Chapter 14: Change Side
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Chapter 14: Change Side


A few weeks later, in Shunan Bamboo Forest, the bamboo as tall as the building is everywhere.


A man with a bamboo basket on his back sprints through the bamboo forest and reaches an area covered with thick mist. Without stopping, he entered the mist and several times changed directions.


Suddenly, the mist in front of him disappears, and he can see a bamboo house.


Zou Jie, after arriving in the forest, begins to find a suitable place to build his house and mortal array formation. With the illusion of array formation without his permission, no one will come to disturb him.


He also goes to the nearby city to gather information. From what he found out, the new Qin emperor was the second prince. However, the other princes and princesses thought the will was fake and rebelled.


Zou Jie hopes nothing bad happens to the Eagle Claw escort agency.


Putting the bamboo basket down inside, there are wild chickens, bamboo shoots, and some wild vegetables.



The forest also had a lot of medical herbs, poisonous plants, and creatures that he could use.


“This is the life that I want.” Zou Jie decided to stay here for a while until the outside world calmed down before he continued his journey in the Qin empire.


He doesn’t want to get dragged into any war; his experience has taught him there is no right and wrong in war; it’s just for profit.


After eating, he practices second-class martial arts that focus on speed. He knows his body strength is weak compared to other second-class martial artists who have already practiced for a long time, and he only had 1-year worth of qi that he purchased from the system.


Anyone can become a third-class martial artist; however, to become a second-class martial artist, that person needs to have the talent to gather qi energy in the dantian to strengthen their body. After that, if you can imbue qi into a weapon, you are considered a first-class martial artist.


The peak-class martial artists can use qi energy like a weapon, and at this stage, they are considered a martial master that all martial artists need to respect and fear.


Zou Jie's movement becomes light, and each step pushes his body forward 5 to 10 meters. The only problem with this martial art is that it consumes a lot of stamina and qi.


Suddenly, his worn-out clothes get ripped apart because of the speed. “It looks like I need to make a few new clothes for myself.” Since he got the seamstress knowledge, he just fixes the old clothes and never makes a new one.


Tomorrow he will go to Zhuzi City, which is not far from the Shunan Bamboo Forest, to purchase fabric. He had gone there a few times to do business.




Qin Empire Palace


The second prince in his late twenties sits on the dragon throne and closes his eyes. Finally, the Qin empire belongs to him; he just needs to remove the pest.


The new Qin emperor, after acceding to the throne, had ordered people to hunt down his siblings and label them as traitors. However, few of his siblings manage to control a large army, so killing them will be hard.


His concern is the royal shadow that has disappeared. In the past, the former Qin emperor used this secret organization to control the empire. However, until now, he was still in a coma.


Eunuch Ye enters the throne hall and kneels. “Long live your majesty.”




“Thank you, your majesty.”


“You may speak.”


“Your majesty, we already helped you get the throne. I hope you honor your promise.” The Demon Sect had done many things in the shadow; now it was time to ask for the promise that the second prince made.


“Give me more time; as long as my sibling is still alive, I will not be at ease.” The Qin emperor made a troubled face and promised that he would make the demon sect an official orthodox sect in the Qin empire.


Once eunuch Ye left, the Qin emperor frowned. As long as he gets rid of his sibling. He will wipe out the demon sect from the Qin empire. If he follows the agreement, he will be the enemy of all the orthodox martial artists on this continent, and the other nations will make an excuse to invade the Qin empire.


A middle-aged white man appeared behind a huge pillar inside the throne hall and kneeled in front of the Qin emperor. “Your majesty, I suggest we kill the demon sect follower in the palace.”


“It’s not yet the right time; we can still use them.” The Qin Emperor sits on the dragon throne and is confident that he can deal with the demon sect.


The white-robed man doesn’t say anything. However, he knows that the demon sect that has been hiding for centuries is not simple and weak.


Far from the hall, in the corridor, eunuch Ye doesn’t show any emotion. Power can change people; before getting the throne, the second prince's attitude was subservient toward the demon sect.


Eunuch Ye, after a long walk, enters a room. Inside, there is a figure in several dark clothes with a mask waiting.


“How?” A woman's voice can be heard in the room by one of the masked figures.


“The new Qin emperor had changed.”


“It's fine; we already expected this. Let’s move to the next phase.” The woman spoke.


The others agreed, and their bodies disappeared from the room. Except for eunuch Ye, he goes out of the room and heads to the former Qin emperor's room. The current Demon sect is not like in the past; now they are united, and one of the things they hate is betrayal.


“Since you betray our trust, don’t blame us for what is going to happen.” Eunuch Ye smiles sinisterly.




The first prince and his allies flee to the north and take over several cities and towns. However, with the large army, they required a large provision to maintain the army.


Inside a room.


“We need to quickly; if we waste any more time, we will run out of supply, and when winter arrives, it will be impossible to mobilize the army.” A burly middle-aged man with a full beard spoke seriously.


“What is your suggestion?” The first prince wanted to win with fewer casualties. However, just like the general said, if they don’t move now, it’s going to be late.


“We need to isolate the capital city and prevent them from calling the army at the border.”


“We don’t have enough soldiers.”


"First, prince, you forgot about the royal shadow.”


“Empress Dowager is unconscious; she was already ill to begin with when we fled the palace. Without her, the royal shadow will not obey anyone.” The first prince sighs inwardly. Even if they had a Trump card, it would be useless if they couldn’t use it.


While they are discussing, a soldier brings a letter to the burly general, and after he reads it, he has a deep thought.


“Who is it from?"


“Demons sect.” The burly general handed over the letter.


“What!” The demon sect caused many deaths in the past, but it was only after many sacrifices and the support of the empires and kingdoms that the demon sect was destroyed. After reading the letter, the first prince smiled. "Second, brother, it looks like you will not be sitting on the throne for a long time. Mobilize the army and send a message to my other sibling; it's time.”


“Your Highness, are you willing to work with the demon sect?"


“I had no choice.” The second prince leaves him with no choice but to submit or rebel, but both of them might lead to his death.


“But they want your wife and first son to be collateral.”


The First Prince's face was determined, and he spoke. “It's fine; if we fail, the demon sect will be a safe place for both of them.” Although he doesn’t think he will lose, anything can happen.




Martial Alliance headquarters


Inside the meeting hall, hundreds of sect and clan representatives are gathered.


After discussing the situation, they began to vote. The majority of them decided to wait until the Qin Empire civil war ended before investigating the appearance of a demon sect. In their minds, the demon sect is no longer as strong as in the past.


A few hours later, there are only a few people inside the large hall.


“If the appearance of the demon sect is true, it might be too late if we wait.” An elderly man with white hair and a long beard spoke.


An elderly woman spoke. “Don’t worry; from the record, both sides suffered in the last war; even if they manage to restore their strength, we are not weak either.” In the past, the elderly woman was once considered one of the most beautiful and valiant female martial artists on the continent and had numerous admirers.


“I think we need to callback all the Martial Alliance Academy students from the mission in the Qin Empire for now.” The middle-aged scholar said




“I agreed.”