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I got up slowly, still tired and on the verge of going to sleep again. Minthe then walks into the room as I lay down again. “Hey, idiot, get up.” I slowly got back up and groaned a bit. ^Fiiiine. Jeez.^ Minthe walked over to me and helped me up, if she didn’t I probably would have just fallen asleep again. 


“Go get dressed, we’re waiting in the other room.” ^Alright.^ I put on my hoodie and put my headphones around my neck, my mask, and my black jeans, the hoodie’s back read “DeathWatch.” with the logo of our group, being the grim reaper holding up two scythes. It looked cool to us, so it stuck.


I walked into the other room. ^Sup, guys.^ Minthe sat on the chair next to me. Suddenly, our friend Izuka spoke. “Hello, Puro.” Izuka Xo was a former U.S. Air Force pilot, she was extremely strong, we liked to make her break walls down when needed, I mean, she does have a strength tactical exosuit, so, why not, right? “Did you sleep well? Like you spent a lot of time asleep there.” ^I slept just fine.^ 


All of a sudden, out of nowhere, our friend Jason Key walked in. “Look who's finally awake.” He said. He liked using his blood-red bow and arrows, He always wore these black gloves though.


Minthe suddenly spoke. “Oh shut up, Jason. You woke up like two minutes before him.” Jason laughed a bit. “Yeah well, that’s still two minutes. And we need our hacker to do most jobs here.” He was talking about me. I was a hacker for our group, I used an M82 sniper for long range, and I mostly stay back and shoot anyone that tries to take out my team from afar. And while we’re here, why don’t I tell you about Minthe? Minthe is pretty crazy. She uses dual tt pistols and is extremely agile. She’s also very.. “Hey! Puro! You okay there, bud?” Minthe asked, making my thoughts go back to whatever I was talking about again. ^Oh, yeah! Just got lost in my thoughts hah. Anyway, yeah I’ll see who deserves death today.^ I got on the computer as everyone watched. ^There. He’s a Serial Killer. He took the life of a kid.^ Minthe looked at it. “Let’s kill him. Just me and you, Puro.” ^But we haven’t prep-^ “Now.” Minthe always commanded me. And yet. I always listened. Jason spoke. “Well, leave the screen there, Puro, I’ll try to find more.” ^Alright.^ I didn’t really trust Jason with my computer, but, if he got me a virus I would just track the person who gave it to me. ^Alright good lu-^ Minthe suddenly grabbed me. “Hurry up.” Minthe pulled me to her car. I got on the passenger side.


As Minthe got in she turned the car on and instantly started to drive to the target's house. ^Uh Minthe! You’re going quite fa-^ “Shush, idiot.” Minthe sped to the destination and we arrived very quickly. I felt slightly disoriented. ^I think I’m gonna be sick.^ “You’ll be fine, Puro.” I got out with my M82 on my back. I checked my phone. ^oh! He has cameras! Perfect!^ I took a couple minutes and hacked into the cameras. “Where is he?” ^He is in.. The uh. Basement. Staring at a wall with targets of his own. We should take him out before he kills more pe-^ Minthe suddenly grabbed me and pulled me over to the door of the house, slightly choking me. “He has a code lock. Can you hack it?” ^o-oh!^ I coughed a bit. ^Yeah I can!^ I hacked the door and we went inside quietly, slowly walking to the basement. 


We heard the man talking to someone or maybe himself. ‘She’s gonna fucking die for what she did.’ Minthe went behind him and put a mask on him as she made the mask fill the man’s lungs with Amnestics. The man fought but I grabbed his arms so he couldn’t and in just a few seconds. The man passed out. 


Minthe suddenly grabbed me by the hood, choking me a bit. ^Ack!-^ “I could’ve done it alone, idiot!” ^Sorry! I thought you’d want help!^ She let go of me as she grabbed the man and we walked out the door and went outside back to the car. Minthe shoved him in the trunk. I called Jason. “Yooo?” ^Put me on speaker.^ I waited a few seconds and finally spoke again. ^Well, good news! We got him! We’re heading to base with him now.^ “Got ya!” Jason said. Then Izuka spoke. “¡Hasta entonces!” I hung up as I got in the car with Minthe. 


We headed back to base and tied the guy to a chair with barbed wire. When he woke I was the first to speak. ^You shouldn’t struggle, the barbed wire will just cut into your skin more and more if you do..^ Minthe slightly slapped me. “You’re not supposed to help them, you fucking idiot! Anyway, please, struggle if you wish.” Minthe pulled out a Kukri as she went to the guy, who started to struggle a bit, and every time he moved more blood came from under the barbed wires.


Minthe slashed the back of the guy's neck as he struggled more, which just made the barbed wire cut deeper and deeper. I pulled my Karambit out and cut the words “DeathWatch.” on his right arm, along with our symbol. “Oh he's awake!’ Izuka said as she walked in. She pulled out her Ontario 499. “Mind if I join in the cutting, here?” ^Not at all!^ I let her go to him and cut him, she cut the phrase “Your nightmares are our playground!” on his other arm. ^Jason! Come on down!^ I called for Jason and he came down with a red arrow in his black-gloved hand. “Ooh! This is gonna be fun!” Jason went up to him and slashed his chest making a giant X on it. Minthe finally walked over again and got closer to him. “Rot in hell.” She took her knife out and slashed his throat open. The man struggled in pain, which made the barbed wire start cutting through his muscle, getting closer to the bone. “And remember.” Minthe whispered. “Death always watches you.” 


We all walked out of the room as the man slowly died. Jason then spoke. “Where to put the body this time?” Minthe grabbed me by the hood to mess with my hair. ^Ack.-^ She then spoke. “Well, at a place where the police will find it for sure…” Minthe forced me to lay my head down on her lap as she messed with my hair. ^Aaa.-^ “Someone make sure none of our prints are on his body. We don’t wanna be found of course.”  I tried to get up, but she pulled me right back down. “You’re staying here until I’m done with you.” ^o-okay.^