A Tale of Tails Begins!
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The bell gives a playful cheery ring as the door closes behind, welcoming you into the building. Rows and rows of crowded shelves of books spread as far as the eye can see, with rather large signs organizing the genre of each category. You gasp in awe at how much larger this libary appears on the inside compared to the outside, an aura of tingling excitement surrounds you almost as if tiny little fairies tickled your senses. Clean air, aged wood with that squeaky creak with each step you take, and even a comfortable mahogany desk at the center of a large carpet under the orange color tone of trees in the fall.

Sat upon the desk is a young looking woman, seemingly in her middle age, smiling as you approach her. You'd guess early 30s, her body appeared mature and beautiful with that hourglass figure and ample bosom concealed within a tight and clean looking white dress. It did wonders for her appearance, complimenting her curves and highlighting those seductive sexy eyes of her. The look she gave spelled confidence and sparked a hidden arousal inside, you'd be smart to keep that excitement away for the moment.

"Welcome," She spoke to you in a soothing voice, sending tingles along your spine and making your legs wobble like jelly. "Is this your first time?"

You nod your head, unable to speak as you stare in awe.

Immediately, her lips gave way to a warm smile. She clapped her hands together, snapping you out of your trance.

"Splendid! Newcomers are always welcome, it fills me with delight to see a new face! A pretty one at that. Now then, since this is your first time I must prepare you for what you are about to experience. Have you heard of these creatures called... "

She ushers you to come closer as her voice grows softer, sinking into an erotic whisper which made your eardrums dance with delight inside.

"Monster Girls?"

As those words hung in the air, she raised an eyebrow at your silence as you struggle to keep your sight fixated on her eyes and not further below.

"No? It's okay to say no, the term is still quite taboo out there so allow me to be your first to introduce you to a new world." She stands up and waves her arms wide giving a light spin at the unfathomable number of books behind her.

"Surrounding us lies hundreds of stories each telling the life of a Monster Girl, from every detail to every challenge they face among their many sexual adventures. What are Monster Girls, you may be asking?"

She smirked, brushing aside her brunette hair before walking down the aisles of shelves with you following closely.

"Lewd, feral, and perverse creatures taking female form of the most beautiful, highly attractive type to gain any man or woman's attention of any race. Monsters left behind as a reminder of a time when a woman broke God's one rule and bit into the apple of the Forbidden Tree. She was corrupted, demonic energy coursed through her veins and thus, the first Monster Girl was born!"

She paused, turning to face you.

"Or so the tale says. We have many Monster Girls hiding among us under nook and shadow and home, who can ever say where they originated from? Some say they are a work of black magic gone wrong. Others believe they are a testament to man's weakness, falling to temptation and sin. One philosopher even believed that these were not monsters left behind to target them as their prey, but rather that they were related in biology since they can reproduce with other species and this led to his idea that they originate from the same creators that made you and I alike. But others believe they are an evolutionary mistake, going as far to say Monster Girls are merely Monsters in disguise, no different from Hags or Golems or Trolls. But what do I think? Well, I have my own little theories... "

You see her turn around, those shapely legs clicking onto the hard floor with those heels as her rear end jiggled lightly with each step. It was an incredible struggle for you not to stare as she would occasionally sneak a glance back while she continued her speech.

"As you will soon find out, there are a plethora of Monster Girls, each under categories and subcategories of their own class. We have Vampires, Demon Girls, Dog Girls, Cat Girls, Arachnid Girls, Seductive Honey Bee Girls, Cursed Werewolf Girls although that's arguable, Snake Girls."

She drew a large intake of breathe before resuming.

"Slime girls, Oni Girls, Centaur Girls, Succubi, Dragon Girls, Harpy Girls, and the never ending list goes on, you get my point. To this day, we are still discovering new Monster Girls and adding their stories to my public collection here. You will find no better catalog of stories, encounters, and research for each and every Monster Girl we know of today. So if by sheer curiosity you wish to know about say, a Mouse Girl, or if perhaps you believe to have encountered a Slime Girl in your travels, please return here and I will present you with every information we have available, satisfaction guaranteed."

She winked, making you blush inside.

"You're awful cute you know, I don't mind you staring as I ramble on. Trust me, all of our customers always do. I aim to please after all. Now, there is a general rule I enforce among my staff here: A Monster Girl is a Girl with no male counterpart that carries demonic energy through her."

With that, she raised her hand with her index up high and a wink to complete her cheeky smile.

"However, not every Monster Girl is a Monster. Confusing, isn't it? Let me explain. Werewolves, Vampires, and Succubi? Most likely to bite you, consume you, feed on your blood. These are extraordinary creatures, outliers that play by different rules compared to most other Monster Girls. Is a Werewolf considered a Monster Girl even if it's transferred by both curse and genetics? A man can be given this curse, but they are categorized as Monsters instead. Peculiar, don't you think?"

"Not every creature in that category is all bad. Some monster girls are just attempting to survive, the fortunate ones who can hide in plain sight sometimes just want to live their own life. They just all require sexual energy to survive." She shrugged, stepping lightly around you until she was out of your sight. Clicking her tongue, you felt her presence behind you before she spoke up once more.

"From your 'presentation', I believe this aisle would be ripe for you. Here we have a collection of tales we have been piecing together. It is a work in progress but if you wish to peek into the lives of these monster girls then by all means. Whether you look into them out of curiosity, research, scientific purposes perhaps? No matter, privacy is upholded and enforced within these four walls, and any expression of love is welcomed and enjoyed in here."

She pushed you forward, as you look back you catch those eyes looking back up to meet yours before those blood red lips curved into a delicious grin.

"Oh I have just the story for you to begin with! It is the start of my favorite collection thus far, a charming little adventure, a tale of tails to tell the tale so to speak. You seem like one who appreciates a cat girl, yes? Everybody loves cat girls after all."

She leans forward and reaches behind you, her cleavage reaching so close that you could smell the fruity scent of perfume surrounding her chest. Rummaging around the shelf, she smacked her lips and flashed her shiny white teeth before retrieving a heavy brown book and presenting it to you, laying it flat on your palms. 

"Here you go, be patient with this one. It begins as a work of a pent up widow fantasizing for intimacy, but it picks up momentum sooner than you would think. Enjoy your trip, I'll be at my table after you finish. Ta-ta!"

Before you could speak up, she had scurried off away from plain view. That was odd, you think to yourself as you glance down at the heavy book in your hands. Your eyes grow twice their size as the cover flips open and the pages begin to follow until the introduction is presented to you. As you start to read the words before you, you begin to feel a strange feeling like fingers tapping around your neck and spine as a subtle hum begins to travel in your ears. Your pupils began to fade white as suddenly, a vision is produced as clear as day. Somehow, the words sprung to life and you find yourself able to witness the story unfold before your eyes, not as a character but rather as an observer, a spectator who found themselves in the front seat to see this story begin. 

It began in a grassy setting, where the clouds were a terrible dark gray and roared with thunderous strikes while a heavy rain obscured your vision and ran down the hills like a pouring stream cleaning the muck around as if it were wash day. Strong winds howled through the night, a lonely cottage found itself atop the hill under the hostility of mother nature herself, when out of the corner of your eye you spot a young man struggling to climb his way up the cobblestone path leading to the front door. 

And so, dear reader, this is how the tale of tails begins. 

This is an introduction to the MGC world, but the true introduction to KuliKuli's story is in the next chapter. This is my first novel so I would greatly appreciate if you leave any comments about what you think of the story and what works or does not work for you. Any feedback helps, thank you!