Chapter 40:
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"So why am I here, nya?" Nekra inquires as they stand in the dungeon's entrance.


"You are here to learn the art of potion making. There will be no wand-waving in this class," Rimuru replies with a hint of seriousness in their tone. Although said slime also seemed to be joking. 


"Are you serious, nya?" Nekra questions.


"No, Sirius is an old enemy," Rimuru deadpans.


"What? Nya?" Nekra's confusion deepens.


"Wait, you haven't heard of Harry Potter? You use magic from its world!" Rimuru exclaims, and suddenly, seven books plummet directly onto Nekra's head with a series of thumping noises knocking Nekra down. 


"Nya? Not again, nya. That last one was heavy nyan." Nekra groans, observing the books scattered on the ground.


"I'm not going to question that," Rimuru says, deciding to move past the peculiar incident.


Nekra nods appreciatively, ready to proceed.


"So, let's go to the dungeon control room," Rimuru suggests.


"Okay, nya," Nekra agrees, and in an instant, they both vanish from the dungeon's entrance.


At the dungeon control room...


"Is that a computer?" Rimuru asks, eyeing the device with curiosity.


"Yes, it's used to manage the dungeon, nya," Nekra explains.


"Really?" Rimuru's interest is piqued.


Nekra nods, confirming the functionality of the device.


"Is there a way to make it so people don't die?" Rimuru questions with concern.


"Not really, nya," Nekra admits.


"Oh," Rimuru acknowledges, realizing the limitations.


"I think the other dungeon master has an item that teleports them to the surface once they are critically injured. The problem is, our dungeons work off of different magic. I can't move people without their permission, nya," Nekra elaborates.


"Okay then... how about we start to work on your dungeon layout, then," Rimuru suggests, taking a seat at the computer.


"Sure, nya. Just don't delete the forest; you can move it, though, nya," Nekra advises.


"I agree; I like that place too. Though the amount of monsters it has is unsettling," Rimuru remarks.


"You could probably pair a lizard man with a Rathalos and lizard woman with a Rathian to create flying troops, nya," Nekra suggests.


"Why would I build an army?" Rimuru queries, intrigued by the idea.


"Because peace is a useless concept without the means to protect it, nya," Nekra replies sagely.


Suddenly, 10 empty floors are added to the dungeon's layout.


"I can add resource nodes as well?" Rimuru exclaims in disbelief.


"Yes, nya. I could've done it, but I didn't want my dungeon to become a mine in the human country," Nekra explains.


"That makes sense," Rimuru acknowledges although the slimes voice seemed to carry sarcasm. Afterall why would you include the iron golems and call it a mine yourself unless you were using that to get people to come to the dungeon. 


“How do I designate mining nodes?” Rimuru asks Nekra suddenly sits down on the chair putting the slime on her lap taking over the computer.


“Like this nya.” Nekra says as she starts to designate mining nodes on the third floor.


"We can have dirt golems guard the first, stone guard the second, iron guard the third, and the fourth guarded by stone Roman legionaries," Rimuru plans.


"Sure, nya. What about floors 6-10, nya?" Nekra inquires.


"We can work on those later. We need to get back to the surface; we've been down here for a while," Rimuru realizes.


"Sure, nya," Nekra agrees, preparing to return to the surface.


In the Brumund Kingdom's adventure guild...


"How the hell does a dungeon just up and disappear!" Fuze exclaims in frustration.


Suddenly, there's a knock at the door.


"Come in," Fuze invites.


"The Orc Lord is dead, Fuze," the old elf receptionist announces.


"How?" Fuze demands to know.


"The monsters building a city in the forest did it," the elf explains.


"They also formed an alliance with Dwargon, according to our spies," she adds.


Fuze sighs heavily, feeling the weight of the developments.


"First, the dungeon disappears, now this," Fuze mutters as he rises from his seat.


"The adventure trio has been there before, right? They can lead me there," Fuze suggests.


"That's not the party name," the female elf corrects him.


"I know, I just don't really care. Send them a message; we leave at dawn," Fuze decides, determined to investigate further.


Meanwhile, in a carriage heading to the Great Jura Forest...


"Why are we going there again?" one of the occupants questions.


"Because Carrion-sama told us to," another responds.


"But they are weaklings," the first one remarks.


"Be careful because that could come back to bite you; that cat girl seemed strong," the other warns, a note of caution in their voice.