Chapter 4
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I'll post one chapter a week. I know that the wait makes chapters have more worth, because you'll have time to think for yourself and theorize what will happen next.

'Dear diary,

How are you? Me, I'm fine, but did you know that I am in another world in with my character body, the one hailed as an unofficial boss. Cool, right? What am I doing right now? Well, I'm- hold that thought'

I took my sword and charged it with soul energy and kept it rotating along the edge within to increase its sharpness. I walked to the tip of the branch where I was standing and dropped, head first. I kept my sword in front of me and 2 seconds later, I stabbed my blade in its head. It was a large cat/leopard(?) and it died immediately. I jumped from its corpse, expelled the biological matter from my sword using soul energy and put the corpse in my inventory.

'-I'm doing late night food delivery and I'm not being paid for it'

Hunting is not just slaughtering every living creature you come across. You need to kill a couple from each different species to not break the ecosystem and make sure the one you kill doesn't have babies, inside or outside. There are other rules, but I don't know the rest, so I have been following those that I know. The rules were made so that the ecosystem doesn't break and I don't want that because that would make foraging harder and one would have to farther from the camping site.

Believing I gathered enough kills, I decided to stop there 'It is late night. The first group should have started heading to the campsite… We really have to name that place… Anyway, the first group should have departed an hour after I did, even if they pulled an all-nighter to clear the place they would not be done yet. The second and third should be on their way. I guess I will sleep until dawn.'

I took off the mantle I was wearing. I used air energy on it to shake of most of dust I collected today before putting in the inventory and jump to a large branch. Pushing away the obstructions, I arrived at the place where the branch met the trunk of the tree. I scanned the way the branches were formed and then I saw a perfectly spaced place for sleep, so I took a sleeping bag, one with cables on each end, out and strapped the cables to two vertical opposite branches, not really perpendicular to the ground but should suffice. The sleeping bag was shaped like a cocoon. Still using [Feather fall] I jumped to it, grabbed to the cable on the top side, took of my boots and put them in the inventory, then I used the switch function of the inventory to wear my pajama. I entered the cocoon, relaxed and I activated its inscriptions. Soft, mandibles like instruments held my body at different places: around my neck, my torso and my tights. Then I used the buff spell I learned from Eleanora, [Breath of Air], a buff spell that lets me breathe without the actual action of breathing by transforming my soul energy into air energy, then to air right into my lungs.

Soul energy based buff spells are like inscriptions where we need to send energy through a specific pathway to get the desired result, but they use our regenerated energy to fuel themselves and will keep their existence until the pathways are destroyed.

Life energy based buff spells are the same but they use life energy to fuel themselves.

Think of the soul energy pool and the life energy pool as balls and each ball has a tunnel connected to their respective sources. Game master's sources are infinite, therefore they can not be used for reference. Those tunnels correspond to the regeneration of the pools and there is a limit to how big it can get. Basically, buff spells create their own tunnels to the sources to fuel themselves, of course these tunnels also have limits.

[Soul shield], [Feather fall], [Breath of Air] and let's not forget of [Silent Cover]. All the spells that I need to spend the night are online. 'I should switch off [Soul pulse], [Body enhancement] and [Mind sharpening].' All spells I don't need are off.

Even with endless stamina, my mind is tired… Today has been a long day... Goodnight…



When I woke up, I jumped out from the cocoon and in mid-air I switched to my armor, grabbed to a branch and pulled me up to a sitting position, took my boots out. I'm using the same equipment as yesterday 'I so wish they make a bath one of their priority'

I shut down [Breath of Air] and exhaled, then I breathed deeply while stretching my body. '[Breath of Air] is a life-saving spell when breathing is impossible but it doesn't beat morning air. It lacks that freshness in it.' Thanks to my body cheat I can hold my buffs during the night without waking up exhausted.

Should I have put a spell in the area to tell me when someone approaches me, you ask? Are you crazy? Do you, want me to wake up each time a living being approaches me triggers the spell, like an insect or a bird. Furthermore, while soul energy and life energy are naturally invisible, of course they will be visible if you put enough large quantities in a small area. On the other hand, life energy and soul energy may be invisible but they can still be felt, so if someone triggers the spell, not only would I know someone is out there, but that someone too would know that I was in the area. So, that type of spell would be more useful to put when you are in an inn inside a town that has bad public security.

