Chapter 5
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After stuffing his face with some bread, Jet grabs a few more slices and heads out to meet with his team. As for what Kakashi-sensei said about not eating breakfast.. He's not. He's eating bread. He's not eating to satiate hunger or provide energy for his body, he's eating because he likes bread. So it doesn't count as breakfast.


Looking at Naruto who was snoring with the other two standing idly to the side, and the Jonin sensei nowhere to be found, Jet admonished himself for forgetting that Kakashi is always late. He'll remember this next time. Sakura notices him and looks over.

"Morning Jet. Hm? Ah. Why are you eating!? Did you forget what Kakashi-sensei told us?"

Jet just shook his head and continued walking past them. If Kakashi-sensei isn't here yet then he won't sit around and wait. 

"Where are you going!? Sensei told us to wait here!"


Before she could keep talking, Jet disappeared into the trees. He hasn't been to this area of the forest before so he hopes he can find a new type of flower for his garden. 


A little while later, Kakashi arrived.

"Hey folks, good morning."


"Ahem, well there was a black cat laying down in front of me you see.."

Hearing Naruto and Sakura's wonderfully synchronised yelling, Kakashi pulled out an equally wonderful excuse.


"By the way, where's the flower guy?"

Changing the subject, Kakashi looks around. Sakura pointed to the forest.

"He went in there."

"The forest? Why?"

"How would I know? Ah. There he is."

Sakura pointed to in a different direction and the other three looked over to find Jet happily walking out of the forest, hauling an unidentified object on his back. Seeing this object, Kakashi's eye widens, he adjusts his mask to fit more snuggly over his nose and starts backing away. 


Seeing Jet carrying a plant slightly bigger than himself on his back, Naruto points and shouts with a horrified look on his face.

"Hehe. Isn't she beautiful? This is an Amorphophallus Titanum. I was lucky today. This beauty only blooms once a year. I might have missed the opportunity for reproduction if I had found it any later."

Jet speaks while walking towards them. Although he wants to rush back home to play with his new baby, he's worried that if he just left now then Kakashi's hoax of a punishment might come true. As he came closer to them, Naruto suddenly covered his nose with his hands and reeled back.


"Hehe. It's cool isn't it? When she blooms, she secretes as smell similar to rotting meat. That attracts corpse loving insects to help with pollination. The Amorphophallus also gets referred to as the Corpse Flower for this reason. They're said to emit the smell of death. Hehe. Isn't it interesting?"

At this point, Sakura and Sasuke also obtained a whiff of the Corpse Flower. Their faces scrunched up and they backed away.

"Hurry and get it away!"

Sakura starts frantically waving her hands and shouts at Jet. He sighs and takes the flower to the side of the field and places it down. He didn't think it was that bad. After coming back he noticed all four of them would proactively stay at least two metres away from him at all times. Briefly sniffing his sleeve helped him understand why.

"Well, Now that we're all gathered, we can start."

After getting their attention, Kakashi walks over to a quartet of thick wooden stakes in the ground, one with an alarm clock on it. Not addressing the fact that they magically appeared out of nowhere, he taps a button on the clock.

"Okay, That's set to ring at twelve o'clock!"

He then takes three bells from his pocket and jangles them in front.

"Today's assignment is to take these bells away from me before the alarm goes off. Those who can't do it won't get lunch. They'll be tied up on those pillars and be forced to watch others eat before their very eyes."

Hearing this, Naruto and Sakura's faces fell. Realising why Sensei told them not to eat breakfast, Sasuke looked curiously at Jet while Sakura glared fiercely at him.

"Sensei! Jet ignored your order and ate breakfast!"

After Sakura quickly toppled any possibility of Jet trusting her ever again. Kakashi turns to Jet and raises a brow.

"Did he now.. In that case, his punishment for failure will be being tied up and watch as I slowly cut his flower over there into pieces."

Kakashi points to the Corpse Flower in the distance. Hearing this, Jet felt like his heart got struck by lightning. His eyes widened completely and he looked at Kakashi like he was looking at some kind of ungodly heinous monster in human skin.

"You.. You.."

Jet just stands there in shock pointing at Kakashi. He was so shocked he couldn't even speak if he tried. Everyone just ignored the broken Jet and Sakura spoke to Kakashi.

"Sensei. Why are there only three bells?"

"Hehe. There are only three bells, so at the very least, one of you will end up being tied to the log. Said person will be disqualified for failing the mission and will be promptly sent back to the academy."

Their faces turned serious having heard this.

"It could be one of you. It could be all four of you. You can use shuriken by the way, after all if you don't come at me like you want to kill me, you'll never succeed."

"But that's dangerous Sensei!"

"That's right! Haha. You couldn't even dodge the chalkboard eraser!"

"You know.. In this world, the ones who don't have enough skill tend to use their words more. Although I suppose it's appropriate for the group loser to speak a lot. Nevermind that, you lot, begin when I say go!"

