Chapter 3: Grand Enlistment.
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Chapter 3: Grand Enlistment.

(Selenia’s POV)

Okay… This old man actually laughed for twenty minutes straight. The entire time, the knights acted as if they didn’t know what to do…

Oldish Man: “Ah… Little Lady, could you perhaps hand me those IDs? Oh, and the head too.” He asked with a warm tone.

I gave him the head first, to which he just looked at it and smirked, before he tossed it aside to a random knight behind him. He looked at the IDs that I brought, and he had an even brighter smile on his face.

Oldish Man: “What is your name?” He asked.

Selenia: “Selenia.” I reply.

Oldish Man: “And little Selenia, how did you kill this man? You aren’t a spy, right? This man is, or was, a very famous general in the Forcia military. How did a little girl like you kill him? No offense, but you can’t be older than ten, after all.” He asked with a serious tone.

Selenia: “I am 8 years old, Mister. As for how I killed him, it was pretty simple. The man was quite busy pleasuring himself with a corpse. While he was distracted in his terrible sexual act, I stabbed him with my knife.” I explained.

I’ve already saved Resoria, I am not risking her life by telling them that I saved someone. For all I know, it could get her killed, so I decided to lie somewhat.

Oldish Man: “You snuck up on him? But the killing blow was through his eye, not the back of his head.” He said with a thinking pose.

Selenia: “Yes, as I was about to stab him, the floor under me made a noise that alerted him. Luckily, I was still able to kill him, regardless.” I reply.

Oldish Man: “Hmm… I see. We can give you food, but please know that you will be drafted into our military.” He explained.

Selenia: “Children can serve?” I ask with a head tilt.

Oldish Man: “In wartime, yes. We can draft anyone that we need to. Besides, little Lady, I can feel that you will make a fine soldier.” He said with a hearty laugh.

Selenia: “I won’t know until I try, I guess.” I reply with a shrug.

Oldish Man: “A fine lady you’re then! Come, I shall introduce you to my men.” He said with a smile.

At this point, the other knights have already put their weapons away. I was guided into the fort, and then the old man gathered everyone in the fort into the main square of it.

Oldish Man: “On behalf of my noble name and rank, General Radahn Quartz, I hereby enlist this young lady into our fine military.” He shouted with a boastful voice.

Ah, so that is his name. How fitting for someone of that kind of build and personality. Oddly, there was some fanfare around the announcement. But not that much.

Radahn: “Yeah, yeah, very few praises for the young lady. How about this then? This girl, little Selenia, she killed a famous general of the Forcia military, a mister Hortia Belt!” He shouted once more.

This time, there was a roaring celebration of his words. Uh… Did I actually kill someone that important? I didn’t realize that person was someone of that renown. But to be fair to me, he died very easily.

Radahn: “Now then, little Selenia, how do you come up meeting him, and then killing him?” He asked.

Selenia: “Oh? Well, his group had just finished pillaging a village and left, and I went into said village to get some food. I found him uh… playing? With a corpse, to which I killed him because he was distracted.” I explain in as loud of a voice as I could.

My words awarded me with even louder praises this time. Are you really going to praise me? You know, I mentioned that a village in your kingdom was destroyed…

Radahn: “Killing a corpse fucker, and revenging the deaths of a few villagers? What a roaring start to your military career! Now then, my men, please be aware, if you try to do anything bad to our new little lady, then you will regret it.” He said with a loud and serious tone.

The soldiers all headed his words with great respect. At least I won’t have to worry about one of them trying to assault me in the middle of the night. Though, I do notice a few female soldiers in this fort. Maybe the people of this world aren’t as sexist as people in my world are?

Ah, I should clarify, I mean people in the same era as my world. That being a medieval one. It wasn’t perfect, but the era that I died in, it was miles better than that point of history in my old world…

Radahn guided me to some female soldiers and told me that I would be staying in the women’s barracks from now on. Most of the people here aren’t wearing any armor at the moment, as it is clearly peaceful right now.

My hopes were slightly dashed, as the female barracks weren’t that full. From what I could tell, there were about fifty women serving in this fort. Most of the people serving were men, and this fort could easily hold a few thousand soldiers in it.

Rana: “Hello, my name is Rana, I already heard yours, little Selenia.” She said with a laugh.

Selenia: “It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Rana.” I reply with a smile.

Rana: “Lady? Oh my, you have quite the manners, young lady.” She said with a happy smile.

The other women didn’t bother looking my way at all. What’s their problem? No, really. I am curious on why they’re acting like that.

Rana: “You’re like me, Selenia, I joined up for food. But most of the women here want revenge for their loved ones. Please excuse them for acting lifeless.” She answered my unasked question.

To be fair, she probably realized what I was thinking as I glanced around the room. Specifically, at the other female soldiers. Looking at them, they all kinda looked dead inside, and almost outside as well.

Man…I truly do not know if I made a bad choice by joining up with this military or not. Well, the only way to know is to actually give it a shot. Speaking of which, where the fuck can I get some food!?…