Chapter 5
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“Have you considered piracy? I am sure with your growing powers you could become the captain of your own ship in no time.” Rubert asked as I played around with the fish.

“I might have a better time if I became a counter-pirate. No offense but I am not interested in becoming a wanted criminal. Plus I can probably make some good friends with the cobalt soul. I managed to find information about the identities of the Myriad's leaders.” I said.

“That's that crime group that runs around Wildemount right?” Rubert said.

“That be the one. This information will buy me a lot depending on who I sell it to. I am partial to the Cobalt Soul because I can gain training from them and gaining access to their libraries will go a long way to filling the gaps in my knowledge. But I am hesitant to move against them because if I do I risk altering the future too much. If the cobalt soul finds the rest of the Myriad from my actions they might get the Gentleman. He is Jester's father. He helps the group on numerous occasions and if he is out of the picture I will need to ensure they move along the right paths myself. Honestly, my best bet is to stay away from Wildemount for the next 2 years. I don’t need to save the world, they will handle that themselves. My best bet is to move in the shadows or even right next to them when they begin their adventure. That way I can ensure the best path forward.” I spoke. The weight of my words hit Rubert a little harder than I thought. The poor bird is shaking from my casual display of things a normal person or even a rooster shouldn't know.

“Holy shit you're serious. I don't know much but you're talking about things that can change everything. I didn’t really consider that. So what are you going to do?” He asked.

“Gain as much power as I can without changing the political landscape of the world so that another group can do it for me while I help them do it and maybe get crazy rich in the process.”

I said like it was some simple fact. “I am gonna probably fuck that up at some point but here's hoping for small changes. Best avoid anything around Nicodranas or further north than that.”

“What's in Nicodranas?” Rubert asked.

“That's the hometown of this world's most loveable and chaotic tiefling. Best to avoid her for now and stay out of the eyes of her patron.” I said really wish not to have to deal with fey bullshit. I hate fey. I mean archfey are fine as are most others. But any of the darker fey and definitely pixies are to be avoided.

“The best places I can see to live while avoiding fucking up plot threads are Xhorhas, the problem being that place is dangerous and I will die. There is Eiselcross, that place is also dangerous and I will die. The Greying Wildlands is another option. Still dangerous but not as much. Probably still die if I go there unprepared. So for now it's best to stick to the coast until I kill something big enough to survive those environments.” I said measuring my odds of survival.

Now the saltwater river in front of me has a few things in it. 5 new crabs and an additional bass. Seems that I just have to kill something in order for its soul to end up here. Going to make this weird and uncomfortable when I end up killing someone. And I do expect that to happen. I have chosen the adventurer's life. That means murder is on the horizon. I do plan on it being either self-defense or if the person really deserves it. Murderers, rapists, and animal abusers only if I can swing it.

I need to find a form that is smart enough for me to test a full-body transformation. Probably a cat or dog. But that makes me feel almost as icky as I would think about murder. I guess I will move up a step then and try wolf. They are plenty smart and I wouldn't mind that form too much I bet. Don't look at me like that. I am not a furry.






Wake up, double-check myself for random animal parts, head to Bruce’s, and cut up some meat till about noon. Make 5 silver. Spend 4 on food so I am up to 53. I decided now is a good time to get all the essentials. Soyer Street has a few general stores so I picked up a bed roll, tent, and blanket for 35 silver. I can get the tinderbox and rope later. All the stuff I got comes with twine so I can wrap it together and even has little straps so you can wear it across your back. I almost feel like I can get out of town and ruff it for a bit.

I have a few hours so I head to Minceli Road. This road is home to many of the administration buildings of Feolinn. For the most part, the people here deal with all the local wine families and their constant battle for economic and political control. I am not here about that though. I continue on to the Zhelezo barracks. The Zhelezo are the law enforcement for the Clovis Concord, a union of all the major cities on the Menagerie coast. The Zhelezo work for each governing marquis and enforce the laws of both the accord and each local city. They usually try to capture criminals and bring them before a magistrate who will oversee judgment. Most crimes are usually punished with either fines and/or incarceration for up to a month. Truly heinous crimes like murder or assault with the intent to kill can get you months or even years in prison and fines in the thousands of gold. Fail to pay the fines and you can end up in service to the concord. Usually in the form of enlistment into the Shore Wardens. I have heard most people get sent to work on a fleet ship or get posted on one of the island outposts. While that sounds like a good way to get some training I don't want to join that army. Now the Zhelezo on the overhand. They make good money according to the source book.