Kakashi ignores Sakura's warning and responds to Naruto's taunting. Naruto's laughing face slowly turns into an angry one. With gritted teeth he suddenly pulls out a kunai and charges towards Kakashi. Before anyone could react, Kakashi had already subdued Naruto, twisting Naruto's arm to point the kunai at his own neck.

"Don't be so hasty, I haven't said go yet. Well, at least it seemed like you wanted to kill me."

The three of their faces finally turned serious. As for Jet, although he's not broken anymore, his face is gloomier than the others. 

'Is this what it feels like to have someone threaten your child?'

While having an unwelcomed epiphany on parenthood, Jet walks over and stands behind Kakashi. Looking at Kakashi's back like he was trying to kill him with his eyes.

"Hehe, how should I put this, I feel like I'm starting to like you guys."

Jet was a little confused as to why the atmosphere suddenly turned a little happy after Naruto attempted to brutally ram a kunai into Kakashi's stomach.

"Ready.. Go!"

Kakashi gave the signal and the four of them disappeared into the greenery.


Peeking out from behind a tree, Jet watched as Naruto recklessly ran towards Kakashi who was reading something. Right before Naruto's fist made contact, it was caught by Kakashi without him even turning around. Naruto quickly swung his leg towards Kakashi's head which was avoided by Kakashi squatting down.

Naruto landed briefly before lunging forward with another fist. Before he could successfully punch Kakashi, he found there was no one there. Kakashi was quietly squatting down behind Naruto with his hands doing a strange seal, four of his fingers forming a spear shape.

"A ninja should never show their backs to their enemies, idiot."

Realising what Kakashi was planning on doing, Jet decided to protect his mind and his innocence and turn away.

"Naruto! Get out of there! You'll die!"

"Too late! Konoha Secret Ultimate Taijutsu! One Thousand Years Of Death!!"




Listening to what can only be described as pandemonium, Jet peeks his head back out from behind the tree. Watching Kakashi return to his book, he decides to never upset his new teacher. Or at least be prepared to run away at any time. 


Two shuriken shot out from the river straight towards Kakashi. With a flash of his hand, those shuriken appeared on his fingers and he started twirling them around. Seeing Naruto coughing while pulling himself out of the river, he looks down at him.

"Hm? What's wrong? If you keep going like this you'll have to starve your way through lunch."

"Damn it! I was just a little careless last time!"

Jet thought Naruto was like a drenched dog that was forced to have a bath, and after it gets out it starts howling at you all aggrieved. He would say that Naruto wasn't as cute, but he doesn't think dogs are cute. Cats on the other hand. Adorable. 









I wrote over 1000 words and closed the god damn tab. Without draft saving. I'm pissed. Having to redo half the chapter hurt me both mentally and physically. You know what made it worse? I was listening to Francium on repeat the whole time. It turned the whole situation into a funny one and I started chuckling at my misery. That just made me more miserable.

I spent a while researching the Amorphophallus Titanum as well and all the info I wrote about it is gone. I'm not searching it all up again so I will just say what I remember. It won't be as detailed.

Jet calls it a flower. I call it a flower. However I'm only 70% sure it's actually classified as a flower. So don't hold me on that.

Jet also calls the Amorphophallus a 'she' however that's just him geeking out weirdly. Little fact, the Amorphophallus is what's known as a Monoecious plant. Meaning it has both the female parts (Pistil), and the male parts (Stamen). It reproduces through little underground sprouty thingys called Corms. Corms are used for food storage to help the plant survive harsher conditions, however the Corms can also be used to separate the offspring from the parent plant. In this case they are called Cormels. I can't remember whether the Cormels come from the Corms or the parent directly.

This thing is also damn HEAVY. At least for a plant. Weighing an average of about 50kg (just over 100lb or something), up to over 100kg. Now, even my feeble little 20yr old body can lug around 50kg for a bit if I'm planning on not feeling my legs for the next few days. So Jet who trains and more importantly, is an anime character, definitely can with ease.


About the fighting and the fights to come. Not my forte. Obviously. I can't write fight scenes for the life of me. I probably won't improve either. The very best I can do is describe what's happening with a bit of detail, or like in this case, find a way to avoid writing about the fight as much as I can. If you read this for the action parts or maybe you're hoping for atmosphere or immersion in the fights then my works probably aren't for you. Although I plan on doing shounen fanfics, I'm more of a romance guy honestly. As you can see by me immediately pairing the MC with Ino. 

HOW DO I VERBALISE SOUND! WHAT THE HECK IS Splash AND Fwish? Hah~ fwish.. It's like an uwu fish.. Sorry.

This author note is too long so I'll try to stretch the next chapter to 3000 words. I tend to babble too much. I don't plan to stop though so every now and again I'll do a 3000 word chapter. Right now, although I do 2000 words a chapter. I include the author note in with the total so it's cheating a bit. It doesn't make much difference in effort to increase it though since I'm just copying the plot lol.

Also, Ino Supremacy.

Also, the origin of the name Amorphophallus, in Greek, means Misshapen Penis. No need to thank me.