Chapter 6: The Heat of Endeavour’s Anger
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Two advanced chapter are on Patreon


"Honey, I need to step out for a bit. Phantom has been spotted in Okayama. I suspect he's up to something," Enji announced, his tone laced with a mix of concern and determination.

Rei paused, a flicker of worry crossing her usually calm features. "Alright, but please be careful, Enji. And try to return home early. I... I have an uneasy feeling about this," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

Enji turned to look at his wife, surprise etching onto his face. It was unlike Rei to express such concerns, and it gave him pause. However, seeing the worry in her eyes, he knew he had to reassure her. Wrapping his arms around her in a comforting embrace, he said, "I promise, Rei. I'll be back as soon as I can."

Rei let out a small sound of acknowledgement, "Hmm," nestling further into his embrace, finding solace in his warmth and the strength of his promise.


The following morning, at the Musutafu Private Kindergarten,

Kei gave Toya a curious glance, his brows furrowed in concern. "Why do you look like you barely slept a wink last night?" he inquired.

Toya met his gaze squarely, a touch of annoyance flickering in his eyes. "Are you really asking me that when you already know the answer?" he retorted, his tone edged with fatigue.

Kei chuckled, lightly patting Toya's shoulder in a friendly gesture. "Come on, don't be mad," he said, attempting to lighten the mood.

Toya merely responded with a noncommittal grunt, giving Kei a sidelong glance.

Changing the subject, Kei asked, "So, have you finished Mori-sensei's homework?"

"I finished it the moment she assigned it," Toya replied, his tone matter-of-fact.

Kei's eyes lit up with a hopeful glint. "Can I see your work?" he asked, a hint of desperation seeping into his voice.

"Sure," Toya agreed, reaching into his bag to retrieve his notebook. However, before he could hand it over, Mori-sensei swooped in, snatching the notebook out of his grasp.

"Kei, next time, do your own work. And Toya, don't just hand your work over to him," Mori-sensei admonished, her voice stern. She was a striking woman, slender yet muscular, with fiery red hair that fell to her shoulders and piercing green eyes that seemed to miss nothing.

"Alright," Toya conceded, his voice barely above a whisper.

Mori-sensei held his gaze for a few tense seconds before she turned away, striding to the front of the class to continue her lesson as if nothing had happened.

When the final bell rang, Mori-sensei's gaze found Toya again. "Everyone is dismissed. Toya, I'd like you to stay behind. I need to speak with you about something," she instructed, leaving the room without another word.

Kei shot Toya a teasing grin. "Good luck, my friend," he called out.

"Shut up, Kei," Toya retorted, standing up and slinging his bag over his shoulder before exiting the classroom.

Toya's mind raced as he made his way to Mori-sensei's office. 'Is she going to lecture me like she did with Kei when he nearly got caught cheating on a quiz?' he wondered.

Upon arriving at Mori-sensei's office, he heard her voice, cool and authoritative. "Close the door, Toya," she instructed.

Toya complied, but before he could turn around, he felt a sudden blow to the back of his head. Darkness quickly consumed him.

Mori-sensei watched as Toya slumped to the floor, her expression unreadable. "My work here is done," she said, her voice icy.

She pulled out her phone and dialed a number. As soon as the call was answered, she spoke. "Echo, I've done my part. Get Phantom here," she commanded.

"Understood," came the reply from the other end.


At the Todoroki Residence,

A grim scene unfolded. The lifeless bodies of numerous guards were strewn across the ground. Amidst the chilling tableau stood Echo, methodically wiping the blood from his mask.

Echo was clad in an outfit reminiscent of Black Mask, adding to the eerie sight.

He entered the house, the ominous creak of the door echoing through the silent hallways. Fuyumi, hearing the noise, called out, "Onii-chan, is that you?"

But as she arrived at the entrance, her words died in her throat. A stranger stood before her, his suit splattered with blood, his presence imposing and terrifying.

"Ah, there you are," Echo said, reaching out for Fuyumi. But before he could touch her, Rei, wielding her ice powers, erected a wall between them, all while cradling her youngest son in her arms.

"Fuyumi, are you okay?" Rei asked, pulling her daughter close.

"Okaa-san," Fuyumi whimpered, her breath hitching as she clung to her mother. "I'm scared. Where is Otou-san?" Her voice was barely a whisper, trembling with fear.

"He'll be here soon," Rei assured her, her voice strained.

Echo kicked down the ice barrier with a scoff. "This isn't amusing, woman," he sneered. "I'm going to enjoy this."

Rei raised her hand, ready to strike. "Don't move, or I'll attack," she warned.

Echo merely laughed, his voice chilling. He advanced on Rei, who, true to her word, fired an ice shard at him. He dodged it effortlessly, rushed her, and delivered a powerful kick to her chest that sent her flying across the room.

Despite the brutal attack, Rei managed to maintain her hold on her youngest son, shielding him with her body even as she was thrown back.

"Okaa-san!" Fuyumi screamed, her face pale and stricken with terror.

Echo knelt down, placing a hand atop Fuyumi's head. "Stay still, kid, or I'll twist your neck," he threatened. Fuyumi trembled, her eyes wide with fear, tears streaming down her face.