“Hold right there, citizen. How can the Zhelezo help you today?” Says a rather big human guard.

He and another Zhelezo are protecting the gate to the barracks. Both are wearing rather loose clothing that has a Middle Eastern look. Baggy pants and loose robes hide a brass breastplate and chainmail underneath.

“Yes, I was wondering what it takes to become a Zhelezo? I hear most of you get hired after arena fights but I was wondering about the full requirements.” I said. I doubt they will just train some random stranger, so I need to make myself interesting. Spruce up my resume.

“Becoming a Zhelezo is a big deal, sir. You need years of combat experience. Demonstrate knowledge of the Concord's laws and the ability to protect them. We are paid well for what we do and as such we are required to protect the interests of the Concords.” The tall human said like had said this many times before. The speech is well practiced. I did notice the line about protecting the interests of the Concords. Feolinn has a problem with bribery in the ranks of the Zhelezo. Many local businesses will tip off the Zhelezo about important goods that need “protection” or even tell them about the illegal activities of their rivals. Where they are actually doing anything illegal doesn't matter. It's all about the harassment. All of this means that the Zhelezo make plenty of coin for their work.

“I have some skills that could lend to that. My abilities are in their infancy but they can definitely be of use to the Zhelezo and Concord. Who might I speak with to see if I have what it takes?” I said.

They both eyed me. I smiled back at them. They are deciding whether I am gonna be a waste of time and should they tell me to fuck off. “Listen. The captain is a busy woman. She would be the one to approve you but the Feolinn Wine Fest is starting in a week. That is occupying all her time right now.”

“That's perfect. I can work with you all during the festival to prove my worth.” I said.

Both of them looked at each other. The larger one sighed. “Alright come with me. Captain’s probably going to break your legs if you are wasting her time. But hey it's your funeral.” He said.

"Fantastic." I cheer. Hopefully, I can get the skills I need out of these guys.

The building is a mix of stonework walls and wood supports that are probably mostly for the looks instead of support. The inside foyer is an open space with wood flooring. A large pit sits in the center that is currently filled with burning wood. There are grates hanging above the fire so this seems to be a place to cook food. Directly above it is a metal hood that sits above the cooking setup and leads to the roof of the building. Seems they have good ventilation. To the right are a couple of rows of tables where Zho can sit and eat. In the back, there are shelves that hold plates and utensils. To my left is a set of stairs that leads to an open balcony on the second floor. Both the back wall and the wall above it have doors leading to other rooms. The zho leads me up the stairs and along the balcony to a room that should sit above the mess hall. Knock knock, "Captain Kali, I got a wannabe Zhelezo," he yells into the room.

"I told you all not to bother me with any problems Martel. Fine, bring them in!" A loud voice yells from the room. Guess this zho's name is Martel. He winced a bit when the captain started yelling. Hope this wasn't a mistake.

He opens the door and walks inside. I follow behind him and continue to be surprised by the Zhelezo barracks. The description of Feloinn's branch of lawmakers makes them out to be a corrupt organization not much better than the Myriad. But just like outside the decor in this office is not super extravagant. Sure it's got luxury in the sense it's well-furnished. The right wall has a window with a view of the vineyards to the north with simple white curtains. It provides the room with plenty of natural light. The left wall has cabinets of a nice but simple wooden design. There's a map of the town and surrounding farms. It has pins with the names of various businesses and streets. The back of the room has two bookshelves filled with books. Not sure about the price of books in this world. I haven't seen a newspaper and I haven't done much reading so I am unsure of the state of printing technology. The Age of Arcanum was like 1,000 years ago. They had flying cities with public transportation and live-view news.

"Captain, this man said he wants to be a Zhelezo. He claims to have 'abilities' that would make him an asset." He said, trying not to laugh. Oh, I see. I am being made fun of.

"Are you fucking with me right now Martel? I am next deep in letters from every merchant with two gold to rub together trying to convince me why their prize grapes are the most valuable thing to ever be grown and why they need 20 Zhelezo guarding it 24/7 till the festival is over. So if this is some fucking joke, I am gonna cook your balls and use them as fish bait." Kali said. She was an elven woman just as tall as the six foot something human. I am 5'6" some this is yet another person I have to really look up to see.

"No captain!" He says rapidly standing at attention.

