Interlude 13- Korin 1
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Interlude 13

Korin's pov

Looking over at my fellow deity, Ilova, I feel tired. Even as a deity, we need sleep and ever since the [Lyr Protocol] was activated we gained a lot of knowledge of the {Miasma} and the {Corrupted}.

"Why is it so different?" I asked her, knowing that she also did not know, but she might have some insight into this that could help our situation.

The knowledge we gained of the {Miasma} is all new info and we never knew much about it before, but the knowledge of the {Corrupted} is a problem.

"It is almost all wrong, but why it is so, I don't know." Ilova said. The same feeling and thoughts that I have.

The knowledge that the System brought to us was very limited and in several instances, just plain wrong. The behavior of the {Corrupted} is supposed to be very basic and they have no thoughts of their own, slaves to the command of the {Miasma} to spread its corruption.

We know this to be wrong since we have fought against the {Corrupted} for 20 years, and they are not as basic as the System believes, instead, they have an intelligent leader that directs them. We have no idea who or what this being is, but we know that there is one, and it is leading the {Corrupted} in some way.

"Maybe the {Corrupted} are different on other worlds and we are the only ones dealing with intelligent {Corrupted}?" Ilova asked with a frown on her face. 

Hearing her theory, I thought about it for a while and responded. "From the information that the System has sent us, you are most likely correct. But that is concerning."

Memories appeared in front of me. Ever instance that we felt the presence that directs the {Corrupted}, but I gain nothing new from it. The things we know of the being that leads the {Corrupted} on Sydocia, is limited. 

"Maybe the {Corrupted} are not the things that are different." I looked at Ilove, and when I got her attention, I voiced my theory. "The leader might be the thing that is different. We know it is cunning and powerful, but not how powerful."

Feeling inspiration hit me, I continued my theory. "We know that the higher the Tier of the {Corrupted}, the more intelligent it is, so what if it was a Tier-5 that got {Corrupted}?"

"But the System knowledge told us that the {Miasma} cannot corrupt Tier-5 or above," Ilova reasoned, but then frowned when she thought about it some more and continued. "The System has been wrong before so it could be wrong about that too."

That sentence is another problem. In all my years, I have never even heard about the System being wrong, so it being wrong on so many things when it involves the {Miasma}, is frightening.

Going through the info gained from the System is still very useful, even with some of the inconsistencies we discovered.

The female {Corrupted} were always missing and we rarely saw them among the {Corrupted} on the battlefield. We now know why, and it made us both disgusted with the {Corrupted} all over again.

Most likely, they were all fused together and made into a flesh monstrosity that are known as Mothers of Flesh. Thousands of women need to be sacrificed to make even a weak Mother of Flesh and a strong one needs millions.

These Mothers of Flesh have only one purpose, and that is to create more {Corrupted} by absorbing the {Black Mist} inside their bodies. These {Corrupted} will always be weaker than normal {Corrupted} but they are many times more numerous. A weak Mother of Flesh can create thousands of {Corrupted} in a day, but the limit is Tier-1.

The knowledge also includes illustrations of the {Corrupted} types and the moment we saw the Mother of Flesh, Ilova puked and I almost copied her. Massive fleshy bodies in the shape of a fat woman, all red flesh and pulsing black veins the size of a human going through its body.

The {Corrupted} it would create are called Fleshlings, and they are not to be underestimated even if they are weak. They are weak and die quickly, but millions of them coming at you can kill even a Tier-4.

After reading that part, we immediately sent the info to our Mortal allies. My student, Delira will know what to do with the info, and I trust Ilova to send the info to her own trusted people.

We send a lot of info to our people since they should know this too, but the Mothers of Flesh are a serious problem that we need to find and destroy as soon as possible.


Another thing we found important is their Magic. The {Corrupted} use Magic that we have never seen before with strange effects, and it has been a mystery to us since the start. Even the System does not have much info on it since only {Corrupted} can use it.

The System has defined it as Flesh Magic or {Miasma} Magic. It is Magic that can change and corrupt people using the {Miasma} in their body as a way to infiltrate those that have not been {Corrupted}, basically using the {Miasma} in their body as a long range attack.

Diseases are also something that it is good at, and luckily we have not had any of that on Sydocia but that might change in the future.

"We also need to prepare for the diseases that they might use." I told Ilova, and send the info I read towards her.

"Correct, we need more Water Mages." Ilova agreed with me after she was done reading through the info about the possible diseases that the {Corrupted} could create using their Magic.

The reason why Ilova wants more Water Mages is the Affinity's specialty.

