Trap Girl 1.0
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"So... why don't you try dressing more femininely? I'm sure you'd look amazing in dresses, blouses, and skirts. And if you want, I can help you with some makeup; you'd be prettier than most girls in our school." Amy made this suggestion as she intertwined her delicate fingers with those of your childhood friend.

The young boy, with delicate skin and very feminine features, blushed with embarrassment at his friend's suggestion. Despite his feminine traits, he was proud of his male identity and not willing to abandon it. He knew he couldn't do it! The hope that his body would develop in areas other than his butt and breasts was strong. He was determined to become a complete man, even if the probability of that was low due to his current physique.

These words and ideas had been implanted in his mind by people around him, creating a fear of judgment as a barrier to overcome.

"Hey, you know I'll always be with you, right? No matter how you dress or act, you'll still be my dearest friend." Little Amy said this while squeezing his hands, conveying confidence, and smiling like an angel.

"So why do you want me to dress like a girl when I..." the young boy stammered.

"It's because I know you, and I know what you truly desire." Amy smiled.

"But I want to marry a girl too... and what girl would want to marry someone like this." The young boy said with tears in his eyes.

"I will!" Amy said with all her determination, looking him in the eyes. "If you think I'm going to let the chance to marry someone so beautiful, kind, delicate, and reliable slip away, you're mistaken." She rested her forehead against his and whispered, "We'll be together forever, alright!"


Trim, trim, trim, trim.

"Ugh, what a drag!" Amy let out a groan mixed with a tired yawn as she forced her eyes open and shut off the infernal alarm clock.

"Why do I have to wake up so early? Darn school," she grumbled, realizing another day of class lay ahead.

With a yawn, Amy stretched her arms above her head, lazily stretching. She sat up in bed, and still sleepy, rubbed her eyes before getting up. Morning sunlight peeked through the curtains, gently illuminating the room.

Amy headed to the window and opened the curtains with a sigh of relief. The morning air wafted into the room, filling it with the gentle scent of spring.

After a quick glance in the mirror, Amy headed to the bathroom where she carried out her morning routine before getting ready to face another day at school.

"Hmm... why do I keep dreaming about those times?" Amy let out a tired sigh as she thought about the recurring dreams that had been haunting her every night lately. Although it was something from the past, a distant past, it had been of great significance to her. "No use thinking about that now," she told herself as she returned to her room to change.

She shed her pink pajamas and donned her undergarments beneath her school uniform. A white button-up blouse and a short blue skirt, along with her long silk stockings.

Amy applied a touch of makeup to enhance her natural beauty and a hint of perfume, though she didn't need much. "And now, this," she said as she removed a small box from her vanity and retrieved a heart pendant necklace to wear around her neck. Before putting it on, she kissed the small pendant lovingly.

"I guess I'm ready," Amy mumbled after she had fully dressed and grabbed her backpack. She left her room and headed to the kitchen, where she found breakfast already prepared and her lunch, along with a small note from her mother who had left early for work.

"You're always so thoughtful, Mom... maybe I should wake up earlier so we can have breakfast together more often," Amy devoured a slice of toast with jelly while contemplating her day. Today wouldn't be an ordinary day as a new student would be joining her class, and from the quick-spreading rumors, it was a beautiful girl. However, despite her personal taste, Amy wasn't all that interested in this rumored girl.

After finishing breakfast, Amy left home and walked to school, which wasn't far, about a five-minute walk from her house.

As always, many people greeted Amy as she arrived at school. In addition to being beautiful, Amy was extremely popular, being the top student in the school and the vice-president of the student council. Wherever she went, she always drew the attention of others. And, like every morning, the first thing she noticed when she opened her locker was a love letter.

"Ahhh, that makes thirteen with this one, just this week," Amy sighed tiredly.

"Let's just leave that there." She put the letter back and closed her locker, heading to her classroom.

She greeted her classmates with a smile and walked to her desk, where she placed her backpack and sat down, waiting for the class to begin.

At first, the classroom was full of movement, with the noise of people talking and playing. However, this atmosphere soon dissipated when the teacher in charge entered the room and called everyone's attention.

"Attention, everyone! We're starting today's class, and I want the best silence you all can provide." She made a brief pause to look each student in the eye with her intimidating gaze.

"Great! As you all must know, we'll have a new student joining our class, so I want your attention. Alex, you can come in and introduce yourself to your classmates."

When the teacher said those words, the whole class paused for a moment to look at the person walking through the door. She stood at about 5 feet 7 inches, her blonde hair was straight and silky, cascading down to her waist. Her legs were well-toned, making the silk stockings appear tight, and her blue skirt was short enough that, with a gust of wind, one might be able to catch a glimpse of something. As for her face, any compliment would fall short as it seemed perfect. Her skin had a slightly rosy tone, and her eyes were as deep as the sea, capable of making anyone lose themselves.

At this moment, the entire class was silent, and even the sound of a pin dropping on the floor could be heard. Everyone was speechless, but among all the people, one appeared noticeably restless.

"Alex... is it really you?"