"Give up, woman, if you don't want your child to die," Echo taunted.

Before Rei could respond, a gust of wind swept through the room, hitting a wall and ricocheting back to strike Echo in the face.

"Are you okay, little one?" an elderly man in a white and yellow hero suit with a black eye mask asked.

The elderly man was none other than Gran Torino, a figure known well in the hero community despite his retirement. His stature had diminished over time, but he still stood tall, a testament to the formidable hero he once was. His presence here was a mystery, one that would be unraveled in due course.

"Oji-chan, are you a hero?" Fuyumi asked, her voice trembling slightly.

"Yes, I used to be. But I've retired. Now, go to your mother and leave this to me," Gran Torino replied, gently patting Fuyumi's head.

Fuyumi nodded, her eyes welling up with tears as she rushed to her mother's side, following Gran Torino's advice.

Echo staggered to his feet, dusting off his suit. He studied the elderly man, his eyes narrowing. "Who are you, old man?" he asked, reloading his weapon and assuming a fighting stance.

"Just a retired hero," Gran Torino replied, his voice steady.

"Endeavour was your disciple?" Echo asked, confusion etched across his face.

"No, my disciple had two tufts of yellow hair, like a rabbit's," Gran Torino responded. In the blink of an eye, he was gone, a gust of wind marking his swift movement.

Echo watched the space where Gran Torino had stood, his mind racing. 'This is going to be tough,' he thought, cracking his neck and focusing his energy.

But before he could react, he was struck in the face by Gran Torino, sending him crashing into a wall. Echo grunted in pain, rage simmering in his eyes. But before he could rise, he saw Gran Torino in the air, his foot aimed straight at Echo's stomach.

Gran Torino struck him again and again, bouncing back each time like a relentless whirlwind. It was a relentless assault, reminiscent of Sonic's attacks, but executed with powerful kicks.

Echo coughed up blood, struggling to comprehend that he was being bested by a retired hero. Refusing to accept defeat, he released his stored energy in a powerful shockwave, forcing Gran Torino to retreat. Yet, the old hero landed perfectly on his feet, unscathed.

Echo was panting heavily, the damage inflicted on him taking its toll. He pressed a button on his helmet, his voice a desperate whisper. "Phantom, I need your help."


Before the harrowing incident of Toya's abduction,

At Okayama Prefecture,

Endeavour was locked in battle, releasing a wave of flame towards a shadowy mist that deftly avoided the attack.

Teaming up with him was a pink-haired pro hero, Blossom Gale, also known as Yumi Tanaka. She was of average height with a slender build, her long, wavy pink hair flowing freely as her emerald green eyes sparkled with determination. She complemented Endeavour's flame attack with a gust of cherry blossom petals, creating a fiery tornado.

Blossom Gale

Meanwhile, other heroes were busy evacuating citizens, their efforts dwarfed by the sheer skill and power of their adversary, Phantom.

"You've learned a new trick, have you? Worried about getting your face burned again?" Endeavour taunted.

Blossom Gale shot Endeavour a disappointed look. It was unwise to provoke an enemy when their capabilities were unknown.

Phantom, perched on top of a building, merely smirked behind his mask and chuckled.

"Why are you laughing?" Endeavour demanded.

Phantom didn't respond, instead lifting a finger. Suddenly, shadow chains sprouted from Blossom Gale's and Endeavour's shadows.

"What?" Blossom Gale gasped, taken aback by this new development.

Endeavour, however, merely smiled, dismissing it as a familiar trick.

Phantom then conjured a large shadow spear and hurled it towards Endeavour and Blossom Gale.

Endeavour strained against the shadow chains, managing to step in front of Blossom Gale. "This is how the new number 2 hero fights," he declared, releasing flames that incinerated the chains and erected a wall of fire to block the incoming shadow spear.

Suddenly, Phantom's earpiece buzzed. He picked up the call.

"Void's job is done. She's waiting for you, Phantom," Echo's voice came through the earpiece.

"Understood," Phantom replied, hanging up the call and creating a portal using his own shadow.

"Let's stir things up a bit," Phantom muttered.

As Endeavour's firewall dissipated, he pushed the remaining flames away, causing them to vanish instantly.

"Where do you think you're going?" Endeavour challenged.

"I'm leaving you here," Phantom retorted.

"You're not escaping again," Enji declared, charging towards Phantom and propelling himself forward with his flames.

Just before Phantom vanished into his shadow, he uttered two words with an unsettlingly cheerful tone, "Toya Todoroki."

Enji's eyes widened in shock at the mention of his son's name. A pang of worry pierced through his heart. 'My son,' he thought, fear gripping him.

His flames, reflecting his rising panic, flared up, their intensity scorching the ground beneath him. He tensed his legs and launched himself into the sky, using his flames to propel himself forward. He moved with a speed and determination borne out of his desperate need to save his son.

This was the first time Blossom Gale had truly felt the ferocity of Endeavour's anger. It manifested in the form of his flames, their heat so intense that it scorched the ground beneath them, leaving a trail of charred earth in their wake.


Two advanced chapter in Patreon.

Peace Yo