Chapter 15: Exploring the Galaxy, Journey to Tatooine
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"Ewok jerky?" Alan frowned.


These people were going to capture some Ewoks, kill them, and turn them into dried meat. It was completely unacceptable to him, the Ewoks were already an intelligent species. Although left behind, they thought and had their own civilization.


Ewoks are a very intelligent race, with a high acceptance of change. Even though they are not big, their strength is not small at all, and they are very flexible. In Alan's view, Ewoks are perfect scouts, jungle warriors and mechanical engineers.


So now, under Alan's instructions, the residents of the colony are showing goodwill to the Ewok people. And the analysis of Ewok language is also in progress, but their language is still relatively primitive, and the progress of analysis is slow.


Therefore, with this relationship, Alan would never tolerate anyone coming to hunt down Ewoks people to make jerky.


"This is a special request from Jabba the Hutt, you know that someone like us can't disobey his orders." Quinto said hurriedly as he saw Alan somewhat hesitant.


"Jabba..." Alan's expression changed slightly and he began to ponder. If this matter involves Jabba, then the problem will be somewhat serious.


Jabba is one of the largest criminal gang lords among the Hutts and a member of the Desilijic Tiure clan. He is entrenched on the planet Tatooine and runs his huge criminal empire. It's really not a good idea to mess with people like this.


Alan stared at Quinto for a while. Quinto was a native of the 'Star Wars' universe. Furthermore, he was a smuggler who moved everywhere; Alan needed someone like that as a guide to further explore this universe. Alan may not like them, but they are necessary, and in the Mothership database there is also data on devices to control criminals. 'The Expanse' series control implants may be the best option for this situation.


Thinking of this, he nodded and said: "You can carry this cargo to Tatooine, but things have changed. From now on, you are part of the Fourth Group, and your spaceship will be the property of the Four Group. Someone will go with you to Tatooine."


"No! That spaceship is my life. You can't take it away from me!" Quinto said loudly.


"You bastard!" Felasi shouted angrily, rushing forward to hit Alan. But he raised his hand and with an empty gesture, an invisible force threw it away.


Felasi fell face down on the ground, frightened as she looked at Alan. "You are... a Jedi?" She said, full of fear.


Alan did not answer him and then extended two fingers and said: "I give you two options. First, I kill you and throw you into space like garbage. Second, if you wish to stay alive and have a chance at a considerable reward, you will obey my orders without question them. There is no third option."


Quinto went over to help Felasi up.


"I offer you opportunities that you would not have anywhere else in the Galaxy, think about these days of quiet life. Now, it's your turn to convince your other companions." Alan stood up and prepared to leave.


Quinto and Felasi glanced at the spacious and bright office and lowered their heads obediently.


"Get ready. I'll go with you to Tatooine, but Felasi will need to rest here for a while." Alan dropped these words before leaving.


As soon as he heard this, Quinto immediately understood that Felasi had become a hostage. He raised his head and wanted to say something, but Felasi stopped him with his eyes.




Two days later, with Alan's approval, the Fourth Civilization became the official name of their group, and they also planned to set up a company to facilitate their operations, and the name was called the Fourth Group.


The colony under construction was named 'Dawn City' by Alan, and it will be the capital of the fourth civilization in the future.


After that, he introduced a rule that all residents forming a family must adopt a child and serve as his guardian. These children are the 5 billion frozen embryos stored on the Mothership. Their genes have been adjusted so that they will grow into adults in about five years.


This policy naturally used frozen embryos to better integrate them into society. Furthermore, since all the supply was under one distribution system, there was no concern about whether they could afford it.


Apart from this, Alan also set up a secret plan. He instructed the engineering department to secretly build a military base in remote locations on the Dawn Planet. This place would be managed militarily and used for the staged development of frozen embryos, instilling only war and combat skills.


This is Tang Xiao's trump card for the war that is about to break out in the future. This unit has no name, only one designation: the Fourth Legion.


In addition, Alan also ordered the development of control implants that would be placed in the group of captured smugglers. These devices are placed around the necks of prisoners and perform various functions to maintain control over them; such as tracking and tracing, behavioral control through the ability to administer drugs or substances that can influence the wearer's behavior, plus if a prisoner attempts to escape or strays too far from certain designated areas, the collar can activate an extreme security measure, such as explosive detonation, resulting in the instant death of the prisoner.