All the Affinities have a specialty, which for light is fast and powerful healing, but it is very weak against poison and diseases. Water is very effective against poison and diseases, and the healing done using Water Affinity is slower but also uses less Mana for the amount of healing it does. 

Having extra Water Mages is always useful, but of all the basic Affinities, it is the rarest in our areas of influence. The Sun Elves have a natural affinity for Fire, and Water Affinity is even rarer than Light for my race.

Ilova at least has her Sisters of Light in almost every city, so she should be able to find more Water Affinity people to join us. The only cities she does not have access to are the Dark Elf city of Nightsky, and the Demon city of Alustrai.

Both of these are on bad terms with Ilova and would chase out any follower of her out of the city. Even with the threat of the {Miasma}, they still have an intense hate for Ilova and her followers.

"We need to go, it is time for the meeting with the others." Ilova said, taking out of my thoughts.

"How time flies..." I sigh, thinking of our fellow Deities. 

Ilova and I both used moved towards the meeting location, on top of the highest mountain on Sydocia. It is one of the few locations with a natural growing [Crystals of Lyr], like the home of Nina and her lovers.

When we arrive, I noticed that 2 have arrived before us and now that we are here, we are only missing Jessicala, Goddess of Pride.

One of the Gods that have already arrived before us is Brockal, God of Earth. He is tall with strong muscles going through his body, and looks like a brown furred Bear-kin. He is the laziest of us and likes to sleep most of all.

The other God is Lovoro, God of Wind. He is a slender young man of the Wood Elf race, with very pretty features causing a lot of people to think he is a female. He likes to travel to different cities and walk among the mortals.

"Is Jessicala late?" I asked them in surprise since she is known as the most punctual of us. Her pride always demands her to be on time for everything.

"Yes, something is going on with the Demons. [Feel The Wind]." Lovoro answered and used his Skill to help us view something that is happening at Alustrai.

The city is in combat with a massive army and the moment I saw them, Ilova and looked at each other. We both knew what those things are, Fleshlings.

Millions of Fleshlings are surrounding the city of Alustrai, and the city looks small compared to the massive wave of Fleshlings.

They are throwing them self at the city wall and using their bodies to make a ramp up on the wall, but before they could get even close to the top of the wall, the bodies are swallowed by dark magic or burned to ash by blood-red fire cast by the mages on top of the wall.

The Fleshlings are being killed by the thousands every second but it does not look like it matters. There are just too many of them to really make an impact in a short while. 

The Demons on the Wall have to defend with all their might while the Fleshlings just throw themselves at the city.

"This cannot be sustained for long unless they have a way to regain their Mana at a fast rate." Lovoro said, and we all nodded at him in agreement.

Our concern for that was well grounded, but we also knew that they have a way of doing so, using Lust Demons.

There are 7 different Demons on Sydocia and they all have a connection with one of the 7 Sins, and Lust Demons are famous for their unique Trait together with their Sexual Class when they reach Tier-2.

While having sex, they drain a little Mana from their partner and store it inside themselves, they can then give that Mana back when it is needed. There are several limitations to it, including that the Lust Demon cannot have sex with anyone else than the one they drained the Mana from.

Every Tier-3 High Mage Demon has at least 5 Lust Demons as their lovers, for this exact reason. When at war, the High Mage Demons can regain their Mana by having sex with the Lust Demons and in a battle like this, that is a massive boon.

After a while the view created by Lovoro's Skill focused on a group of Demons with pure black skin with green spirals on their skin.

When I saw them, I frowned since I know what they are. Tier-3 Greed Demons with Wind Affinity, called Rending Wind Demons. They are called that for their ability to pool their Magic together into a massive spell that creates a whirlwind of wind that would rend anything that it touches. 

It is one of the strongest combination magic on Sydocia that focuses on devastating a massive area or in this case, a massive army of Fleshlings.

They use their magic and the spirals on their body started burning green fire and they stand with their back towards the city and push their hands towards the army.

A distortion in the air happened and a whirlwind is created above the army of Fleshlings that became bigger and bigger. 

When the whirlwind reaches its peak, it already touched some Fleshlings and they were ripped into a bloody mist in a instant, and then it moved downwards and away from the city.

It carved a path away from the city and left behind blood and flesh from the Fleshlings, creating a massive area with a bloody mist which was growing bigger by the second. 

After the Spell was done, a incredible amount of Fleshlings were killed but the area was soon filled again by even more Fleshlings.

We heard someone else arrive behind us so we turned around and saw Jessicala flying towards us. Weirdly, her normally prideful look is gone and instead she looks concerned.

She landed and said something shocking to us. "I need your help. The Demons cannot keep this up for long."

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