Chapter Five | The Pieces Begin to Align
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When we get back to headquarters Billy, Chiaki and I enter through the back while the Senior Centurions go through a side entrance. I’m still mulling over what happened in Southie. I can feel my neck throbbing where the wolf grabbed it and I’m sure it will bruise, but it’s not his violent reaction that I’m really thinking about. It’s his certainty that this is the Order’s fault. I feel like I could have presented piles of evidence to say otherwise, and the tactical team would still say the Order of Cerberus was the puppeteer controlling the strings. It goes to show that our efforts to build good ties with the supernatural is still not going well. I assume it’s because leadership can’t pull their heads out of their asses long enough to come to a consensus on how to treat ‘dark creatures’, preferring to yell over each other about the best way forward without bothering to consult the rest of us.

“Come here for a second,” Billy says after the elevator opens on the fifth floor, leading the way down the hall.

He stops, surprisingly, outside the nondenominational space of worship. No crucified Jesus will be found within, nor any Qur’an or Ark of the Law, but there’s a basic understanding that those of us of faith (it’s a small number) do have a place to escape the heathen masses to pray. In this job? I’ve considered converting to one or all, because sometimes dealing with these things alone is overwhelming. But Billy? I would think he’d be worried about bursting into flames if he passed the threshold.

He doesn’t, and the three of us step inside and Billy issues a small ‘harumph’ from his throat when his brilliant plan for an empty space is foiled by the fact that several people are here.

Elena is at the plain pulpit and it seems she’s leading a small group of Techs, Sentinels, Centurions and one other Incantator in prayer. If it’s not for the cross she wears around her neck I would have no idea what sort of service we’re awkwardly interrupting.

“Have you come to join us?” she asks, and if she’s pissed that we burst in here she hides it well. Maybe she’s more excited at the prospect of converts.

“Er…no, sorry Incantator Elena,” Billy says, all formal so he can avoid retribution. Or so he can charm her out of here. He may be an old bastard, but Billy still has moves. He smiles at her, apologetically, and presses his palms together and bows somewhat awkwardly to extend the apology to the others in the tiny congregation. “I needed to seek guidance with Riley and Chiaki, I should have looked at the schedule.”

“It is posted right outside,” Elena retorts, but there’s an understanding smile on her lips. “We were just finishing as it is, if you’d give me just a minute?”

Billy nods and Elena resumes something or other from the Bible that I somewhat remember, to which the attendees give a solemn ‘amen’ and then gather their things. Billy goes to Elena and I hear him apologizing again, but Elena assures him it’s fine. As she leaves the room, she wishes me and Chiaki a good day and then it’s just the three of us again.

“God, how embarrassing,” I blurt out.

“You can ask for forgiveness later, kid,” Billy replies.

“Hey, coming in here wasn’t my idea,” I point out.

“Yet the fact you’re the guilty one says so much. Were you raised Catholic?”

“Is it so obvious?”

“I mean…I could illustrate all the signs, but it may come off as plain mean.”

“Is there a reason we're here?” Chiaki asks, once again exasperated at Billy and I falling into a tangent.

“I think our killer was nearby,” Billy resumes like we weren’t getting into it. “It doesn’t matter how well-trained Castillo’s strike force is, there’s no way our pendants wouldn’t alert us to their presence. I’m assuming yours didn’t vibrate either, anyway, if it did and you just didn’t notice or say anything…fuck you, frankly.”

“I did not feel mine,” Chiaki says sharply, like this is a test. She treats everything like it’s a chance for promotion.

“Yeah, me either,” I add. “So, why does that mean the killer was nearby?”

“Because if our killer uses magic, they could use it to interfere with our artifacts.”

“Did they hope the werewolves would attack us?” Chiaki asks, looking pensive.

“Probably. Two birds with one stone…and if the wolves felt the killer, that may be why they took off to their secret stash in the first place,” Billy says, but I can tell he’s still in theoretical mode. We’re all just guessing at this point, and I’m still feeling frustration bubbling up in my gut, threatening to rush through my veins, fire off through my mind and make me eager to find anything no matter what. “It raises two questions, children. Was the killer targeting that group of wolves, in which case we either thwarted them by showing up or we’re going to hear that one of them bit it since we left…or, are the wolves running circles around us and the killer is working with them? We know Castillo is…creative in his punishments to those who disobey him, these victims may be wolves slated for death anyway.”

“Brianna mentioned that Castillo doesn’t share a lot of personal shit,” I murmur. “Her grief was real though. The corpse she showed me? She wasn’t expecting that wolf to die, and she’s his second-in-command. I can’t believe she wouldn’t know about this.”

“How well do you know her?” Chiaki asks.

“I don’t,” I admit. “Henry does, but he won’t be available until the sun goes down. I don’t know, it doesn’t match the Castillo on file. If he wanted to fuck with us and the vampires, he’d do so openly, don’t you think?”

