Chapter 3
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It was a beautiful Monday on campus, Levi didn’t have any classes but he loved to spend his time at the college, grading, editing, and writing in the atrium. Sometimes, he even enjoyed scanning through the library to read and relax. It was around noon, the professor had taken a break after spending the morning slaving over grading essays, he was completely famished. With his sling case secured around his shoulders, he exited the library, where he had been, making his way into the campus cafeteria. The Professor waited patiently in line as he scrolled through the emails in his phone, he got to the front, looking now at the options before him. “Oh, uhm…shrimp fried rice and some orange chicken please,” he nodded smiling happily at the cafeteria person. Pleasantly she scooped up his order, handing him a to-go box and a receipt to take down over to the register with a pleasant smile.

“Have a wonderful lunch, Professor!” Taking it from her he grinned back, nodding to the woman before following up with a friendly response.

“Thank you! Don’t work too hard now!” They both shared a harmonious laugh together, before Levi made his way to the register, grabbing a grape soda halfway through, then paying for the items and leaving to the outside eating spaces. He passed by many faces and different types of people. It seemed to him that they all blurred and meshed together at this point. Every year it felt the same, which was a comfort, but also a curse. Keeping generally to himself, he found a lone table under a shaded tree, taking the opportunity he slid inside and began to unpack what he bought.

“That sure looks delicious, their Chinese food actually fresh ? I’ll have to give it a taste..” a familiar voice loomed over the back of him, he cocked a brow and swiftly turned to face the student.

“What are you doing here?” Asking surprised, looking the man up and down. He looked as he usually did, band tee, trashed jeans, campus letterman and his black bag.

“Well, Professor, I am a student…so…” he said it but followed up with a charming, yet playful smirk spreading across his face. Levi slapped his own forehead and laughed himself.

“Duh…” shaking his white styled hair back and forth before he turned back around to open the box before him. “I personally love their Chinese, can’t tell you much on the fresh front cause, well, I don’t work in that department and what I don’t know won’t kill me,” shrugging with genuine seriousness before cracking the tab of his soda now.

“Food poisoning can kill you..and I would be absolutely devastated to receive an email about your untimely death via spoiled Chinese,” tsking and shaking his head back and forth before inviting himself in to sit at the table Levi had claimed for the hour. The cat gave a nasally chuckle as he stuffed his face full of food, groaning with pleasure.

“If that’s how I die, know I died a happy man,” he laughed now that he had a free mouth after having chewed and swallowed. Remi also chuckled along side the educator, the two enjoying each other’s friendly banter. “What class do you have today?” The leopard asked casually of the other who shrugged and without breaking his gaze on the man, answered.

“Math and Shop, I’m in my 2 hour break period right now, was on my way to see what the cafe had before I ran into you here eating all alone and what not,” that same charming smiling never broke off the raven haired man’s lips, his emerald greens observing the other’s movements closely almost as if he was memorizing them. Oblivious to the other’s astute observations, Levi continued to eat, and drink his beverage in between sentences. 

“Yeah? You like your professors there?” Keeping the conversation casual, light. Professional. The key word. Biting his lower lip slowly at the sight of the other carelessly chowing down, Remi released it and shrugged his shoulders, sliding back into a proper sitting posture.

“They’re okay, no one I like as much as you though,” shooting the now suddenly blushing educator a quick cheeky wink. Clearing his throat as he finished up another very full bite.

“Well, I’m flattered I have such an influence on you, Mr. Connors, I’m glad to see that I can motivate you through your studies,” that outta save it. Right? Keep steering him into a platonic, professional direction. Or else, be damned. He was still pretending as if that evening after the test, didn’t happen. Rolling his patient emerald eyes, Remi brushed a flirtatious foot against the educator’s.

“You don’t need to be so coy, Levi, there’s no one listening,” smirking and still hungrily gazing at the other.

“You don’t know that, apparently, I have students out there watching me so carefully they know my coffee order,” shooting an accusatory gaze now at the man who could only laugh in a sheepish manner.

“I mean…It’s not my fault YOU aren’t aware of your surroundings all the time…” leaning forward, his elbows now on the table as his face rested on top of his laced together fingers. “However, I have an incredible sense of awareness so, you can trust me,” his foot grazed just gently against the other’s from under the table. It was subtle, smooth just INCASE there were cameras that could see the angle. He was indeed, obsessed, but he wasn’t an idiot. The educator blushed again, feeling their feet collide just barely.

