Chapter 47
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“Hahaha. That is funny. You tell everyone that?” Ressia said. 


“I don’t. It’s important information after all and it can get people killed,” I said. 


“Oh killed you say. Like there aren’t many who wouldn’t kill for that information already,” she said. 


“I understand the importance of this information and how valuable it is to the people of Uthodurn. It's been 300 years since the city and forest fell to the corruption. Any sliver of information on the cause of this disaster is worth its weight in mithral,” I said. 


I didn’t want to play this card yet. I could gain a lot from selling it to Uthodurn but I needed to sell it to the right people. I can’t let the Scribewarden take all the credit. The greedy bitch is going to undersell me and take it for a fraction of what I could get for it. 


“You’re serious. You have credible proof of this?” She asked. 


“I do. And you can’t afford the cost of it,” I said. 


“Bullshit. Unless you are offering a cure for the blight, it can’t be worth that much,” She said. 


“Not a cure no. I do know who made it though,” I said. Before she could open her mouth to respond I spoke. “This conversation is over. Now that I know we can’t conduct business in good faith I need to bring this to a higher authority,” I said. 


“Wait a minute. Let's not be too hasty,” she said. 


Got em. 


“Oh?” I said. 


“You want information on the Greater Nightmare. It has a rider as well. If your information is credible we can conduct a trade,” she said. 


“Perhaps. You will need time to find the information. If you would inform the Captain I am assisting the Archives, I can find a place to rest while you prepare,” I said. 


“That can be arranged,” she said. 


I left the archives to find an inn to rest in. I would return tomorrow to make the trade. Holy fuck I can’t believe that worked. I just played a game of chicken and won. I needed to sleep so I could confirm my information. If recalled this correctly, we could have continued on with exploring A2 and eventually found a forest filled with trees cursed just like those in the Savalirwoods. I believe Matt also said in the campaign wrap-up that it was relics brought from Aeor that destroyed the city. There was also the fact that Ludinus was from Molaesmyr. I didn’t trust the archmage one fucking bit. His apprentice was supposed to be killed by the giant baby abomination after all. He might have been trying to make sure no one figured out his involvement in the city's destruction. I will check out my memories tonight. I am sure Rubert and Clarion are already pulling up that information. 





The shapeshifter was an enigma. He probably wasn’t even human—maybe even some Fey creature. Only the most powerful casters can turn into creatures as powerful as Roc. He must be some kind of planar being with hidden knowledge. He could either be lying about knowing about the corruption of the Savalirwoods and which case I can wring him for all he is worth, or he is telling the truth. If he has credible information then the Greater Nightmare is a paltry sum to give. How he knows this information is just as important. Where did he get it? I need to get more from him. I can assign Reani and a small team to him. They can help him in the hunt. Reani can distract him and lower his guard while my archivists can subtly probe him for more information. 


If he actually has something valuable then I will be rich beyond my dreams. I can gain much from the nobility by leveraging this knowledge. King Talviel will personally reward me. I could demand a mansion, mountains of gold, anything I desire. I can lead my people into the Molaesmyr as a hero and this fool is going to deliver the key to doing that for absolutely nothing. 


“You okay boss?” Rubert asked. 


“No,” I said. 


“Why? What are you watching?” He asked. 


I had a memory orb in my hand. “I am looking at some information about Shadycreek Run. It's putting me in a bad mood,” I said. 


“You shouldn’t be doing that boss. If you need the information you got Clarion and me are here to help,” he said. 


“I know but I can’t help it. So many people there are suffering because of the actions of others,” I said. 


“If you want to help them it will take resources and lots of help. You have almost enough personal power to do it but you could get some more. I’d say if you found and killed an adult dragon you might have enough,” he said. 


“I do want to be a dragon. I would need to find one that would be cooperative once they are dead,” I said. 


“Yes. You also need people to follow you. Some organizations in the city might follow your lead. You need to conquer them or persuade them. Then you need to destroy the families that don’t obey. Once you have gathered the power and people needed to take over the city you will have to protect it from others. Uthodurn and the Empire won't like some building power on their border,” he said. 


“Yeah, that's a lot,” I said. 


“I think you should do it,” Rubert said. 


“What! Really?” I said. 


“Yes. You are spending too much time focusing on personal power. While I understand the need for it, political power is also important. Strong skin and antimagic won’t save you forever,” he said. 


“When did you get so smart?” I asked. 


