Chapter 8: Something Changed
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“By the whisper of the northern winds, I greet you.” The amber-eyed man pressed his fist up against his chest, and she reflexively followed his gesture. Before she could say anything more, he already strode away to the entrance of the castle. Lily Bianca’s hand remained stuck against the erratic beating of her chest, her mind still trapped in a wave of nostalgia. 

When her focus sharpened once more, the music had stopped. Everyone shushed and peered at her. A gentleman approached with an air of elegance, his forest green tailcoat complementing the color of his eyes. As he moved, his moon-shaped vine earrings swayed against his long hair.


“Welcome, honored guest. I am known as Prince Neil, heir to the Chamillet Kingdom,” the prince smiled. One of the butlers handed him a black box, eliciting muted gasps from the crowd. If the attention wasn’t fully on her earlier, they were now.

The prince opened the box containing a golden brooch in a shape similar to his earrings. 

“May I?” Lily Bianca glanced at her smiling father and nodded.  

“Your actions preserve the harmony of this kingdom. As the roots support the tree, your heroism has supported our people,” the prince declared. His slender hands brushed against her shoulder as he secured the brooch on her attire. “Miss Lily Bianca De Vere. We are forever entwined by your selfless act.”

Lily Bianca felt the weight of the brooch on her chest. The room erupted into applause, and her lips curled up in a polite smile. She had only helped ease the heavy flow of flood to save a village from collapsing; did it merit such attention?

The applause subsided, and the music resumed. The crowd went back to what they were previously doing, but others still peeked in her direction. Some would turn their heads away once Lily Bianca caught them staring, but the others, whose demeanor suggested greater authority, kept their eyes on Lily Bianca and her father. A fraction even personally greeted them.

Moments later, the first dance started with a speech from the prince and the announcement of his fiancée, Scarlet. Both of them danced gracefully, showing no wasted movement, as if they had practiced countless times. There were murmurs amongst the ladies claiming how the couple were perfect for each other. 

Lily Bianca caught sight of a tea station tucked away in a corner; the sight alone evoked a familiar aroma of roses. Her finger twitched, prepared to control the area to make tea, but she immediately restrained herself. It wouldn’t be appropriate to use her abilities in this environment.

She swallowed her impulse and waited for the first dance to finish. When the music quieted and transitioned to another tune, it marked the beginning of the ball’s festivities. 

Her first dance of the evening commenced with a warm invitation from her father. Lily Bianca readily accepted his offer and savored every second. The chandeliers’ radiant light, the graceful yet energetic music, the light tapping of shoes– she wanted to take in every detail and capture the essence of this enchanting evening in her memories forever.

A glimmer of white stood out sharply in her eyes; she felt a pair of amber eyes observing her from a distance, his gaze so fiery her palms began to sweat. Lily Bianca averted her eyes.

A chuckle erupted from her father, “whose presence had bewitched your gaze, my daughter?” 

Warmth rushed through her cheeks. She mumbled, “spare me the teasing, father.”

The music quieted down, signaling the conclusion of the dance. A series of low notes followed, transitioning to the next music. 

A hand stroked her hair. Her father’s playful smile faded and he said, “I trust you’re old enough to make a sound judgment.” He gave her a silent pat on the back before intermingling with the other guests. 

Lily Bianca grasped her father’s intentions immediately. Numerous pairs walked off the dance floor while others replaced them. Different scents of perfumes filled her nose.

She cast a fleeting glance towards the corner housing the amber-eyed man, just as he placed his wine glass aside. When she dared another quick look, she found him already en route towards her. Lily Bianca hastily groomed her hair.

As Lily Bianca waited for him, an unfamiliar hand laid out in front of her. It had a lot of calluses, paired with muscles that shaped the man’s suit. She tilted her head in confusion.  

She had been attentively noting whoever was presented at the ball after her and her father’s arrival. This person was Prince Alastair from the Astor Kingdom, known for their ruthlessness and brute strength.  Would it be appropriate to turn him down?

Unaware of her dilemma, the man’s jaw seemed to clench tighter every second she didn’t take the hand he offered. Her eyes glanced around to find the other man. 

Alastair finally couldn’t take it anymore; he grabbed Lily Bianca’s hand and yanked her to the floor. 

The sudden pull triggered something in her. From an outsider’s perspective, everything came across as smooth and graceful. She even managed a strained smile towards her father. Inside, though, she was housing a tea kettle that had just been placed under a fire.

His hands held her delicate wrist in place as they swayed to the slow melody. The man had an aura of a volcano about to erupt at any time. Lily Bianca looked down, not daring to speak first.

