Abrupt Death
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Chapter 1 abrupt death


The thunder roared up in the sky as the dark clouds blocked the sun and caused a rather dark atmosphere. It was neither cold nor warm, there was hardly any wind and the air was quite dry. All of this combined created a very gloomy and depressing atmosphere that was very suitable considering that a war was currently being fought.

Screams of men in the battle filled the air as both the blood of enemies and allies alike was spilled, those who weren’t cut down moved forward with great resolve stepping over bodies of comrades with a silent promise to avenge them.

A large man with bear ears at the top of his head dressed in full armor that covered his body revealing only his head. The armor was plate mail that protected all his vitals but at the same time was loose at the joints to allow for easy movement. This man was a  bear Beastman, he and his fellow soldiers were embroiled in a conflict for their lives. They were fighting to protect themselves and their loved ones from the enemy that sought to enslave them, the humans.

The cries of both friendly and enemy soldiers alike were common tune of the battlefield, as much as  the battle was for the sake of  their loved ones, getting killed was still a scary thought, even he as a seasoned soldier that has been fighting in wars for a long time  still feared the idea of leaving his family behind with no one to provide for them.

He  swung his battle axe and bisected the enemy soldier before moving towards another and doing the same, his weapon was sharp and  deadly, combine that with his natural strength as a beastman and he might as well be cutting butter with a hot knife. In the span of a few minutes he had already cleaved through a dozen enemy soldiers with only  a few putting up a notable resistance  against him. His comrades followed his lead and doing their best to destroy the enemy, unfortunately not all could do as he did and the humans were no push overs, for every human killed a beastman falls as well, it also didn’t quite help that the human army out numbered them by 5 to one. Ten thousand vs fifty thousand was a hard hurdle to over come but they had no choice, the Desiree Empire cannot be allowed to expand any further.

The Beastmen didn’t start this war  but they did see it coming, the empire had been expanding its territory in the East and subjugating  countries on that side, it was only a matter of time Before they bared their fangs toward the west.  Although it was strange how the empire gathered so much power, it was only a few years that they were struggling to conquer their neighboring country  but in just the span of 4 years they managed to conquer the whole east.

The bear man trudged through the dry dirt leading his comrades to break through the enemy front lines. They may be out numbered but humans were weak the numbers was all they had, although those who had magical power managed to even things a bit but they were rare and it’s not like the Beastmen had no magic either so they still had the advantage over the humans.


His shout earned a vigorous shout back as a response from his allies, they heard the words of their commander loud and clear and moved with a renewed strength spilling the blood of the enemy as they did, moving to subjugate the enemy. Beastmen were strong and proud and no human can match them in strength no matter the number or at least that’s what  they believed.


Looking up he was  suddenly blinded by a bright electric blue light that  flashed in the sky, lighting up the entire battle field, the thunder roared as the light increased  in size as it got closer. The realization hit him a bit too late as he was engulfed in the light  and was obliterated along with his comrades.


[Minutes prior]


Her hand slammed on to the desk as a passionate shout escaped her mouth. The desk was used to strategize and her action toppled the pieces they used to do that. The commander turtled in his armor in response to her words, while the soldiers who stood guard at the sides simply remained stoic not showing their emotions but inwardly felt bad for their commander.

“b–but princess we can’t use our trump card so early, the emperor wished for us to show them despair after crushing their false hope”

The commander, a tall man in full armor responded to her. He had dirt brown hair and caramel colored eyes.  His face was marred with two scars, one that ran straight down his left eye and one that ran across his nose vertically. He had a small beard and a well styled mustache. Him and the princess were currently inside a tent that was far away from the actual battlefield  hence why they had the leisure to talk like  this.

“What use is a Trump card if we do not use it, our men are dying to those filthy beasts and you want us to wait till they’ve killed more than they need to. Don’t be Absurd, I will not sacrifice our proud soldiers to those flee ridden inferiors.”

She spoke with a passion, her voice would be ever enchanting if she had kept it to a normal volume. Princess Athenine Vivian Legran Grandz Desiree, the first princess of The Desiree Empire. she was a tall woman with blood red hair that was cut short and she had crystalline turquoise eyes, the princess was beautiful with fair skin, she had gentle facial features with a button like nose and luscious pink lips. One would hardly think she was supposed to be in a battlefield or anywhere near it .

