Chapter 3 Deceit,Drivel,and Decisions
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'Alright,time to play the roll of a childish but powerful monster,hoo boy. Wait,how do I even try to speak-oh,right Telepathy is an Illusion spell...concentrate....'["Hewo?"] 'Oh god,kill me.' I see the golden furred Khajit in my tentacley grasp blink and her ears go flat to her skull. 

'Alright,that got a reaction,let's try again..'[*Gasp* "Fluffy one blinked! Can Fluffy One hear me?"] 'You know,I thought this wouldn't be humiliating,I was wrong,but I'm already committed. So no turning back.' She opens her maw,closes it,opens it again."Y-yes,This One underst-stands you." Her voice sounds frightened and surprisingly not like a chain smokers,but rather soft,with a slight huskiness to it. 'Why am I focusing on her voice?That's not important right now!' I chastise myself. 'Okay,now to-no wait a second,I think I remember...yeah,she talked earlier,didn't she?Well shit.,I'll just act like I have no idea what she's saying.' 

Affirming my course of action,I concentrate once more. ["Oh! Fluffy One made pretty noises! But,Fluffy One didn't speak..Fluffy One not smart?"] I see her begin to breathe fast,almost panicky,she then proceeds to squeeze her eyes close,probably concentrating. 'I'll use Thought Reading.' 

(Kas'liz thoughts)   ["No! Kas'liz is smart! Kas'liz is not an animal! Kas'liz is sorry for summoning you from your home! Please do not kill me!"--] 'Well damn! She's scared,I could barely understand all that with it practically running together...and her name must be Kas'liz,if she's a Khajit like I believe.' 

I broadcast while she continues her panicked ^words^,interrupting her hysterical thoughts. ["OW! I hear you Fluffy One,no yelling! I don't wanna hurt you now either,you are warm and soft!"] I channel the persona I'm trying to build,while also attempting to set her at ease. 

I keep concentrating on both spells simultaneously,so I can hear her response. ["Oh,you won't kill This One? Okay,um,This One is very sorry for taki-summoning you from your Plane,Blue One. This One...can send you back,if you let her free?"--] 'Wow,just got confirmation that I won't kill her,and immediately tries to weasel her way out of my grasp and kick me off..Nirn? Or was it Mundas? Eh,can't remember,but regardless,I do NOT want to go back from wherever my body came from. She probably has no idea where I'm from anyway ,and is most likely going to try and run out of the chamber, it's not like she has enough magicka to do anything. Well,better tell her that ain't gonna happen.' I broadcast,yet again interrupting her panicked attempts to persuade me in releasing her. ["NO! I don't wanna go back! Everything burns there! And Fluffy One is not going to LEAVE me! I won't LET YOU!" ]  I squeeze her,not enough to hurt her,but enough to show her that she ^upset^ me. 

'That oughta show her she shouldn't try and talk me into letting her go,it's not healthy-for me. Can't let her leave yet-still need info on where I am. God,I feel like an asshole thinking that,but needs must,and all.' ["...She understands Blue One. She is very sorry for upsetting you.This One won't leave you,She promises! And She won't send you back,She was just-uh-joking,yes joking! It was a horrible joke anyway, She is again VERY SORRY!"--] 'God,she's backpedaling real fast,of course,she thinks her life is in danger,and Khajits are supposed to be smart,so understandable....why am I wanting to pet her again? Eh,fuck it.' I start scratching her head,which also has thicker fur on top that resembles hair. 

Her thoughts halt and her eyes snap open,ears twitching this way and that,and the only part of her body(besides her head) that isn't trapped,her tail,starts flicking around agitatedly. Her thoughts begin again,though she isn't yelling them,so I'm probably not supposed to hear them.

['Why is it petting me again-wait,it called me Fluffy One-oh,oh Magrus. It called me soft and warm as well-oh. How humiliating. Well,at least I'm not dead,just gotta find a way free of this creature,although I believe it's rather possessive of what It considers It's,and I'd rather not anger it right now by dessuading it of the notion that I'm it's pet. It also said It's from somewhere that burns,possibly an unknown realm of Oblivion? But,this ritual was supposed to summon an Ice Atronauch,where did I go wrong!? I regret ever coming down here and leaving the College! Should have listened to Professor Gestor! Damn my arrogance! Wait,I can bash myself on the head and beg for reentry into the College later. Right now, I need to focus on escaping this...Beings..grasp. Although its rather comfortable-stop getting sidetracked!'-] 'Huh,well,I...have no idea of how to change her opinion of me without fucking with her head. Which is wrong. Brightside,atleast I know I'm in Skyrim,and she's from the College. Though I wonder where ^here^ is? Speech skill,start working damn it!' As I contemplate what to do,while simultaneously listening to her thoughts,I make a decision with a heavy heart.


AN:Forgive me,I have no idea what to do with her,therefore I'm taking a page out of Cambrion's style,and asking you,the readers,what I should do. Keep in mind,I'm trying to write a decent slime,formerly human,being.

What do I do with this smart kitty?(be gentle)
  • 1:Become her clothing,she can't get rid of us then!(slice of life,action,and adventure,inbound!) Votes: 22 91.7%
  • 2:mindfuck her into seeing him as her best friend(warning,he'll feel like shit) Votes: 1 4.2%
  • 3:Scramble her brain and body, make something new.(he'll want to commit senbaku) Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4:Drop the act,and come clean(A certain Daedra will pay him a visit) Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ₩¥¿§μ¡Ω:FUCK THE PLOT,I WANT SMUT(*BONK* is all I will say) Votes: 1 4.2%
Total voters: 24 · This poll was closed on Oct 16, 2023 05:56 AM.