Chapter 8: Yet Another Bite… Can I Survive Now?
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Chapter 8: Yet Another Bite… Can I Survive Now?

(Marinkia’s POV)

Unlike last night, I woke up in the arms of Mai. Mercedes had a cute pout on her face. Ah, so did they like, agree to take turns holding me? That is kinda funny…

Mercedes: “Dammit… I told you that she was waking up soon!” She yelled.

Mai: “That doesn’t matter, it was my turn. If you didn’t hog her most of the night, then you might have had our cute wi… the cute Marinkia wake up in your arms instead.” She said with a smug tone.

Yup… she did just almost call me hers and Mercedes’s wife. What the hell even is this situation? Eh, I will either understand it sometime soon, or I will end up dead from the bite. Honestly, the only way to survive in such a world, would be by these twos side.

Mercedes: “Marinkia… Can I be selfish once more?” She asked.

Marinkia: “Sure.” I agree without hesitation.

Mai: “She didn’t even say what she wanted from you…” She said with a confused tone.

Marinkia: “Mercedes wants to bite me at the same time as you do.” I reply.

Mercedes: “…That’s right.” She admitted.

With a smug aura around me, the two carefully undid the bandage around my neck. Oddly, the bite from Mercedes was almost gone. It seemed like it wouldn’t even leave a scar on me. Weird…

Soon, and with Mai in front of me, and Mercedes behind me, I was sandwiched in between them. Mai’s breasts pressing against my own, and Mercedes’s breasts pressing against my back. It was a very arousing situation.

Then, they softly bit into my neck. Mercedes bit where she did yesterday, and Mai bit the other side of my neck. If you didn’t realize that they were biting, or rather, marking me, you’d think that I had two women both sucking on my neck at the same time. Ah, I am such a sinner. Doing two girls at once… Heh…

Marinkia: “Oooh…” I moan out those words, not being able to stop myself from doing so.

As expected, the bites were arousing. So arousing… that I ended up, uh… finishing from the pleasure. Seemingly aware of this, the two women comforted me, rubbing my head, and calling me a good girl, until my body stop making convulsions. God… this is so damn embarrassing!!!…

Like before, the two said that they could not follow me, and that I needed to stay away from them. That is, until whatever process that they hope will happen… actually happens. Though, they did make sure to both give me a kiss on my forehead before I left their side.

Hours Later.

Once again, I had to run away from them. But it wasn’t due to fear at all. I could somewhat understand their feelings on this matter. Mai and Mercedes didn’t want me to end up dying because they messed up. Or, there was some other reason that I didn’t know of just yet.

Currently, I was in a more rural part of the city. If I was trying to survive, I would climb over the walls and escape this city. But since I am waiting for those two, I should stick to this city for now.

Marinkia: “Cough…” I cough up… blood?

Oh, that can’t be good… Eh, I don’t really feel sick at all. And besides, like they were world class doctors, those two patched me up skillfully. It was very unlikely that the blood was from the bite wound.

I guess that something inside me is changing? From the words that were accidentally leaked from Mai’s mouth, it seems that I will be their wife if… Whatever they bit me for, works out in the end.

But what exactly could that be? I can make a guess, and assume that I will either end up an undead, or a new human similar to Mai and Mercedes. All I can do is wait until my body processes these changes.

Marinkia: “Ah, I miss them already…” I say with a sigh.

Is there something special about me? I chopped meeting Mercedes up to be a random twist of fate, but was it? Did she… find me? I mentioned that I didn’t see any zombies before meeting Mai, but that isn’t correct.

I did see a few of them, just not a lot. The thing is, now that I know that Mai was interested in me, I realize that the zombies I did meet… They led me specifically to where Mai was. Not even really trying to kill me.

If this is all true, and I am not just being a narcissist or crazy person, why do they like me? From Mai’s words herself, she killed everyone else that she met so far, and I am sure that Mercedes did the same.

Fuck it… I won’t get any answers by thinking about it. I just have to wait until they explain it to me.

Man: “Stop right there!” He yelled.

Marinkia: “?”

Oh, now that I think about it, I tend to get lost in my own head all the time. This is pretty bad for a world like this where you could die at any minute. I guess that I need to somehow fix this habit…

Marinkia: “Why so loud? Are you not afraid of zombies coming to get us?” I say with a calm and quiet tone.

Man: “…Right, sorry.” He replied with a remorseful tone.

Marinkia: “What do you need, anyway?” I ask.

The man didn’t have any weapons on him, and he didn’t seem to be bitten. This is good, right? I finally met another person that wasn’t a new human. I call bullshit on it, though. This is a surely a trap.

Man: “Those… That bandage on your neck… Did you get bitten by a zombie?” He asked with a nervous tone.

Marinkia: “No.” I deny.

Man: “Then how did you get hurt?” he asked once more.

Marinkia: “I tried to kill myself with this knife of mine, but I decided not to do so in the end.” I answer with feigned honesty, flashing him my kitchen knife.

Man: “I get it… Hey, my group always needs more survivors. Do you want to join us?” He offered.

Marinkia: “Hm… Sure, I guess.” I reply with a nod.

Man: “Great! Follow me.” He replied, leading the way.

Yeah… I’ll just follow you into an alleyway. Nothing bad or wrong will happen at all. Following him, fully expecting it to be a trap, I went further into the alleyway. Soon, I was surrounded by a bunch of men who didn’t look nice at all. Wait a fucking minute! Why did I go along with this? Am I an idiot!? And… why don’t I feel afraid?…