“princess please these are our orders from the emperor, he devised this plan to ensure that the Beastmen will not think about a rebellion once we’ve won this war”

“I cannot accept this, why must our men lose their lives when we have the power to end this.”

The princess reasoned and the commander agrees with her however the problem was that she’s not the one who’ll face the consequences of disobeying orders, even if she says she’ll take responsibility he’ll still be punished for adhering to the orders of the princess rather than the orders of the emperor.

“I agree with my sister”

Another voice entered the tent, a man wearing black armor joined in on the conversation as he entered. The man had short red hair like the princess but rather than turquoise he had electric blue eyes. His height was average shorter than his sister however the moment he entered the commander felt a great sense of dread more than he felt when speaking to the princess.

The man who just entered was the first prince of the Desiree Empire  Alfred Damian Legran Grandz Desiree. He was the Trump card, the talent that had made it all possible for the Empire, before his birth the Empire was struggling to take over the Eastern nations but once he was born everything changed very drastically.

“Your  majesty, good afternoon. GLORY TO THE EMPIRE!”

The commander became stiff and offered a very textbook Salute to the prince, his Frame stood straight, balled his left hand and placed it on to his chest and then extend his right arm up and  then bent his elbow pulling his hand back and placed it  near his forehead, completing the official salute of the Empire. The soldiers who stood at the sides did the same as well.


He waved and dismissed them, he very much liked the looks of fear in their faces, as one with Royal blood it’s only right that they fear him.

“Brother, you understand my point right?”

“Of course I do, it’s only right for you to be worried about our soldiers  while father’s methods are great at breaking the enemy’s spirit they are too careless, he doesn’t care for our soldiers. So I’ll go and end this battle as quickly as possible”

The commander said nothing to the prince’s words but instead resigned himself to the punishment he’ll receive later. Unlike the first princess who was actually kind to her people the first prince was not one to be trifled with, best to keep your mouth shut till he asks for your opinion.

After his words prince Alfred waited to hear objections but there were none, of course no one would object to him. The emperor himself can hardly punish him, as the most powerful warrior in the country there was nothing the emperor could do to him.

“Please hurry brother, our men are dying out there”

“Yes, yes don’t worry”

With that  said he exited the tent, of course he himself didn’t care for the soldiers either, he was just tired of sitting on the side lines, he  needed to hear the screams of the dying and to see the despair in the eyes of those filthy Beastmen.

“although being in the battle directly  would take too long, I ’ll have to finish this quickly, and besides I can always capture a few for my torture chamber”

His eye glowed a bright electric blue as he began to circulate mana throughout his body. His body began to emit a faint blue hue with barely noticeable electrical sparks. A thin blue spear appeared before him and he grabbed it with his right hand, he then took a squat before leaping  into the air leaving a crater on the ground and accelerating towards the clouds. 

As  his  body moved higher  and  higher he could see the thousands of soldiers clashing against the Beastmen, of  course he had lied to his  sister there, he  cared not for the ants that were the  soldiers what he cared about was the throne and having her support as the first princess was imperative. Even  though he was the first prince he was yet to be crowned and  he found that to be unjustly. 

Reaching the height he needed, he then raised the his spear high up over his head and charged it with high levels of  mana causing an intense bright light  that shone throughout the battle field and gaining the attention of all those below. The thunder roared almost as if giving him a signal, he tighten his grip on the weapon and then brought it down, using all his strength he threw the spear down below.


All those below never knew what hit them  as they were obliterated into nothing but dust, the spear struck the ground and opened a gaping hole on the ground so large that an entire city could fit in it. No bodies  were left and only the side of humans seemed to survive  as a the Beastmen side had nothing left.

“Guess I’ll have no Beastmen to torture tonight, meh I still have the elf slave, actually I need more Elves than Beastmen. I sh—”

Unfortunately he could not finish his sentence as the thunder roared loud enough to nearly burst his ears drums and before he could even think about anything else a powerful bolt of lightning struck him straight in the head and sent him crashing head first into the ground, another bolt struck  him a split second after he landed and the prince was completely knocked out.


“Flip me off again you son of a bitch”


*Bam* Bam*