Chapter 5: The Man in the Desert
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A stifling heat. 

No matter how well air-conditioned the vehicle is, the girl can't help but feel a suffocating sensation. The brunette girl gazes through the darkened window of the vehicle at the arid desert with her green eyes. Her dark gaze filled with thoughts. Her eyes reflect a mixture of curiosity and concern as the six-wheeled vehicle continues to advance with determination. Beside her, the blonde woman firmly holds the reins of the situation, her gaze fixed on the horizon. The girl can't help but admire the strength and calmness that the blonde emits, even though she knows there's much more beneath her cold exterior.

"Brina, stay focused. We might encounter the enemy, and we need to be prepared." the woman notices the distracted state of the brunette girl and calls her attention.

"But come on, Otilia? I'm super focused. Nothing can escape these fabulous eyes." Brina replies with her usual attitude that can be annoying if you don't know her.

Otilia gives a half-smile.

Otilia's blonde hair moves slightly, while the relentless sun continues to heat up the desert. Brina has known Otilia for a while, enough to understand that beneath her leader's mask, there's a complex and dark inner world. Even now, Brina wonders what she's thinking, what she hides behind her focused gaze.

"This Caravan is a beast!" exclaims the vehicle's driver, exhilarated by the speed and performance of the vehicle.

Young Milano, with his overwhelming energy, skillfully drives the vehicle, pushing the group further into the scorching sand. Brina has learned to tolerate his liveliness, even though his hyperactivity sometimes seems inappropriate given the dark circumstances they are in.

The mission is clear: track the movements of the Raiders, formidable individuals who seem to have become even deadlier. Brina knows her role is crucial, but the tension in the air is palpable. And as the vehicle continues its journey, Brina notices something unexpected on the path.

"It can't be!" the girl exclaims.
"Is this a joke?" Milano rhetorically wonders.

An unsettling figure appears on the horizon. The figure limps and stumbles towards the horizon.

An unknown man in an obvious state of confusion appears like a mirage in the desert. Brina can't help but raise an eyebrow, wondering what could have brought a man in those conditions in the middle of nowhere.

Otilia quickly makes a decision, ordering them to bring him aboard.

The vehicle reaches the man who seems unaware of what's happening around him. Then he collapses unconscious on the ground.

Milano rushes out of the vehicle and runs to the body. To ensure it's not a mirage, he touches him. It's real. But he's in bad shape. "Brina! Give me a hand! We need to get him inside now!" Milano yells.

With some reluctance, Brina helps Milano lift the man's body and they carry him inside the vehicle.

"Otilia! He's suffering from hyperthermia! We need to treat him immediately!" Brina urges.

"Put him in the medical station." Otilia orders.

The two youths place the unconscious body on the elevated bed inside the Caravan. Otilia securely ties the man's hands and feet. He might be a Raider. It's better not to take risks.

The man lies still, his body temperature hovering around 44 degrees Celsius (111 F), a lethal temperature, and his condition is critical. Otilia looks at him with worried eyes, realizing that the situation is even more serious than she feared. Brina silently observes, her cocky expression now replaced with genuine concern.

"Fortunately, he didn't go into cardiac arrest."

Otilia grabs scissors and opens the man's dirty and worn suit.

"Brina, pass me the needle and the saline solution," Otilia says urgently, trying to stay calm. Brina reacts promptly, handing over the requested tools with a serious expression.

With swift and confident movements, Otilia prepares the needle and the syringe with the saline solution. She approaches cautiously, searching for a suitable vein for the intravenous access. Her experience and determination are reflected in her movements as she establishes a way to administer the solution directly into his bloodstream.

After a few attempts, Otilia finally finds the vein and inserts the needle precisely. The solution starts to flow slowly, providing the fluid that Michele's body desperately needs. Brina watches the procedure attentively, admiring Otilia's competence despite the critical situation.

"He has a wound on his left arm. It seems like he was grazed by a bullet." the blonde woman states.

"A firefight? Could he be a Raider? Or a survivor?" Milano wonders aloud. No one answers him. It's not the time for questions.

"Brina, pass me the medical bag." Otilia says in a calm yet resolute tone. Brina reacts promptly, handing over the bag containing the first aid kit and the necessary medical resources.

Otilia delicately extracts a sterile gauze and a disinfectant solution. With sure movements, she starts to clean the wound carefully, removing any debris and taking care to prevent infections. The man is still unconscious, but his expression reflects the suffering he's going through. Once the wound is clean, Otilia takes a tube of medical glue and applies it precisely to the surface of the lesion. The glue helps seal the wound and prevent further bleeding. Brina observes every move of Otilia, impressed by her skill and determination in providing the best possible treatment given the circumstances.

"We need to keep him hydrated and monitor his temperature." Otilia tells Brina as she continues to treat the wound. "We can't let our guard down."

"Stay with us." Otilia says calmly but firmly. "We're doing everything we can to help you."

Brina takes the cooling blanket and wraps it around the patient. It's a special blanket that gradually dissipates heat, cooling down the patient.

Then, with gentleness, she attaches the respirator to the man's face and ensures that the catheter is pumping the electrolyte solution into the patient.

His breathing is labored and irregular. Otilia and Brina remain beside him, carefully monitoring his condition and the administration of the saline solution.