“Remington…” Levi was getting started, ready to repeat the same dialogue he had been, but said man cut him off swiftly with a raised hand.

“What do you do when you get home? Who are you outside of being a teacher?” Trying to quickly distract the Professor, save him from the words he already knew he was going to hear. This wasn’t the time or place to argue boundaries with it being so out and open. No, there wasn’t anyone around paying them any particular mind, but if voices started to raise, that could change. To avoid ruffling the other’s fur, he just smiled, innocently intrigued to hear the answer.

Levi sighed, picking and shoveling through his food before he gently shrugged, responding shyly with a clear guard, unsure of the student’s sudden angle and change of subject. “I don’t know… I watch a lot of Rachel McAdams films…” avoiding eye contact, as it was kind of embarrassing how little of a life he really had.

“That’s it? Just rehashing cheesy hallmark movies?” Quietly slamming his fist on top the rather stable table, he gasped.

“Her movies are so much more than that !” Deeply offended by the other’s response, but also still unable to avoid the smile threatening to pull up at the corner of his lips.

“Okay, okay, she’s great I’m not mad at that but like…you don’t do anything else?” Curiously poking at the educator, wondering what drove his soul.

“Well…I really enjoyed roller skating and crafting back in my college years but like…I just don’t really, have the drive for it anymore I guess…” answering honestly now, forgetting almost that he used to have passions before his life, essentially turned upside down.

“Why do you think that is?” Remi’s head turned to the side casually, and curiously. It was clear by the look on his face that the wolf was listening very intently, registering every word that was said to him.

“Well….I was sort of forced into a business marriage, for my father…but it was horrible, and neither of us loved each other, I mean…we knew what the relationship was and it just became a hostile environment, and something like that will…” he paused looking down at his half empty food dish now as he scuffled some of the pieces of rice around. “Kill something inside of you, which poisons the rest and then, you just kind of feel like a ghost…living in reality,” looking up to see that Remi was looking at him with soft eyes. Nodding slowly, he considered his next words carefully.

“You know, I can’t imagine, what that must have been like for you…It must have been really, uh…well, hard,” nodding once before continuing “But, from where I’m sitting…you’re free to do what YOU want now, in your own space…so…maybe try something small? Like..a small project you can do WHILE …sobbing at cheesy hallmark movies,” his genuine thoughtfulness ending in a sarcastic chuckle. Levi broke out in a smile and looked down now, blushing lightly.

“You’re’re right..I can’t keep living in that, when I’ve moved past it…I’ll give it a shot…look at you,” gaining the confidence again to look back at the other’s glowing greens. “Influencing me, how about that?” smiling sweetly, allowing Remington to see the human in him, not just the closed off educator.

The raven haired man’s heart raced inside his chest, it had been weeks of very careful observation from a far. Always keeping an eye on his favorite small teacher, but finally having the courage to just sit with him for once, and ask the questions he’d been dying to know. “I think we make a good influence on each other…” saying it so casually like a knife through butter.

“I would hope so,” and truly, in every context, Levi meant that, in some ways one could definitely argue otherwise, but Remi’s grades have never been better since being pushed to try harder. Levi, has never felt more alive since his marriage started, than he had starting this semester and meeting Remi. Whatever was here brewing between these two men, was undeniable to both parties, but such a dangerous…thin line to stand on.

“Let me take you on a date…please, just one,” the student was unable to take it anymore, he needed to see how, where and if he could advance this relationship, get the man to see him as a true romantic equal. Disappointed to see the white haired man shake his head back and forth.

“It’s against policy, Remi, I legally can not do that…” biting his lower lip, hating to say it, truly, because if it were in any other situation he would be over the moon. A handsome, driven man, wants him? However, teaching was all Levi had now. He couldn’t put that on the line for what would probably turn out to be a fling.

“We don’t have to tell anyone until after I graduate…I won’t make any moves on you while on campus…I’ve thought about it extensively and people do it all the time…” still being faced with the same stubborn educator he had been.

