Chapter 3 : a queens who wants a king
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(Just wanted to say sorry for the long update but i am working on a school drone project with my friends and i have to code the flying programs so i might take time to upload)

The evening in the Valmond domain, Helena was writing a love letter and preparing a gift for her beloved Lucas.

I hope you are doing well, I can't stop thinking about you but I am sad you never wear the gifts I sent you. You better wear the ring I just sent to you or if when we finally meet, I might be a little mad about it and you do not want that now ? Have a nice day my little prince. Helena then looks up to her wall to admire the picture of Lucas. She took one and started to caress it and kiss the picture. 

The door of her room open and her little sister call her to eat diner

-"Come on Helena, our mother call us for dinner"

They go to the dining room together, they walk down the long hallway with paintings of the previous family leaders, they are all women and rarely men but in a matriarchy it is normal. When they reach the dining rooms their mother and father are still there waiting.

-"So my daughters have you found any lovers ?" Their mom asked 

-"Well, I am kinda in love with a boy from the school. He is so kind to me, so smart and he is so cute and innocent. But there is that girl who can't stop being around her… I want to kill her mom !" reply Helena's sister Blanche

-"then do it my dear daughter"

-"What the fuck ! What did we talk about the murder and stalking !" Yell william to his daughters and wife

-"William, calm down or you might have to stay awake 2 more hours tonight to satisfy me."

-"But Maria, you are seriously pushing them to kill…"

-"Do not forget we sent Helena to war and she was decorated Heroïne of the empire after defending the capital from the federation and she killed people by her own hands too, so it does not change anything, remember you killed too."

-"But it was in a war context, now you want her to kill because of some twisted love or something !"

-"Sweetheart you better be prepared for tonight because I won't let you sleep until 3am. Also i don't care because when it comes to love our daughters should have the one they love… just like you and me back when we are both in love"

-"i do not love you, you know"

-"repeat that sweetheart ?"


-"you better have stamina tonight because if you can't handle it, remember i can feed you and take care of you and i'll be happy as long you are here so you don't need to have functional legs but i am giving the favor of walking by yourself in the mansion so do not tries anything my love"

Helena was listening carefully to her mother words, for her it was stupid to let her lover with functional legs since why do Lucas would have to walk when she is will be here for him, why should he would need to have functional arm when she can just can take care of everything for him like feeding him or bathing him. It would also be very romantic to do this to her husband-to-be. She daydreams about everything she would do with Lucas once he will be trapped in her cage. She is thinking about how the marriage would go and how wonderful their life will be but there is still a fear, the fear of Lucas rejecting her, she want to him to be happy with her by himself, she do not mind forcing him but she was scared of all the bad and hurtings words he could say if he was captive. She stops thinking about it and is back to reality when she hears the address where her sister's crush is.

-"His name is Johan and he live at the 5th avenue of Delcatraz."

-"Wait, this is where Lucas lives."

-"Well well, you two are very lucky to have you two lovers at the same address." Their mother giggled at the idea of William and her daughters finding love. 

"Well why didn't you two start to take action now ?"

They finish their dinner before going to their occupation

Lucas wake up and go to the bathroom, he take a breakfast with the others before they all prepare to go to work or school

Edward is taking his working clothes to go to the local store he works at. Henri takes his security boots and equipment to go to the construction site next to the imperial palace. Johan is taking his school uniform and Lucas yake his waiter uniform. 

When lucas arrive to the restaurant, he see his colleagues Paulie sad

-"Hey Paulie, has something bad happened ?"

-"yeah, i learnt this morning that my sister was killed in an accident on her ways to school"

-"oh, I am really sorry… I know it might be weird to ask you this now but she is in which schools ?"

-"The Imperial Academy, she struggled to enter it"

Lucas asks himself if it was not the girl Johan was friends with, if he remembers, her name was Léa.

At the imperial academy, Johan learns of the death of his friend Léa. He was sad when he heard the information, she was his first friend and he was starting to have feelings for her. During the lunch break, he was crying when a girl started to talk to him 

-"hey what is going on, are you sad because of Léa's death ?"

Johan look at her, she was beautiful and cute but he can't stop thinking about Léa

-"yeah, what happened to her ?"

-"I heard she was killed in a traffic accident, you seem to have no lunch, I can share mine with you if you want !"

She says with a bright smile to him. They start to eat together, Johan starting to find comfort in her

-"You shared your lunch with me without even knowing my name"

-"Oh i don't mind honestly, my name is Blanche and you ?"

-"Johan… thank you for the lunch"

Blanche was smiling but deep inside she already know his name and her love was even stronger now that she killed her rival

-"Well nice to meet you Johan."

The following days they continue to talk together and he starts to almost forget about Léa but one day Johan arrives in class to his desk with injurious writing about him being Léa's murderer and a perverted jerk. People were laughing and looking at him. His emotional blocker now deactivated, he can feel the humiliation and embarrassment from this situation. As the day went on, he was being loner and loner. People continue to avoid hil except Blanche, even if she was popular and from a great family, she do not care and is always there for him but when every time he was looking aways from her, she bears a twisted smile, seeing him being alone d being more and more dependent to him makes her happy.

Lucas was finishing his service when he noticed Helena calling him.

-"hey Lucas i was thinking about it and i would like to know if you don't mind being my butler"

-"i would like to accept but i am not sure i would suit to become your butler, i am just a simple waiter you know"

-"That's sad but if you change your opinion, tell me, I will always need a butler."

She says with a sweet smile hiding her obsession. She was irritated and frustrated that he didn't fall in the trap and that he found himself not worthy enough of her.

Lucas got back to his apartment after his service and found, like usual, a box with a golden necklace and a love letter. He decide to let them in a box he bought just to stock the gift he got from this secret admirer, Edward is joking about this but from the roof of another building, a girl was angry yet happy to know he get the gift but she is mad he didn't take it with respect and just threw it always like nothing. 

The queen is moving and toward a defenseless king.