I put my mantle back on and started collecting my sleeping bag. 'The first should be done by now, the second should have arrived and started the preparations for the construction and the third should be on their way, if they aren't taking a break.'

Done packing, I scaled the tree and got to its top. I deactivated [Silent cover] and activated [Soul pulse]. I found the readings of the groups and I started making my way to the first group so that I can have my kills treated. On my way, I stopped for a moment to take a break because I did not eat since yesterday after being done with waking up the people from my side. I took a sandwich from my inventory and started munching on it.

One way to increase health points is by living a healthy life, eating well and exercising. Exercising can also increase your body speed and strength. Anyway, living a healthy life can increase health points, but the opposite is also true, living a unhealthy life can decrease your health points and no one wants that. Thus, some Vanguards possess food for a week in their inventories.

Another way to increase health points, although nobody I know does that, unless they are tanks, but even so, is by sacrificing the overflowing life energy to the body 'I don't know how to do it since I don't really care about that'. You can still sacrifice your health points to do life energy-based spells but that would leave you with a momentary weakness akin to have your blood taken.

I finished my sandwich and took a metal canteen and drank its contents. It was juice from a fruit similar to orange.

With my meal finished, I restarted my making my way to my destination. I arrived around two hours 'I believe' later at the camp. Sure enough, there were some Crafters planning where and how to start building, some were cutting the trees the Vanguards dried using fire energy. The Vanguards were helping here and there, some were still drying the trees, others were transporting wood from a place to another, some were making bricks surprisingly and there was one twisting and churning the earth while others put dried leaves 'I guess they are preparing the earth for the plantations'. Not all the Vanguards were helping the Crafters, some were keeping the security and others should be foraging or hunting.

As I passed the Crafters planning the construction I heard:

"We should be making the living area a low-rise buildings area so that we can accommodate a lot of people without taking a lot of horizontal space so we can have parks and more between the buildings."

"Why not high-rise buildings? We could have even more space if we did like that.

"Because they are distasteful."

"And how low-rise buildings are not distasteful? 'Isn't that Trevor?' We should make more individual buildings."

The argument was getting more and more fervent 'Why are they arguing about how to build the living area? Did they forget about their objective?'

"If we build those giant buildings there wouldn't be any sunlight on the streets!!"

"We could always have [Candlelight] posts on the street!"

"That's not the- Oh, hey there Craven." Said Trevor while huffing 'You still remember your objective, right?'

"Good morning Trevor, how are you doing?" The Crafters stopped arguing for a moment when they noticed my presence and focused their attention on me.

"Me, I'm fine, thanks for asking. I'm just checking the building plans with the others here. 'Right…'

"Yes, I could hear that and it is to my understanding that you still haven't gotten to a consensus yet."

"Yes" He said and looked with anger in the direction of the Crafters "These fools want to make low or high-rise buildings. Aren't they a bunch of idiots?"

"What did you just say?"

"And deft too." The anger of the Crafters went up a notch higher

Seeing that they were about to start another argument, I intervened "Wait, wait, wait." That gathered their attention. "Did you guys forget your primary objective? You have a time limit to build something before the arrival of the third group."

"We didn't forget. But they aren't seeing the light and understand that a high-rise building is the best option so we can have a lot of people in our limited territory! Not only that, but it is also a testament to our architecture." 'Don’t you have your priority backwards!?'

"We might need a way to house a lot of people but that does not mean we should make a building that can be easily toppled if someone touches by accident 'what are you talking about?'! Low-rise are better than that!!

"Don't put high-rise buildings on the same plane as that mistake!!" 'wait, what?'

"But it did happen!!" 'what happened?'

"Stop!!!" Trevor interjected "You guys don't understand that people don't want to live in those cramped boxes!!! 'aren't you the most unreasonable of them!?' So, we should make houses, a house for each family and inns for those who don't want to."

"We have limited territory!!!"

