39: Hard to Swallow [+18]
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[Disclaimer: This chapter contains the explicit description of sex between two men]

[Kink List: Dom/sub, Praising, Rough Oral Sex, slight Feminization, Gaping, Sex toys]

Darius couldn't help himself. He had to draw his new family.

"Stay still..." His hand moved like a blur, black coal brushing against the white silk in various quick movements. "Zunk, I see you moving." The small black and white raccoon let out this bored little whine that had Darius sighing softly. "You too, Wally." Wally groaned, staying still with his fellow friends: "You know I can take a picture of us with my Pokenav, right?" Darius simply rolled his eyes in exasperated annoyance to try and hide the small pang of hurt he felt when he thought about Wally leaving: "Yes, but I always wanted to try and do a portrait, this is my opportunity- Cerberus, pup, lift your chin a little bit- yes, like that." Darius quickly began to sketch all the Pokemon that there were gathered- He smiled softly, for he was feeling happy then.

It took him a while, but he had a rough sketch of them all- It wasn't a good one, but he had it! 

It took hima good while until he had a good drawing, and he kept it. He did, however, give Wally a kiss on his forehead much to the boy's shy blush as he muttered: "Not in front of our Pokemon..." Which made Darius grin wider and do his best to embarrass Wally. His tongue licked the smaller boy's cheek, grinning as he whispered sweet nothings in his ear, just to make him blush and stutter as he began to shiver from being teased too much by Darius. 

"Ah..." Wally sighed softly, and Darius could feel the aura around the boy going from embarrassed and slightly aroused to a solemn sadness: "I remembered that mom also loved to draw." Wally held the paper, a sad smile on his lips and a few tears starting to form: "...I hope she's okay..." 

And Darius decided he didn't want Wally to be focused on sad things. 

"Zunk, stay with Cerberus." Without saying anything else to the other Pokemon, Darius lifted Wally up and carried him towards the tree home. Ceberus barked out an "understood" as he dragged Zunk by scruff of his neck, like a lioness or a cat dragging their kitten. The poor little punk raccoon didn't seem to understand why he was being dragged away, but he accepted the offer from Cerberus and the other Pokemon to play with them. 


The moment he let Wally go, falling onto the bed, Darius was already taking his clothes off with a simple movement. He let out a small burst of energy that ripped his clothes to shreds, and they simply fell. Well, when you have a Pokemom addicted in making clothes for you and every single other Pokemon around you, you start to not really care about ripping or tearing your clothes. "Come on baby girl, time to take those clothes off... Or would you rather I fucked you fully clothed?" Wally had no time to react as Darius large hands simply grasped firmly on his cheeks and pulled the fabric of the shorts he was wearing, tearing a large hole on the back of it: "Today you won't be just a little pillow princess, cutie, you'll work too..." Pressing his hairy chest to Wally's hairless back and making the boy shiver with the contact, Darius whispered into the boy's ear: "Because, today, I'm guiding you... You'll become my cute little slut that you're destined to be." 

"W-what?" Blushing heavily, Wally felt a shiver run down his spine as Darius clenched his fists on the cheeks he was holding, sinking his nails into the soft and senstivie skin and muscle: "Uhn~" He couldn't keep himself from moaning due to the sharp grasp and the pain that was given to his body. "Wait, Darius-" His words died quickly when Darius placed his hand on Wally's chin from behind, whispering softly in his ears: "You call me sir here, baby... Tell me, in which color you're in?" 

Wally hesitated for a moment, but then he whispered, closing his eyes: "Green, sir." He was lectured by Darius on the Color System for their... Relationship. "Good girl." For one, he asked Wally what he thought was degrading, and Wally told him that he was compared to a girl a lot growing up, and he found that pretty much a degrading remark... Then Darius asked if he could degrade him and offered to try it out by having him whisper insults in Wally's ear. Being called a slut or cockslut was something he found surprisingly arousing, as was being degraded by Darius. 

Darius also... "trained" him. It was embarrassing to think, but also really hot. It started at simple little things, like bringing him food and helping him around, then he began to naturally impose his role around, testing the waters to see if Wally would also enjoy a more... submissive lifestyle. And, uhm, well- Being held at all times, being fed, being protected, and being kissed almost all the time was also a very good experience. He didn't have to worry much about anything, and that helped him because Darius was always there- Wally would go and touch him whenever he felt anxious or worried about something, and Darius would reassure him everything was fine.

Today was the first time after their first time that Darius wanted to fuck him again- And Wally felt suddenly a bit nervous. But Darius, once again, reassured him: "You're doing great baby, just trust me and give in." And he did do so as he was instructed- Wally lifted his ass a little as Darius pulled his hips back: "Like that, cutie..." He told the smaller boy, who was shyly looking at him as his back was bent backwards, Darius' hand holding him there by pulling his green hair. "Still inside?" He asked the boy, whose face burned even hotter with shame as he nodded. "Good slutty girl." Darius ignored completely how Wally shivered as he was praised and degraded at the same time, instead focusing on slowly pulling out a rather phallic object from Wally's hole. 