“I’m not those people, and I’m not risking it…” he furrowed his brows now, doubling down on his answer. “Graduate first…then ask again,” Levi now stood from where he was once seated, and stepped away from the table finishing the rest of his beverage in one final gulp. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Mr. Connors,” nodding his head with a subtle wink of his bright blue eye, he walked away tossing his trash in a nearby can. Leaving the wolf to sit there with many emotions flooding through him. Okay, so it wasn’t a full stop no…however, it would still be at least another year before he graduated…and this insistent need grew larger and larger in him everyday. It was becoming more and more difficult for him to simply keep their relationship platonic. However, he had a goal, and a date, eventually…well actually, confirmed, the man said it himself, ask again. That would have to imply he would say yes when they were no longer in a power dynamic, right? Right. It had to. Obviously. He could be a little clueless but he wasn’t brain dead. A confident smirk now spread across his face he scooped up his bag and made his way through the campus.




Later that Night

Levi pushed through the front door of his empty, dark home. Slumping his bag lazily down onto the floor of the main entry way, couldn’t be bothered to put it in the closet, or even make it to the counter. The man ran a hand through his soft wild mullet, looking about at the sheer emptiness of his dwelling. Remi was right…he couldn’t keep himself from freely expressing himself anymore, he was truly capable of doing whatever the hell it was he wanted. So, with what little time left in the night he had, he spent it on Pinterest. Looking through hundreds and hundreds of DIY home redesign…he was going to start a new project. Project Safe Space. Initially when his ex wife, without hesitation, signed over the house to him, he thought of it as a punishment. Having to live in the very space he felt like he spiritually died in. However, giving a lot of thought to what his student bestowed on to him today, he realized he could make it a place of rebirth. All on his own, by his hand and creation. He had spent all night researching paint, furniture, decor ideas, he even considered consulting with a professional home decorator for a second. However, he didn’t want to pay someone to make it his home. This was part of the healing.

Eventually, without much warning or notice? The educator fell asleep flat on his laptop. It was hours into the night, when his face turned slightly and scrolled down, clicking one of the, once silent, video ads. This caused a loud sound to emit from the computer’s speakers, waking the Leopard up instantly with a jolt. He sat back, eyes wide, incredibly flustered as his hands scrambled and prodded at the different keys, doing anything he could to make it stop. Soon enough, he got it, and took a deep inhale, releasing it loudly. “Fuck…” he cursed under his breath looking at the time on his phone. “Great…two hours before I have to be up…” shaking his head back and forth slowly, he stood up from the dining room table he once was asleep in and made his way over to his actual bed. Flopping into it without much consideration to the fact he was still in the clothes he had worn all day. Unphased, he fell soundly back to sleep.

What Levi thought to be 20 minutes was indeed, the last two hours of his sleep. Phone alarm now blaring loudly to signal that it was time for him to rise. He groaned angrily his hand searching desperately to find the source of sound. Unable to do so with his eyes closed he sighed, eyes snapping open against his best wishes, locating the cellular. Finally, he was able to silence the obstructive noise and despite every cell in his body screaming against him, he dragged himself out of the comfort of his bed. Trudging his way over to the closet he slung on a simple light pink button up, fastening a black tie to close, fresh pair of boxers and some black slacks. He sighed once more with tired frustration before making his way slowly to the bathroom, brushing, flossing, and making himself a little more alive than he felt. Snapping at himself less than confidently in the mirror he tried a few breathing exercises. Remembering that today, he would have class, and see his bright shining, eager to learn faces…Remi’s face…he let out another content, but cheerful breath now. “Yes, I get to see, my favorite student today…” smiling at himself through the reflection, instead of faking it as he had been. He knew he was tired, but he also knew why…because he had been up late doing something genuinely good for himself. All at the suggestion of that, persistent man. Sliding on his shoes and grabbing his bag by the door he swiftly made his way down to the bus stop.

Despite waking up right on time as usual, and getting at the bus stop in his typical manner, he somehow ended up a bit early to campus. This didn’t bother him though, it would give him time to prep, maybe grab a coffee…first he had to get to the class room. As he walked up to the door, there was a student there already waiting, one of his more laid back students. The man stood up straight from his once slouched position and nodded at Professor Levi. “Hello Professor! I wanted to get an early start, I know office hours are usually after class to 6, but I have work immediately after these classes…I was hoping you could make an exception?” The student was nervous, clearly. Lots of professors on this campus did not play games with their office hours. However, Levi wanted the success of all his students, therefore he had no problem making an exception if it would aid a student in his studies.

“Absolutely, Mr. Rodson, please…come in, what do you need help with?” Levi carried the conversation now unlocking his classroom door and allowing both of them to cross the threshold and over to the professor’s desk.

