Ch. 5 Its Mah Birthday!
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When we returned to the manor Leovon Greengrass once again came up to us. Daphne had gotten ahold of herself by then her face once again a cold mask. However, despite that her fathers face lit up when he saw her.

“Ah, I see you two enjoyed yourself. Daphne, I hope your worries have been aleviated.”

“Yes they have father. Actually I was hoping to speak with you once we returned home. Reigis and I have come to a agreement about something.”

She looked to me, we had spoken a bit on our way back about her Tracey and Astoria.

“Of course dear I-”

“Please welcome James Potter-” the familiar voice of the herald my grandfather insulted announced.

For the most part I had not paid attention to the new arrivals, but of course this name drew it. I looked to the front doors and my eyes nearly popped out of their skull.

“And Severus Snape-Potter!”

A tall man with jet black hair, blue eyes and a pair of round glasses walked arm in arm with an equally tall man with greasy black hair and a hooked nose.

“What the fuck?” I said aloud.

Leovon and Daphne looked at me.

“Ah yes, you haven’t been to the social circles. James Potter married Severus straight out of Hogwarts with no Coven at all. Caused quite the scandal. They had to give the heir position to a distant relative. Now as Head Auror he is able to come to these events again. Though the whispers still follow him.”

So Harry Potter didn’t even have a chance at life, not to mention being unable to become The-Boy-Who-Lived. Damn, though definitely a deviation it wasn’t as big as there not being a Voldemort.

This world was odd. The social differences due to the gender disparity and the lack of a recently “deceased” Dark Lord made this place different. In a good way I would say. Wizards still seemed to lack logic and be stuck in the past.

When my fifteenth birthday arrived I was finally given something I had been waiting for a long time. My wand. Of course I had tried wandless magic, and could even lift a few objects, but that was all for now. Technically Reigis got his wand when he was eleven like most non muggleborns, but his Grandfather had locked it away calling it “A waste of gold.”

Now I finally had it. If not for all of my family around me I would have locked myself in my room to practice.

Instead I cast a simple Lumos spell to show that I wasn’t a useless squib. The magic felt natural, and I actually had to wrestle the magic down so as not to blind my entire family.

My father and grandfather had very similar ideas on what to get me for my birthday, but ended up with very different results.

Charming Wizards Make Charming Covens - Pedtrik Prewett

A Firm Hand - A Wizards Guide on Leading a Coven - Vestil Malfoy

My fathers was a book on dating, and making sure your Coven members remained happy with you and eachother.

My grandfathers was on controlling a Coven to make sure they stayed in line and worked to your benefit.

Honestly I would probably read them both, just because it sounded interesting.

The rest of my family gave me other presents. My mom got me a set of dress robes, while my other step-mothers got me books on potions and transfiguration.

Even Daphne, Astoria and Tracey sent me gifts, though I thought the latter two only did it on Daphne’s request. Astoria got me a set of magical prank toys and Tracey got me a magic ink well that never emptied.

It was Daphne’s gift though that blew me away. It was an ancient book on ritual magic. Not to the level of a family grimoire, but more on the nature of ritual magic and how it worked.

Along with it came a note.

Happy birthday Reigis. My father told me about your interests in certain magical fields and agreed to let me send you an old tome of ours as no one has used it in centuries. I hope that you are still okay with spending my birthday with me and my sisters. If you are, we will be at Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlor in Diagon Alley at noon.


Daphne Greengrass

There was a lipstick kiss mark on the corner that had been smudged away and below it a little note.

That mark is my sister Astoria trying to be funny. It was not me.

I snorted at her awkwardness. Looking up I saw my mother’s eyes twinkle and a grin spread across her face.

“So, sending letter to your beloved now are we?”

Lissy snatched the letter from my hand and I quickly tried to grab it back but I was glued to my seat. I saw Jess smirk as she stowed away her wand and looked over my sister's shoulder to read the letter.

“Aww. I bet that was her kiss mark, but she was too embarrassed to go through with it. Didn’t you do the same thing Katie?”

Katie smacked Jess on the shoulder, her face red.

“Oi don’t hit a pregnant woman.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t be acting like a bitch then.”

Iris burst out laughing at that and Lissy snickered only to earn a glare from Jess.

I opened another letter from Leovon. It was pretty much just him being happy I was considering his other daughters, from this letter I could tell he cared for them, especially Astoria. However he made sure to say that I would need to have a conversation with both of them and him first to go over their circumstances in more detail before any betrothal agreements were made.

Once the celebration was over I moved back to my room.

I realized recently that I am somewhat of a recluse, though that is mainly due to Reigis’ own upbringing and my lack of memories.

“Hello,” a timid voice called from the windowsill.

“Hey Nessy,” I said back.

Nessy was a small garden snake I found a little while ago, it had snuck inside due to the cold winter and I had found it in my bed one morning. Luckily when I screamed like a little girl jumping off of my bed the snake had as well.

And that was how I learned I was a Parselmouth.

“Want to watch me do some magic?”

“U-uh, sure,” the snake replied.

I could tell that the snake was a bit dubious, and its low intelligence meant it probably didn’t even know what magic was.

Regardless I began to sift through a book on basic charms and began to try and cast them. A few like levitation charm were simple in theoretical concept. However, ones like the cleaning charm were different. After all, how was one to specify dirty? How did it know what was dirt and what was not? I knew intent mattered a lot in spells, so that must play a large part in it.

For the next two weeks I spent every waking moment practicing spells. I didn’t go into the Dark Arts yet, I didn’t know if they truly corrupted the user or if that was more of a superstition.

I quickly realized that I took to Charms like a fish to water. Such as the spell Diffindo, the severing charm. It was not a combat spell like the cutting curse. They were very similar, but had some key differences.

The cutting curse was specifically useful against flesh, and of course was harder to heal due to the curse imbued in it. Meanwhile the severing charm was good at cutting non-living things and even plants. Though the more magical the thing in question the harder it was to cut. The severing charm was also more precise, it severed directly rather than acting as a blade like the cutting curse.

On the second of Febuary I arrived at Diagon Alley through The Leaky Cauldron’s fireplace. My large increase in magic power didn’t stop me from falling on my ass and coughing out ash.

Grumbling I dusted off my robes before nodding to the barkeep. Funnily enough the barkeep was not Tom, but instead a pretty older woman by the name of Tamantha.

I didn’t know how I felt about all the male characters being switched to female characters and hoped it was just a coincidence.

Thankfully I remembered the pattern for the bricks and headed through the magical street, a bag in hand. It didn’t take me long to spot my fiance. Daphne wore a white sleeveless blouse with a long skirt along with the usually wizard robe.

Beside her Astoria sat giggling as she wiped the icecream off her face. The girl was only younger by a year but looked to be more like two or three. I knew that was probably due to her bing “sickly.” Unlike the blonde hair of her sister she had shining black hair but equally beautiful sky blue eyes.

I reminded myself to look into the family library for any way to help out a blood malediction. Regardless of if we became engaged I didn’t want someone to die an early death for no reason.

Tracey was different than the two slim girls. She was almost unreasonably curvy. Her large breasts were tight against her dress and I could see how the bottom of the dress curved around her thighs despite being rather loose. She had brown hair and eyes, and her smile looked more infectious than a plague.

Damn, what a world where there would be three women wanting to be with me.