After placing the control implants on Quinto and the others, in addition to completing the pending tasks. Alan decided to head to the Mothership hangar in search of Trent.


At that time, Trent was taking care of the YT-1000 light freighter, which was now completely his. Seeing Alan approaching, he jumped off the ladder. "Boss, I think I have mastered this ship and have a good command of the galactic standard language. I was about to take my leave to explore this universe. If there is anything you need me to do, just say so."


"Take Quinto and the others with you, and head to Tatooine. The situation there is complicated, and it is ideal to go unnoticed. But we are newbies in that area and need guides. Quinto will be your guide and he has a cargo to take there. In addition, I will give you the control device for the implants that were placed in them." Said Alan.


"No problem, boss." Trent said with a thumbs up. "Is there anything else?"


"In addition, I have just one request." Alan suddenly said. "On this trip, I will go with you. I have some business to attend to on Tatooine."


Trent's expression changed immediately, and he tried to stop him. "This is not right, Administrator! You are the leader of our people, and you cannot venture outside. We do not know the situation of this universe, and if there is danger, our colony will be leaderless."


"I have fundamental reasons for this. Plus I don't want to be someone who just gives orders at a desk. I need to explore, live experiences, understand life in its entirety so I can lead everyone on the right path." Alan said.


Trent was an understanding person. "Okay, since you have decided, I will take you on this trip. But it is clear, it will only be this once."




There were things he had to do personally. He couldn't just explain the entire 'Star Wars' plot to someone else, on the one hand, it was too extensive, and on the other, it was his biggest secret, even the key to his survival.


And this time, the destination was Tatooine, a very famous planet in 'Star Wars'. Not only because of the fighting and fighting that occurred there, but also because of a person who most likely lived there: Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One!




The Tatoo system, also known as the Tatooine system, is a binary solar system located in the Arkanis sector of the Outer Rim Territories. And the first planet in that system was Tatooine, a harsh desert world.


Because this system is located at the intersection of the Triellus Trade Route and the Corellian Run, it is also a very important transportation artery in the remote Outer Rim Territories. However, Tatooine is located outside the radius of influence of the Galactic Republic, in space controlled by the Hutts, making it a place where anarchy reigns, with criminals and pirates around every corner.


At some point a YT-1000 light freighter appeared on the outskirts of the planet Tatooine.


Murath was in the pilot's seat, expertly pressing different buttons to stabilize the spaceship after exiting hyperspace. He turned to Quinto, sitting in the passenger seat, and said: "There, it's your turn now."


Quinto looked uncomfortably at the pilot's seat he usually occupied, then sighed in resignation and opened the communicator in front of him to announce: "Mos Eisley port, this is YT-1000 light freighter, seeking landing..."


"We need supplies and unloading. Who has a docking spot? Someone answers." Quinto transmitted.


There was a burst of noise from the communicator, and then several voices responded. The coordinates of 7 or 8 berths were also uploaded to the spacecraft computer.


Quinto glanced at Alan and said: "Tatooine is a completely free planet, without any official government, and everything is private. You have to remember this when you get here, because no one will help you if you encounter trouble, except for yourself."


The spaceship descended through the atmosphere, flying over endless expanses of yellow sand and deserts. It landed on an empty space that had been rudimentarily leveled, and a Nikto stepped out. Several of the small horns on his face were noticeably worn, with some lizard-like spines broken off; For a Nikto, that meant he had aged.


He knocked on the metal door frame with a wrench and said loudly: "Move, guys! Fill this ship's fuel tank and add some drinking water."


Several maintenance robots, which were on the ground, suddenly stood up and began to work nimbly around the spaceship with pipes and wrenches.


Quinto walked over and patted Nikto on the shoulder. "Long time no see, Truda. How have you been lately?"


"It doesn't matter whether I'm doing well or not, but what have you been doing these days?" Truda said. "Jabba's people are looking for you, and you've delayed this trip long enough."


“Ah…” Quinto looked at Alan without a trace, and subconsciously wanted to touch the implant in his neck, then said: “Well… There was something… um, a malfunction in my spaceship. Do you think they'll be back soon?"


Truda glanced back, where Alan, Trent, the T-850, and the Rodian crew member, Spud, were standing. They had all changed into worn-out clothing, resembling the explorers, except for their somewhat cleaner faces.