“Well…this new story we are reading, what relevance does it have to our studies really? I guess I’m having a hard time relating to the main character..” he was struggling to put together what it was about this book that he just couldn’t seem to get through. His body language turning slightly more confident in the space of the class, eyes looking the educator up and down. Levi hummed gently to himself before sitting down into his chair and crossing his legs over one another.

“Have you ever been exposed to indigenous people and culture, Mr. Rodson?” Asking out of genuine curiosity now.

“Well, not really I mean I grew up in a mostly white country town…” shrugging thoughtfully as he considered his experiences through the past.

“It may be hard for you to connect to the character Arnold, because he’s an indigenous boy, living in a completely different world and perspective than you…which, I’d say, Mr. Rodson, should be why the more you should be drawn to it….you have lived a life of relative privilege, Arnold did not, it’s important to hear those stories…and analyze the value in listening to other’s experiences,” the student seemed to be listening but he was also deeply staring at the professor’s lips, oddly enough, shaking his head he shrugged.

“I just don’t see the relevance of Indigenous experience to learning proper English…” slightly taken aback by this answer Levi sat back even more now looking the seemingly white passing student up and down.

“English class is about learning to comprehend, book material is less about what the plot is, and more of, did you understand it? Did you capture the proper imagery? Did you FEEL the author’s intended or lack therefore of, passion, I personally chose this book for the class as it is educational, funny and I think it’s very important to have some standard readings, but also expand past typical white writers,” he paused to examine the student’s face after he said this, receiving neither negative or positive response he continued. “I like diversity, my students should hear minority stories, and be able to comprehend what they’re saying without trying to disband or argue their experiences…while some themes and ideas can be used for creative discussion that can lead to say…you and another student to disagree…that doesn’t mean we are trying to argue the Author’s original experience,” students started to trickle into the classroom, Remi as well who immediately noticed the professor busy in a rather intense conversation. He sat closer, instead of all the way in the back to quietly stalk and observe the Professor, no, more accurately, he wanted to hear the discussion going on at the front.

“I mean, I see your point, but I think I guess, I need help finding that ability to retain information on something I can’t personally relate to?” Trying to explain it from a different angle, but still inappropriately glossing his eyes over down the the small man, that Remi caught as he was watching attentively. His fingers digging into the edges of his desk. Levi chose to ignore the student’s ogling eyes, excusing it as a nervous inability to maintain eye contact.

“Mr. Rodson, did you personally off yourself after falling in love with a girl you just met that you thought was dead but wasn’t?” Crossing his arms over his chest and looking at him now with a tired expression. “You can relate to a little girl that lives next to a man everyone has labeled a monster, but really it’s cause they’re all racist?” The student wanted to speak but he wound up closing his mouth again.

“Or maybe was it easier to put yourself in the shoes of other white characters? Expand yourself, Mr. Rodson, I don’t know what else to tell you…it’s a wonderful book, and I can’t make you read it, but I’d really think you’d enjoy it if you gave it a fair chance,” shrugging his shoulders now he turned around grabbing a marker from the board and starting to jot down the morning agenda. Stephen stayed where he stood, looking the professor up and down more openly now that he wasn’t face with him, lingering eyes on the way the slacks hugged onto his small but bubbly butt.

“Hey, whatever you say, Professor…I’ll give it a shot…” lingering still as he continued to ogle. The wolf’s blood was boiling watching another man eye down what he considered was his. I mean, Levi said it. Once he graduated…which is like the same thing as a promise ring. It’s a promise…date? Promise…ownership? It didn’t matter, his eyes were set on the thin educator and he’d be damned if he was gonna let someone treat him like meat. He stood up aggressively slamming his hands down onto the desk.

“Sit the fuck down, Rodson, ‘fore I make ya,” he growled low in his throat, daggers running straight through the other man who turned to look at the aggressor. He chuckled, feeling brave today, he crossed his arms across his chest and cocked a brow.

“That right, Connors? What’s the problem? Only you can have special chats with Professor Levi and I can’t even get a little help on the reading?” Firing back with attitude as the students who were present all stayed dead silent. Watching it all unfold in front of them.

“You don’t need help with the reading, you’re racist, you don’t want to read the story of a rez kid growing up between two worlds, and you were hoping you could shmooze your greasy way through with the Professor to get a pass, tough luck,” the wolf laughed at the other, stepping closer now from behind his desk, still a few decent paces away from him.