It was a hard object that Darius himself made. See, with no access to civilization, you gotta make due! So, what did he do? He figured out how to make a dildo to train his pretty girl - aka, Wally. The little guy was very shy, so Darius started with the simplest of things, and that was intimacy. He gave a few gifts here and there, and then when he had finally made a good enough dildo made out of this really thick and durable crystal. He polished it and made sure it was strong and smooth enough so it wouldn't cause discomfort for the boy who would spend hours on end with it inside. He also made it a comfortable size compared to his actual big tool, which was about 7 inches big and thick. 

Wally spent a whole day with it inside, and when he was finally able to walk without any discomfort, that was when Darius knew his baby was ready to take him again- This time, however, he knew his baby would not get hurt. He trained his hole muscles really well. 

"There..." Softly whispering in his baby girl's ear, Darius grinned as he noticed that Wally's hole was still agape and looked rather inviting. "I'm sorry baby, but your hole looks so adorable..." Darius slowly pushed the thick head of his cock and pushed it deep inside withour much hesitation. He saw how the piercings in his cock made Wally shiver with want and desire: "There, there... I'm going in." This time he didn't cry like a little bitch, which made Darius a little sad deep inside, but he still enjoyed how good his personal slut felt.

Warm, tight, and cute. 

"Shit..." He groaned when Wally began sucking the fingers that were shoved in his mouth by Darius: "Like that baby..." With slowly and teasing thrusts, Darius dragged on the pleasurable evening that was just starting now. He kept doing the same thing for about half an hour, teasing Wally, edging him, keeping him so close to a zenith so strong that his soul would leave his body as his mind blanked out and yet pulling him back just before he could experience it. It reached a point where Wally started crying, almost non-verbal as he only tried to move his hips back to seek the little push that would break this torture- 

But Darius had a firm hold on his body, not letting him move an inch. 

Frequently, Darius asked what color the boy was on, and although Wally stopped giving verbal answers, he would point to his hair to say that he was on green. They had other signs to represent the other colors, such as a tap for yellow and two for red. Yellow meaning, of course, slow down we need to talk, and Red being stop. 

When they reached about 45 minutes of this cycle, Darius felt a little generous as the little cutie began to cry and beg like the bitch he was. Adorably out of breath, voice rough from moaning so much, and lips puffy from biting and kisses he got from Darius: "Please-" he sounded out of breath and desperate, and Darius mind made the connection of that sound with a person who was running from something or someone that was trying to kill them, desperately begging for their life. "-let me cum, please, please!" 

"Awn..." Darius' hand clenched around the boy's small and pale throat, cutting off hus air for a few seconds, before letting the boy breathe again: "You want to cum, baby?" His thrusting never stopped, and neither hid his mouth and hands, touching and teasing Wally's nipples and kissing the boy's sweaty body: "What would you do for it, baby?" Knowing too well that Wally was completely under his control, he pushed a few of the boy's buttons- he didn't want to abuse of the boy's trust, but these moments he just became... a little bit- Okay, extremely sadistic. 


"..hum..." Pretending to think it over, Darius softly munched on the boy's left ear before a massive feral grin grew on his face: "Then, you'll do something for me after you've cummed, okah baby?" 

"Yes! Sir! Please-" Wally's voice cut short as a single powerful and ruthless thrust had Wally's entire bodh locking. Darius could practically hear the windows shutting down sound effect as Wally's body was overwhelmed by the single largest and strongest ejaculation of the week! His eyes rolled back, his muscles twitched and spasmed as he felt the strength leave his body. 

"Now, baby... Are you ready to pay the favor?" Grinning, Darius pulled out his hard cock from the little puffy and destroyed hole, that stayed gaping as he picked up the dildo Wally had inside him before. He shoved it in there, and it slowly slipped out, so he just let it be there. The gaping hole was so stretched that it would probably prolapse if Darius decided to fist the boy... Maybe something for the future. "Here, this is the big favour..." Wally opened his eyes only to notice his body was now positioned in a way that his head was touching the massive cock before his eyes. "It's going to be a little hard pill to swallow baby..." Wally's mouth started to drip with saliva at the sight, making Darius grin at how well he trained his little bitch: "So, ready to try?" 

"...yes sir..." Wally opened his mouth and started his first attempt at swallowing down the large cock. His tongue licked beneath the gland and urethra, making eye contact as he nervously kissed the head. He opened his mouth and licked around the magic cross piercings before he began to push the cock inside. Wally gagged when the cock reached and touched the back of his throat, making Darius click his tongue: "We outta get rid of that gag reflex..."

Wally blushed. 

This was so fucking hard to swallow.