“I don’t need to eat, sleep, or worry about anything needed for my survival. So I have spent all the time freed up studying. You have absorbed a lot of knowledge over your 23 years. You may not remember it but it has been good teaching material,” he said. 


“Neat. So how do I solve the issues with taking over the Run,” I asked. 


“Alright, so here is what you need……..” 



Folsen 4th of Fessuran


I returned to the archives filled with confidence in my heart and a skip in my step. Rubert had spoken at length about how I would run a town and how I could defend it. He told me I didn’t even need to run it. I would simply be a conqueror who came in and changed how its laws worked. I can start here with these connections to Uthodurn. 


The Scribewarden was waiting for me at the entrance. She stood there with a few individuals behind her. One of which I believe I recognized. A short brown-skinned woman with light blond hair and a lot of golden freckles. This was Reani, an Aasimar Druid who is super focused on helping people and doing good. She is a little too much of a zealot but that might just be the fact she is a little influenceable. She has an angelic guardian called Samiael who has been with her since childhood. He has done an okay job of guiding her but has realized he messed up and led her to be too gungho and doesn’t know when to wait and think.


The others I didn’t recognize. “Hello everyone. You have what I asked for Scribewarden,” I asked. 


“I do. This is a packet we have prepared on both the Nightmare and its undead rider. In addition, these archivists and contractors will help you track and hunt the creature,” Ressia said. 


“That wasn’t the deal but I will take the help,” I said. 


“You can keep the packet for now. They will help you after you tell me everything you know about the forest,” Ressia said. 


“Of course. I need a map of Eiselcross. Specifically the largest island of Foren,” I said. 


The Scribewarden looked to one of her assistants and motioned for him to get the item. We moved to a private chamber for the rest of the discussion. I could see the arcane wards on the walls. They were based in abjuration so they must be defensive in purpose. Ressia sat down on one side of a long table and I took the opposite. 


“Why a map of Eiselcross?” She asked. 


“This will be a long conversation. This is my theory of course. The origin of the curse that infected the Savalirwoods can traced back to Aeor. Within certain a ruin, I found a forest that possesses all the same signs as the Savalirwood. I believe the mages of Aeor were trying to create magical plants that could produce magic and act as spell components. The forest I found indicated that their efforts continued to fail. The forest has been left on its own for a thousand years and has grown out of control. I didn’t explore it much. It should have been contained to the ruins but I believe that explorers from Molaesmyr found the ruin and brought back some kind of artifact that detonated. Whatever it did it led to the creation of the Savalirwoods,” I said.


“You have proof of this theory?” She asked. 


“I have seen the forest in these ruins for myself. I can tell you how to get there and things to avoid,” I said. The assistant from earlier had brought a map. It was crude but it showed the full island with mostly accurate mountains. I pointed to the location of A2. “Here. West of the lava river there you will find a cliff face covered in illusion magic that hides the entrance. It's a bit hard to get into as it is deep beneath the ice. You will need to climb down one of the crevices that leads to an open chamber. There are three paths. Take the western passage. It will take some time to get through some rubble but you will find a laboratory where the mages study creating their hunters. There will be some corpses but you should find the arboretum down a hole. It will be a drop so pack lots of ropes. But you will have found the forest. What you learn there is up to you but I can tell you that is a possible origin for the blight on those woods. Also, be prepared to fight some of Aeor's strongest defenders. However many warriors you think to bring, get more and find strong ones. I will not take responsibility for any failed expeditions because you failed to plan for the dangers. What lurks in those forgotten ruins will kill many people you chose to send,” I said. 


Ressia sat there for a while. The others she had brought were writing everything I said down making sure they didn’t forget a single word. I had circled the location of A2 and then told her of the various creatures of Eiselcross and the dangers to expect. 


“This is real. You have been to this place,” Ressia said. 


“I have. I did so to acquire the form of the creatures there. Let me show you,” I said. I then transformed into the Nullifier then the Absorber and back into myself. As always with people who hadn’t seen my powers there was some panicking. They managed to control themselves for me to explain what they had seen. 


“The Nullifier can be especially dangerous to casters. I know of another hunter but I didn’t find it. You will find danger with every step of the journey. I wish you luck,” I said. 


“Thanks. It will take time for us to confirm this information. Come back in a week and our archivist will be ready to help you with your hunt,” Ressia said. 


I can wait a week. Rubert was right that dragons were cool. I might go find one. If not them, then some of the other big and scary creatures wandering this far north.