'And back to step one… It seems they all have different opinions to what to build first. In these situations, the solution either to not doing anything at all but we can't have that so-' "Why don't you just do them all?"

Silence. The group who was loud a moment ago went silent and, like a deer staring into the headlights, their attention was completely focused on me. 'It's kind of scary…'

"How so?" someone asked


"What do you mean by doing them all?" another clarified

"I mean, like, build the high-rise building, then the low-rise, after that the inns and in the end the houses."

"In that format?"




"Not a bad idea!" someone exclaimed 'You were just too stubborn to figure it out!'

"But, do we even have the materials to do that?"

"Just enough. We collected materials from everyone who was willing to donate and we have the wood the Vanguards are preparing. Although we had to set up an improvised blacksmithing forge for the ingots to make nails and other metal tools we might need."

"I understand… Take this as a request from me, but make the buildings different from one to another, please."

"That's right. It would be too boring if they were the same!!!" 'No, it would be too difficult to navigate later, but you don't need to know that'

"And, don't forget that you a time limit."

"No worries!! We wouldn't call ourselves Crafters if we couldn't do this simple job!!!" 'this guy sure is overly excited'

"I'll leave it to you. Well then, later. I need to go meet up with Arnold."

"Ah. If you're looking for him, he's over there with the other alchemists analyzing stuff." Commented Trevor while pointing at a group of people who were looking at a pile of… everything.

I thanked Trevor and left the Crafters that were getting heated on their conversation for a reason different from before.

Alchemists are a scary bunch. They basically just mix all kinds of stuff, from liquids to metals to get a desired result. They are more famous for their potions and poisons, though. Personally, I hate their poisons the most since once you are poisoned you have to use your life energy to destroy the poison before it does enough damage to your health points and that is just the normal kind of poison. Not scary enough, what about sleeping poison, or paralyzing poison or just a poison that makes you itchy all over your body, in the middle of a battle? Trevor once said that I am an "unstoppable killing force", that is not an exaggeration because once I'm stopped, I am no longer a killing force. 'that's why crowd control and traps are so used against me'

"Can anyone help me?" I asked the alchemists when I approached

"Oh, Craven, we've been waiting for you. Put the corpses on that pile over there then we will analyze it later. While we do that, you go see Arnold for the water, he's by the river, you shouldn't miss him and come back later, we should be have food ready for you to take to the third group."

"Already?" I asked while taking the corpses out.

"Yes. The Vanguard went around hunting and foraging a while ago, so they should be done with the cooking."

"You should be overcharged with work."

"Not really. Analyzes are not really difficult or long to do. The Scriber over there is the one overcharged" he said while pointing at a woman focused on writing in a paper "Poor woman has been cataloging everything we checked since we started. You know, the name, the appearance, what it does, etc. after hearing our reports and she's not yet halfway through."

"I see... Well, that's everything that I hunted tonight." I declared when I took the last one

"Quite a lot. We might need to make a cold storage for them sooner than expected…"

"You'll have to talk with the builders."

He sighed "If they'll have the mind to listen… Well, you should be on your way."

"I should. Later." I started making my way to the river

"Later." I head from behind

The first group had decided to be safe and started the preparation 3 kilometers from the river because of the risk of overflowing and inundation of the rainy season. The river itself was nothing special, around 2 meters wide and at its highest dept should be around 1 meter. There might be some fish but last time I wasn't able to see them.

Arnold was on the shore of the river holding a large metal bowl, he was rotating it, throwing the overflowing water from the bowl and looked at the residues left. 'Is he looking for gold?' He looked up at me and said "Craven, see those barrels over there. Take those, they are filled with water." He pointed at two big barrels.

"So, the water is safe?" I asked as I put my hand on one of the barrels

"After filtering and a little decontamination."

"What are you doing?"

"While I was filtering the water, I found some metals with properties I've never seen before. Thus, here I am looking, seeking unknown metals. Think about it, what uses these metals might have." He said while having a gleeful expression 'Scary bunch'

"Right… Well, I'll leave you to that." I put the barrels in the inventory "I need to get this to the third group."

