Chapter 1: Gettin’ Warhammered (1)
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Eric walks on the sidewalk from his job to his house. Eric inhales and exhales as his stress is now taking a toll of him. Eric looks up to the sky and noticed grey clouds as if it is going to rain pretty soon.

'Strange, I thought the news broadcast told me there would be no rain until next week.'

Soon, he could feel his hair being pulled up, he looks up once again to find nothing, but a lightning bolt came down on him. Eric falls down as electricity flows through his body. He felt his heart stop for a couple seconds before starting again, he gasps for air as he struggles to get up. But as doing so, he felt his hair being pulled again, Eric looks up and is struck by lightning again, stopping his heart and killing him.

Eric is now seen floating in dark water, staring deep into the celling of total abyss. Eric splashes around before getting up and noticing his surroundings, he felt... Light, or more alive as you could say. Eric could quickly tell he is in the so-called after life. But he imagined more than this, his family was Christan, and they basically kept telling people about heaven being a place where good souls go to. 

'Guess Heaven doesn't exist, welp, crap.' Eric drops down towards the dark water, he was disappointed, priest told the common folk about heaven being the baston of God and his children, a place of good and pure souls goes to. Which might've been a total lie. But that would've meant that Hell is also a lie, which meant the meanings between pure and impure is nothing but lies. Eric kept thinking about the word 'lie' a lot, everything about his life, his beliefs were a lie, and all those Holy Wars were based on lies as well, those wars killed over thousands of people just because they think different?

Eric was more than disappointed at this point as anger flowed through him. He slams his fists up and down on the water, creating ripples in the dark ocean of water. Eric closes his eyes and decides to rest, or at least try to.

But the silence soon disappeared, and he could hear humming around him. Eric once again tried to rest but the humming continued. Eric opens his eyes and notices the metallic ceiling above him. He gets up once more in a rush. He looks to his right and left and noticed he is in a corridor of some sorts. He looks down. and noticed he's different.

He once was wearing nothing but now he is wearing a black t-shirt with camo pants and for his shoes he is wearing what appears to be black army boots. His black t-shirt has a white symbol on his right side of his chest showing an animal of a bird. He began to notice his body structure; it is different as well. He was a skinny guy with not much muscle on him, but now, he looks very muscular as if he goes to a gym daily for hours. He rolls up a sleeve and noticed the bulging muscles as he checks them out. However, what appeared more alien to him is the golden tattoo on his arm, it is the same animal as the symbol on his chest. He proceeds to roll down his sleeve and looks around him again before walking towards the left side of the corridor.

Eric notices a lot of things, the lights for example, seem to be advanced, no what, screw that, everything around him is advance as he passes doors with holographic symbols on them in an alien language, he doesn't recognize but understands it. One door says, 'Crew Quarters One', Eric opens it and enters.

He sees two rows of three bunkbeds with a bench in the middle of it. Lockers seem to be underneath the bunkbeds. There is a door at the right side of the room and walks towards it. The door opens itself and Eric noticed it was a bathroom, basic stuff, a toilet, a shower, and a basin with a mirror. Wait the mirror. Eric does a double take as he noticed something about the reflection.

What stood in the reflection is a man in sharp features, his eyes are yellow and shines bright in color, his jaw line is roundest with a hint of sharpness on the edges. His short hair is a vibrate red color. In every way possible, he looks like an absolute unit with his build and facial features, probably one of those popular models you see in street ads.

However, Eric noticed that the man mimic his every move and it finally hit him.

"Wait... That's me!?" Eric yelled as he rushed towards the mirror. He makes expressions as to answer his question. Eric is beyond shocked and overwhelmed as of late. Eric opens his mouth to explore more about him, his teeth are white, too white. His fangs and teeth appear sharper than that of a human begin and appear more sharper than a bear. Ignoring it, he looks at his body through the reflection. Him being huge is an understatement, he is beyond huge. He looks like the typical bodybuilders you see in nationals but more refine in features.

At this point, Eric started to question his insanity. Is that really him? Or is this some kind of dream?

His thought became interrupted by a buzzing sound in his pouch on his pants. He grabs the object buzzing and noticed an object similar to that of a phone. He sees letters on the top of the screen which says 'XISER' on it. He notices two buttons on the bottom which also says 'Answer' and 'Hangup'. He presses 'Answer' and puts the object to his ear.

"Hello sir, I am XISER, your new assistant." A feminine voice said through the phone.

"Excuse me?" Eric asked.

"You may be confused, but surely enough, you'll get used to it. Now ask me questions and I swear I try to answer them all." XISER spoke.

"R-right, first of, where the hell am I at?"

"Well, you see, we're in space, you and I, aboard on the USR Devarious, A Hasïbager Class Light Covette." XISER Answered.

"What do you mean I'm in space?!" Eric yelled.

"You. Are. In. Space. I do not know what else to say about this, all I can say is that you are in space. If you are referring to how you made to space is that I do not know." XISER explained.

"Alright fine, be that way, uhm, where exactly am I at?" Eric asked.

"You are in section 2 of the Crew Quarters section of the ship." XISER answered.

"Okay, how do I go to you?" Eric asked.

"Follow the red lights after you exit the room you are in."  XISER explained.

Eric listened to her and exited the room. He notices red lines leading to the other side of the corridor. He begins to walk towards the direction the lights are heading at. He is stopped in an elevator. He notices symbols on buttons on the side of the elevator and noticed one button in red. He presses it and the elevator moves. It opens after a few seconds and the lights lead on. He resumes his walking. The corridor he is in doesn't have many doors. However, one door seems more armored than the rest. The lights end there. He reads the holographic sign on the door and reads it. 'Systems Room'. He opens the door and walk in. He notices a large object on the other side of the room, glowing red as power surge through it.

"Hello sir, good to see you face-to-face." XISER's voice echoes throughout the room as Eric just stands there.

"What the Hell!?" He screams.