Chapter 64: This is the Life That I’ve Always Wanted…
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Chapter 64: This is the Life That I’ve Always Wanted…

(Ava’s POV)

Being raised as livestock was very, very weird. My mother apparently was very tasty, which meant that I was surely going to be tasty as well. Due to this lineage, I was pampered more than most livestock.

It wasn’t like we were treated badly, though. The worst part was using being used meat in the end. Apart from that final end, living was very enjoyable. Happy and healthy humans taste far better, so you could call how they treated us was a trick.

Besides the lingering knowledge that we were meant to be consumed one day, and the slight restrictions on the media and entertainment that we could consume, I and most of the other livestock were very happy. I was just given more privileges than the rest.

I was fine with it, honestly. Just as long as I could consume every piece of entertainment that I could, dying didn’t sound so bad. But, being with the lovely Marinkia, my mother, I realized that I was just running from my true feelings.

Who could be okay with being farmed as meat? Only animals that couldn’t understand such a thing would be fine with it. Such as cows and chickens. They weren’t dumb, mind you. From what I read, they were pretty intelligent.

But knowing that they were destined to die wasn’t something that they were aware of. We humans couldn’t be so unaware of our ends. It goes without saying, but it is highly likely that most livestock were similar to me.

Denying the possibility of ever escaping our farms, destined to be painlessly killed and eaten, eventually. Such a fate isn’t one that most would wish for themselves. Only now did I understand that.

Only now, with the privilege to live did I understand that I wanted to live. It was… it was like when I met Marinkia, I finally woke up from a deep sleep. Frankly, at that time, I didn’t even care if those men raped me. It wasn’t like I was a virgin, though I am a lesbian. At the very least, I wouldn’t feel pleasure from it.

Now, I realize that I completely overlooked the possibility that they could have raped me to death. Marinkia saved me in more ways than one, it seems… Not only did she save me from that, but she gave me my freedom and absurd power.

Are all Numens this worldly? My current thinking is on a far higher level than when I was a human. It is no wonder why Marinkia and our kind treat humans as no more than food. Their thoughts are very minimal compared to us.

Honestly, I have to dumb myself down most of the time. Not to put up a play, or anything. This is my true self, and I do not wish to lose it due to my brain changing for the better. I am sure that, with enough time of doing this, I will stay myself.

Ava: “…”

As I lay here in bed, in a place that I don’t recognize, I stare at the sleeping figure of my mother. It is funny to call her this. Humans would take a long while to accept such a thing as someone adopting you. But not us.

Marinkia is my mother, and nothing will change that. With how Numens are, I am sure that Marinkia sees me as her daughter wholesale, without any reservations at all. Marinkia calling Numens very emotional beings was an understatement.

Explaining how my emotions work now would be hard. But just know that each one is far more intense and in depth than any strong emotion I felt as a human.

Rather than usurpers of earth, like many livestock and other humans probably believes, I would say that our kind is just the next step in human evolution. For an example, would you consider a caveman to be a human? Most wouldn’t.

Of course, we wouldn’t eat a caveman, but that is beside the point. While thinking about this, Marinkia stirred awake and looked at with groggy eyes before then flashing me a bright smile.

Marinkia: “Good morning, Ava.” She said while rubbing my head sweetly.

Ava: “Hm… Good morning, Mom.” I reply, giving her a tight hug.

Marinkia mentioned that an hour is the average amount of sleep that our kind gets. Of course, this doesn’t account for if we do a lot of work. Such as killing millions of undead. But even then, Marinkia is a major over sleeper.

Marinkia: “Let’s go take a bath.” She suggested with a yawn.

Ava: “Okay.” I agreed.


Dipping into the bath, I was in a daze. Not from the heat or steam, either. Instead, it was at how well Marinkia treated me just now. Every inch of my body was lovingly washed by her. Never in my life have I ever been pampered like this before…

If Marinkia were any other woman, I would be beyond aroused. Luckily, there is a disconnect. Never once have I felt arousal from Marinkia. I mean, she is amazingly beautiful, but I cannot see her in such a light.

Marinkia: “Soak in the bath for a while longer.” She said before leaving the bath.

Ava: “?”

Thirty Minutes Later.

I stayed in the bath until Marinkia called me out. Mom then presented me a home cooked meal. It looked so tasty… Better than any food that I have ever seen in my life. Where did she get the ingredients?

Ava: “Hey, Mom. How did you make this?” I ask with a curious tone.

Marinkia: “With love for my dear daughter, and the kitchen.” She jokingly answered.

Ava: “…”

Marinkia: “Don’t worry about the ingredients. I had them delivered here, so they’re fresh as can be.” She said with a laugh.

Ava: “I see, thank you. But I do feel like you’re spending too much Credits on me, Mom.” I reply with a sigh.

Marinkia: “Such a thing doesn’t exist. You will always be my daughter, and there is nothing that you don’t deserve. Now, please eat while it is still hot.” She said with a loving smile and with a motherly tone.

Ava: “…Okay, Mom.” I reply with a smile of my own.

Rather than sit down at opposite sides of the table, Mom sat down right next to me. I had to hold back tears as she fed me the breakfast she made. It tasted amazing, and her feeding me with utmost care was even more amazing. There is a lot of food, though. Can I manage not to cry until the meal is over?…