Chapter 12
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A few hours later Zenix, Lupine, Carmilla, and Devin return. They didn't have anything new on them so I assume it's because of the wonderful magic of a bag of holding. I need one of those. I currently have about 10 gold after being paid for the week of work. I keep that on me but everything else I own is still in the barracks. “I don't think I should go back to the barracks. Harris probably knows he has been robbed by now. If you all aren't going to try and capture him then it's best if I don’t return myself either.” I said.

“That will be for the best. Right now it seems the guards are nervous about something. They seem to be looking for someone. Could be us, could even be you they are looking for but you know too much. It's better if we leave right now.” Lupine said.

She is probably right. I don't have anything to grab so I simply wait while they all pack up. Zenix won't look at me. Carmilla just gives me a small smile. I offered to help but Devin shot me down. Soon they are all ready to go. I filter behind them as Abaxis prepares the teleport circle.

“Once I finish this drawing you need to go through the portal. Do not delay a second. Stay in line and keep moving.” Abaxis said to me.

“Understood,” I said.

The drawing was finished and we moved in a line through the portal. We arrived at some kind of shop. Looks to be a magic shop. The shelves are filled with weapons, books, scrolls, and potions. There are armor stands with brilliant red breastplates and a full skeleton of some kind of giant. Looking at the teeth it might be a troll. A figure made of cloth seems to be moving around the store with a broom. And lastly behind the counter is a large female human. Her skin is obsidian in color, no it is actually obsidian! As she moves I can see light reflecting off the glass-like skin.

“Hey, Morgana just passing through,” Carmilla said.

“A quick hello and nothing else? I would be offended Camy but I know you will be back.” Morgana said. Guess there's something between the two but I am not going to poke.

Devin opens the door and leads us out into the city. Wires hang between buildings, connecting to street lights and leading further into the buildings. Smoke stacks rose in the distance and towers of metal filled the skyline. Port Zoon is a hub of industry. The seas of the Menagerie Coast were filled with guns and cannons and it all came from Port Zoon. Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III invented firearms around 20 years ago. He didn't intend for them to spread to the four corners of the globe but his rival and archenemy Dr. Anna Ripley stole his invention and sold them far and wide. And because of that places like Port Zoon changed forever.

“Miss Vorlin said you are from here right, Edsom?” Lupine asked.

“Not originally. my mother and I spent time here so I know a little about the town.” I said. Last night I spent time reading up on Port Zoon in anticipation of these questions.

“Well let's head to the marquis first. I have already sent a message ahead of arrival.” Abaxis said. When did he do that? Yet another magic he possesses. Man, I am jealous. Magic is cool.

“Marquis Alamads is also known as Ironpuss on the count of him being super crotchety. He is a stubborn old dwarf but he is flexible in some ways. He wouldn't be the Marquis if he wasn't able to change a little. We will do the talking, as we need to give our report of what has happened. Once we are done you can give your piece. After that, we will see what happens next.” Devin said.

“Perfect,” I said. I had no complaints.

Eventually, we neared what could be called a metal skyscraper in this world. It was only 5 or so stories tall but it was still one of the largest buildings around. “Is this the Silverbone Headquarters?” I asked.

“Correct. The Marquis said he was here working today but has made time to hear our report.” Abaxis said. I followed them inside. The Silverbone Smithing Guild is a major player in the arms trade for the coast. Alamads in addition to being the marquis of Port Zoon is also the head of the Silverbones. A busy dwarf that man is. The building itself screams industrialist. The walls have murals of people creating a city from the sea. Of people braving the ocean for its bounty. There are ships firing rows of cannons at unseen enemies. A monument to the pride of Port Zoon and its people. It even has an elevator. It's a simple thing but the others are impressed. I am not sure how I should be reacting in order to not make myself suspicious so I am sticking with curiosity.

Alamad wasn’t in an office but a forge. He was banging away on a rather large hammer. This smith was impressive. He actually had an auto hammer or something. Basically, it looked to be a giant steel cylinder that was raised and dropped automatically. It had weird runes all along itself. The anvil underneath it was the same. The arms and armor made here must be incredible. Alamad himself was an older dwarven man of imposing presence. He definitely fit the nickname Ironpuss. He is a good man known for his honor and desire to protect his people.