Otilia stays silent, but Brina sees that she's curious too, and perhaps slightly concerned about the situation. As the vehicle resumes its journey, Brina can't help but steal a glance at the man.

The man, who is actually a young boy, is pale, marked by the fatigue and suffering he's endured in the scorching desert. His short brown hair is drenched in sweat and sand, sticking to his forehead due to the relentless heat. His brown eyes, usually lively, are now closed due to his unconsciousness. His long, dark eyelashes rest against his skin, while his eyebrows are slightly furrowed, as if he's struggling in some troubled dream.

Beneath his eyes, signs of tiredness and dehydration are evident, accentuating the dark circles and giving his face a fatigued appearance. His jaw is relaxed, but it occasionally tenses due to pain or fever that's afflicting him. His lips, usually full and plump, are dry and cracked, a testament to the aridity of the environment in which he survived.

Brina thinks there's still a certain sweetness in his appearance.

After a while, Otilia notices a slight improvement in the man's condition. His body temperature begins to drop slightly, and the administration of the solution seems to have a positive effect. Although the situation is still critical, there's a glimmer of hope that the patient might survive.

Otilia looks at Brina and gives her an encouraging nod. "We'll continue to monitor his condition closely. We're on the right track."

The vehicle moves on with its constant hum, traversing the relentless desert, as Brina gets lost in her thoughts. She gazes at the man, still unconscious, trying to guess what might have led him through those ruthless lands. The man's lips move occasionally, as if he's trying to speak, but no sound comes out of his mouth.

"If he's a Raider, shouldn't we get rid of him instead of wasting resources?" Milano questions from the Caravan's driver seat.

"Even if he's an enemy, he might still provide us with valuable information." Otilia silences him with logic.

Everyone knows about Otilia's hatred for the Raiders. Otilia keeps an eye on her tablet, her face as still as a mask of determination. Brina wonders what she's thinking, what she has in mind. Above all, Brina wonders about the connection between Otilia and the Raiders, that dark figure that has been mentioned several times. Otilia has a score to settle with Toronto, one of the most ruthless Raiders, and Brina can't help but wonder what their history is.

"Don't worry, Milano. I've got your back." Brina teases him.
Stung, Milano blushes with embarrassment. "Be thankful I'm driving!"

The journey continues, amidst the suffocating heat of the desert and the mystery surrounding the young stranger. Brina gazes at the unconscious man, hoping that Otilia can save him. Her serious expression blends with a slight worry as the means of transportation move forward towards an unknown destination.

Meanwhile, Otilia shows no signs of yielding. Her determination is evident in her blue eyes as she takes care of the patient with skill and precision. Brina admires her composure and competence, even though she knows there's much more behind that impenetrable façade.

"He's improving." Otilia observes calmly, momentarily breaking the tension in the air. Brina nods, recognizing the importance of those small improvements in such a critical situation.

The sun continues to scorch the merciless sky as the group makes its way through the desert. Milano skillfully drives, maintaining his hyperactive energy even in the midst of so much uncertainty. The young man seems like a ray of light in the midst of darkness, and even though his enthusiasm might be annoying, Brina acknowledges his value in the group.

After a while, the unconscious man starts showing signs of recovery. His eyelashes flutter slightly, and his breathing becomes less labored. Otilia smiles slightly, satisfied with the results of her efforts. Brina feels a wave of relief and gratitude toward the blonde woman, recognizing her ability in the moment of need.

"I wonder who he might be." Milano ponders, trying to engage in the conversation while he handles the driving. "Perhaps he has important information about the Raiders."

Otilia shakes her head slightly. "We can't make assumptions at this point. We'll have to wait for him to regain consciousness."

Silence returns to the vehicle as the endless desert stretches out before them. Brina continues to observe the unconscious man, wondering about his story and how he ended up in such an extreme situation.

After a while, the man begins to show signs of waking up. His brown eyes open slowly, confused and fearful. He looks around, trying to understand where he is and what's happening.

"Stay calm." Otilia says calmly, approaching the bed where the man is lying. "You're safe with us."

The man seems to struggle to focus his gaze, but the fear in his eyes starts to diminish slightly. Brina watches attentively, curious to hear what the man might say once he regains consciousness.

"Who... who are you?" his voice is weak and trembling.

"We're part of the Rinascita community," Otilia replies. "We're here to help you."

The man still appears confused, but a glimmer of recognition passes through his eyes. "Rinascita... I've heard of you."

"Better for you to stay calm," Brina interjects. "You've been through a tough time. You're safe now."

The man seems to be trying to remember something, but his limbs still feel weak and numb. "What... what happened?"

"We found you in the desert." Otilia explains. "We were on an exploration mission and saw you stumbling."

The man looks surprised, as if he didn't expect to be rescued. His expression reflects a mixture of gratitude and confusion.

"If you want, you can tell us what happened to you." Otilia offers.

The man struggles to speak. Then, as if struck by a lightning bolt, he remembers the events that happened to him. 

His expression darkens. 

Tears roll down his face.

"M-Maria..." he whispers, sobbing.

"Who would that be?" Brina asks, rather indelicately.

The boy shakes his head.

"My name is Michele."