Born and First Quest.
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[ World: Demon Slayer, County: Japan, Current Location: Inside The House. ]

~Tanjirou's Pov~

' Status '

-  -  -

[ Name:???/Tanjirou Kamado( Temporary ) 

Race: ????/Human 

Gender: Male

Age: ♾️ ( 3 months ) 

Title: ???'s Vassal, Lucky Busturd.

Level: 1- ♾️

Class: The Gamer. ( Changeable ) 

Potential: ♾️ 

 STR: ???

 AGI: ???

 VIT: ???

 INT: ???

 DEX: ???

 CHA: ???

 LUC: ♾️ ( 200 )

Free Attributes: 0 ]

[ Skills:

~ Class Based:

> Gamer's Mind (Lev Max): Allows the Gamer to have complete immunity to mind-based attacks. Keeps the Gamer's mind cool in dire situations. Keep the Gamer from getting any long-lasting mental damage.{ On \ Off }

> Gamer's Body ( Lev Max ): Allows the Gamer to have a full recovery from any kind of physical injury after seeping in bed for 6 hours. Make the body adapt to any situation. Make acquiring skills much easier and perfect for any kind of situation. After the Gamer reaches his perk of growth Gamer's body stops aging. { On \ Off }

Note: Class-based skills will be removed if the class is replaced.

[ Skill Points: 100 ]

[ Party: 0 ] ( Invitation Require )

-  -  -

I check the status panel in front of me. I read the whole thing and then asked a question,

" Hey Fridey, why does this system seem more like the Gamer System? Also what does having infinite potential mean? Did the creator of the system give me infinite potential?"

{ Host, the system is like this because you seem to have a bit more liking toward the [ Gamer System ]. And for the rest of your questions, I can't answer that. As I wasn't provided with the knowledge.}

Fridey replied with a calm voice. I let it be for now as I can't do anything about it.

" Then tell me about the [ Gift ]."

{ Ok.

 Your first gift is a [ Lower World Editor ] ticket. It allows the host to edit lower world- such as this one- to a certain extent. 

The next one is [ Yoriichi Tsugikuni's body structure ]. It will let your body have the same capabilities as him and then some. Like: See through world, one mind, and body, perfect control of the 'mark', etc. 

The last one is [ 100 Skill Points]. It will make your skills grow faster.}

I thought about the gifts and a question came to my mind,

" Fridey, will I be emotionless like Yorichi?"

{ No, host. It is an active skill that can lock your emotions. Yorichi had it in passive but you don't. }

" Hm, alright then. Also, when will my status start showing?" I asked.

{ After you are born. As your body is small even with the [ Gift ] you will be in a soul state so as to not damage your brain. You will be able to take full control of your body after the age of 5. But don't worry you will experience everything your body will have. You will be also able to control your body to some extent. }

" Alright, then. I accept the gift." I said after listening to her. After that, I can feel some movement in my small body, very small.

{ Host, what edit would you like to make? Remember, you can't change too much.}

" I know. I want to make out family family two years older. In the original Tanjirou started his journey at 15 years old. I just want to start that at 17. Make it so that our family is attacked two years later but keep everything else the same. Is acceptable?"

I said my wish.

[ Calculating..... Calculation complete. It is possible to accept the edit without any problem. 

The edition is being placed... Complete. ]

After hearing that I became a little happy. I personally don't want to start at that age. That is the time when boys growth is starting and it will harm the body more. Near 18 is the right age as it is the peak of growth. 

{ Host, I just got the information that the host's mental age will be set around 18 years and most of your personal life memory will slowly fade away. } Fridey suddenly informed me.

I am a little shocked about it but soon came down.

' I already don't remember most of my personal life. So, what's there to lose? Besides I trust myself. I am sure I will find a way. Although, age could be a problem. I was way more horny back then.

 Buh, I will be fine. In the worst case, I will have a couple of kids running around in my teenage years hehe. Those were the days.'

' Also it seems like whoever made this system wants me to forget about my past life. I have to at least keep my original self from getting changed.'

" That's no problem. I have already forgotten most of my past. Also, will there be a problem with incest?" I asked another question for the sake of it.

{ No, host. As your body will be like Yorichi there will not be any problem. But if you want to have everything safe then I advise you to not take your daughter's daughter. Before then everything is safe. }

Even I feel a little awkward after hearing this. I wouldn't go so low as to marry my own dau- actually, if it's my 18-year-old self then he might just do it.

' I won't think about it anymore as this will only give me a headache. '

"Whatever. Fridey, make me sleep until my birth." I decided to not think about it anymore. I will leave the mess to my future self.