"You do that." He went back to looking for metals

"Goodbye." Not waiting for a reply 'Not that I was expecting one with how focused he is'

I got back to the construction site and saw a sight that surprised me greatly. 'Are they done with the foundation already…? Aren't those sewers…? I was just gone for 20 minutes!! How are they going so fast!?' The answer to my blight happened to cross my field of view: It was a Vanguard holding materials 10 times heavier than himself 'Oh, right, I forgot, …superhumans'

I sighed and decided to ignore it and looked for the alchemists' group. Finding them, I approached them and asked "Where is the place for the food I need to get?"

Someone different than before answered "They should be in direction of the mountain, further in the forest. They are avoiding the dust and other possible ways of contaminating the food."


"No problem."

Having directions, I jogged to the location and sure enough they were done cooking and were currently packing it in metal boxes.

"Craven, come here." Someone shouted 'It seems I am rather famous'

I walked up to her and waited for her to continue

"We are almost done packing the food, so you'll to wait a little."

"Ok. What's in the menu?"

"Roasted meat with mushroom sauce covering it. We didn't have anything to eat at the side so they'll have to make do with hard bread. The meal should replenish their stamina so I don't want to hear any complaining from them because we did our best."

Chefs' meals can have some useful buffs that can last a few hours while digesting.

"Did you use a lot of indigenous ingredients?"

"Yes. Don't worry, it tastes good."

"Do you have something for me?" 'I mean I am getting kind of hungry hearing it'

"No. Orders from above "The meals are for the second and third group. The Vanguards have their personal rations.", or something along those lines."

"That isn't fair." 'But understandable'

"Nothing is, my dear."



"Just a bite?" I pleaded

"No." 'Damn. Worth a try, though'

We waited around for 10 minutes for the packing to be finished.

"I'm going."

"Ok. We will take a rest since making food for 100 people with improvised ingredients is not something to scuff at. Come back in… I think, around 8 hours… yes, 8 hours. We should be done with the next meal by then."

"Ok. Bye" I said and started running in the direction of the of third group.

Along the way I had to stop because I felt a sensation in my abdomen. I quickly descended and scanned my surroundings for dangers. Finding none, I used earth energy to dig a small hole, I pulled my pants and panties down and did my "business".

'That took a while. I may have been holding it since yesterday' I thought as I covered the hole. In the game, such activities did not exist so I was taken by surprise by it that I had to make do with a piece of cloth. 'Does that mean I will also have menstruation? If so, I have to find a way to have some pads AND some freaking toilet paper!!'

Impromptu break done, I restarted making my way to the third group. After running on the tops of the trees, I finally arrived. I descended a kilometer from the group and started approaching it on the ground. The first ones to greet me were the Vanguards protecting the group.

"Hello. I have the food the first group made. Who do I deliver it to?"

"Hello. We've been getting worried thinking if things were not going well, so it is a relief to see you here. That means everything is going well, right?"

"Yes, everything is going well. The water is safe to drink and the food reserves are increasing, so much that we might need a cold storage. The Crafters are building with an impressive speed and analyzing the surrounding area for danger. So, yeah, everything is good."

"That's nice to hear. Here we have some people complaining, but they're not really obstructing, just speaking. By the way, how's our progress to the site?"

"You're about 20% of the way."

"Still, 80% to go, huh."

"Think about this from another perspective: You've already done 20% of the way until the site, only 80% to go."

"Yeah, I guess that makes things better, huh."

"Just let her go already." A Vanguard interrupted us "Go to the captain for the food, he'll allocate it later. He should be on the rear of the group."

"I should. Thanks for the information." I thanked him and was about to depart when "Wait a minute."

"What is it?" I asked

"Is the food good?"

"At least, it sounds delicious but Vanguards can't eat it."


"Because we possess rations already."

"But those are rations, not a fulfilling and warm meal... That isn't fair…" said the Vanguard dejected 'I know, right.'

"Stop mopping around and get back to guard duty. We have a job to do."

"But you heard her!"

"I did hear that we are making progress. The faster we arrive the sooner you can get to eat some good food." The Vanguard could not say anything so he grumbled under his breath.

I left the Vanguards and circled the group to get to the rear where the captain should be, according to the information, and sure enough he's there with the mayor talking about something while marching with the group.