“Marquis Haddou. We have returned to report our findings into the attack on the Shore Warden supply routes.” Abaxis said.

“Good. Give me the short and long version of it.” Alamad said.

“The short version is that a businessman in Feolinn named Harris was selling information to the Myriad,” Abaxis said.

“Fuck. I assume you got proof of this.” Alamad said.

“Yes. Our investigation led us to believe that he was the leak. We infiltrated his casino in Feolinn and recovered this journal detailing a long list of interactions with the Myriad. It details an even longer list of blackmail against many of the inhabitants of Feolinn. Most of the blackmail is crimes committed by black mailees.” Abaxis said and handed over the journal.

Alamad looked over the book and frowned, laughed, and scowled some more. “Ha. I suspected a lot of this but it's good to have hard evidence. It will be even better once we capture this Harris. Anything else?” Alamad asked.

“Yes. During our investigation, we were discovered by a local Zhelezo who followed us here.” Devin said.

“Him? Little young to be a Zho. You're sure he isn't lying.” Alamad said, ignoring me like I wasn't here.

“We confirmed his story. He said he needed to make sure this journal reached safe hands.” Devin said.

“I see. Boy! Why come here with this and not report to your own superiors?” Alamad said.

“The journal lists about 3-4 dozen Zho as being compromised. I couldn't be sure if that was a complete list. Even if Captain Kali could be trusted it would take a marquis to actually enforce the amount of justice this journal would require. I learned this group was working under your orders and while I believed them I needed to make sure it reached you.” I said.

“HA. Good lad. It's important to realize when you are out of your depth and need help. You six. Thank you for uncovering this. I might need your help still dealing with the fallout if you decide to stick around.” Alamad said to the party. “Young Zho. Head to the room two doors down to the left. I will be there shortly.” Alamad said to me.

I looked at the group. “Welp looks like this is where we part. I am sorry about the circumstances of how we met but you are good people and I am glad to have met you all.” I said smiling. I meant every word too. I have been doing nothing but lying to people since I got to Exandria. It makes it hard to connect to people because I am afraid they will discover things about me I am not ready for yet. Or they might discover my powers and how it really works. It would be really difficult to enjoy this second life if I get labeled a necromancer.

"Despite it all, I kinda like you too," Lupine said.

"It's not often we get snuck up on," Carmilla said.

"Your powers have good potential. I hope we meet again." Abaxis said.

"You are too clever for your own good. That can be dangerous but you seem to have good luck. See you around." Folis said.

"You will hear from us. I will be taking you up on that offer of help." Devin said.

The only one who hasn't said anything was Zenix. She seems the type to really care about her friends. She was also really excited to get a cat and when it turned out to be me I guess she got hurt. I hope too agh... oh.

Zenix has brought me into a big hug. "We heard about your mother. You don't seem like you have had the proper amount of time to grieve. From being homeless to becoming a guard. I am sure she would have been proud of you." Zenix said.

Oh. Thanks. I hadn't really thought about that. I have mostly been having fun. It's been a lot longer than a month since my mother died almost 7 or 8 months. But I guess I never grieved then. Ah man, I am crying. Like a lot. Dude come on they are going to think you are a crybaby stop. I can see them looking at me. They are all smiling. Wait, Lupin is crying. Why is she crying?

"If you ever need help just give us a call. Here take this. It will let you send a message to one of us. 25 words. You can send a message to just chat or if you need help." Zenix said and handed me a round stone. It was an obsidian like those women I saw earlier. It had a mouth engraved on it. They are giving me a sending stone? Wow, I can't believe it.

"Thanks. I am sorry Zenix. I thought I had hurt your feelings a lot." I said.

"You did but I get over that quick if I can make new friends," Zenix said.

"Alright, we need to head out. Edsom. It was good meeting you." Denix said.

And like them, the group of misfits all left to do whatever their next adventure has in store for them. Damn. I wanna go. I think about it. I think a lot. I almost follow them but I don't think I can. I am not strong enough to keep up with them. They are a party of level 10s and I am still trying to get to level 1. Maybe later.

"All right while that was sweet if you continue to make puddles on my floor I will make you mop it up," Alamad said.

Oh shit. I need to leave the forge. Time for my next adventure.