{ Alright, host.}

After that, everything went dark, or at least that's what I see(?).

~Time skip~

4 months later.

Morning sunlight rises up in the sky and melts the light snow away. Following the sunlight, we could see a house up in the hills. It might be small but it has a warm vibe. But if we go closer to the house we could hear the cries of a soon-to-be mother.

" Aaaa.. ark"

" Just a little bit more, Kie! I can already see the head! Just a little bit!"

" Hhmmm... Agggk.."

As the woman tries her hardest, we can see a man slightly older than her sitting beside the room. We can see from the sweat forming on his hand that he is tense. 

' You can do it Kie.' he said a small encouragement to no one.

After what feels like an hour the cries finally stop. 

" It's a boy Kie. Congratulations! "

After that, the man quickly enters the room and sits beside his wife. He held her hand and said to his exhausted wife," Good job." with a smile.

His wife- now Kie- sent a weak smile at him but became worried as he couldn't hear the cries of his child.

He too looked at the woman holding his child looking at his child with a slight frown. He became worried and asked,

" What the matter aunt? Is our child ok? "

The women look at them and send a weak smile. Perfectly knowing what they were thinking.

" Don't worry there are some children who don't cry during childbirth. It's not a bad thing. What I am worried about is that this child has a ahh.. big birthmark on his face. Much like your's Tanjuro." 

She said with a bit of definitely in the last fart. As soon as she said that the man-now Tanjuro- at first was a bit confused but then went wide-eyed.

He slowly releases his wife's hand and moves towards his child. As he took a closer look at the child he could see that on the left side of the face, there was a mark that looked like flames. It starts from the left side of his head and barely reaches his left eye.

He has one too but his wasn't from birth and his son's mark was a bit wider and dipper too. After seeing this he gave a warm smile toward his and gave his wife a nod. 

" Don't worry aunt. It's not a bad thing."

The women still looked doubtful but decided to let go. Then she looked towards Kie and said,

" You should rest for now Kie and remember to call me if there is any problem."

After that, she started walking outside. After seeing the women outside Tanjuro came near his wife, only to see her sleeping with her child in her hand.

He walks towards his child and puts a finger into her hand. He smiled and said,

" You are going to be a strong boy Tanjirou."

As if responding to his word the child- now Tanjirou- grabs hold of his finger. Tanjuro smiled a bit more at that.

~Tanjirou Pov~

{ Master, it would be appropriate to wake up now. I repeat this will be a good time to wake up.}

I woke up hearing Fridey's clod voice. I was a bit surprised to suddenly feel half of my five senses. I quickly adapt to it though. Also,

' Fridey, why are you suddenly calling me master? What happened to the host? Not that I am complaining. '

{ Well, master I am a self-evolving being and I evolve in a way that is perfect for my master. Which in this case is you. }

I was a bit amazed by it. A self-evolving A.I. would be everyone's dream. If I wasn't as intelligent as I am and if it didn't look super suspicious I would have started abusing it. Well, to be fair, I would do it anyway.

' First thing first, Status!'

-   -   -

Name: Tanjirou Kamado.

Race: Perfect Human.

Gender: Male.

Age: 1 Day.

Titles: ???'s Vassal, Lucky Bastard.

Level: 1- ♾️ [ 0% ]

Class: The Gamer. ( Changeable )

Potential: SSS( ♾️ )

STR: 1 ( Can move your limbs. )

AGI: 0.5 ( Can move left and right )

VIT: 1 ( Can open your eyes for ten minutes! )

INT: 17 ( Not the best but can still manage.)

DEX: 2( Knows where to find food.)

CHA: 11(At least not ugly.)

LUC: 200 ( The titles are for no reason.)

[ Note: The average point for a male adult is 10. ]

Free Attributes: 00

-   -   -

I stare at the panel in my mind for some time and I can say for sure,

 ' Damn, that's some good crazy status for a newborn. Especially my luck. Also, I forgot to ask last time but where is my Mana attribute?'

{ Well, master. For you to have mana, the world also needs to have mana. That's why you don't have mana.}

Hearing that does make sense. Even if I have mana I need something to recover it after it's finished. 

' No matter. I don't need mana in this world. I will still become the strongest. '

-   -   -

[ Ding! Quest has been created.]

[ Quest: Baby steps.

Description: Even the longest bridge starts with a brick. Time to take your first step.

Objective: Open your eyes and see the world with your eyes and some more.

Reward: 2 Experience.]

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