"I have your food and water." I announced

Both men turned to look at me and captain said "That's a boulder of our shoulders. Give me your report."

"Everything is going well, rather better than expected. We didn't find any setbacks yet so that's good. The Crafters are fired up with their jobs. The Vanguards are either helping them, doing security or foraging the forest. When I left the foundations were almost done, although I am not an expert in that subject. The food reserves are increasing. The water from the river is safe after being filtered and decontaminated. Other than that, Arnold found some metals we have no knowledge of so he's studying them and I think that's all."

The captain took a moment to decode the report I gave him then he asked ""The Crafters are fired with their jobs" you say, what do you mean by that?"

"They are excited."

"… In the normal way or the Crafter way?"

"Most likely, the Crafter way."

The captain sighed and rubbed is temple as a migraine may have started, whereas the mayor laughed heartily.

"It is good to see that the recent events didn't do anything to their spirits!" The mayor exclaimed

"You can only say that because you aren't the one cleaning after them." Responded the captain through clenched teeth

"Oh, come on! You have to accept that they do some interesting stuff, remember the time when they were trying to build a flying machine." 'I remember that. That was hilarious, until that moment...'

"Of course, I do, but do you? I don't know who's the genius that had the idea of flinging themselves with that machine while wearing fake wings, what did they called it, Throwing something machine."

"And they did it! … for 5 seconds, but they did it!"

"Whatever. The problem was afterwards, when they started falling, they got stuck on posts, trees or just broke into roofs and we would have to get them down just for them to do it again." He sighed

"Do you remember the one who collided against a woman and got tangled with her. 'Oh, that one'" The mayor laughed "That one made me spill my drink."

"And do you remember that he got beat up because that woman is the one right in front of us."

The mayor looked at me surprised "The woman was you!?"

"Yes." 'And I made sure to break him until an inch of his life after he used the accident as an excuse to grope me'

How could I haven't noticed it with [Soul pulse], you ask? Because I wasn't using it. It is bad manners to have any pulse active while inside a town because if you do, you're essentially saying that you do not trust the town to everyone and you will be treated as such.

"I did not know about that!! Poor guy must be terrified of you now!!" the mayor continued laughing even more, so much that we were starting to get weird looks from the people around us.

The captain ignored the mayor and asked me "What made them get excited this time?"

"Who knows?" 'I didn't hear anything. I didn't see anything. I didn't say anything'

The captain sighed even more than last time and shouted to the people around us "Karim, Arpnet and Nyckel come here!"

He turned to me and said "Craven, give them the supplies you brought." And that's what I did.

"It is roasted meat with mushroom sauce and hard bread. They replenish stamina."

"Sound delicious, except the hard bread part." Krislaw commented

"We'll eat it on our next break."

"The next supply should be here in 8 hours." I informed them

"Then you're free until then."

"Later then." I said


'Now what to do? I don't want to go to the construction site. Even if I go there would be nothing to do there other than lending a helping hand to the Crafters, but I don't want to get near them when they are like that. I could stay with this group, but only walking is boring…

I could search my inventory more thoroughly. Swords. Daggers. Oh, my favorite weapon, should I use it, but where and why? Forget it. Is there anything more? The bow and the arrows in the quiver. Axes. Spears. A naginata from the time when I was deciding what would me my master weapon... Let's move on, various armors, from medium to light, as I hate heavy armor. My prefered armor, still looking cool, I see.

Now the junk pile where I throw anything that is not that useful for me... Wait. Isn't that…? A pocket watch!?' I took the pocket watch out and checked it 'It still works. Why would I put a perfectly fine pocket watch in the junk pile? The only problem with it is that the time is off… Oh, I remember. Time doesn't flow in my the inventory so that rendered it useless since I would save it in the inventory. Into the inventory you go, I'll make a dimensional pocket where time flows in my outfit later.

What else is there? Junk, more junk and… why is there a half-eaten sandwich in there…? My enchanting equipment that should not be there at all' I put the inscription equipment in another corner of my inventory 'And the rest of it is also more junk'

'… I'm bored… should I take a nap? No, I need to be in the construction site in 3 hours to pick up the food. What to do…?'

