Chapter 4: I got Bitten…
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Chapter 4: I got Bitten…

(Marinkia’s POV)

Woman: “Hey… do you truly wish for me to repeat myself once again? I promise you that… well, it would be a mistake.” She said with an evil tone and expression.

Marinkia: “No… sorry. I was just shocked by your beauty.” I reply with a red face and embarrassed tone.

Wait a fucking minute… why did I just admit to that!? The hell… I feel like I can’t lie to this woman at all. Who is she? Why do these zombies not attack us, seemingly following her orders? Is… is she even human?

Woman: “Are you a lesbian?” She asked.

Marinkia: “I am.” I reply, saying the truth rather I wanted to or not.

Woman: “I see… That’s good to know.” She said with a bright smile.

Marinkia: “…”

The woman’s smile was intoxicating to witness. Maybe it is due in part to the environment? That being one of death, decay, and destruction. Her smile is radiant in such a bleak world…

Woman: “You speak good words, girl. What is your name?” She asked, walking up to me and using her hand to point my chin up so that I am looking into the jewels that she calls her eyes.

The woman is far taller than me. But to be fair, I was always on the short side. Though, she was quite tall for a woman as well. In such a situation, should I be happy that she is my type?…

Marinkia: “My… my name is Marinkia.” I answer.

Mercedes: “What a pretty name… Mine is Mercedes.” She said, playing with my hair.

Marinkia: “What is…” She stopped my words by putting her finger on my lips.

Mercedes: “Shh… All will be explained… if you survive.” She said with an unsure tone.

Marinkia: “What do you mean? Are you threatening me?” I ask with a head tilt.

Mercedes: “That’s a good cute head tilt, Marinkia… Anyway, it isn’t a threat. I am just not sure that you will survive.” She said with a thinking pose.

Survive what, exactly? Damn… this woman is the kind that barely explains things. Which is, also my type…

Marinkia: “What is it that you want from me?” I ask with a curious tone.

Mercedes: “Do you think that I am a normal woman?” She replied.

Looking past her shoulder, and at the horde of zombies that were circling us, I was sure that she wasn’t a normal person. But, I saw no news of a person being able to control the undead…

Marinkia: “It doesn’t seem so. Ah! No offense.” I reply.

Mercedes: “None taken. Now, I want to bite you. What will happen when I do… well, if you survive, I will explain everything to you.” She replied.

Marinkia: “…”

Mercedes: “Let me bite you, and then I will let you go free. On top of that, I have medical supplies that I can use to treat your wound.” She continued.

Let her bite me? For what purpose?… Ah, let’s not be stupid here. I have read so many zombies stories in my life. It honestly wouldn’t shock me if Mercedes was some new, evolved human and zombie hybrid.

Marinkia: “Okay.” I agree.

Mercedes: “…”

Marinkia: “?”

Mercedes: “Oh, it is surprising that you agreed so fast.” She said with a happy laugh.

What a weird girl… With a sigh, I bent my head to show her my neck. Looking at her reaction, it looked like she was about to drool… I guess that a zombie and human hybrids will still crave blood and flesh?…

Mercedes: “Showing me such a lewd sight… Do you have no shame, girl?” She said with a smile.

Marinkia: “Huh? Don’t you need to bite me on my neck? If not, forgive me for believing that it would be vampire rules.” I reply with a confused tone.

Mercedes: “I was going to just bite your leg or arm, girl. But biting your neck, which is close to your brain, would work faster and be more successful.” She explained.

Marinkia: “Okay?… Then, bite away?” I reply, tilting my head once again.

Mercedes: “Marinkia… I am not a vampire. This bite won’t be nice or pleasurable. It will hurt you.” She said with a serious tone.

Marinkia: “That’s fine. Just… just hold me while you do it?” I suggest with an embarrassed tone.

Like I had opened the floodgates of her desires, the woman, Mercedes, had hugged me and then bitten my neck. I was prepared for intense pain, as I actually hated pain a lot. But instead, I felt… pleasure? I swear that I am not a masochist!!!

Mercedes: “With the bite done, you have fulfilled your end of the deal. Now, I shall treat your wound that I caused.” She said, taking her mouth off of my neck and her teeth out of my bite.

Before reaching into her bag, which I guess had the medical supplies in it, she leaned back down to my neck, and she finished up the leftover blood on it, as well as the blood on her mouth. Was I weird to find such a situation amazingly hot?…

Mercedes: “Are you okay? It didn’t hurt too much… right?” She asked while bandaging my wound and wrapping it up.

Marinkia: “It… it didn’t hurt at all. In fact, it was like you were a vampire… That is to say, the bite felt good.” I answer with a beet-red face.

Mercedes: “So it felt good? That’s good to know. I have never marked a person before, so I wasn’t aware that it would feel good or not.” She said with a relieved tone.

Marinkia: “…”

Once she finished up tending to my wound, the woman looked amazingly happy. Leaning down, she placed a kiss upon my wound, which oddly lessened the already small amount of pain even further.

Mercedes: “Marinkia… The sun is about to go down.” She informed.

Trying to look at my PC, I realized that I had no access to it anymore. It wouldn’t even turn on. Man… I should have bought that watch when it was on sale… Do people even know how to tell time anymore these days? I doubt it…

Marinkia: “Yeah… it looks like it will be down in just less than an hour.” I reply with a sigh.

Mercedes: “For tonight, please come with me. I will be sure to keep you safe for one night.” She offered, holding her hand out to me.

If I had known what would happen if I took this hand, I wouldn’t have accepted her offer at all. Fuck that. I am not a future seer. I have no idea what will happen if I agree with her proposal. With oddly no hesitation, I took Mercedes’s hand, and she started to guide me away to somewhere…