Chapter 8: No Promotion…
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Chapter 8: No Promotion...

(Selenia’s POV)

It took damn near forever for Radahn to stop laughing. After laughing so much, he needed to drink some water. In his stupor, he almost went for some of the water THAT I HAD POISONED LAST NIGHT! Luckily, one of the soldiers stopped him in time, and then gave him a water sack to drink from.

Radahn: “Phew… That was the best damn laugh I have had in years.” He said with a happy tone.

Selenia: “Yeah, it was so funny that you almost poisoned yourself.” I reply with a giggle.

Radahn: “Hey now, that stays between us, and Gram, who stopped me. I know that you won’t snitch, but I will have to bribe Gram with some food later…” He said with a thinking pose.

Selenia: “Will I really not get a promotion?” I ask with a curious tone.

Radahn: “In my opinion, you should get to become a full noble, let alone get a promotion. But the thing is, Selenia, how would it look for our kingdom to promote a little girl?” He replied.

Selenia: “Hm… It would be quite funny, in my opinion. So, I guess that I have to do something crazy that a lot of people see, right?” I suggest.

Radahn: “I would say so. Though, I do hope that you don’t do something crazy, like win a war. You would end up with some crazy sounding name, I am sure of it.” He replied.

Selenia: “Don’t tempt me, Radahn.” I reply with a cheeky tone.

Radahn: “…You’re very scary sometimes, Selenia.” He said with a sigh.

Selenia: “Oops?” I reply with a head tilt.

After taking all of the documents, we burned the outpost down. It was makeshift, anyway. And we didn’t want the enemy military to retake it and use it as an outpost once more. I rode with Radahn back to the fort, which was oddly a very comfortable ride. Radahn’s horse clearly respected him a lot. Once there, I was met with a boobie filled hug from Rana…

I know that Rana is older than me, but it kinda irks me when her breasts are far bigger than my own… Actually, as I am a child, my breasts don’t even exist… Whatever, I am just glad that at least there is one person in this world who would be upset if I died. Rana kept hugging me for an entire hour…

Selenia: “Did you really have to hug me for that long, Rana?” I ask with a sigh.

Rana: “Can you blame me? I thought that I sent you off to your death…” She replied with a sad tone.

Selenia: “Even if I did die, I took that mission of my own free will. You wouldn’t be at fault.” I reply.

Rana: “Even still, I would be upset if you died, Selenia.” She said before giving me yet another hug.

Selenia: “Okay, Rana, I get it. And I have more than reached my hug quota for today.” I reply with a giggle after prying Rana away from me.

Which, was very hard to do, you know? I am just a child, after all. And despite her looks, Rana was quite strong. Come to think of it, in a world of magic, how strong can a person even get in this world? Radahn, for example, felt as if he radiated some kind of odd, and powerful aura…

Rana: “Selenia, what happened to you?” She asked with a concerned tone.

Selenia: “Huh? What?” I ask with a confused tone.

While I was lost in thought, I completely forgot about the food and that Rana was in the room with me. I won’t be embarrassed about it, as I can just blame it on my child brain not being as developed as my original one.

Rana: “I am asking about what happened at the outpost.” She clarified.

Selenia: “Ah, well, then I have an interesting story for you, Rana.” I reply with a smug expression and tone.

Rana: “I honestly don’t like where this is going…” She said with a nervous tone.

Currently, we had gone back to the room that Radahn provided me. Actually, as I haven’t eaten for a day, I was given a feast to eat alongside Rana. Of course, the feist was mostly due to me destroying an entire outpost single-handedly.

I informed Rana that I was still very hungry, so only after eating for a bit, I then finally explained to Rana what I had done. She listened to me with great interest. It was a funny sight, seeing a child tell an adult a story…

Rana: “Are you insane!?” She exclaimed.

Selenia: “That is still up for debate, Rana.” I reply with a laugh.

Rana: “Selenia… I know your type…” She said with a sigh.

Selenia: “How do you know what kind of women I like?” I ask with a confused head tilt.

Rana: “What?… That isn’t what I meant! I mean, you’re the type of person to either do amazing things or die trying.” She replied with a hurried tone.

Selenia: “Hm… I guess?” I reply with an unsure tone.

Rana: “I know that I can’t stop you, but please always keep yourself safe.” She said with a sigh.

Selenia: “I’ll try, Rana.” I reply with a smile.

Finishing off the feast was decently hard, but we somehow managed to do it. From what I heard, Private Gram had a private, heh, dinner with Radahn. Which was just Radahn’s way of keeping Gram silent about his almost accidental suicide attempt.

Oddly, Rana refused to let me sleep alone, and she demanded to sleep with me. I didn’t mind, as she wasn’t trying to just get a nice bed to sleep on. Rana was clearly worried about me, and for an entire day as well. While using her breasts as a nice head pillow, I quickly fell asleep.

Some Time Later.

When I woke up, I saw the cute Rana peacefully sleeping beside me. Actually, I was in a goddamn cell! What the flying fuck!? I just did something amazing for Radahn, and I am rewarded with a prison cell!? At least, looking outside the bars of the small window, I could tell that this was still inside the fort. So I wasn’t kidnapped to some random place, which is good?…

But now, why the hell am I in a cell? Did I commit some crime? Well, I murdered a bunch of people, but this is a war, right? Oh, no… I might have accidentally committed a war crime… Will I be executed for it?…