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“well I think I’m full”

He said and tossed away the banana peel in his Hands and laid on his back feeling satisfied with the experience. While he was enjoying the moment Vasi collected the left overs and put them back in the rope and put it over her shoulders, she turned to inform him that it was time to leave but she paused seeing his handsome face that smiled in satisfaction, there was a quick flush of her cheeks that immediately vanished before she Heaved a satisfied sigh, she was also full as well, she was about to speak when she suddenly heard the sound of footsteps followed by the ruffling of the trees, Andre opened his eyes and quickly stood up.

“Well this was easy, you didn’t even try to hide.”

A giant of a man walked out from the thicket of trees, his arms were as thick as tree trunks, he had an intimidating presence that caused Vasi take a step back instinctually. The idea that her capturers might send someone after her had barely crossed her mind. 

“Why would we try to hide? we aren’t criminals, who are you”

Andre asked audaciously, with barely any concern in his voice or rather that’s how Vasi seemed to hear it, his words seemed confident to her, on the other hand Andre was ready to run any second he outstretched a hand to block Vasi, ready grab her and sprint to get away from whoever this individual may be.

“you can call me Arezzo, I was hired to capture the dark elf over there”

“Could I convince you not to do that?"

“if you got three gold on you, sure"

“how about fruits instead? They’re very delicious”

“nah I’m more of a meat type of guy”

“really, but fruits are very good for you”

“I don’t care, meat is the only thing I want in my mouth”

Andre looked at the man expecting him to follow up by saying pause, completely forgetting that something like that didn’t exist in this world, seeing the man wasn’t going to say anything, he patted Vasi on the belly a signal to her to be ready.

“don’t even think about running, you won’t out run me”

He boasted and took a step forward causing both Andre and Vasi to step back. The man took another and in the next second he suddenly sprinted forward, Andre Shoved Vasi further back and activated his second skill and met the man head on, Arezzo dived at his opponents with his nails turning into claws as he did. Andre made a show of standing his ground and blocking, once Arezzo was close enough he ducked down letting him pass over his head before proceeding to grab him by the legs and swung him around 3 time before throwing him in the air and sending him flying south of their position, without wasting time he turned and grabbed Vasi before jumping high in the air to escape.

Arezzo found himself crashing through trees bouncing off the ground before crashing on to more trees before finally having lost enough momentum to slam on a tree and stopped.

“well this will be fun”

He got up, cracked his neck before getting down on all fours again, he sniffed with his nose reminding himself of their sent before his eyes turn to look like the slit pupils of a cat, arching his back again he burst forth in a surge of speed becoming a blur, a rabid smile was etched on his face. 

His teeth grew long as he moved at great speeds arrived a minute later to his previous position, the lake. He halted a bit and sniffed the air and moved straight ahead clearing the lake in one leap and entering the thicket of trees once again.


Andre, held a spear on hand and waited for his foe to arrive on his location, the spear wasn’t necessarily his first choice however, it was the weapon he felt most comfortable with or at the very least it was the weapon his body was most familiar and comfortable with. Incidentally in terms of Mastery, his [spear arts] are at 85% mastery as such Alfred was adept at using the spear. The spear wasn’t the only weapons on hand though, he had another one on his wrist.

His eyes picked up an object moving towards him at great speeds, tightening the grip on his spear, he filled it with copious amounts of mana and it glowed an electric blue hue, he then pulled his arm back before launching the spear at his enemy, the wind whistled as the spear cut through the air, as it flew barreling through trees and Arriving at its target in no more than a second.

Arezzo who was running on all fours, was suddenly caught of guard as he had yet to lay eyes in his prey, and the cover of the trees made it quite difficult to tell where the attack was coming from, however with the help of his senses he was able to tilt his head to side and avoided the attack, however it grazed his cheek and left a small gash on his shoulder causing him to quickly halt his movement and dash side ways before jumping up and entering the leaves to hide himself.

He touched his shoulder, feeling the cut, it was about the same width as the spear and wasn’t life-threatening. A smile marred his face, impressed by the accuracy of his enemy, he was certain the trees made a good cover for him as he approached but it seemed that wasn’t the case. Just because he could not see his prey that in no way means his prey couldn’t see him.

“In that case I shouldn’t stay on one spot for too long… no he hasn’t attacked yet”

Touching the wound on his shoulder once again he contemplated whether to use a potion or not, he wouldn’t want to run out before the fight is over.

“nah, for now at least”

Using his beast eyes, he searched for the position of his enemy, if the foe is a long range fighter then he’d need to rush him and get close, long range fighters are typically garbage at close Quarters combat so the best course to fight the would be to get close. It didn’t take long to visually locate his opponent, the target was nowhere to be seen but he’ll look for her later.

Jumping from the tree he was suddenly met with another projectile speeding his direction however he simply tiled his head and easily evading it before using his full speed to rush his opponent, just as he was half way there, the unexpected happened, Andre was already upon him as he had also charged at him.


His Momentary shock Allowed Andre get a good solid punch to his face sending him flying back and Andre gave chase. Arezzo did a flip midair and then used a tree as a platform to launch himself toward Andre who in turn conjured a baseball bat and slammed it on the man’s head sending him flying back again. Arezzo slammed on to a tree with his back and Andre wasted no time, arriving before him, he swung the bat at his head and continuously used the iron bat, hitting the man directly on the face or forehead until the bat was dented and Arezzo was no longer conscious, ending the fight.


He mocked with a sense of relief, he was impressed with his own prowess, he had never thought this was a fight he could win or rather if it was a the prince it wouldn’t even be a contest, there was a disconnect between him and the body he was in, its muscle memory and instincts were there but he wasn’t a person who regularly fought and lived in a world where magic wasn’t a thing, as such his mind tends to forget that he can and has the ability to fight.

“how do I fix this?”

He asked himself before pulling the wires off his wrist and using them to tie the man up, he tied him to a tree and then connected the wires to different trees, to make things difficult when he wakes up. Vasi approached as he was in the middle of doing this. She had been simply hiding behind a tree, as they didn’t have enough time to hide her Properly

“is he dead?”

“no, I wouldn’t tie him up if he was”

“He will come after us again, wouldn’t it be better to kill him?”

“it would be but I’d rather not but if you want to go ahead”

He stated as he turned to look ahead, if she wanted the guy dead then she should go ahead and kill him, but he won’t be killing anybody if he can help it.

“won’t he come after us again if you don’t kill him?”

Obviously she knew that she’s the only target of capture as such if she doesn’t want to be captured and enslaved she’d have to kill the man but she doesn’t have the will power to do that, if she was a warrior from her village instead of healer she could have done so easily but she’s never killed someone before that is why she used “ come after us” rather than “me” when she asked her question. 

This man has saved her life 3 times now, to ask him to kill someone for her was something that was quite horrible of her but at the same time she couldn’t do it herself, she Has never killed before. She felt a bit ashamed of herself, rather than ask him to kill she should be grateful that he is even willing to help her at all.

“He certainly will but I’m afraid I can’t kill him, I’ve never killed before and I don’t plan to start now”

“is it because of a personal Creed or code? Some of the warriors in my village had something like that”

“I suppose you could call it that”

“I see”

Was all she said and stayed silent as they began to traverse the forest again. she felt a bit curious about his code but she decided not to pry any further. If she wasn’t weak willed then maybe she could have killed Arezzo but unfortunately she was and she could only pensively look at his unconscious body before turning her head and looking straight, she was certain he’ll wake up and search for them again


A/N: Thoughts?