“I’m not a racist!” Immediately trying to defend himself with his palms up, face scrambled, looking about for any sort of help. Levi turned around swiftly and slammed his marker down. “Gentlemen, SEATS, please, no more of this,” he narrowed his eyes mostly at Stephen, and then over at Remi who stuttered backward hesitantly.

“Whatever helps you sleep at night, white man,” huffing under his breath before turning back to his seat.

“Whatever, nobody,” unable to help himself in true, male fashion. Remi hesitated, pausing where he stood, and Levi could see it coming from a mile away.

“RODSON, if you can’t keep your mouth closed, I’ll ask you to leave,” quickly trying to step in as the enforcer of the classroom, hoping to keep off a fight. Remi smirked, still turned away, but not moving any further from where he stood.

“You’re going to defend him?? He’s calling me out of my name! Pft,” offended as he scoffed now “He must be really good at plowing that hole,” shaking his head back and forth, Levi was flabbergasted, he stood back almost like he’d been physically assaulted. Remi immediately turned around, like lightning he grabbed the man by the front of his shirt, lifting him and shoving him against the educator’s large desk. Levi raising his hands in defense and immediately rushing over to try and pull the wolf off him.

“Say it again, I triple double dare ya…I got the money to defeat another assault charge, you wanna go?” He licked his growing incisors, his emeralds glowing a bright toxic green, the class around them all gasped and started rustling and whispering in terror.

“What’s the matter, tough guy? Don’t like sharing a piece of the pie? Why not let me have my shot at a good grade, hm?” Laughing in the enraged man’s face, feeling more than intimidated but he wouldn’t go down without a fight. Remi began to cock his arm backward before Levi managed to squeeze his arm between the two of them, and putting an open palm down onto the closed fist.

“Both of you, separate now,” his voice was stern, serious, his face was enraged, fed up. This was not how today was supposed to go and he was absolutely furious with the both of these students. Begrudgingly, Remi stepped backward, knowing he would only screw his chances of coming back to this class if he hit the kid. He took his opportunity though to quick lurch forward and flex his fist at him. Stephen flinched inward, eyes closing as he prepared for some sort of impact, only left with passive laughter.

“Pathetic,” he stepped away, walking over to the desk he once was seated at, he snagged the bag off the floor, eyes still radiating as he left the class without a word.

“Mr. Rodson, I will be reporting your behavior to the dean today, as far as today’s lesson, go home, you’re no longer welcome in my classroom,” without a second glance or thought, Levi started his lecture. Leaving Stephen to collect his things and leave like the kicked puppy he felt like he was. It bothered the educator that Remi left…why? Maybe he had to gather his thoughts…he was pretty riled up. It didn’t look good that they were fighting over what they were fighting over. He didn’t like that because of a few instances that Remi has stayed behind to chat, and sometimes flirt, was being noticed by other students. There isn’t a chance someone saw them was there? No…the door had been closed when the kiss happened…right? Suddenly he found himself unable to remember. Oh no…did Stephen see? What if he reports him and then Stephen reports what he saw? There’s no way , there’s no factual evidence against him so even if he did, both he and Remi could deny said allegations. Nothing was even going on! There was one kiss and some intense flirtatious banter…nothing more or less. Everything was fine.

Finding himself more and more worried about the man who stormed out earlier, even long after class had departed and he had gone home, he couldn’t help himself. He needed to check in…and seeing as almost all the class emails he’s sent out have gone unanswered, it’s unlikely the wolf checks those. He was going to have to break code a bit…from home, through his laptop he accessed the student info database which was open to the professors based on their current classes. This was typically used for emergencies. Say a student hadn’t shown up, hasn’t answered emails, then they have the ability to access the data center for personal info like phone numbers and addresses. Levi put in Remi’s student information and up came the details he was looking for. Quickly entering the phone number into his own device, and saving it under “Remington Connors” he closed the laptop and drew up a text.

Hello, Mr. Connors, this is Professor Levi, I just wanted to check in with you. I know today was pretty intense and I still plan to report Mr. Rodson’s behavior tomorrow morning, just hoping you were able to find some peace today, I can email you the assignment I have at the end of today’s class if you would like.

He sighed sliding his phone into his pocket before going over to his kitchen and looking around. He really wanted to add more greenery to this space….maybe an indoor garden. He contemplated the many ways he could redesign this area when his phone went off.

