Chapter 85: Get Prepared!
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Chapter 85: Get Prepared!

(Selenia’s POV)

For an entire month, there was an odd sense of calm with my wives and I. As a side effect of the marriage, we didn’t go into estrus anymore. Which was something that we found out, as we didn’t have sex for an entire month.

A peaceful time was spent with them. Like we were in complete harmony with each other. It was a very beautiful thing; you see. And I wish that even my worse enemies could one day experience something like this.

Resoria: “Selenia, are you really willing to train up a bunch of soldiers, just to have them die in the war with Tucker?” She asked.

Selenia: “Yeah, I am. Though, I doubt that our side will have that many casualties.” I reply.

Resoria: “Hot. If I didn’t know that it would upset you, then I would sacrifice countless people in your honor.” She said with an oddly serious tone.

Selenia: “Please don’t!? That would be hot, though. I won’t lie.” I reply with a laugh.

Currently, my wives and I were training up our army. With over 100,000 soldiers, we plan to take on Tucker’s army of a million. A million soldiers, that is, according to our spies. Not like the number will matter.

Unlike Tucker, who believes in quantity over quality, we spared no expense on training them up. Grace, Cirilia, and I have experience with training soldiers, so we had to teach this to Zella and Resoria. Which went well.

As for other than training them, we basically made them all super soldiers. Using anything on the market, or what Zella could cook up for us, that we could use to enhance them. Such as that… boar or bull meat? That I once hunted and gave to my soldiers.

Zella: “I feel like I am watching the origin story of a villain.” She said with a laugh.

Selenia: “I guess that we will be villains to some people. But these soldiers will be just a start before we take over the entire world.” I reply.

Cirilia: “Sounds fun.” She said with a chuckle.

Though, I did mention juicing up our soldiers; we didn’t give them anything that would negatively affect them. That is, neither now, nor anytime in the future.

Radahn: “Selenia… you’ve grown a lot since I last seen you.” He said with a smile.

Selenia: “And you’ve grown old, Radahn…” I reply with a sad tone.

Radahn: “I might be up there in age, but I can still fight this war of yours, Selenia.” He said with a hearty laugh.

Selenia: “…”

Prior to him coming here, I had offered to de-age him, and then stop his aging. But he denied this. His wife had died a few years ago from natural causes, and he just wanted to peacefully wait until his time to go see her in the afterlife.

Rana: “Selenia, it is nice to see you once again.” She said with a happy smile.

Selenia: “Rana… you’ve grown into a beautiful woman.” I say with a smile.

Rana… she wasn’t that malnourished private any longer. Now, she was wearing an expensive looking dress. And she really looked like a noble lady, not a soldier. Such a life is more fitting for her, in my opinion.

Rana: “As have you, Selenia.” She said with a laugh.

Radahn: “Hey, enough talking to her! I haven’t seen her in so long!” He pouted like a child.

Selenia: “Radahn, truly, you are my father in this life. I… I will really miss you when you die, make no mistake of that. As such, it is my great honor to let you meet my three wives.” I say with a slightly sad tone.

Radahn: “…”

Selenia: “?”

Radahn: “The ancient witch, Zella, Cirilia Sarns, and Princess Resoria, huh? Such an interesting cast of women for you to marry… I knew that it was a good idea to recruit you into my army!” He said with a warm, fatherly smile.

Selenia: “Yes… it was due to your kindness that I can now live with them in happiness. I will not sit idle on this gift, Radahn. Soon, the entire world will be under my control, and I will make it the most peaceful place in history.” I reply.

Radahn: “So that is your goal? How lofty… But I know that you can achieve it.” He said with a confident tone.

Selenia: “Not only that, but I promise to try and achieve this before you die, Radahn.” I reply in a serious tone.

Radahn: “Then, please let me lead your army, or at least part of it. I might look like an honorable man, but not being in the history books will leave a stain on my pride.” He asked, kneeling on the ground to me.

Selenia: “Of course, that is the reason that I’ve asked you to come here.” I agree.

Radahn: “It will be an honor, Queen Selenia.” He said with a respectful tone.

Radahn might not be as powerful as us, nowhere near it. But he is a very wise leader. Once we teach him all we know, he will probably go down in history as this world’s greatest strategist.

Selenia: “And you, Rana. If you wish, there is room for you to lead as well.” I propose.

Rana: “I… I am not fit to lead, even if you offer to train me to be so. Instead, all I ask is a front-row seat.” She denied.

Selenia: “Of course, such a thing will be given to you. Now that everything is in place, your life will be amazing from now on. Never again will you want for anything, and if you wish for it, then we can extend your life.” I reply.

Rana: “Oh? So you’re already giving me more, huh? That is so like you, Selenia.” She said with a smile.

Having settled Radahn in with the army, I helped Rana settle into the castle. The castle, which was an amazing and extreme of a jump in luxury from Radahn’s estate, was amazing for Rana to witness. Let alone live in.

Rana: “Can… can I really live here?” She asked with an unsure tone.

Resoria: “That’s right. Though, don’t get comfortable.” She answered in my stead.

Rana: “…Will I fall out of favor with your wife? I swear that I have no intentions of seducing her.” She hurriedly replied.

Selenia: “No, no. That isn’t the case at all!” I exclaim.

Rana: “Then… what?” She asked.

Selenia: “This castle isn’t up to our standards, nor is any kingdom around. Once we take over the world, we will build a perfect city and place to live in our image.” I explain.

Rana: “I see… Then, I look forward to that day.” She replied.

With that handled, I went back to training our army. I have no ideas about what Tucker is doing, as I’ve mostly ignored the reports from our spies and let my wives deal with it. But I do hope that he is actually trying to not die this time. If not, I will be so damn bored taking over this empire, and killing him…