This story was my first time writing, and I learned a lot from it but sadly, I don't feel the drive to continue it anymore.
Several parts in the story were forced and the System I put in the story is all over the place. Too complicated while at the same time too broad in certain things. My personal favorite are characters with a specialty, like Kali's stealth and Nina's water magic and talent, but I felt that I lost that direction when I gave Kali too many Skills and her second Class was also a big mistake on my part, but at the time I felt that it would fit her.
A lot of mistakes were made because I did not create the characters fully before starting my story which caused Kali to change a lot, while Annika and Nina made it she could not spread her wings to explore Sydocia as much as I wanted, and you all had to learn from Interludes, something I did not like. But it took me too long to notice all these big mistakes.
They might not be big mistakes, or even mistakes at all to you, but for me, it is.
I like to write, but I feel some regret with how I made the story go and the direction it is going.
When I started this story I made only a small part of the world and the characters in it, which were Kali, Annika and Nina, but I did not go deep in their personalities at all. I should have made a more robust background including the System that the world used. This is a mistake of mine that I tried to correct, and I believe I mostly did, but I also failed at it in certain areas.
One of my biggest mistakes, in my own opinion, was going for 1st POV instead of 3rd POV since I had so much more info to give to you all but in 1st POV, I could not write it. This is caused by my own limitations of writing, but also the limitation of 1st POV.
When I started, it was in 3rd POV, but later I switched to 1st POV when I started to like writing in that, and it took me too long to notice the limitations and now, I don't feel like going back again.
Several of my mistakes I wanted to fix with other chapters, but there are too many of them. Again, this is my own opinion and I find it important.
Several parts were good, and I liked it a lot, but I was too hasty with things too, causing me to write things that I added impulsively.
Writing was always just something I did for fun but when it got more popular, I felt a need to create more to make you all happy, but I don't have enough time to write 1800~ word chapters every 2 days. At the start it was possible, but it got harder and harder, the more I lost passion for the World of Sydocia, until I could not even write a chapter in two days.
My mind drawing, I could not keep this up anymore.
At the start of my writing, I did not expect it to be so popular as it is. 136k views and 4k+ favorites was a big surprise, and it also makes me hesitate in discontinuing this story, but for my own feelings, I have to do this.
I am stressing over a lot of things in the story and I don't feel that it would be good to continue this story.
Sorry for doing this, but it is for the best. I already noticed that I was forcing things along and my passion for the story was wavering.
I might write more, but for now, I need to create something new or start over and change a lot. I don't know what I will do, but I will see where my inspiration brings me.
I love reading, and I know that it would annoy me if a story I like gets discontinued, but I need to do this.
Again, sorry for discontinuing, and I hope you all understand.
I somewhat agree that you made a few mistakes with this novel since I did find it odd that a character like Kali didn't explore more and some times aspects of the characters felt rushed even the the overall pacing of the story was a bit slow and although Kali's second class fits her personality I personally thought it would have been better if she had some unique hunter or artisan class that was sexual in nature or something. But honestly I was really interested with the idea that you had going with this novel.
I liked everything about the characters. Even the small personality quirks like Kali's masochism and Nina's love for learning.
I liked the overall idea behind the system and alot of the world building you did like when you showed us the church.
There really is alot to explore here with the world of sydocia and it's characters so overall I think you did pretty good.
Dunno know if you gonna remake this novel or make a new one but I'm really looking forward to whatever your create in the future author because based in what you said in this discontinued announcement and how I feel overall about this story I know I'll definitely enjoy your future works.
I was planning on making her Sexual-Class go further into a unique Class, but I felt it should be Tier-3 at least, but the whole Tier system was bad and annoying to work with, and I never felt it was going good.
Her First Class was going to be unique too, I wanted to go [Predator] as Tier-2 and [Primal Predator] as Tier-3, merging her Primal Aspect with her Class.
Twas fun while it lasted, can't wait to see what you come up with next.
I agree, it was fun while it lasted.
Sorry to see it go, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I'm glad you wrote what you did, but it's definitely better that you not force yourself to keep writing a story past the point where you want to write it. Your happiness matters more than feeding our endless lust for content. If you end up writing something else, I'll be there, and if not, that's OK too.
Thanks for the chapters!
Thank you for being there and helping me learn to be better. I hope my next work will be worthy of your attention too.
I don't think you need to explain the system in too much detail, readers will definitely get boring.
It was great
But it was clearly flawed I understand and I thank you for actually letting us know instead of leaving it to rot
I Look forward to your next story
Thank you, it is common courtesy to tell your readers that your story is discontinued, at least, I think so.
I always felt like the plot was progressing really fast which is something I like but don't want. Still a great story thank you for writing.
Thank you for understanding and reading.
Big mistake for novice authors is over explaining thigs when you can show them. But I would guess that is quite hard to do. I honestly quit reading after I learned that MC is getting the best stuff and is doing everything when you got 2 other characters ( this is just my personal taste plus my tiredness of same old same old op mc and everyone else falling behind when they logicly should not. )
Ohh ya I remember that drying hide stuff. It hurts when you are writting and having to reaserch stuff to at least minimaly explain or make sense to readers who know and dont know about it. (Was doing it myself when writting about hunting and buchering)
Anyways I wish you luck in your rewrite or making new story plus I bet you got valuable learning experience so no time lost from that.
Thank you. I did learn a lot that is helping me with my new story, and hope that my next story will be even better.
Writing has a surprising amount of basic research, and even something like Kali's hunting knife was something that I had to research, but it is also a lot of fun to learn new things like that.
Thank you for your hard work. I enjoyed reading and look forward to your next work. Don't feel too down about it. Failing is how you learn and I don't even consider this a failure. 100 chapters is nothing to scoff at.
All of my constructive criticisms were echoed by yourself or other commenters. The only suggestion I might have for you if you want more structure is to try storyboarding out your entire novel before or shortly after desiring to write it. Just generalizations to hit at the beggining, middle and end of a story. This will then let you build arcs and villans and develop a sense of character progression. You can go into more detail as you write or change direction entirely as the muse flows. This is just what I've experienced from my own unpublished failures.
Thank you for the advice, and yes, I am planning on doing that since it would help a lot.
For World of Sydocia, I had a basic story in mind, but I never went into depth with that, which I will try and do with my next work.
It was a good try, I enjoyed the world you made and the characters, their were a few parts that I thought held the novel back, the location they started kept them separated from the rest of the world, for new characters to be introduced they had to somehow find their way their, would have been a lot easier if they would have started close to a city.
Hopefully you can rewrite the novel sometime in the future. I look forward to your next novel.
Correct, I noticed that too, it is one of the mistakes I made at the start of the story and wanted to fix by making Luna go closer to them, but I never felt it good for them to meet, at least not yet.
@kuraitja it would have fixed itself eventually, Kali and her group would have eventually left, it just slowed things down and limited the options you had.
I also write for fun, I think I have about 10 novels started, some farther along than others, I haven't published them anywhere yet, I like being able to change things if I think of something better or don't like a part, and I get stuck sometimes.
Even though you discontinued your novel you still published it and tried, I think that's awesome and hope I can bring myself to do it eventually.
Se entiende, estare esperando una proxima historia tuya si sigues escribiendo
Thank you for understanding!