Oh? I’m flattered you’d reach me through your personal cell…Im okay now…I just didn’t like how he was looking at you…and talking about you…

Levi read the text and couldn’t help but roll his eyes though it wouldn’t be seen by the other.

Mr. Connors, you don’t need to defend me I am a grown man.

Where does he get off? He could very easily have handled Stephen’s sour attitude himself, he didn’t need the wolf popping off and making everything look weird to the other students.

I know that, but I can’t help it…you’re mine.

The audacity. Levi knew texting the man would be a bad idea. He probably thinks it’s just harmless texts, it’s no big deal. No, it was. If he ever got investigated, they’d use them against him in court. Solidifying the end of his career.

Im not “yours” and you can’t be acting like that in front of the whole class, clearly people are talking…

Let them talk, they can’t confirm anything. Just stupid rumors

Are they rumors though?

Levi made a fair point, if they really were tip toeing the line and crossing it here and there, the rumors weren’t exactly far fetched.

I meeeeaaaannn….👀 they can’t prove it tho

The educator couldn’t help but chuckle at the use of emoji to plead his case. Setting his phone back into his pocket and leaving him on read he mulled over the many possibilities that danced in his head. His kitchen was definitely going to need a lot of love and care, Levi missed cooking and missed loving to cook. He knew once he tailored the space to him specifically he’d get back to making himself gourmet meals. Thoughts interrupted by the sound of his phone chiming off again. He gazed at the new text and found himself immediately blushing.

Since I have you here…send something sexy

Who does he think he is? Swear the man only used one head when speaking to him and it wasn’t the one on his shoulders.

Earn it

He shot back, and immediately regretted it. “Fuck!” Slapping his forehead and wishing he could unsend it but, it was too late. The message was read. He watched as the typing bubbles started…then stopped…again…had he stumped him? Nope. Incoming photo message. Oh no. What did he start? What did he do? He opened the message to see Remi, laying shirtless in his bed the angle was from his lap, he could see the start of a happy trail that lead up to his chiseled and tan chest. Levi wasn’t going to pretend like he didn’t immediately feel something boil from deep within him. His face hot, hands clammy, he bit his lower lip and groaned inwardly. He was so…fine…his hair a mess, that cocky grin…

Am I earning it?

The photo was captioned with a text, and Levi shook his head back and forth. No! He couldn’t give in like this…right? It would incriminate him later….wouldn’t it?

You’re going to get me in trouble…

Trying a more honest approach to the situation.

Promise I won’t…live a little…

The educator took a deep breath in and then exhaled outward. Something a little lewd wasn’t terrible right? He walked over to his bathroom, and flicked on the light. He began to strip his tie loose, but not all the way off, and unbuttoned his shirt halfway, letting one side slip down a freckled pale shoulder, exposing the flesh there and from the front of his chest. He looked himself over and then using his back camera, he stood with his back against the mirror, his face looked behind him, facing the reflection as much as he could, body slightly crooked to the right now, exposing the obviously teasing shoulder, biting his lower lip, he snapped the photo. Reviewing it over, with slight hesitation, clicking send. He held his breath.


Feeling nervous, but now sliding both pieces of fabric to drape down the sides of his shoulders he took a front camera selfie now, his hand messily in his hair, he stuck out his tongue, one eye closed the other slightly squinted. His bare chest visible but his shirt and tie completely strewn about made him look….tantalizing.

Let me call you, please?

Too real. It’s getting too real. He nearly threw his phone terrified of stepping any further outside the line, he tried to maintain his composure.

Not tonight. Enjoy what you got. ;p See you Thurs.

Throwing his hand through the wild strands of white hair he shook his body back and forth a bit. Trying to free himself of his terribly sinful wants and thoughts. No he wouldn’t just dive in head first. He needed to test the man…see if he was serious. Was he really in this for the long haul? Or is it just another 28 year old trying to get it in with a College Professor? He could never know now a days in this era. All he knew, was he struggled to keep himself at bay around the student. He wondered himself how long he could put it off before, he…caved into temptation.

Oh…I will…goodnight ;)

His heart skipped a beat. Only left now with the thoughts of what the large, desperate man was going to do with those photos, sending chills down Levi’s spine. “Fuck..” realizing that he may have solidified the exact opposite of what he had hoped to achieve.

To be continued….