Chapter 3: Isolated Outpost
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I continue to advance towards the hangar, where the cool and conditioned air pleasantly contrasts with the stifling heat of the desert outside. The scent of metal and bio-lubricant permeates the environment, a familiar fragrance that reminds me of the days spent here, working with Giancarlo on machines and vehicles.

Giancarlo is bent over the Etriclo, the exploration vehicle I damaged during my last adventure. His thick gray beard and attentive eyes scrutinize me as I approach.

"Did she give you a piece of her mind?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Thanks for telling her... I received a scolding from my mother, plus an additional punishment to add to the list." I reply with a wry smile.

Giancarlo shakes his head, smiling understandingly. "You always find a way to get into trouble, kid."

"You've earned it," he adds.

"My mother has a mission for me," I say, trying to change the subject. "Which Etriclo can I take?"

Giancarlo stands up and affectionately passes his hand over the side of the Etriclo. "I'm finishing up fixing what you damaged. Fortunately, it's recovered from quite a few dents."

"Thank goodness. I hope not to cause any more damage this time."

I have a particular fondness for this vehicle. It has been my companion on many explorations, and I can't help but feel a personal connection to it.

"Well, now it's all yours. Treat it better this time," Giancarlo tells me, unhooking the tools and wiping his hands clean of lubricant.

He approaches and gives me an affectionate pat on the shoulder. "Good luck, kid."

I thank him, trying to hide the growing anxiety that's beginning to well up within me.

I prepare the exploration vehicle, ensuring that it's fully functional. I stock up on food and water, enough to last for a few days, as well as tools and survival equipment. I load everything into the back of the vehicle. I also check that the battery energy is fully charged. The Etriclo is equipped with solar panels, but I want to avoid having to recharge it under the scorching sun. It's crucial that everything is in perfect condition to face the unknown outside the protective domes.

I bid farewell to Giancarlo, climb aboard the vehicle, and buckle up. I start the engine, and the vehicle hums quietly. The wheels adapt perfectly to the sandy terrain. Slowly, I drive the vehicle out of the Domus hangar. All systems are fully operational. I read the parameters on the vehicle's onboard screen. It's 10:00 PM. The external temperature is 36.5°C (97.7°F). External oxygen concentration is 15.9%. Almost breathable, but it's better not to take chances. The darkness of the desert envelops me as I venture into the night, leaving behind the coolness and protection of the Domus. I gaze through the window, observing the faint lights of the Domus fading further and further away until they become distant points in the night.

Stars shine in the dark sky above, illuminating the golden sand as far as the eye can see. The moon, almost full, casts a silvery light over everything, creating long and mysterious shadows. I press the button to activate the vehicle's communication system, hoping for a signal from Eureka. But the silence is oppressive, only the rustling of the wind and the hum of the electric motor break the stillness.

I drive through the desert, following the coordinates to Eureka. The terrain is rugged and challenging, but the exploration vehicle handles the challenge with agility. Hours pass as I immerse myself in the solitude and darkness of the desert. Fear and anxiety mix with the excitement of the unknown. I don't know what I will find at Eureka, but the hope of finding answers and survivors continues to guide me.

The distance to the outpost is a few hundred kilometers as the crow flies. However, the rough terrain and sandy dunes don't allow me to travel efficiently. Moreover, I can't travel at top speed. To go and return without having to recharge the Etriclo, I have to travel in energy-saving mode at a maximum speed of 60 kilometers per hour. It should take me 2 to 3 hours.

Eureka is not a Domus like Speranza. It's much smaller and consists of a single dome. Its purpose is that of an outpost. It's not self-sufficient and is kept operational by supplies coming from Speranza or trade with other survivors. It's supposed to be manned by a maximum of four people who take turns swapping with the other inhabitants of Speranza.

After several hours of driving, I finally see a silhouette in the distance. It's a dome similar to ours, but it seems damaged. I accelerate, eager to find out what happened. As I get closer, I see the cracks on the dome and the obvious damage. I park the vehicle at a distance and cautiously approach.

I draw my pistol and wait patiently for a few minutes, trying to detect human presence.

Under the moon's reflection, I see the "Eureka" logo on the dome, but it's clear that it has been hit by something devastating. Through a fissure, I manage to see inside. It's a scene of destruction. Glass and metal fragments are scattered everywhere, and the ground seems to have been excavated by an explosion. There's no sign of life.

My heart tightens as I approach further. I enter the dome through a breach in the damaged material. The scene inside is even more tragic. Everything is in ruins. Screens are shattered, furniture is overturned, and the air is thick with dust. There's no sign of survivors.

"BEEP" A shrill sound catches my attention. It's coming from the central control console that's still operational. The digital screen is full of alarm notifications. Apparently, the structure is not completely dead and is still powered. I activate the security system, which seals the damaged section of the partition. With a clank, movable metal partitions emerge from the floor and seal off one-sixth of the dome at an angle.

Once the interior of the structure is sealed, I manually reactivate the life support systems.

The computer informs me that oxygen levels are acceptable, and the air conditioning begins to lower the temperature to a livable threshold.

I set the dome to energy-saving mode and ensure that solar panels and batteries are functioning. For certain confirmation, I would have to wait until daylight, but given the situation, I don't have time to waste.

There are bloodstains everywhere inside the dome. As if that weren't troubling enough, I find bullet casings and identify holes likely caused by firearms.

Eureka has been attacked.

The worst-case scenario has come true.

I absolutely need to find out what happened and warn Speranza.

I return to the console and access the surveillance footage. Most of the cameras are malfunctioning and show a disheartening black screen. Then, I come across a series of still-functioning cameras. They're my only hope of understanding what happened.

I access the recordings and scroll to the moment when the dome was attacked. At that instant when it all begins, I clearly see the screen shake and debris fly due to an explosion. Quickly, from the breach, shady figures enter the dome. The screens show fragments of what happened. Men armed with assault rifles, dressed in black suits and helmets, enter the dome ferociously, mercilessly shooting the inhabitants of Eureka. "No!" I whisper, horrified. I recognize the faces of Giacomo, Lucia, Rico, and Anna, collapsing lifelessly to the ground. One after the other. Tears flow freely as I witness this brutal scene. I knew those people, as long as I can remember.

Then, the video continues, and I see the attackers collecting the bodies and stealing the base's precious resources. It's a premeditated attack, a senseless act of violence.

The video abruptly cuts off, leaving me with a sense of anger and despair. These attackers, these Raiders we had only heard about in the frightening tales of other survivors, have come all the way here, bringing death and destruction.

I activate the communication system of the console. No luck. The signal is absent. Could the antenna have been damaged during the raid?

I must inform my mother immediately. I must return to Domus Speranza right away and alert everyone. Those bastards are very close and could attack us. My priority is to protect my family and my community. I feel the weight of responsibility as I head toward the Etriclo.

Perhaps I'll have better luck with the Etriclo. I try to activate the vehicle's communication system, hoping to find a signal. But the static and silence persist. Communications seem to be blocked, just like in Eureka. It's evident that the attackers have intentionally isolated the communities to prevent any form of help or warning.

I increase the speed, crossing the desert in the darkness of the night. Anxiety grows within me as I realize the importance of reaching Speranza as quickly as possible. I must let my mother and the others know what happened and prepare us for the inevitable clash with these Raiders.

The Etriclo speeds through the sand dunes, the electric motor humming under the moonlight. In the heart of darkness, guided by determination and fear for those I love, I strive to overcome every obstacle to bring the warning home.