Prologue (Of Doom!)
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The last few days have been quite something.

That gal, [ Six Arms Three Voices ], had needed a bit of help with her work on that Dystopia World. and I, amongst a few others, had wanted a bit of a change of pace anyway.

The job this time wasn’t anything too special; crack down on some fool’s finding out stuff they weren’t supposed to, and burning down anything they weren’t supposed to have till not even ashes remained.

The Complication’s start from there on though; the World in question didn’t have much of any Supernatural, and the technology was mostly specced into advanced prosthetics and such, or, like what they called it there; Cyberware. had to get a whole lot of perfectly good meat and wood replaced with metal and plastic, because the most effective way to not die was the typical transhumanists wet-dream.

So, there We were, lounging around on a perfectly good day after a job well done, when one of us gets the brilliant idea to drink a little, for shits ‘n giggles probably, not too rare of an occurrence, really. The problem was that the idiot in question didn’t read the label on the bottle properly and we all got shitfaced on Oni-Spirits. Really expensive Oni-Spirits (twas totally worth it tho~).

So I had to get a new job, fast, preferably somewhere that wouldn’t find that specific Oni finding out that I took part in drinking their precious Alcohol without having invited them, they get quite upset when that happens.

Anyways, I have found myself, in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, at a time period without anything else really interesting other than War and Bloodshed to spy on for shits and giggles. oh, and I happen to be in the possession of almost enough Chrome, Guns ‘n Blades… Almost enough.

You see, the World I happened to get dropped in is Marvel, and I have Absolutely 0 idea what AU this is. because it is an AU. The Original’s are always Off Limits. It just so happened that there was a long term Scouting Job here on this Hellhole of a Nexus World, and it also just so happened that there was no one here currently on the job.

Tis a good thing this aint my first rodeo.