“You must be feeling ecstatic,” after sliding a few turns away from their original position, he finally started a conversation. 

Lily Bianca tilted her head to one side and uttered, “Hm?” 

The prince twirled her in place, and his eyes glared at her accompanied by a twisted smile on his face.

“It must feel nice to be the center of everyone’s attention.” She was confused why he seemed to think she was fond of attention from strangers. 

His voice lowered. “What exactly are you planning, Lily Bianca?” Why don't you enlighten her? You seem confident you've got her figured out more than herself, Prince.

Lily Bianca gave him a small smile and whispered, “I’m not sure I follow what Prince Alastair is asking me.”

“It appears our fathers have engaged in discussions of a betrothal, and yet here you are, basking in the admiration of other men.” His grip tightened on her shoulder, and his face crept up to her face as he hissed his last sentence with venom.

“I apologize for the misunderstanding, but my father would not accept an engagement without consulting me first.”

She could not understand why this man was going mad. It was the first time they met. He couldn’t have already fallen in love with her, could he? 

The man sneered. “Whether you’re in favor of the agreement or not, it will happen.”

       No, it will not.

Lily Bianca’s eyebrows knitted as she glowered at him. His red eyes looked crazed under the intense light of the chandelier. The more she became aware of his grimy hands touching her physique, the more she was consumed by the inferno raging in her mind.

As the final note of the music ended, her heels halted. She slapped Alastair’s hands off her body as if he was an infectious disease. Someone walked in her direction to ask her hand for the next dance, but she completely ignored him and walked straight back to where her father was. 

However, when she walked off the floor, her head ached as if someone repeatedly twisted it. The walls of the establishment, the chandeliers, the people, everything swirled in a mixture of colors. 

She changed her trajectory, walked towards the nearest empty table and took a seat. 

She blinked rapidly, struggling to focus as the glittering lights and chattering guests blurred together. An unsettling numbness spread through her mind, her thoughts growing distant and muted. For a moment, she forgot who she was searching for in the crowd.

“Care for a drink, miss?” Lily Bianca snapped back. She instantly recognized the voice as the esteemed host of this ball. Prince Neil had probably come over to check in on her. She immediately straightened up and accepted his offer.

“Thank you.” She held on the glass he offered and took a little sip. It was champagne. Fine and smooth to swallow. The Prince moved to sit next to her and engaged in a chit-chat.

“Are you feeling alright?”

Lily Bianca’s confusion from earlier dissipated, but she couldn’t help but feel she was missing something. 

“Yes, I am fine. Thank you for your concern, your highness.” 

Her eyes discerned the world around her. The dance floor was already empty and the guests sat at their respective dinner tables. The glass on her hand was smooth and cold to the touch. The man to her side, Prince Neil's eyes housed little bags, but it didn’t seem to take away his bright appearance. 

Prince Neil noticed her inspecting him, yet he paid no heed. Nonchalantly, he replied, “Wonderful! I worked hard to ensure that this ball becomes a memorable event for everyone. I’m relieved to see that Alastair’s behavior hasn’t spoiled your night.” 

She chuckled, “not much anyway.” Wait, was that an appropriate thing to say? Whatever.

Just then, she detected a pair of sharp eyes thrown at their direction. Perched at one of the tables, she noticed a red-haired woman watching them intently. The Prince caught on and chuckled before facing her.

“It seems my fiancée is starting to feel lonely. I should get going, Miss Lily Bianca.”

She smiled. “It has been a nice chat, Prince Neil.”

The night quickly passed by without any more incident, and before she knew it, Lily Bianca was now in front of her room, with her maids chattering about and asking her all about the gossip from the ball.


Lily Bianca wanted to glare at them. It had been an exhausting day dealing with so many people today. Recalling the unfolding of events would only hurt her head even more.

To her pleasant surprise, the maids quickly paused their babbling. She realized the smile that had always been plastered on her face disappeared, and her body finally mirrored her thoughts. And so Lily Bianca, that gentle soul who was loved by everyone, glared at her maids to submission for being too loud.

It was quite nice to finally have some peace and quiet. The twins hurriedly took off her clothes and accessories, and swiftly helped her bathe. They were considerate and didn’t press further about the ball. 

       Perhaps she was a little mean earlier.

Within a few hours, Lily Bianca was finally ready for bed. As her back touched the soft fabric, exhaustion washed over her and pulled her into sleep.

Here's the isekai (no false advertisement in this room)!! Also, sorry it took a while to update, this chapter needed more world building than I thought D:

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