“You’re probably right,” Billy concedes. “But we can’t eliminate any possibilities yet, unfortunately. But we can be sure that our pendants did not work back there because someone was fucking with the charm on them.”

The door opens with a sudden creak and we all turn around sharply. Incantator Ulysses is standing there and his expression is tight. I wonder how long he’s been standing there and realize I may be in danger of getting paranoid about everyone at this point. He clears his throat, looking between the three of us. “Ms Carver wants to see you,” he says. “All three of you.”

By now, the Senior Centurions who reported to Southie will have also reported to the boss, which means she’s going to be pissed about the near incident thanks to…well, me, mainly, but also the killer for messing with our protective, detective enchantment. I’ll play that angle, anyway. I sigh and look towards Billy with a shrug; like me, he seems expectant of this moment and only grins goofily at me. Chiaki though…I do feel bad for her because she looks devastated and she’s only being lumped in with me and Billy because we got her involved in the first place.

She says nothing when we follow Ulysses out of the room and to the elevator. Ulysses presses the button for the top floor and the tension becomes thick as smoke as the elevator crawls towards its destination.

“Wow, this is the only time I wish there was Muzak playing,” Billy says with enough force that it sounds inappropriately aggressive.

It’s probably nerves, but I start cracking up with laughter.


When I think of the name Betty, my first thought is Betty White. The second is of a sweet, old grandmother with curly white hair, big rosy cheeks, a gingham dress and holding a plate of homemade cookies. I couldn’t tell anyone why that’s the image the name conjures in my mind, but it’s about as far as you could get from Betty Carver.

She’s tall, taller than Billy and he’s a respectable height. Her features are sharp and hard, defined cheekbones and green eyes that do a good job of resembling green flame. Her thin lips are usually set in a firm line, accentuated by Nasolabial Folds which makes me like to imagine that she used to laugh a lot, and may be capable of such again. Her dark gray hair is cut in a severe bob around her face, and she wears a smart pantsuit that isn’t flashy, but is well fitted and obviously expensive.

Next to her is Sheldon, which is unfair because having both sets of those piercing eyes boring down on us seems excessive.

“I’ve just finished listening to a report about your utter embarrassment of a performance in your task,” Carver begins, going for the KO punch right at the start. “No information from the strike force, alerting Castillo that the Order is watching his pack, almost getting into a fight with them, and this is all after unauthorized meetings with both werewolves and vampires.”

“Uh, well that last part is just on me,” I murmur.

“I know it is on you, Centurion. You may think it is not a big deal that you have these relationships, Mr. Averline, but I assure you they do more damage than you’re capable of imagining.”

I can feel Chiaki looking at me, but I don’t dare look away from Carver and I have no idea if my fellow Centurion is trying to give me sympathy, or silently scolding me along with the boss. I’m going to go with the former, just to give myself a boost for this ass chewing that’s just getting started.

“You jeopardize all protocol by flitting off on a whim to discuss cases with these associates. Cases! Do you think our classification system is for show? That you don’t give up secrets that could have huge ramifications later? Even if your Mr. Stone keeps to himself, other vampires will attempt to establish a similar bond with members of the Order, and not for good intention. Your meeting with Castillo’s second…you don’t think she will report what happened to him? That it will put him further on guard than your bumbling antics in South End undoubtedly have already?”

I feel like it’s a touch unfair that all of this is being put on me, but I know better than to interrupt her just to say so.

“However,” she stresses. “We would not have gotten near one of the bodies without your direct involvement with said associates.”

I blink, I think my jaw goes slack for a second too, then I shake myself out of it so I’m not just staring dumbly at my boss, who is still very much in a temper. “You know about that?” is all I can think to ask, which…if I took a second to think about it, I would have made that connection already. Otherwise, Carver wouldn’t bring up Brianna at all.

“One of the analysts, Omar al Hadid, tipped me off once he received the photographs which you sent him.”

Dammit Omar. I guess I thought our bender the other month established him as a confidant. Then again…I drank so much that weekend I don’t even remember what we talked about. I can’t fault him for not wanting to get canned by keeping it a secret, although I’m disappointed anyway. I feel like I can’t get anything right today.

“I looked over the photographs,” Carver says. “It is an incantation.”

“You understand what it says?” I ask.

She narrows her eyes and I feel like I can’t breathe when she levels that glare solely at me. “Yes,” she replies. “Some of it, we’re still working on the rest. It is related to an old sect, although we have yet to get the name of it from the…text.” Text seems like such a nice way to describe carving into someone’s bones. “However, the gist is bad enough. Whoever is responsible for this, it is not simply a matter of killing werewolves. They are learning, adapting, that’s why they are getting, literally, under the skin.”

A chill seems to settle over the office. My palms feel clammy and suddenly, I want another cigarette, that I need one to level out before Carver drops whatever bomb she’s sitting on.

