Chapter 7: Not Another One…
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Chapter 7: Not Another One…

(Marinkia’s POV)

Mai: “You cannot leave, Marinkia.” She said with a serious tone.

Marinkia: “Why not?” I ask with an unbothered tone.

Mai: “Hm… how much has she explained to you?” She asked.

Marinkia: “Nothing at all. Mercedes said that she would explain it to me, but only if it works out.” I answer.

Mai: “And if it doesn’t work out?” She asked.

Marinkia: “Then she said that she would eat me.” I reply.

Mai: “…Why are you speaking the truth so easily? You aren’t misleading me, right?” She asked with an angry tone.

Marinkia: “Are you serious!?” I snap at her in anger.

Mai: “…”

Marinkia: “Sorry… When I am around you or Mercedes, I cannot tell lies at all. I must speak the truth. For instance, I wouldn’t have said that the bite felt good, nor would I have snapped at you just now.” I explain with a remorseful tone.

Mai: “…”

Mai then seemed to be lost in thought. Was she considering if I was telling the truth or not?

Mai: “Apologies, I didn’t know that we had such an ability.” She said with a remorseful tone.

Marinkia: “It’s fine. Why didn’t you notice? I am sure that you‘ve met other people since you gained your new form and powers.” I ask with a curious tone.

Mai: “I have met others, but I just killed and ate them rather than talk.” She admitted with a nonchalant tone.

Marinkia: “…”

Did… did Mercedes do the same? I oddly can’t get mad at Mai or Mercedes for doing such things, and I do not know why. What I am really curious about… is why they didn’t kill me on sight?…

Marinkia: “Since I’ve explained it to you, can I leave now?” I ask.

Mai: “No. Mercedes had the right idea to wait and make sure it works before telling you, and I will do the same.” She denied.

What do you mean by that!? Oh, please don’t tell me that I somehow seduce yet another new human woman… Mai was fast, very fast. So before I could react, she picked me up in a princess carry.

Then, she sat back down onto the counter, and Mai sat me on her lap. Thus started the second time in my life that a woman had started to rub my head like I was their pet…

Marinkia: “Um…” I try to speak, but Mai stopped my words with a finger on my lips, similar to what Mercedes did to me not that long ago.

Mai: “You will understand if you survive, Marinkia. But for now, you will be left in the dark. Just know that, for reasons I will not explain, Mercedes will know that I have you in my possession, and she will come to get you soon.” She explained.

Marinkia: “…”

Mai: “Until then, please be a good girl and wait for her, okay?” She said with a dominating but warm tone.

Marinkia: “Okay…” I agree with a nod, looking down at my own lap.

Thus started yet another time where a woman handled me like this… Do people even say “Thus” these days? Eh, I was always a nerd. Now that I think about it, Mai was different in more ways than just her hair and eyes.

Her height was towering over me, just like Mercedes. Almost like they were the same height… Not to mention… her boobs!!! They’re bigger than before. I did take a quick glance at them when I last met her.

Why the hell did becoming a new human make Mai and Mercedes more attractive? On both of them, there wasn’t a blemish or anything. Like, they were perfect models AFTER someone edited their pictures…

A few Hours Later.

Marinkia: “Wow…” I say in shock.

Standing outside the building was Mercedes, with an entire army of undead. There were at least a few thousand of them, and they couldn’t even fit fully on the street, probably pouring out the sides of the buildings. It seemed that Mai was at a disadvantage when it came to numbers…

Mercedes: “Why have you taken my ma… why have you taken Marinkia?” She asked in a voice louder than a normal human could speak.

Was she about to say “mate” or did she forget my name? Let’s just pretend that I didn’t hear that one. Hm… yes. This apocalypse is making me very good at denying aspects of reality. Maybe I am already losing my sanity?

Mai: “So you’re Mercedes? We must speak about something to do with Marinkia.” She replied, after standing up and guiding me outside where Mercedes was.

Mercedes: “Fine, let us speak.” She agreed.

Mai: “Marinkia shouldn’t listen to this, though?” She advised.

Mercedes: “I have a solution to that already.” She said with a scoff.

Mercedes then took out a headset from her bag. Oh? Was that a completely noise canceling headphone set? With a PC, you didn’t need any physical hardware to listen to it. But such things were still made for helping with sleep.

Not to mention, they were one of the few products that Grant didn’t have control over. So they should still work.

Mercedes: “Marinkia dear, I will put these on you, okay?” She informed.

Marinkia: “Okay.” I agree with a nod.

Mercedes: “Such a good girl you are, Marinkia.” She said with a smile, putting the headphones on my head.

Then my hearing was completely blocked. Like they were worried that I would eavesdrop, Mai had kept her hands on both sides of the headphones. Insuring that they wouldn’t slip off. How dominating of her…

The conversation started off calm, but soon diverted into a loud and angry one. I couldn’t hear them, but I could still tell that the conversation was very heated.

From being able to somewhat read lips, I honestly couldn’t make out much of the conversation. Before I realized it, Mai had taken off the headphones from my head. Oh, the conversation was already over?

Mai: “Marinkia, can you read lips?” She asked.

Marinkia: “Somewhat, but not very well. I couldn’t understand any of your conversation.” I reply.

Mai: “I see. It’s a good thing that you couldn’t. Otherwise, you might be afraid of us.” She said with a laugh.

Marinkia: “…”

Mercedes: “Marinkia, we have come to an understanding.” She said with a sigh.

Marinkia: “What kind of understanding?” I reply with a head tilt.

Mercedes: “To explain it explain… that would explain too much. Instead, we have to ask something of you.” She replied.

Before asking me whatever it was, the sun was going down, so we retreated back into the building, which was a clothing store, and then the conversation picked back up.

Currently, I was sitting on a small bed made with blankets. I do like that they care about my comfort. Though, honestly, their breasts are the best pillows. It seemed that Mercedes had claimed my head for the night.

Mai: “Marinkia… can you trust us?” She asked.

Marinkia: “Hm… I oddly already trust you two.” I reply.

Mai: “…”

Marinkia: “?”

Mercedes: “Marinkia… can you let Mai bite you as well? Once you’re past that point, and survive it, we will explain everything to you. Just… just please trust us for now, okay?” She asked.

Mai: “We swear that we only have your best interests in mind, Marinkia.” She said with a reassuring tone.

Best interests in mind? There is a chance that I end up becoming a zombie from these bites… Whatever… not like I have anything to lose by agreeing with them. But first, I shall sleep.

Marinkia: “Mai, you can mark me in the morning.” I reply.

Mai: “Why not right now?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Mercedes: “You aren’t scared and are trying to run away from us, right?” She asked with a nervous tone.

Marinkia: “Nope. If she bites me, then I will end up too aroused to sleep.” I admit, much to my annoyance.

Mercedes: “…”

Mai: “…”

Now seemingly aware of their ability to make people speak the truth, they silently agreed to not tease me for speaking such an embarrassing reason for not wanting Mai to mark me tonight. So, just like last night, I was held in Mercedes’s arms and I soon fell asleep peacefully.