The Worst Person You Know – 1
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How are you?


I'm doing fine as of now.


Well, sort of. If I had to explain everything, it wouldn't be much fun.



Today, I saw a frog on the way home. It looked like any other frog I saw before. Or probably not, since I don't really remember seeing any frogs before that point. But that's not so important.


I thought it looked kind of funny, in a good way.  When I tried to touch it, the frog hopped away.



It's been a real problem lately. Sometimes, I feel as though I'm starting to reek. Not because I don't shower, of course. I make sure to keep myself clean every day. Precisely a 10-minute shower with moderately warm water, just a bit before the sun starts to set. Any later than that and my hair won't fully dry when I sleep.




I'm starting to get bored. I've tried out some random things here and there, but I just can't scratch that itch. No matter what I do, I can't get that boredom out of me. I feel like everyone has that same feeling, but they just keep it to themselves.


I hate it when people keep things to themselves. What is there to hide? Why are you so ashamed of how you live? Even if it is embarrassing or sad, isn't that what you chose? If it really makes you feel so bad, then you must not be living how you want.


I'm really tired.




Every day, we stray further away from our true selves.



Are you doing what you want to do?



Are you listening to the voices?


I have. 



There's nothing more exciting.


Don't you feel like we all could be a little bit more free?