no. “Pants now." she demanded and shook her head yes. She pulled me to my feet, and I helped her standing and she tugged at my pants. I grabbed her hands and looked into her half-hooded eyes as she growled at me.

“No sex.” I said looking into her eyes. She nodded and blushed.

“No sex, cuddles. I want cuddles.” she said, tugging at my pants again. She made sure my underwear was left on and pushed me back down. I laughed, but my laugh died in my throat as she undid her robe. I watched transfixed as she let it fall and covered her breast that were still inside her bra. Her long wings fluttered as she turned to me blushing madly. “Look away. You’re embarrassing me.” I did as she asked and looked away climbing to my spot on the bed. She walked around to my side and lifted the covers sliding in before I could see her. The room was dark, and I just held her close. I was on my side and wrapped around her. She tilted her head up to look into my eyes. “Can I kiss you?” She whispered in the dark. I nodded, unable to speak. My heart was hammering in my chest, and I was sure she could feel it. She leaned up, closed her eyes and I joined in as I felt something soft and wet press against my lips. A thrill ran up my spine as she pawed at my chest and moaned. The kiss was soft and chased but seemed to send lightning through my whole body. I pulled away and looked into her doubt filled eyes. Why did she look worried? “Did you.” she gulped her voice becoming softer with each word until I had to fight to hear her. “Like that?”

I didn’t respond, just reached down to tilt her chin up and kiss her again. I was soft at first, but she pressed into me until it was almost painful. She pulled away and I leaned up kissing her forehead. She hummed with joy and hugged me tightly. I laughed and started rubbing her back as we went to sleep. Something felt off, but I wasn’t sure what. Sounds like a problem for Sober Boss in the morning.


I love how their relationship is developing. Too freaking cute. She is adorable and he is an awkward mess. What would you have done if you had found out someone you cared for had entered your private space like that without permission? If it happened in this world, it would be a deal breaker for me, but in their world, I think it works. There will be a part 3 and maybe a part 4.