“They are trying to create a spell that will force the change,” she sighs. “You know how many werewolves are in Boston thanks to Castillo’s pack, imagine every single one of them forced into their bestial mode. With no warning, no precautions that they usually take for the full moon, all but rabid as they’d have absolutely no control over the wolf.”

“But…why? Why would anyone do this?” Chiaki’s voice sounds strangled, panic closing her throat.

“We believe it is for something…else,” Sheldon finally chimes in. “But we need to translate more of the ritual. Blood is power, it has always been something that can amplify magic – to a dangerous degree. It always requires sacrifice. We think that the amount of blood that would be shed by unleashing the werewolves through the city would be more than enough to accomplish whatever this fiend seeks.”

Billy scratches at his hair, looking thoughtful and worried. “They wouldn’t need to use werewolves if the intent is to slaughter as many as possible. You know how much damage weaponized magic can do. I still think this has a personal connection with werewolves, with Castillo’s pack or the man himself especially.”

“Unless there is something distinctive in werewolf blood that the mage needs,” Carver counters. “We don’t know, and until we can get that translation finished…we won’t know. The trouble is, we’re running out of time. This killer is moving swiftly, the body count rises every night. I doubt they need many more to get the power needed.”

“Oh, is that all?” I ask, earning another glare at what is deemed a flippant attitude.

“It is time we make an official pledge towards the werewolves,” Carver doesn’t look thrilled at her own suggestion, nor does Sheldon who visibly wrinkles his nose. “If we give them this information, they may have a chance to counter it. But if they’re completely blind to what this adversary is up to, then there’s a better chance that we’ll all play right into our foe’s hands.”

“I can give it to them,” I say. The strike force wants nothing to do with us, I just have to hope I can reach Brianna before news of this afternoon’s incident does. “I have Brianna’s number; I can get in touch with her and tell her that we need to work together on this.”

“I won’t comment on the number of violations you’ve committed in a single day, Averline,” Carver replies tightly. “But yes, do that. Now, you’re dismissed. Do not come back until you have their commitment to handle this as a team.”

Sure, like that’s going to be a quick turnaround. I keep the comment to myself and turn to leave Carver’s office. Billy and Chiaki remain behind, and I wish I could have a live feed of what they talk about as soon as I depart. I’m sure Billy will tell me later though, so for now I focus on what I need to do.

Exiting headquarters again, I move to the neighboring coffee house so I can blend in with the normal people. It’s an off time for the shop, and it’s blessedly quiet. I take a seat towards the back and pull out my phone to see I have three missed calls from Henry. “About fucking time,” I whisper in complete relief.

I decide to call him back before getting in touch with Brianna. His familiar voice picks up on the second ring and I can’t help but smile upon hearing him.

“There he is,” I say brightly. “Fuck, I was worried about you, you dick. You can’t just disappear like that.”

“Sorry,” Henry replies, too distracted from the sounds of it to realize I was only joking with him.

“You are okay, right?” I ask.

“Hm? Oh. Yes, I’m…fine.” There’s an awkward pause after that declaration and then he clears his throat unnecessarily. “We need to meet, straight away.”

“I am in such demand today,” I sigh. “Fine. Where?”

“Back Bay.”

My eyebrows lift towards my hairline. “What are you doing there?” It’s way too affluent for either of us to fit in there. Besides, it’s not a place of happy memories. Henry and I used to say that we would live there one day, back when we were still married. Back when we were about to start a family. My hand goes to my abdomen automatically as I wait for Henry to answer.

“I’m, uh, I’m with Mr. Castillo.”


“Riley!” Henry complains.

“Sorry,” because he does have exceptionally sensitive hearing as a vampire and my screaming right into his ear can’t be pleasant. “What?” I ask a little less loudly, ignoring the few customers who are staring at me now.

“Just…get here, please? I’ll text you the address.”

“I…what?” I say again, lamely. My brain is still trying to compute the fact that Henry Stone is hanging out with notorious crime boss Alejandro Castillo. In no world does that make any sort of sense. I suppose I don’t have to worry about begging Brianna for an alliance, not if I’m going to the head honcho himself. “I mean…yeah. Okay. Shoot me the address and I’ll head over to his…house? Office?”


“That makes it even weirder.”

“R i l e y.”

“Okay, okay. I’m hanging up now. I’ll…see you soon.”

I end the call and just stare at my phone. I almost hope he doesn’t text me, so I can convince myself I imagined that whole conversation but then the screen lights up. There’s the address. I’ve never met Castillo, I know what he looks like on account of the pictures of him at the Order, but as far as I know…no one I know has met him. Sheldon, I think. Carver too, from back when the Order arrested Castillo over a decade ago. And now I’m going to be in his house, something I’m sure no member of the Order has done before.

I leave the coffee place in a daze, ambling towards the nearest T station so I can make my way to this surprising new destination.