As I scanned my surroundings, I found Gerard, the manager of the training grounds in Green Town. 'why don't I talk with him'

"Hello there."

"Hi, Craven. What brings you today?" answered Gerard with a rare calm in his voice

"I am bored, so I am trying to find something to do."

"You could always help the Crafters with the construction."

"They are having a Crafter craze there so, no thank you."

Gerard laughed "No matter where we are the Crafters stay the same, huh."

"Yes, they do…"

"I don't know what to do to help you, then. If we were on the training grounds, I would propose a bit of training." He sighed

"You seem rather downcast today."

"You noticed?" I nodded "It's because we are not on the training grounds. When I am there, I become more pumped. The training grounds is where history was made. Where men and women who could barely wield a weapon came out as masters." He became more and more excited with each sentence before falling into his depressed personality. "But we are not there…" He sighed once more

I changed the topic "The problem with my training is that I don't know what I should work on."

"You are strong after all. But, because you are strong you may have some big weakness, no? You should work on that."

"I did that. Although they are still a problem, I do have some countermeasures"

He started thinking more deeply "If your weapon is sharp and your armor strong, what if you added something else to the mix like a shield?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Since you already did all you can think of in terms of offence and defense, think of ways to support them."

"I can see your reasoning, but I would not be stumped by this dilemma if it was that simple."

"Just think about it for a second. What would you have to do to increase both your defense and offense?"

"The body."

"… Didn't just I say to think about it? Anyway, why the body?"

"Because it is the foundation of everything related to combat: strength, speed, soul energy and life energy."

"And how would you increase it?"

"I have no idea. If I want strength, I would have to sacrifice speed since it would make bulkier. If I want speed, I would have to lose my weapons and armor to be lighter '[Feather fall] does not apply to weapons and armor, after all and I cannot keep on all the time since it would make the weight behind my strikes much less'. I have hit the limits for soul energy and life energy. In conclusion, if I want to be stronger, I need to make my body as a whole stronger."

"It seems you have thought about this subject a lot."

"That I did and no solution to my problem has been found yet."

Gerard contemplated for a moment and then he shrugged "I can't help you with that." 'I expected it, but still…' "But, let tell you a story." 'Story time?'

"I'm listening."

"You know that there was a time where hominum were weak compared to most beats, correct?"

"That was because no techniques, spells and equipment were not yet developed, right?"

"That is right. Do you know how we did it, though?"

"I have an idea, but do tell me."

"Because we had time. Was that your answer?"

"I was thinking more along the lines of intelligence and cooperation."

"That is neither right or wrong. I will tell what I tell others: Take your time developing yourself, because if you hurry you might trip, fall down and never get back up, so, take your time."

"That was an enlightening story, but it doesn't help me at all."

He shrugged "It was just a story. I never said it would help you. But it did help you with your boredom."

"That it did."

We stood a moment in silence.

"However." I started "This talk may have given me an idea."

"What a scary thought: Craven "The whirlwind" will get even stronger."

"Don't call me that!"

"Why not? It is a title you received after winning countless battles after all. "Fickle and untamable, moving to and from the battlefield with speed no man could match, underestimate it as just a gust and you will be mowed down." 'It feels like what a teenager would write'

"Just please don't. I beg you."

"Ok, ok. Just messing with you."

"So, what are you going to change for the new training grounds?" I changed the subject


"I mean, surely the training grounds will be rebuilt from the ground up, so I was thinking that it would be such a waste to not change anything. For example, I always felt the archery corner was lacking, because you are only shooting a standing target, you see, some moving targets would be nice."

"I did not think about it like that…" he trailed off and started murmuring to himself

'I really should keep my mouth shut at times; I got another one infected with the Crafter craze'

"Right… I'll leave you to that." He did not seem to hear that and was still inside his head

Crafter craze, a scary affliction that happens in Crafters mostly but it can also rarely touch some Vanguards and Locals. The victims will forget their previous priorities and will single-mindedly focus on a single thing, the thing can be an item, a building or a recipe. They will also forget about the basic security precautions.

'I didn't hear anything. I didn't see anything. I didn't say anything' was what I thought while escaping the crime scene.