"Better not be. You!" She says with her attention fully on me now. It is now my turn to stand at attention. Gods, she is beautiful. She has teal skin with ears that are webbed fins. There are three slits along both sides of her neck and her eyes are a deep blue color. Her hair is a dark greenish color. Fantasy elves are said to look beautiful and such but actually seeing one is something else.

"Yes MaMm." I flubbed. Gods damnit. You have seen a woman before why the fuck are you falling apart like a 12-year-old that just had his balls drop for the first time.

"Did your voice just crack boy? What the fuck is this Martel." She yelled.

"Sorry captain, he was more convincing outside." He said, hiding a small smirk. Oh gods this is gonna go horribly I can feel it.

Unsure if my prayers were answered or I was now doomed Captain Kali yelled, "Martel. Go get this kid some water."

As the only other witness to this disaster the room I was now the singular focus of the leader of Feolinn’s Zhelezo. I need to pull myself together. If I fall apart at this there's no way I can stare down even a lone wolf let alone the dragons I hyped myself into killing/collecting.

“Captain Zali, I am sorry about my poor display. I don't know what happened to me. I am Edsom Lewis. I am a recent arrival in town. I was traveling with my mother from Port Zion a few weeks ago when we were attacked by bandits. I managed to get away but my mother didn't make it. The bandits took all my belongings and I walked to town. For the last few weeks, I have been under the care of the Cherryfoots and have worked for them and Bruce at Bruce's butchery. Since then I have lost most of the meaning in my life till I discovered an ability that will let me change my life. It's weak right now so if I want to help it grow I need training and a better income. So I came to the best I could find." I spoke heartfully. This isn't fully a lie. I am weak and I need to not be as fast as I can. I won't get far unless I get someone to guide me.

Her stance softens a bit. She moves behind her desk and takes a seat. "Alright take a seat." She says.

Martel comes back into the room with a pitcher and two glasses. I take my seat and he begins to poor hers then mine. "Thank you, Martel. Leave us if you would." She commands. Martel salutes and leaves. "I am sorry to hear about your mother. My condolences." She says.

"It's okay. I managed to kill her murderer." I say.

That actually gets my first reaction out of her. A simple eyebrow raise it may have been but she has been mostly stoic before now. "Well, that's good at least. Now tell me why you think you are a good fit for my Zhelezo."

Alright, here it is. I need to make this good. "I have abilities similar to that of a druid's animalshape. My limitations are different from theirs but so far I can assume a partial or full form of different animals." I am leaving out all mentioning of souls and talking to souls. My full power sounds a lot like necromancy, which is frowned upon in almost all civilized nations. Sure they will accept the occasion divine powered necromancy like you might find in a church of the Raven Queen. But I am not in a church and definitely not a cleric. "I have limitations based on things. I need to have killed and eaten the animal in order to change into it. I discovered this ability when I killed a rooster for Bruce and kept some of its meat for myself."

She is leaning back in her chair now watching me. Guess this would be insight if I was playing a tabletop game. "Can you assume the form of any animal?" She asked.

"In theory. I have only gotten a crab, bass, and chicken form. The Zhelezo do a good job of patrolling the Plumgroove and this city's hunters keep it clear of the dangerous wildlife. I didn't want to risk poaching just to test my ability. I haven't fully turned into an animal because I am worried about what happens to my mind when my head is now a chicken. I can replace or even grow parts of animals on my body." I say and show her the back of my hand. I will brown chicken feathers to appear on the back of it.

“I don't know if we have a need for a spy chicken.” She said.

“I am positive that I can gain more forms. I am sure that most people in this town don't look twice at a seagull on a rooftop. Unless of course, they are making sure their food doesn't get stolen.” I said.

“That is a problem the Zhelezo have been asked to stop. But we don't make a habit of killing wildlife unless we need to. So other than this what else can you do?” She asked.

“I am afraid to say not much. I have only just got these powers and don't possess the skills needed to hone them on my own. I could have gone into the forest to try and find a wolf to gain. I am sure I could probably kill it but what about after? I can’t dress a wound. I can’t swing a sword or correctly stab with a spear. I know that I don't know enough. I need a teacher, but I can't afford one or know where to find one. All I have to offer is a promise of future growth and hard work.” I plead. Gold isn't going to rain from the sky and dragons aren't lining up for me to kill them. If I want this life, I need someone to invest in me to attain it.